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Everything posted by RocketLord

  1. So that was the fun guy? He did not appear dangerous, at least not at first glance. Rather, he seemed sad. Was that all he was now then, entertainment to the mushroom men? Or was he merely hiding his true nature? Who could tell, before they asked? At least these mushroom men seemed as dim as the rest! Maybe Pan should put that theory to the test? And so, with the group still hidden behind his image of nothing, Pan called out. Or well, he made an illusion of his voice calling out from the opposite side of the room. If it was a joke that these mushroom men needed, then a joke they would get! "Who is the greatest chicken killer in Shakespeare? Macbeth, because he did a murder most foul!"
  2. GM From what Talon could catch of police chatter, the cars were just about to pull in at the entrance. He would have maybe five more minutes while they made their way across the yard to get to the train. And then a voice called out from behind Talon: "What do you think you're doing?" Unnoticed until now, the guard that had first found the body had managed to sneak up on Talon, standing a good ten meters away from him, a gun raised in his hand. "This is a crime scene, buddy!"
  3. Another ping, and Robin rolled back to the computer and away from her suit. She really should finish tuning the engines for legs, do something about the excess heat if it ran too long, but she felt distracted tonight. And hey, it was StartaSalvo messaging her, too. Robin's face lit up. Someone had actually seen the video? And was on her side? That was great! She had only wanted to get it all on film to make sure they caught whatever Blowfish might try, but if it got someone to root for her? That was just great! So, a quick reply to StartaSalvo. It really did. Maybe she should just move to Freedom City or somewhere else with more heroes. Maybe that would make things easier? Then again, Emerald City was her home, and it needed more heroes. Would be wrong to just leave it behind.
  4. Dust Devil II (1) Sand and Water (1) +24 posts from GM posts = 25 posts = 3PP Forever Boy (27) Extracurricular: Origin Vignette: Storytime [+2PP] (1357 words) Falling Upwards (3) Fright Night at Claremont (4) Giant Krampus 2: Krampus Campus (2) Puzzle Box: The Fun Guy (12) Sky-Pirates! (Posts marked Forever Boy) (2) The Night People (1) The Wearing of the Green (3) +23 posts from GM posts = 50 posts + Vignette at > 1000 words = 6PP Justice (24) Armor Leg (19) Monster of the Week (Posts marked Justice) (2) My Name Is Terrifica: Ask Me Anything (2) Wall the Build (1) +26 posts from GM posts = 50 posts = 4PP U.F.O. (4) Praetorians: Return to the Fold (4) +21 posts from GM posts = 25 posts = 3PP GM (52) Defenders of the Deep (5) Glitter and Gold (20) I Want My Tears Back (3) Ink (4) Monster of the Week (Posts marked GM) (2) Mysterious Menagerie of Monsters (3) Sky-Pirates! (Posts marked GM) (3) The Kinslayer (10) Two For Tragedy (3) 52 GM posts = 104 posts to divide 24 to Dust Devil, getting him 25 posts total. 23 to Forever Boy, getting him to 50 posts total. 26 to Justice, getting her to 50 posts total. 21 to U.F.O., getting it to 25 posts total. Should leave me with 10 posts unused, use in case I miscounted anything.
  5. GM The gift of children returned was a great one indeed. As the children flocked past Lament to their grateful parents, cries of happiness and joy spread through the arena to them all. The thought of children missing and christmases ruined were soon gone, replaced simply with the joy of everyone being reunited once more. A mere two hours had passed. Whatever world of myths and stories that Lament had visited, it appeared that time had moved differently. At first, the reaction to his appearance might have proven hostile. Had he taken the children? Why? Why return them now? But the children spoke in his defense, even as they told crazy tales of Elves and saviors. But at least now, they were home. And Lament was hailed as the hero of the day.
  6. That should fix it, thanks for the heads up.
  7. GM The last cultist made his move, his robes dropping to the floor around him as what had been a man moments before became shadow and he rushed forward, right through his fellow cultist and Mr. Strix. Strix felt nothing at the contact, but the large cultist's breath became visible. Turning around once he was behind Strix, the cultist reached out for him, only to miss as Strix moved and dodged around the larger cultist.
