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Okay. Well I will activate my container as a move action, and then surge, flying up to punch this thing!


I'm going to take full advantage of our generous mini-modification feats; I'm gonna All Out Power Attack with a Charge;


+2 to hit ( 2 from charge, 2 from All Out, but -2 from power attacking)

+2 to effect ( 2 from power attack)


Also lowers my Defense by 4 total, so I'm at +3 defense until my next turn.


So I'm swinging at +9 and my effect is +11!



Attack roll: 1d20+9; 20 seems like a hit to me!


DC26 Toughness Save 


and I'll spend a HP to avoid the fatigue of doing a Surge

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Round Three


42 Velocity (unharmed)

33 Blue Bolt 3 HP (unharmed)

23 Sever 3 HP (unharmed)

21 Timeout 4 HP (unharmed)

21 Gamma Buzz 2 HP (unharmed)

18 Rot 4 HP (unharmed)

16 Torpedo Lass II  3 HP (unharmed)

14 Giant Mummy (injured 2, dazed, -8 Toughness from drain)

11 Spaceman 4 HP (unharmed)

6 Golden Star 1 HP (unharmed)


Velocity will double back to attack again, getting a nat 20 for a 30, resulting in a DC 30 critical hit: The mummy gets a 11, failing by 19, so...no more robot.


Making an acrobatics check for Velocity's stunt to attack, also a 30


Will get the IC post up shortly.

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Round One


38 Velocity (unharmed)

32 Gamma Buzz 2 HP (unharmed)

24 Timeout 5 HP (unharmed)

21 Blue Bolt 3 HP (unharmed)

21 Rot 4 HP (unharmed)

20 Spaceman 4 HP (unharmed)

20 Golden Star 1 HP (unharmed)

17 Torpedo Lass II  3 HP (unharmed)

13 Drones (many)

10 Sever 3 HP (unharmed)



Velocity will set off a Sonic Boom by four of the bad guys, DC 20 reflex save to halve the effect, 14, 19, 16, 9.


They all have DC 25 toughness saves to make: 20, 8, 25, 12, so one makes it.


@Supercape Then it is Gamma Buzz’s turn

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Okay, minion rules right? Vueriz is gonna set her board to


Base Power: [5 + 3 + 2 + 14 = 24PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Atomic Particles)

Flight 6 (Flaws: Platform; Drawbacks: Doesn't Work Underwater) [5PP]

Immovable 3 (Stability Assist [3PP] (Computer)

Move Object 2 (Maglock; Flaws: Range [Touch]) [2PP]

Damage 4 (Particle Blades; Extras: Targeted Area [Trail]; Feats: Accurate 4, Improved Critical 2) [14PP]


She's gonna flyby as many of them as she can and is gonna go for a -2/+2 power attack on the Particle Blades, taking a 10 for a 20 to hit against all enemies within a 40ft. Trail at whichever point has the most. (Using move by action to activate it during the flight.)


Assuming that hits, DC21 Toughness save for however many she can get.

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That would be the three around Baz (which are the paralyzed and slowed ones). The Paralyzed do not get reflex checks, the slowed one does at -1. It still gets a 25, and avoids the attack thanks to Evasion.


The other two have the DC 18 Fort saves: 26 and 12, so one resists the drain, the other loses 6 Toughness.


DC 23 toughness saves, the one that lost its toughness fails and is down. The other gets a 19, so fails that anyway, so is down.

So, the two paralyzed ones are down.

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