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Zeitgeist Blue

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Everything posted by Zeitgeist Blue

  1. Edited - TA Salvo Changed Picture Eyeglasses Device to Super-Senses 5 Some minor descriptions for Collateral Damage and Man and Machine Complications Bellios Device Protocol Sy Container Defense 1 -> Defense 2 Hexagrammic Paneling Container Protection 10 -> Protection 9 Added Skills: Knowledge (Behavioral Science, Earth Science, Life Science), 1 each Feats: Equipment 2
  2. That hits and The Sorcerer tanks the hit. Toughness Save: 1d20+12 = 25
  3. Yeah! Kudos to the thread and you as a GM. I wouldn't mind a post or two before and after the cavalry arrives, whether or not it's Lulu bringing them in.
  4. Salvo Pan had flown towards Baal leaving Salvo on the ground, yet what the Forever Boy had said echoed throughout the cavern. She heard his boasts, watched as Baal increasingly became more incensed until she thought it would swat Forever Boy out of the air right there and then. Heads twisting, eyes twitching in rage, Salvo catapulted to Forever Boy's side, her weapon systems loaded and primed to fire. "Damn it. Damn you," she spat, glaring at the Forever Boy through her visor. "Do you want to know how quick a demon-avatar could take our souls? I thought you could do it but you messed up big time and I'll have to clean it after, assuming we're even still in this realm." This was not the result she had wanted. She had needed a tamed Baal, needed it running back to Hell with its tail between its hideous legs. Her fault for thinking the immortal thief would have been up to the task. Baal charged forward faster than she had expected something of its size to and she only barely managed to bring her arms up in time. Her fingers were on the triggers, energy pulsing violently within their chambers, straining to be unleashed, when Baal stopped right in front of them. Its orifices were on fire and its scars and caricature-like features made it ugly, and Salvo could see it all as three voices roared in unison. Her ears rang at the volume but she knew defeat when she saw one and she flew backwards, lowering her weapons carefully though her eyes looked for any hint of deception. Then Baal was gone, leaving her and Pan and three unconscious boys. Yet Salvo only had eyes on one pathetic excuse of a person. She crashed into the ground in front of Mike, sending the boy toppling into his ass as dirt showered on him. She loomed over him, a shadow falling over her imposing form. "Why don't you guess, little boy," she said, grabbing his hair with fingers of steel and pulling him up. His toes barely scraped the ground and pieces of his hair tore as he struggled against Salvo's grip. "Stupidity I can handle. All your three friends are stupid but they'll learn their lesson soon enough. But stupidity and malice? That's another story. Because of you we'll never be free of Baal but I can do something about you." She glanced at Forever Boy before throwing Mike to Pan's feet. "But first you're going to thank him. You're going to kiss the ground and mean it because trust me when I say dying a thousand times is better than what Baal had in store for you at the end of the deal you made." Then she stopped her tirade against Mike and instead turned her gaze to Forever Boy. She crossed her arms and he could hear her armor's exhausts let off steam in what seemed like a mechanical sigh. "So maybe you had it in you all along to get the oversized spider to scurry back to its lair. My soul's still intact and with me so that's nice. But we have this whole mess to clean and I'm not handling any of these asshats with baby gloves."
  5. Curses! And that was a setup to poking a Complication. But oh well... In that case, Masque Duplicate gets out of dodge before the Mist can fully envelop her and its still chasing her around the air. *** GM Business And yep, Fox. The Sorcerer is within that radius. Feel free to teleport towards it. Thev, you notice a flash of magic emit from the Sorcerer towards the Limbs before they reappear right in front of you again. You're reasonably sure The Sorcerer's teleportation powers is how some of the bunch got the drop on you and are managing to fight you on the air.
