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Despite his best attempts to feign only mild interest, Leon enjoyed himself as he slipped around the arena. 

He had to the girls credit, they weren’t pushovers. It was Bernadette that seemed to give him the most trouble. Most of the time it just came down to who spotted who first.


At one point Vik actually managed to get the drop on him, but he dropped the Vector and dodge rolled. He came up and produced the pistol he had stashed behind his vest. The one he had made disappear back when they were picking weapons.

“Close but not close enough.”

He grinned, but before he could pull his own trigger the building shook and the sound of something crashing through the wall echoed around the arena.


“Well now, that’s not something you see everyday. Hmm.”

Leon commented in a tone calmer than one would think he would have after such an event. He let the pistol dip as he stared across the arena at the wreckage, then lifted the pistol again and shot Vik’s sensor vest.

“Well, you heard Mr Big Boy Pants. Suit up.”

He tossed the pistol aside to join the discarded submachine gun. Swiping his hand in front of his face produced the sound of rustling paper and simple white face mask with eye slits formed. He grab at the air in front of him, paper swarmed and staff formed next in his grasp. He snatched a few individual sheets from floating in the air and started running towards the armored vehicle.

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22 hours ago, Spacefurry said:



At one point Vik actually managed to get the drop on him, but he dropped the Vector and dodge rolled. He came up and produced the pistol he had stashed behind his vest. The one he had made disappear back when they were picking weapons.

“Close but not close enough.”

He grinned, but before he could pull his own trigger the building shook and the sound of something crashing through the wall echoed around the arena.


“Well now, that’s not something you see everyday. Hmm.”

Leon commented in a tone calmer than one would think he would have after such an event. He let the pistol dip as he stared across the arena at the wreckage, then lifted the pistol again and shot Vik’s sensor vest.


Vik was having an absolute blast. She moved with all the subtlety of a linebacker, but still managed to get a few token hits on her teammates before they snuck off to snipe her. This was the coolest thing she had done in a while, and she didn't even care that she was probably in last place! 


"Taaaaake that!" she shouted at Leon as she finally snuck up on him. Yes! But wait, no! Dammit!! The agile jerk managed to escape! 


"Nooo!" she shouted dramatically, and just as she brought her shotgun to bear on Leon, an armored vehicle smashed through the building! Vik turned her head towards the noise. "What the hell?!"


She got her bearings quickly, and nodded at Stormcrow's instructions. "I'm ready to rock right now. No costume needed!" She whipped the shotgun off (it would have gotten in the way, and it looked fairly expensive) and held her fists out in front of her. Sharp, bony protrusions sprouted from her knucklebones, and continued to snake up her forearms as a sort of guard. Vik took a moment to do a little shadowboxing, then looked to see if her teammates were watching. 

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"Shoor you are." Bernadette commented with a grin as Charlie (again) got the drop on her. The redhead had been having a lot of fun, scoring a fair number of "kills," while being eliminated herself as well. It was also good to see everyone else seeming to have a great time as well. She had started to head back towards her team's starting zone to reset when the armored AEGIS vehicle smashed through a wall.


The smile faded from the Irish teen's face at the sight, and she nodded to Charlie as he took off to change. She had just been about to do the same when someone looking just like her appeared in front of her asking what she though was happening. Bernadette knew right away it was not one of her duplicates, seeing as not only had she not summoned any, she had a mental connection with them.

"Pol?" The redhead asked, a slight frown on her face. "Please change back, an' don' do that again without askin' permission first." She then said, her tone a bit icy, before adding. "No idea, but I imagine it can' be good."

Bernadette then headed off to grab her own backpack and find a place to change as well. Soon she was in her new non-Claremont costume, a tight, full bodysuit of green, orange and white. As she finished, the redhead activated her comms unit. "Comms check." She transmitted to those on the team with similar communication equipment.

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While Bernadette and Charlie changed, most of the others moved over to investigate the armored vehicle and get a sense of what might be going on. The AEGIS vehicle was most of the way through the wall, bits of loose wall falling down onto the top of the vehicle, creating an opening easily wide enough to provide a way outside. Inside, the visible AEGIS agents were either unconscious or appeared very disoriented. While the side of the vehicle that had smashed through the wall was scuffed up, it was not particularly damaged. However, the opposite side was partially caved in, as if something large and extremely strong had slammed into it.