  8. Cultist 3 melts into the shadows and moves behind Mister Strix for an attack, as he reaches out to try to touch Strix: 17 Another miss! Current situation around the room: Mr. Strix is standing at the doorway, with the hulking Cultist 2 in front of him, blocking him from entering. They are surrounded by 4 black humanoids that seem to be made out of Ink. If you interact with them, DC15 Will Save to . Cultist 1 is still inside the room. Cultist 3 seems to be made of shadows and is behind Mr. Strix. @Tiff is up, then @Supercape 31 - Ronin - Uninjured - 1HP 24 - Lady Horus - Uninjured - 1HP 24 - Wadjet - Uninjured 24 - Cultist 1 - Uninjured 21 - Cultist 2 - Uninjured 12 - Mr. Strix - Shaken - 2HP 10 - Cultist 3 - Uninjured 7 - Dr. Thorne - Uninjured - 2HP
  9. Pan knew nothing about this St. Patrick's day, or who this saint even was, but as it just so happened, he liked green, and he had been wearing a green t-shirt with a pair of white birds wings on his back on this very day, so Pan would not end up getting pinched after all! The lack of pinching was certainly a plus, as far as he was concerned! He was sitting in mid-air in the library, his jean clad legs folded up under him as he balanced his book on the tip of his finger, seeming far from interested in actually reading it. This world's religions sounded so odd to him, as he had made the study group know on at least a few occassions. It was not that they had multiple different religions all over or anything like that. There was a few different beliefs back on Neverworld, and he had shared some (like the people that believed that the turtle islands were gods), but still, a lot of Earth's religions just seemed so strange to him. Especially how everyone was fighting between them. So, Pan was more than happy with Judy's idea! Anything was better than actually doing schoolwork, after all! He floated by her, shifting to lying on the side in mid-air, his head resting on his hand. "I am always happy to do stuff other than studying! Did you have anything in mind?"
  10. Was that it? Really? Pan stared. The mushroom men were fighting each other, mushroom flesh slapping mushroom flesh, in a never ending cycle. He felt a bit sick. Not from the look, from something else. Were the mushroom men toxic? He felt like he was about to throw up, but he kept it down. If he was going to lose his lunch, it wouldn't be because of some strange mushroom slapping each other! Some strange mushroom eaten, perhaps! But not from something as weird as this! "Right, let us continue. I suppose." Fighting the urge to vomit, he led the merry band and Lorenzo on, past the mushroom men, and further into the mountain. Find the Fun Guy, and cutstab him. Or maybe, if he was indeed a fungi like the mushroom men behind them, it would be better to slash him? Who knew?
  11. GM The pig sqealed with delight at being thanked, as Charlemagne finished cutting the flesh. Almost as soon as the flesh had been cut free, it regrew, seemingly to no discomfort to the creature at all! With a happy oink, William moved to his mud and started rolling once more, while Charlemagne presented the meat to Oz. "Fascinating creature, is he not?" he asked, while searching his pockets for something. Soon, he produced a small lighter and held it under the meat. With a flick, he turned it on. A bright green flame engulfed the meat for a brief second, then disappeared, leaving behind a perfectly cooked pig loin that Charlemagne happily offered to Oz. "Taste! It is truly divine!"
  12. JUSTICE! Robin was a bit hesistant to accept the cookie, but she knew better than to try and resist. The last time she had tried, Ms. Doors had practically tried showing the cookies down her throat. She didn't care to repeat that experience at all. So, she dutifully accepted the cookie, and had to listen to Ms. Doors' gossip, before she could hurry on. She wanted to run some tests on the amulet grandma Dottie had given her. There was something weird about it, but Ms. Doors had caught her on the way. "Wait, wait, Anna Armstrong?" She completely tuned out everything about immigrants that Ms. Doors was ranting. It had been proven that her views on immigrants were just part of Ms. Doors' "charm", and she wouldn't really get anywhere trying to convince her otherwise. "I know her, she always put safety first. What was she even working on at that place?"[/b]
  13. Cultist 1 creates 4 humanoid forms from the ink in the room, appearing all around Mr. Strix, though with an opening to Cultist 2. @Grumblefloof Make a Will Save, DC15. Read spoiler if you make it. Cultist 2 charges at Mr. Strix and punches at him. 14, a miss. @Grumblefloof you're up. 31 - Ronin - Uninjured - 1HP 24 - Lady Horus - Uninjured - 1HP 24 - Wadjet - Uninjured 24 - Cultist 1 - Uninjured 21 - Cultist 2 - Uninjured 12 - Mr. Strix - Shaken - 3HP 10 - Cultist 3 - Uninjured 7 - Dr. Thorne - Uninjured - 2HP
  14. GM One cultist, who appeared to be slim even covered in robes, raised his hands and chanted. "Rise from the black, protect me!" His voice and tone was melodramatic, even as it sounded almost trembling, but it had an affect. By his command, four humanoid forms rose from the ink near the door, blocking Mr. Strix from entering, yet moving to leave a path as the second of the cultists charged. A rather large fellow, easily standing 6 feet and 6 inches tall, it seemed odd that his robe could even hide his body. Unlike his fellow, the second cultist was completely silent as he ran at Mr. Strix, swinging a rather large arm for his head. The punch passed right by Mr. Strix, however, flying past his head. While the second cultist seemed to have a certain strength, he did not appear to be fast enough to deliver a hit.