  6. Initiative The Golem - Fine Veronica - Fine. Defense +10. 3 HP. The Mist - Fine The Limbs - Fine Masque - Fine. Defense +13. 1 HP. Ouroboros - Fine. Fatigued. -2 Attack and Defence. -1 Strength and Dexterity. Defense +12. 4 HP. The Mist - Fine The Sorcerer - Fine *** Environmental Condition Partial Concealment from Obscure is in effect when not in melee range for Magic, Auditory, and Visual Senses. Veronica does not take penalties to Partial Concealment. Immunity: Heat (Extra: Area; Feat: Selective) is in effect for everyone. Automatic success rolls against Heat environmental conditions. *** Surprise Round Initiative The Golem Veronica The Mist The Limbs Masque The Mist The Sorcerer Ouroboros - Defense +3 Other Masque - Defense +3
  7. The Mist Standard Action: Suffocate on Masque Duplicate. Attack Roll: 1d20 + 9 = 20 The Limbs: Standard Action: Disarm on Veronica's helmet Attack Roll: 1d20 + 10 = 22 Strength Oppose Roll: 1d20+5 = 10 *** The Mist begins to suffocate the Masque Duplicate, smothering her nostrils and mouth in sand. The Limbs reappear in front Veronica and begins trying to rip the helmet from her belt. I'll put in an IC post when I can but this is what's basically happening. *** @Thevshi, make a Strength Opposed Roll to keep from being disarmed. Also roll a Notice check DC 20. @Fox, roll a Fortitude Saving Throw DC 19 against Suffocate for the Masque Duplicate. Anddd it's original Masque's turn. You're up.
  8. I've got a few exams in the middle of next week that I'd very much like to ace so I may be slow getting to the threads I need to before then (if at all). Be back by Wednesday or Thursday.
  9. 1. Actually, angrydurf created a Flight (Flaws: Platform) for Ouroboros so I assumed that would supercede Veronica's Air Walking. 2. Just all fluff in the IC. Mechanically she will act before everything else normally. Fluff-wise this could translate to Veronica acting just as The Limbs appeared and right before it encloses on her for example. 3. A fair point. It's actually an Obscure effect but since Veronica has Counters Obscure as well then I'd say she could see past the magical "noise" as it were. There is still the visual Obscure from the sandstorm but I'd imagine Veronica would just rely on her Magic Third Eye to aim. No penalties for Concealment for Veronica.
  10. Salvo "Woah." The students descended from the ceiling in their transparent glass elevator and a bird's eye view of the entire atrium was revealed to them. Nicole adjusted the frame of her glasses to get a better look. Mouth slightly agape, her eyes flicked from one item to item. An unassuming disc studded with rubies and diamonds sat behind a glass case as a trio of scientists wrote notes on their clipboards. She could see a silver rod, as thin and long as a person's arm, discharge a brilliant white light that sent the the bars seen in a testing monitor fluctuating wildly. Several metal crates with X marks painted on their sides were stacked on a wagon bed, floating on what looked to be a quartet of repulsor engines. A woman, blindfolded, walked a simple maze as if she were using her eyes while several of her peers observed. "Yeah, like that over there." Nicole pointed out to Pan and Veronica. Near the elevator shaft, an oil painting shifted in time to an mechanical metronome, showing scenes of what looked to be the Western Front of World War 1. "Look at the signature and the timestamp. Elinor Travere's works have always been unveiled in batches. The 1883 series was her smallest and most unusual ever." Nicole pursed her mouth, silent for a moment as her brows furrowed in thought. "Sorry, they are somewhat popular among arcane collectors for having predicted events after Travere's death. and all but one of the paintings were accounted for. Except this is the last one?" The elevator stopped and they were deposited to the security booth. "Nicole Whitfield-Hall," Nicole stated as she drove to the security booth. "Good afternoon, Miss. I hope you enjoy the tour," said Mrs. Gray as she handed Nicole an ID pass, turning to give another to the next student in line. Then Nicole was on the other side, her eyes already glued to the nearest contraption. What looked to be a bio-organic metal. It shifted in its glass case, creating spheres and ink blots and other less defined forms as a scientist fiddled with a program on a nearby desktop, occasionally looking up to observe the shifting metal. He glanced as Nicole passed by but returned to his work without a word exchanged. "How would it respond to different stimuli?" Nicole wondered aloud, loud enough for the nearest student to hear. "The differences in practices between the Danger facilities and Archetech are huge. We'd segregate the scientists and engineers into different teams to tackle different problems in a segregated approach, but everyone mingles so freely here. It's familiar but different enough I can tell this isn't Archetech even without the Danger brand everywhere." She pointed to the bio-organic metal. "I recognize an alien substance any day. I've seen several come for testing at the Freedom City labs but I haven't taken an active part in them unless they involved exotic energies. Honestly, tests sometimes devolve into zapping the subject repeatedly to see what happens. Depending on what race or its satellite races that thing came from, if you spray pink neon over it, it'd either explode like a ten-pound bag of C4s or emit the best bubblegum perfume you'd ever smell. We still don't know how to differentiate the two."