Outside could be heard the sound of energy weapons firing a short distance away and more crashing and other sounds of a fight.

A few moments later, Stormcrow and Multi-Girl came moving up by the vehicle, Multi-Girl summoning a duplicate as she did.

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As Paper slipped over the rubble to peek into the armored vehicle the color of his hoodie changed colors to black with red trim. The occupants seemed to be alive, if not a little worse for wear. The sound of weapons fire was audible from outside as he noticed the side of the transport had been caved in.


Something had slammed into it; it was probably what had driven it through the wall of the arena. Whatever happened outside was serious.


It was easy enough for Paper to slide across the roof and slip between the armored vehicle and the wall. On the other side he crouched on the roof and looked around.

Edited by Spacefurry
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Sneaking to where he could get a view outside, Paper was able to get a view of what was going on outside. He saw two other vehicles crashed further down the block. One was another AEGIS armored vehicle, this one crashed into a lamp post. A short distance from it was a large armored transport, similar to what law enforcement might use for transporting prisoners, which was flipped over on its side.


There were a number of individuals scattered about the area around these other two vehicles.


One was a hulking figure that stood at least eight feet tall, dressed in in dark grey armor with golden sections on arms and tan shoulders. He work a helmet with wo large Golden horns on either side. He was stomping across the street, having just moved away from the second crashed AEGIS vehicle.


Scattered around the scene were ten women with long brown hair, all dressed in the same black and pink armored costume, with pink masks and gloves. Each seemed to be carrying a staff, with some idly twirling them, two were next to what seemed to unconscious AEGIS agents.

Two of the women were standing at the back of the tipped over armored transport, next to a man dressed in a dark grey bodysuit with light grey armor over top. Them man’s helmet had a visor with a blue lens.


Finally, there was another man, standing a short distance from the overturned transport, he was dressed in a black body suit with neon green piping and lines along chest. In each hand he held a large ring that glowed green.


Despite his best efforts, as Paper moved out to get a look, the man with the green rings turned to look in his direction. As did four of the similarly dressed women. As they all turned toward him, Paper realized they were not just similarly dressed, but looked identical as well.

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The STORMCROW Background Color


Charlie is gone, a dark caped shadow slipping out of the hole and into the street, where he quickly disappears from sight, as he moves along the street. Keep out of sight, scout ahead, figure out what they're dealing with.


Stormcrow reaches for his cowl, activating his communicator. Bernie should at least be wearing hers... and they really need to get the rest of the team some. "Tell the rest of the team that Paper's already getting into trouble. We got thirteen hostiles, a big guy, a guy with a visor, a guy with a green ring and ten women all dressed the same, armed with a staff each. Seems like they've taken down the a couple of AEGIS guys." He pauses a moment. Bernie can almost hear Charlie's grin on the other end. "I'm gonna poke the guy with the visor and see what he can do. Tell everyone to pick targets and work together, I'll stay out of sight and support you."


He reaches for a sharp boomerang like object and twirls it between his fingers, before letting it fly towards the man with the visor.

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On 2/19/2024 at 5:13 PM, Spacefurry said:



As Paper slipped over the rubble to peek into the armored vehicle the color of his hoodie changed colors to black with red trim. The occupants seemed to be alive, if not a little worse for wear. The sound of weapons fire was audible from outside as he noticed the side of the transport had been caved in.


Something had slammed into it; it was probably what had driven it through the wall of the arena. Whatever happened outside was serious.


It was easy enough for Paper to slide across the roof and slip between the armored vehicle and the wall. On the other side he crouched on the roof and looked around.




Vik slips in behind Paper, putting a hand on his shoulder to steady herself. as she climbs over the rubble. "Woah, hey. Sorry there, it's pretty cramped. What the hell is going on out here?" 


She looked out at the figures now staring at the two of them. "Oooooh. Bad guys, I get it. Looks like a prison break of some sort? Hey, they're looking at us. Maybe we should say hi?" 


Vik inhaled deeply, and shouted "Hey, what do you think you're doing? You interrupted our laser-tag!! Guess we're just gonna have to kick your asses now!" She climbed out of the rubble and stood facing them, her body crackling as she transforming her bone-knuckles into twin katanas which she whirled around, throwing them both into the air and catching them with the opposite hand. "So. Who's first? Form a line."  

