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Brainiac Brunch 2010 [IC]

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Dragonfly frowned while Jessica and Archeville talked, turning the situation over in her mind. awkward to talk to her - awkward to not talk to her - secret identities - how to introduce yourself to someone you already know? - 'HELLO PERSON I'VE NEVER MET BEFORE' - right - have to say something? - might as well - not much to lose but my dignity

Waiting until the good Doktor had wandered off to greet other guests, Dragonfly stood up, stretched, and extended a hand to her friend. "Hello. Don't think we've met; Dragonfly. I am, I mean."

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Jessica was startled when Dragonfly came right up to talk to her, but as her friend started speaking the young inventor twigged to what was going on. She wasn't very skilled at deception, or social interaction in general, but she tried her best. "Yes, um. My name's Jessica Parker; nice to meet you, Dragonfly." She put out her hand and shook Mara's, trying to suppress a sudden urge to giggle. The absurdity of acting like this around so many distinguished scientists threatened to overwhelm her, but she swallowed the laughter and kept a straight face. Barely. "Ah, that was a very interesting display of trans-dimensional physics. Did you design your gauntlets yourself?"

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"Ah - yes." Dragonfly held up a gauntlet for show, eyeing it with the fondness someone usually reserves for pets...or children. "From parts and scratch. Built around a warp engine - may need to rethink name, though. Star Trek? Haven't seen much of it, but name similarity has been pointed out to me recently."

"What do you - mm - do? Specialties, current projects?"

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Jessica blinked at the mention of a warp engine small enough to fit inside a glove. "Um, well. I'm in school right now -- going to HIT, lots of fun there -- so my focus is kinda all over the place. But I've done a lot of work with magnetics, and metal alloys and other metallic compounds. Right now I'm really interested in piezoelectric materials." Her hands came up as she talked, shaping the air as she spoke. Now that they were off the social pleasantries and into hard science, all her anxiety seemed to vanish. "It's really interesting. They're normally rigid, but they flex when you run an electrical current though them, right? So, hypothetically, you could use them to build metallic 'muscles' with much greater strength than any combination of servos. And you could wear it like normal clothes, no big bulky suits of armor."

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Archeville's ears were sharp

Quickness 6 (x100) = can Take 20 on a Notice check (normally 1 minute) in 0.6 seconds/as a free action. Dok has +10 Notice, so that's a 30.

and they did pick up the sounds coming from Victory's limbs. He smiled as he shook the cyborg's hand, "Oh, I am sure I could find someplace suited to test your speed. Perhaps Doktor Volk vould permit me sometime... ?" he glanced coyly at the AEGIS genius.

They certainly didn't use any stealth jet parts in this guy. So noisy!

From what I gathered, saving his life was the primary thing, and speed a close secondary.

"Ah, do excuse me, please," he said as he went on to another guest, touching Volk gently on the arm as he went. He mingled very briefly with everyone, slowly making a circuit of the room, stopping by the food bar long enough to get an omelette made

Inferior French sausage! Bah!

We should be eating more fruit anyway.

and then made his way to his seat at the head of the table. He scanned over the room, getting a sense of the ebb and flow of the myriad conversations taking place; when it reached something approaching a low point, he tapped the water glass with his knife. "Ladies und Gentlemen, please attend carefully! I believe de time has come to start dis meeting in earnest, so if you vould all take a seat, ve can begin."

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Victory smirks, glancing over to Dr. Volk after Archeville's little suggestion. "What do you think? I know you're always looking for an excuse to show me off."

Volk gives him a mock-annoyed glance in return, but then looks over to Archeville. "I'm sure we can arrange something. We'll have to get in contact again once we're done here."

As Archeville leaves, they both nod, then Victory looks down at his hand, opening and closing it, with a slightly concerned look on his face.

"Acting up again?", Volk asks

"Yeah. I'll let the maintenance guys know."

With the announcement, the two head over to the main table. Seeing that some of the seats for more prominent names were marked, Dr. Volk finds one reserved for her. She takes her seat, making sure her coat doesn't get in the way. Victory, being there in a security capacity, stands by the side of the table closest to the door, arms crossed over his chest. Putting on his best "serious business" look, he still keeps his enhanced hearing alert, in case he can pick up anything...odd from any of the guests.