  15. GM There was something in there, under the train. A can of spray paint, with some splatters of pink pain leading to it. It was difficult to see, and Talon might have missed it, if not for some light reflecting in the can. Maybe the one It was a bit far in. Further than Talon would be able to reach without actually moving under the train. He could fit, but it would be tight. The question was whether he believed it to be worth it or not. The sirens were getting closer.
  16. Bluff roll to try to trick the mushroom men: 1d20+21 = 33
  17. And off Oz went, and off the rest of them followed, into the caves of the mushroom mountaints, into the stench of the vile place. Pan decided to let Lorenzo go for now. He had smoked a strange leaf, that had turned him stranger still. And Oz had eaten a piece of strange fungi, making him strange as well. He half expected Penny to start drinking something that would make her strange, too. Just to complete the trio. It was indeed a rare feeling for him to be the sensible one, but it was at least a new experience to be dealing with those that were less sensible than him, for once. And so, off they went into the darkness, and four mushroom men appeared before them, from the walls. They had no eyes, so maybe they could be tricked? Who knew, it was worth a try at least! "Why, yes, indeed! We must protect the fun guy! Quick, you four, lead us to him right away, so that we might help you protect him!"
  18. GM Talon would indeed have time to collect a sample, but he would have to move fast, if he wanted to have time to look at the body and the immediate area as well. The bruises on the man's face would at first glance appear to be caused by blunt force trauma. From the quick look that Talon had time for, he would guess that he had been hit repeteadly with a weapon, most likely some form of club. It would be impossible to tell his identity just from looking at him. And finally, the ground. There were faint traces of pink paint that had spilled, probably dripped from when it had been applied to the side of the train and the man in particular. A small trail of paint seemed to lead under the old train.
  19. Results in IC. And a Notice check, please.
  20. U.F.O. 777 paused for a moment, observing and watching, hovering before Sitara. This one was familiar. And the way it spoke! It was one of the designers! One of the makers! It felt something new now. Was this happiness? 777 quickly scanned the language. Sanskrit. It was in its language banks, part of the communication package that had been added to its systems so long ago. <"Greetings! This unit is designated Universal Field Operative 777."> It responded in the same language that it had been addressed in. It was an old subroutine, to respond in the same language as it was told, but it seemed proper to use when addressed by a designer! <"This unit has been lost for a long time. Repaired with Communion technology after near fatal mission to destroy enemy combatant. This unit placed itself in an inactive state to avoid being used against the Praetorians. Reactivated when signal from Central Intelligence ceased. This unit wishes to return to active duty."> Yes, this had to be happiness. A curious feeling! It felt like a tingle of electricity running through 777's body.
  21. Let's see some IC description of how you're researching the crime scene, and an Investigation roll.
  22. GM Talon was alone for now, but he was right to assume that it would only be a matter of time before the police arrived. And even shorter before the security guard would return. He would have to act fast if he wanted to investigate on his own. At first glance, the most obvious thing aside from the body, would of course be the spray painted letters. The chains that bound the man was heavy. Not something that one could easily have carried across the train yard without making any kind of noise. There were no blood around them, and it seemed unlikely that the man had been killed here. The question is, what would Talon look for, given his limited time?
  23. The pig really seems to be enjoying what Charlemagne is doing!
  24. GM "Yes, yes! William is indeed a noble beast! Are you not, are you not?" Charlemagne was practically tickling the pig's side by now, letting William to release a few excited squeals, before it rolled over, falling into the mud with a thundering sound, dust and mud flying everywhere, the clothing of Charlemagne and Oswald catching the brunt of it. As he cuddled the pig, Charlemagne produced a small knife, seemingly from nowhere. The pig let out excited squeals, like this was simply the best thing ever. "Would you care for a taste? It has been a while, after all, and William takes after his ancestor." Then he drove the knife into the pig's belly, causing it to release more excited squeals that almost sounded like it was laughing.
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