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Aoife wouldn't admit it but she had also been cheating, turning invisible upon occasion when there was no cover between hiding spots, although Muirne grumbled at the unfairness. She had been lining up a shot on Charlie after he'd ambushed Bernadette, but was still several long seconds away from being confident in her shot when the crash occurred. She sighed slightly, lowering the gun and letting her shadows wash over herself in the way she'd seen Muirne do it, her clothes quickly replaced with armour, and her spear and shield taking the place of her rifle. At a run she quickly arrived at the hole, still coated in shadows that rendered her invisible. Looking at the pair, she figured Vik would be fine, she was a frontliner, same as Luke, they would probably do quite well if all the bad guys responded to Vik's challenge. Leon on the other hand...


She made her way over to him, moving as fast as she could. Trying her best not to surprise him as she was still invisible she gently grabbed his shoulders, whispering "Hey, it's me. I have an idea, just go along with it." before enveloping him in darkness and pulling him into her portal. Quickly from there she ran her way to the armoured car that had crashed into the lamp post, sliding behind it and out of sight before ejecting Leon from the gateway. As soon as part of him left she grabbed onto it, turning him invisible like herself.


"Okay, sorry about that. Didn't think you wanted to get up close and personal with the bad guys. I'm thinking we pop up and try to catch as many of them as we can, your paper and my shadows, how about it?"

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Stormcrow's attack struck the man with the visor standing near the back of the overturned armored transport, causing him to stagger a step as he grunted in pain. As he made the attack, several of the identical women and the man with the neon green energy rings spotted him.


As Ghule climbed out into view and yelled out her challenge, a pair of the identical women turned to regard her, readying their staffs as they grinned slightly at the challenge.


The man with the neon green energy rings seemed to notice as Paper disappeared from view, as he called out, "Just lost the one that was on the vehicle in the wall, keep an eye out." He said, before focusing back up on Stormcrow and throwing one of the energy rings in his hands at the now revealed hero. However, his aim was off and Stormcrow easily dodged aside. Another green energy ring formed in the man's hand as he kept his gaze on Stormcrow.


Inside, Bernadette muttered slightly as most of the team went out before she or Shift could pass along Stormcrow’s instructions. She did move up near Luke and Pol as she quickly passed the message along (mainly for Luke's benefit), "Storm counts thirteen hostiles, one big guy, some guy with a visor, another with green rings an' ten women identically dressed each armed with a staff. He is engaging the guy with the visor an' will try ta stay out o' sight an' provide support. Wants us ta pick targets an' work together."

"I'm gonna back up Ghule an' tag those nearest her." The redhead then said as she rushed forward and leapt through the gap above the AEGIS armored vehicle and outside to land near Ghule.


"Hi there, we're the Young Guardians, an' you lot really did pick the wrong place ta try an' start somethin'." She said before more than a dozen of her duplicates popped into existence and rushed forward to attack four of the identical women and the man with the green energy rings. However, while the duplicates came close to hitting the similarly dressed women, they still ended up missing. The man with the energy rings easily dodged their attacks as well.


Meanwhile, inside, the redhead’s other duplicate moved up near Luke and Pol, ready to follow them out. "I'll stick you all." She said with a smile.


Outside, the four women attacked by Multi-Girl’s duplicates grinned slightly. "Another duplicator huh?" Said one of them.

"We are Legion, I guess we will see who is the better duplicator." Said another with an identical voice.


Two of the staff wielding women rushed forward towards the original Multi-Girl, the first swinging her staff at the redhead’s right side. Multi-Girl brought up her right arm and took the hit with seeming little effect, but that was when the other Legion’s staff connected with the side of her head, sending Multi-Girl down to the pavement dazed.

As she fell, all the duplicates she had just summoned popped out of existence, including the one that was with Luke and Pol.

"Looks like we are." Said the two Legion simultaneously.


Meanwhile, another two rushed towards Ghule, both striking her with their staffs as well.


The other Legion all remained where they were, seemingly preparing to defend themselves if any other heroes appeared.

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"Sorry," mutters BerniPol, her eyes downcast as she resumes her own usual form. After Charlie gives his orders and Bernadette relays the enemies' order of battle, the robot nods, her mouth a firm line. 


"I will take on the man with the horns. It will keep him from crushing our squishier teammates."


She shifts into her purely robotic form, and with surprising speed charges at her target, driving one metalic fist into the man's gut.

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Shift delivers a powerful punch to the stomach of the massive armored man with horns on his helmet. The man barely flinches from the hit, snarling as he looks down at the robotic Shift.