  11. I guess people can just let Ouroboros fall and get crushed under The Golem.
  12. Mmm. Okay, in that case I'll say The Golem knocks both of you out of your platform, sending you on a freefall to the hard packed ground. Roll a Toughness Saving Throw. DC 20 if you hit the ground unless someone catches you within the surprise round.
  13. Oh yeah, the Stealth roll was... Stealth: 1d20+11 = 30. So Veronica abs the real Masque beats it.
  14. GM Upon the conjured platform and the ability to walk on air the quartet (including one Masque duplicate) descend into the vortex where sands scratch and turn exposed skin raw from exposure. Your platforms hold steady as Ouroboros watches drones tear at each other in the water-filled dimension immediate to the one you had just entered. It is cool and wet there, unlike the heat and dryness that greets you here. The miniature sun, achingly harsh in the distance, beats with the intensity of a dozen noons in a dozen deserts below you. Yet the four of you continue, pushing past the heat and the pain that threatens to seep the strength from your limbs. The promise of greater labors bears on your shoulders as you near the Self, your brows dripping in sweat and your clothes drenched. Though it does not sear his skin like some vampire-kin, the sun's glare seems to be multiplied thrice-fold for Ourboros and his dhampir physiology. Almost unspoken among them, they take formation, hard-won experience dictating that they watch each others' backs, lines of sight agreed upon, magic and weapons ready. With watchful eyes, the Claremonters seek for those who would do them harm. Each one of them possesses the unique ability to perceive magic yet this close to Bellios' Self and their magical sight is as much filled as their normal vision. Magic flows out as water does from a wellspring, bountiful but bewildering. Perhaps each views magic differently, dictated by the source of their powers or training. Dark or light, structured and encompassing from training under the greatest practitioner of the age or fleeting colors like the whimsy of an ancient artifact of many forms or writhing in a primal beat that invites one to explore the unknown places of this world. It fills each of their eyes, overpowering the mundane-ness of swirling sand and glaring sun. Magic unbound. It blinds them. It is only at the last second do two of them, the adventurer in the lead and one of the masks on the flank, notice a figure barring their path. It's body is almost invisible in the storm for the robe it wears is the color of sand too. They see it raise a delicate hand from beneath its sleeve... From behind, an elephantine figure appears in mid-air, armored in head to toe in sand-colored blocks. It resembles a golem and it is leaping for the heedless vampire at the rear of the formation. And beside the other mask who notices the ambush too late, sand shifts against the wind to engulf her in a loose mist of hard-edged sand before it forcefully drives into the fabric of her protective cloth. The figure in front of Veronica speaks in a voice that is like claws screeching against a blackboard. It cuts through the sound of the sandstorm and they hear "Bellios" uttered within its string of profanity-like syllables. Then from thin air she feels clawed hands grasp at her, steel limbs wrap around her body, as several dragging her out of her platform. Masque sees all of this before the intensity of the storm increases, turning the combatants into hazy forms among the sand. Yet with her mage sight she see a number of brands upon their assailants, glowing with the same signature as the Self does but dimmer.
  15. Initiative The Golem - Fine Veronica - Fine. Defense +10. 3 HP. The Mist - Fine The Limbs - Fine. 16 Masque - Fine. Defense +13. 1 HP. Ouroboros - Fine. Fatigued. -2 Attack and Defence. -1 Strength and Dexterity. Defense +12. 4 HP. The Mist - Fine The Sorcerer - Fine *** Environmental Condition Everyone roll a Fortitude Saving Throw against the environment. Masque gets DC 9 for her description of wrapping a bunch of protective cloth around herself. Veronica DC 10 (Autopass). Ouroboros DC 20 for It Burns Like Hygiene!. Partial Concealment is in Effect when not in melee range for Magic, Auditory, and Visual Senses. Veronica does not take penalties to Partial Concealment. *** Surprise Round Initiative The Golem Veronica The Mist The Limbs Masque The Mist The Sorcerer Ouroboros - Defense +3 Other Masque - Defense +3 *** The Golem - +2 Attack / - 2 Defense. Attack Roll: 24. Grapple Opposed Roll: 42. *** @angrydurf roll a Opposed Grapple Roll against The Golem. @Fox I'll let you choose if the Masque who passed the Notice check (35) is either the original or the duplicate. Consequently, the one being attacked (or will be mechanically) is the other. @Thevshi And you're up! Also, give me a created power from Veronica's VP array for the platform she created.