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In an attempt to fix things, she hugged him when he got closer, giving him a big squeeze. "I had SO much fun the other night." she smiled at him, and answered his question, "Science isn't my thing. History, and reading is. After a while, you read all the good books about actual history and have to move on to speculative history. Dr. Archeville's written a great many things about the sciences of the past. What was, and could have been, and all that."

john raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I agree. Especially in the field of medieval weapons technology, I'd say most of its still valid." He gave her a quick wink. It's refreshing being able to make allusions and have someone get them.

Suddenly she paused, "You look so uptight! Is something the matter?" she asked, genuinely concerned.

"Well," he said, letting the word trail off. "The lack of sleep for the past three days has been a factor. I've been... working on some stuff. Developments in... drugs."

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"It's really interesting. They're normally rigid, but they flex when you run an electrical current though them, right? So, hypothetically, you could use them to build metallic 'muscles' with much greater strength than any combination of servos. And you could wear it like normal clothes, no big bulky suits of armor."

Tilting her head, Dragonfly got that far-away focus look that meant she was running math or designs in her head. "Interesting...can think of multiple applications, besides the most obvious-"

he tapped the water glass with his knife. "Ladies und Gentlemen, please attend carefully! I believe de time has come to start dis meeting in earnest, so if you vould all take a seat, ve can begin."

Blinking, she snapped out of her thoughts and glanced up. "Later, maybe? Admit I look forward to hearing how it turned out. If...we meet later. Of course."

Dragonfly made her way to a carefully-picked seat where she'd be close enough to hear but far enough to be away from likely centers of attention, sitting down and crossing her legs, dividing her attention between watching Archeville and getting a better look at the various sorts who'd shown up today. crowd - try not to think about the numbers - focus on interesting people

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john raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I agree. Especially in the field of medieval weapons technology, I'd say most of its still valid." He gave her a quick wink. It's refreshing being able to make allusions and have someone get them.

Vivian smiled at the joke. He had her full attention, she was genuinely worried about him.

"Well," he said, letting the word trail off. "The lack of sleep for the past three days has been a factor. I've been... working on some stuff. Developments in... drugs."

Vivian's smile faded. "Oh no." she fussed over him, "Are you, uh, competing with another organization on a pharmaceutical protocol or someth--?" she was forestalled by the beginning of Dr. Archeville's speech. In a hushed voices she continued, "You can tell me all about it later, okay?" she gently stroked his face. Then she moved to stand beside him. Taking another sip from her drink, she turned her eyes toward the large presentation table that had been set up, and let her fingers brush against John's hand. She was there for him if he wanted her, needed her, or both.

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Jessica's head came around when Doktor Archeville spoke up, making his announcement. She pondered sticking close to Mara, but decided that it would be suspicious if two apparent-strangers talked during the Doktor's presentation -- probably rude, too. She moved to the front of the room and took a seat where she could see the head of the table clearly; obviously the Doktor would sit there, and she didn't want to miss anything.. Her perfect view, though, was interrupted when someone tapped her shoulder and informed her that she was, in fact, in someone else's seat. There was a hurried exchange and the name cards were brought to her attention. Blushing, the girl sought out a seat in the very back of the area, more interested in staying of people views at the moment, then seeing anything herself.

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"John Fraser, ma'am. And you are?"

It was one of the peculiar quirks of her animated hair that it tended to coil even tighter when she was talking to someone in her field, as though it wanted to disappear altogether; she actually heard her braid creak just a little bit under the strain. Nonetheless, her smile was warm yet professional and her handshake firm.

"Dr Estelle de Havilland, of ASTRO Labs; a pleasure, Dr Fraser."

"You look so uptight! Is something the matter?"

Sadly it seemed like there was a bit of history between Vivian and Fraser; Estelle was hoping to sneak in at least a little shop talk with a peer. She smiled politely and waited for a natural break in the conversation. As she observed the two, she noticed an odd undercurrent to their interaction, especially on the Scottish chemist's side. Was their relationship more serious than they let on? She sensed a shared past and private jokes; ex-lovers?