Behind the overturned armored transport, the man with the visor looks over at where Shadowborne and Paper had just moved. "We have two invisible heroes over here." He called out to his teammate, pointing in the direction of the two. "Big Horn, forget the robot for the moment, deal with them. Legion will cover you."


The man then focused on the back doors of the transport, a beam of energy firing from his visor that melted the locking mechanism of the door. Once that was done, one of the Legion duplicates waiting there used her staff to pry open the door, and then a second Legion climbed inside the back of the transport.

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"Roger. Roger..." Luke nodded as one of Bernadette clones explained the situation. 


"Just an ordinary Wednesday than...." He smirked.  It was definitely not the first time after all that an afternoon of innocent fun had turned into action. A ton of hostiles, civilians potentially in danger, looks like a job for the Young Guardians.


A shame that he hadn't brought his costume, although... it was not like he was out of alternatives. 


The young man darted out of the makeshift arena, far from prying eyes where he could shed his human skin and assume his true, reptilian shape. Now clad in obsidian scales he rushed back into the fray. 


He unleashed a powerful roar, no need to be subtle when you are a bus-sized lizard after all, unfolded his wings, using them to direct a blast of wind against the villains, hopefully one strong enough to distract them from the vehicle they had just broken into and perhaps buy his more stealthy friends an opening.

Edited by Nerdzul
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The blast of wind generated by Nightscale’s wings slammed down on five of the super criminals, to mixed results. The one holding the glowing rings of energy dropped down behind the car he had been standing on avoiding the gust all together and standing back up once it had passed.


The man with the visor at the back of the overturned transport vehicle was blown to the ground, but otherwise uninjured.


Three of the identical women were caught in the wind gust, one over by the transport, and two spread along the far side of the street away from the warehouse where the laser tag arena was located. All three were blown off their feet and sent flying, but all easily flipped in the air and landed on their feet, rather than being left sprawled on the ground. One landed near Shift, another near Ghule, the third over near the two that had attacked Bernadette.


Meanwhile, the large figure Shift had attacked walked away from her, moving over to where he could see the area Visor had indicated had two invisible heroes (the concealed Shadowborne and Paper). Although he could not see them, he did not need to, as he brought his arms out to the side and then slammed his two massive hands together in front of him.


A concussive shockwave blasted forward, smashing into the area and shattering windows in the storefronts of the nearby building. The shockwave struck Shadowborne, who was dodging aside, but still clipped by the concussive fore but she was able to withstand it. Paper dodged as well, and was able to completely avoid any negative effects.  

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Paper had glanced towards Visor.

“Well, that sucks.”

He says with a smirk. 

“Guess we know who the leader is.”


The wing buffet from his best friend sent a few of the enemies tumbling,but tThe one called Big Horn came to tower over the two. The man slapped his hands together and Paper narrowly dodged the crushing wave of force.

“Please hold the applause till the end of the performance.”


“I’ll distract the big guy, take the shot when you have an opening.”

He whispered to Shadowborne before letting go of her and reappearing. He moved away from his teammate’s position, making a show of calling the big guy out.

“Hey, big guy! You picked the wrong day to cosplay ‘Crush-it-Carl’ with your friends.”

Paper swung the staff back and forth, trying to look menacing, before snapping the sheets in his other hand at the man’s feet. 

Paper wasn’t actually trying to hit him, just set him up for his teammate to strike from the shadows.

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Everyone's engaging the bad guys, fighting them, trying to drive them back, find out who the enemies are and what they can do and Charlie knows that he should be doing the same, but the moment he sees Bernie fall... All of his training, every strategy and tactic just goes out the window.




She'll be fine. Of course she will. She's tougher than him, stronger than him and still...


Raising a gauntlet up, he shoots a line towards a nearby building. The moment it connects, it pulls him in, catapulting him over the battlefield. He lets go mid-air, spreading out his cape to soar towards the two Legion that are standing over Bernie. He is already reaching for the collapsible staff in his belt. The moment he lands, he swings it in a wide arc towards both of them, trying to force them back, away from Bernie.


"Get away from her!" 