  16. Salvo "Pfft. Pfft. Pfft!" Nicole spat sand from her mouth as a bubble of calm settled over the whole area. She took her glasses off and wiped the sand from the lenses, putting them back on a second later. That brought her sight back to normal and she glanced at Micah, his face pinched with effort. "Thanks, Micah. Yeah, this is definitely much better." She said as she began to drive her wheelchair forward. Her head swiveled as she took in the whole building and their surroundings, all made easier to see thanks to Micah's bubble of calm. She had to admit that this was pretty exciting and not because the building was in the middle of nowhere Nevada but because of whatever lay inside. Unknown objects galore from all over the world. Not that she wasn't exposed to the exotic and exciting in her work with Archetech but she could never get tired of the prospect of opening something up and figuring how it works. "Do you have any idea what's inside?" She asked Veronica as she drove up beside the other teenager. Contrasting the Danger's pulp adventure attire, Nicole was wearing an olive green bomber jacket, unbuttoned over a white t-shirt, jeans and sneakers.
  17. Salvo She stared at him as Pan unveiled his master plan and when the Forever Boy was done she continued staring for what seemed like minutes of dead silence but was merely a few seconds. Then finally she moved, carefully tapping the Forever Boy on the shoulder with a armored hand. "Souls are on the line, my soul is on the line, but I'm trusting you on this." He couldn't see her smile but she was as she gave him a dossier of Hell's biggest and baddest, specifically those she thought would be sufficient to scare Baal. She spared no expense, gave every gory detail she could remember reading from dusty treatises she had traded for, translated tomes she had downloaded to her desktop, rumors from occultists and arcane practitioners who had greater exposure than her, even the snippets from her occasional summoning of lesser devils, imps, and demons of the Infernal realms. "... And don't forget that Asmodeus is one of the Seven Kings of Hell, just a bit under Baal if we were to average the many hierarchies in Hell. It represents Lust where Baal here does for gluttony. And if we were to go by the European courts as summarized in the Dictionnaire Infernal, it's a superintendant of gambling houses. I don't know what you need that for but there it is. If it were to be drawn here then it would be because of Mike's lust for power and the lust Indigo team had in their hearts. I wouldn't doubt there'd be more lust going around if it finds out what Baal's stooping to, except this time it'd be lust to see Baal tumble in Hell." Then Salvo stopped just as suddenly as she had began. She glanced to where Baal was then back to Pan. "You got it all?" She asked him.
  18. Rolling to see if Salvo knows Baal's greatest rivals. There are two criteria she is looking for but they don't have to be all hit perfectly. She'd get who she can think of. 1.) Those who have the means to "hitch a ride" as it were with Mike's summoning. And 2.) Those who Baal really doesn't want to see it negotiate for Nicole's soul as such. Knowledge (Arcane Lore): 1d20+15+10 = 30
  19. Alright! Can I get Notice rolls from all of you? Get a +5 Bonus. Fox can roll twice for both Masque and her duplicate. And I'll oppose them with Stealth.
  20. Salvo "Ugh." Nicole couldn't help but wince at the familiar display of multi-hued power. There were memories associated with its use she would rather not think about right now, but thankfully it did not seem like Zenith was at the helm today. She watched as Zenith transformed back into Corinne, a more normal version of the girl. Then she turned to Tyler as Veronica gave an explanation. "You're lucky it isn't Zenith you're meeting. First impressions stick with you all the way and her first impressions are just the worst. Corinne's bearable at least." Her phone rang in her pocket and she looked down to see the alert. Saved by the bell as it was and she was grateful for it. "Looks like I've got to head out now," she said to Tyler and Veronica. "Enjoy your... coffee. And the rest of your tour." "Bye Alex. Maybe I'll have lunch with Penny next time." She gave them a smile and a wave then began to ride past them and Corinne who was still brushing dirt off her costume. Nicole gave Corinne a much more subdued wave goodbye. Then she was gone, leaving the four students in her wake.
  21. Just tell me if I need to roll Search to find Six Shooter. Fortitude Saving Throw: 1d20+12 = 27 Snare Attack Roll: 1d20+9 = 29. Nat 20. Reflex Save: DC 26.
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