Ultimately, of course, it was none of her business, and she chose to use her powers of observation for good. Her eyes wandered about the room; giant robot, amazingly beautiful woman with arms like mighty pistons, the hated Liebniz...Viktor certainly knew a lot of interesting people!

"Well," he said, letting the word trail off. "The lack of sleep for the past three days has been a factor. I've been... working on some stuff. Developments in... drugs."

What? Oh, he works in organics! I must see if I can get a moment-

"Ladies und Gentlemen, please attend carefully! I believe de time has come to start dis meeting in earnest, so if you vould all take a seat, ve can begin."

But it seemed it would have to wait. Gossamer found her designated seat with its crisp little placard, and happily took it; as much as she loved the heels she was wearing this morning, her feet were already killing her. She discreetly slipped a tendril down to slip off a shoe and rub her tender foot.

Once again, I am the victim of fashion...and my own vanity. :roll:

Noticing the blonde Amazon standing nearby, Estelle politely cleared her throat and indicated the seat next to her.

“You’re welcome to take this seat, miss; Dr Arbogast is a colleague, and was called out of town at the last minute.â€

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Quentin scratched his chin at the Doktor's announcement. "Hey ho, looks like our German chap up to some pronouncement! should be interesting!" Grabbing a final cheeky nibble, he took a seat, mumbling assorted "excuse me's" and "Pardon's" as he bumped into various scientists and superheroes all egging for a seat.

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John nodded curtly at the table. "Well, apparently it's 'all gather round and listed to Doktor Archeville speak' time." He pulled out the back of the chair that Estelle had indicated, and gestured to Vivianto sit down.

When she had, he propped his cane up against the table and sat down in the seat next to her, letting his leg rest straight out underneath the table without taking note of anyone sitting on the opposite side of the table. Hey, I'm an old man. Possibly the oldest one here. Christ, that's a depressing thought.

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Noticing the blonde Amazon standing nearby, Estelle politely cleared her throat and indicated the seat next to her.

“You’re welcome to take this seat, miss; Dr Arbogast is a colleague, and was called out of town at the last minute.â€

"Oh of course, thank you." Vivian replied quietly, and moved towards the seat. But John beat her to it. As was his way of doing things. Vivian laughed inwardly, Heh, I'd almost forgotten he was the gentlemanly type. Smiling at him in thanks she took the offered seat. I knew there was a reason I liked him. When John sat next to her, and stretched out his leg, she suddenly remembered how much it pained him. Poor guy...

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Archeville looked about the room and smiled.

I hate this so much.

Oh, lighten up.

"I vish to dank you all for coming," he began, raising a mimosa in toast, "to vhat I hope can be a semi-regular meeting of some of Freedom's best und brightest minds. Minds vhich I feel are up to de task at hand, vhich is, to put it simply und broadly, to identify und begin to vork on solutions to de many problems vhich afflict society, both from mitout und mitin."

So it will be in a better shape once I conquer it!

So it is in a shape where it needs fear no would-be conqueror.

"Before ve can begin dat, dough, ve need to know mit whom ve are vorking. Many of you had de chance to talk mit each ozher before I invited you to sit, but I vould like some formal introductions to be made. Name, specialties, und so on. Dose of you here in a heroic persona," he nodded towards Dragonfly, Miss Americana, and Rift, "are of course free to keep your identity secret."

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Dragonfly tapped a finger against her leg, waiting. Finally, though, the awkward silence got worse than the idea of going first, and she hesitatingly raised a hand.

"D...Dragonfly. I am, I mean. Bit of everything...specializing in spacial manipulation."

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John nodded curtly, not bothering to stand up or raise a hand. "John Fraser, Masters in Biochemistry," he said, glancing at Estelle as he did so. Not actually a doctor... "I specialize in injected pharmaceuticals and nerve agents, with a side hobby in archaic weaponry. I think that, by combining old and new weaponry, we don't need to resort to modern bombs and firearms."

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Since everyone's doing introductions, Dr. Volk stands, brushing out a bit from the lab coat she never, ever seems to be without. "I am Dr. Volk, the head of Research and Development for AEGIS. And this..." She motions her hand in Victory's direction, who nods, but keeps a straight face and folded arms while he stands at attention. "..is Victory, the latest product of our research. If anyone has any questions regarding him or indeed any of our work, I will answer to the limit that I'm allowed. And I'd love to ask all of you some questions, too, as I see many very bright young minds here."