Edited by RocketLord
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Aoife growled lowly as their ambush gets spoiled by the man in the visor, dodging just slower than Paper as she struggles to hold onto his hand. She grunts in pain as the pressure wave slams into her, looking up as Paper drew the big guy's attention. She burst from concealment, wreathed in her shadows as she extended her arm up to grab a light post before pulling back, swinging out her legs to swing past Big Horn, couching her spear like a lance to meet the giant's helm, the shadows on her spear sucking at the light, only for the spear to scrape along the side of her helm. She snarled at her foe's resistance before landing on the top of the armoured van. She looked down at the duplicate and the Visored man, shadowy wreath writhing in the light as her eyes glowed green. "Surrender." She growls down at the pair.

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Vik raised her arms against the staff blows, grunting as they deflected off bony shields she raised in response to their assault. She held her arms up, crouching slightly in a defensive position while the blows rained down on her, then she suddenly leapt up, pushing them back a bit. 


"Okay," Vik said, as she reformed her twin katanas. "Now it's my turn." As she spoke, a shockwave blasted another one of the duplicates close to her. "One more of you? Well, no problem. I brought enough whoop-ass for everyone!" 


She swung her katanas left and right in a whirlwind of violence, slashing at whoever dared get too close. Her skill with her bone weapons was preternaturally strong, but Vik's rage showed through. Her swings were strong but sloppy, and she growled in frustration. How the hell do the other Guardians make it look so easy? I'd better take some time training before our next villain fight...



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The supervillain with the glowing energy disks watched as Stormcrow dropped down to try to push back the two Legion that had been standing over Multi-Girl. "Let's keep the duplicator down." He called out, throwing one of the energy rings at Multi-Girl and striking with pin-point accuracy.


“Aaaah." Multi-Girl screamed out as green electricity arched over her when the energy ring stuck, but the redhead managed to shake it off as she pushed herself partially upright.


Over by Shift, two of the women identified as Legion moved in toward her, twirling their staffs as they did. "You seem like you pack a punch. But can you take one?" One of them said as she rushed forward, bringing her staff down toward Shift. However, the robot stepped aside…right into the path of the second Legion’s attack, which struck her squarely in the side.


One of the Legion Nightscale had sent flying ran back toward the overturned transport and leapt up to where Shadowborne was standing, calling out as she did. "A bit over confident aren't we?" She asked as she swung her staff down at Shadowborne, who easily blocked it with the haft of her spear.


Meanwhile the three Legion facing Ghule had moved into a circle around her, grinning as the zombie young woman made desperate attempts to hit them with her bone weapons. "Need some pointers?" One asked.

"We can help." Replied another as she and the first lunged in, both striking Ghule with their staff, one connecting on the side of her head. Meanwhile, the third attacked from behind, hitting the zombie young woman in the back.


Over near where Multi-Girl lay on the ground now in agony from being shocked, the two Legion facing Stormcrow readied themselves as they grinned, one rubbing her jaw where she had been hit by his staff. "Hit a nerve there did we?" One asked as they both moved in to attack, but Stormcrow easily blocked the first attack, and while he blocked the second, it was a bit of a call.


"What are you going to do if we hit her again?" As a third Legion, another that had been sent flying by Nighscale's wind gust, as she brought her staff above her head and started to swing it down toward Multi-Girl.


At that moment a large armored figure dropped out of the sky, landing between the Legion and Multi-Girl. The figure stood nearly six and a half feet tall and was dressed in teal armor with a black under suit visible at the joints. On each shoulder pauldron of the armor was a black circle with a yellow eight-pointed starburst in the middle. A similar, much larger white starburst covered the armor’s chest plate. The figure was male, with grey-blue skin, high cheekbones and a flowing mane of white hair and tapered ears.


He easily caught Legion's staff in his right hand, holding it firmly in place as he looked down at the woman as she tried to pull it free. "I do not think so." He said in heavily accented English. 

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Robots don't feel pain the way organic lifeforms do, but that doesn't mean they enjoy being hit by violent blows. Shift's internal sensors could detect several million nanobots destroyed by the arrogant duplicator's blow, and even though that was a drop in the bucket of her total nanomass, it meant time and energy to repair, resources better used to help her teammates or innocent civilians. 


"You are very irritating. I think I'd like to shut you up."


Shift planted her legs, which sent out several bracing struts, and her whole upper body formed into a massive hammer-like bludgeon that swung on a sturdy pivot, plowing into first one Legion and then the next, passing completely through them both like they were made out of tissue paper.

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Shift's blows sent the two Legion duplicates flying backward, the two disappearing as they went unconscious.


Over behind the overturned transport, Visor climbed back up to his feet as he looked up at Nightscale in his full dragon form. "We need to try to get clear." He shouted out as he unleased a powerful energy blast from his visor that struck the dragon dead center.


Over next to the surprised Multi-Girl, one of the Legion duplicates tried to pull her staff free from the grip of the tall armored figure that had just dropped out of nowhere. "Who the hell are you?"


"I am Kinarr Khan, the new Star Khan and ruler of the Stellar Khanate." The figure stated as he shoved the duplicate’s staff back to slam into her and send her flying backward to disappear as well as she went unconscious. The young Star Khan then took a step as he tried to backhand one of the Legion fighting Stormcrow, but she managed to just duck underneath the attack at the last minute.


But even as some of the opponents started to go down, a new figure climbed out of the back of the overturned transport, a redheaded woman in an orange jumpsuit. "Finally free!" She called out as she looked about the scene and focused on Nightscale. "And plenty of heroes to start with!"

The woman’s eyes flared with psychic energy as she reached her left hand up and flames seemed to wreath it as Nightscale felt a searing burning pain in his mind from the psychic assault. The woman then glanced up to where Shadowborne stood on top of the overturned transport. "And you as well." She added as she brought up her right hand which also flared with psychic flames as Shadowborne similarly felt the burning pain of the psychic attack.

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The blast from Visor slammed into Nightscale, causing the massive dragon to rear back from the impact and crash into a nearby building as he was not longer able to keep himself aloft. As the massive dragon came crashing down, it felt a burning pain as Mindfire latched onto its mind, further injuring him.


Over in the street near the overturned armored transport, Big Horn regarded Paper before looking over to Shift (who had just taken out two of the Legion duplicates). Dropping his head, the hulking villain ran towards the robot. The large metal horns on his helmet slammed into Shift as he quickly closed the distance with her.

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He couldn’t keep track of everyone, but Paper could hear the others as they engaged the villains. He hadn’t noticed the alien newcomer yet. But, a flash of something drew his attention in time to see Nightscale tumble mid air and crash into a nearby building.

For a moment his muscles tensed and he had to resist running to his friend's aid. The dragon was even tougher than he looked. He’d be okay. Paper heard a woman’s voice, it was a little manic, but he needed to focus on the Big Horn in front of him. Beside him, Shadowborne seemed to struggle for a moment, almost the same tie Nightscale let out a roar of pain. 

He needed to deal with the big guy and fast…


…the big guy that looked at him and then promptly turned away to charge Shift.


Paper blinked in confusion for a moment.

“Ah, hell to the no.”

He twirled his staff.

“You do not dust me off like that.”


Sheets of paper swirled as he ran forward and swung. The paper swirled around the end of the staff forming into a massive mallet-like hammer. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



Everything is going crazy around them. There's too many, they're not prepared and things are, quite frankly, a mess. These guys are good. Not the kind of people that they're used to dealing with. They want to keep Bernie down. It's a good, tactical solution for them, and... it really pisses him off.


"Everyone, stick together! Watch each others' backs!" 


The duplicator around him and Bernie keep hitting and taunting, he only just manages to try to keep her safe, until she can get up and then... a blue man drops out of the sky and protects them, while announcing himself as the Star Khan, and the ruler of something that sounds space-like. Not really Charlie's area of expertise, and he's pretty sure that some of the Raven's files said something about the Star Khan being bad news, but they can use the backup.


"I'm Stormcrow," he replies to the blue man, in between blocking strikes. "Nominally in charge, I guess. If you're here to help, it'd be great if you could knock out the woman in orange with the flames." 


While he's talking, he is reaching into his utility belt and pulls out a small round disk, rolling it between his fingers, before twisting it into his hand and throwing it towards the bad guy with the rings. The moment it impacts with his chest, it expands into a metallic wire that quickly starts wrapping around his body, pulling in tight around him.


"C'mon, Multi-Girl," he says. She's alright. She'll get up soon. She has to. "Show this cheap knock off how you do your thing."

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Aoife clenched her teeth as the fire seared at her mind, acrobatically leaping to the side before launching her arm out to stab her spear into the villain, to no effect. She bared her teeth down at the villain, as the distant stranger and Charlie talked. Anger bubbled through her as she looked at the woman who attacked her and Luke. What could she do to hurt this person better than her current attempt...

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