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John nodded curtly, not bothering to stand up or raise a hand. "John Fraser, Masters in Biochemistry," he said, glancing at Estelle as he did so. Not actually a doctor... "I specialize in injected pharmaceuticals and nerve agents, with a side hobby in archaic weaponry. I think that, by combining old and new weaponry, we don't need to resort to modern bombs and firearms."

After a few of the others had made their own introductions, Vivian provided hers. Standing, she offered, "Vivian Kriger. Though I claim no original scientific expertise of my own, I am an avid reader of many of your works. Especially those that have to do with historical contexts, which is my own area of expertise. Like John, I too believe that our world would be a better place if our problems could be solved by, ah, simpler means, as it were." She gave a brief nod to all those assembled, and regained her seat once more.

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Next Estelle rose with a polite nod and a wave of her hand.

"Hello! I'm Dr Estelle de Havilland of ASTRO Labs, though some of you may know me by my more heroic moniker, Gossamer. I have a doctorate in organic chemistry, and currently I'm focused on improving biodegradable plastics made from plant oils, though I have a few other projects in various stages of development. I am honored to be among such distinguished company."

She smoothed out her dress as she returned to her seat, offering a friendly look Fraser's way.

A masters in biochemistry, eh? Well, we may not be working in the exact same field, but I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about.

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Quentin adjusted his bow tie. "Professor Quill" he started "lecturer and researcher in Freedom University. Quantum Mechanics is my game. Dabble a bit in other stuff. Observer entanglement, and the relationship between wavestring existence probabilities and psychological states, for instance. Perhaps you have read my thesis on..."

He looked around...

"Never mind all that nonsense" he coughed, adjusting his bow tie again for the umpteenth time. "Splendid business this. Delighted to be here and all that. Jolly good chaps the lot of you, I am sure. Happy to help how I can. "

Slightly ruffled, he mumbled "Spiffing!" and waited for the next introduction.

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...which came from none other than Liebniz...

"Never mind that rubbish indeed!" piped up Liebniz. "I am professor Liebniz, chair in particle physics at the same university. I have a prestigious academic background, and have excellent credentials. Unlike some other professors of my university, I wasn't booted out of Cambridge for spouting nonsense!" he sneered at Quentin.

He opened his briefcase and started handing out his elegantly produced C.V.

"My resume. If anyone wishes to discuss funding my research, or grants, or joint ventures, please let me know..."

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Jessica stood up in the back, clearing her throat to gain everyone's attention. "Well. My name's Jessica Parker. I'm still a student at HIT, so I don't know if I can be said to be specializing in anything yet. But I have done a lot of work with robotics and soft AI. And lately, I've been very interested in piezoelectric materials." She stood there and fidgeted for a moment, then sat down quickly. She tried to sit there quietly, but she couldn't stop a blush from spreading behind her ears.

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...which came from none other than Liebniz...

"Never mind that rubbish indeed!" piped up Liebniz. "I am professor Liebniz, chair in particle physics at the same university. I have a prestigious academic background, and have excellent credentials. Unlike some other professors of my university, I wasn't booted out of Cambridge for spouting nonsense!" he sneered at Quentin.

He opened his briefcase and started handing out his elegantly produced C.V.

"My resume. If anyone wishes to discuss funding my research, or grants, or joint ventures, please let me know..."

John glared at Liebniz. "And unlike some other professors of your university, you seem to have been mistaken." He fixed the arrogant so-and-so with with eyes grayer than a frigate's hull. "This is supposed to be a friendly, cordial meeting of scientific minds, as organized by Herr Doktor Archeville there." He forced a humorless smile. "Shut up, sit down, and if you try to hand me a C.V, I'm going to hand it right back. And I won't put it in your hand."

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Choking back a laugh, Dragonfly put a hand over her mouth and tried to stay quiet, ever glad that her visor hid the upper part of her face. always good to see 'academics' put in their place - Liebniz annoying - think I like John Faser - if you must go 'academics' shame to stop at Master's - motivations?

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