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The Traveller 

No one was more surprised that she'd stayed on her feet than Sitara, but she wasn't going to waste the opportunity in the slightest. Clicking together the two parts of her power pike she spun it around in a gentle manner before with an impressive swipe she stabbed down to deliver a jolt of blaster energy.


Or at least that was the plan, unfortunately, her aim was off, even against a prone target. There were probably hundreds of reasons why she'd missed, but for now, it wasn't important. Stepping back she took up a defensive stance ready to defend herself if they managed to get back up before she could strike again.


"Guess as normal we're doing this the hard way!"

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Gaian Knight easily shrugged off the attack from the four-armed alien, even as two other opponents made their way into the hanger as well. The first was a seven foot tall figure with a massive, muscular build. Moon-Moth recognized the figure as Uqruks, a Kovald heavy-worlder who had been another of the old Star Khan's bodyguard following the Incursion.


Uqruks took a quick look around the hanger and then started forward towards the group of heroes gathered in the center of the hanger, readying a massive club as he did so.


The other figure was another Justicar, who followed after Uqruks and leveled his power pike towards Justicar Vor'an. "It is time you learned the price for following the young pretender." He called out firing a blast of energy at Vor'an.


The blast struck the young Justicar solidly, causing him to take a step back as he grunted in pain and clutched his side where the blast had hit. Vor'an seemed badly hurt, but not completely out of the fight yet.

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Heroditus tried not to let Gaian Knight's and Moon-Moth's magics distract him, but the sheer power of the former and the alienness of the latter were hard to ignore.  I really should speak with both of them, learn more about their abiiites.  Were they learned, or innate?  Or-


His thoughts were interrupted as he saw Vor'an take a mighty blast from one of Dovox's Justicars! 




Heroditus' eyes went wide, and he darted towards the being who had protected him so much during this terrible battle.  He landed next to Vor'an, shielding him from their assailtant, and withdrew two multifacted crystals from his bandolier.  "Vor'an?  Vor'an, are you with me?"  He tried ot keep his voice calm and even, stamping down on the panic welling up within him, "I fear my shields will not fare well against a blast of that magnitude," he touched the rystals to each other, then held one between Vor'an and himself and held the other out before him, "but I should be able to give him some additional targets."


Nearly two dozen Artificers and Vor'an's sprang into existence, filing a large section of the hangar.  Would their foes be able to see through the Atlantean holograms?  Artificer would hope not, but his mind was already racing to figure out a better solution to their predicament.


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  • 3 weeks later...

"Hey assholes, here's a present from Uncle Sam!" The Patriot didn't normally talk this way, but she had just been knocked on her goddamned ass by some sort of goddamned space crap and she was having a bad day anyway. Flat on her back, she snapped two grenades loose from her belt and hurled them at the middle of the group of alien soldiers, smiling sharply at the muffled report of carefully balanced ultrasonic charges. The men, and a few women, it looked like (she couldn't really tell and they weren't necessarily her type) dropped like ninepins. 


Drawing her pistols as she rose to her feet, she called "Hey Ghost! I've got an idea for we can end this! You still here?" 

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In the Hanger


Megan had pushed herself back up slightly to see Gaian attacked by a four-armed alien, while Vor’an was hurt by a newly arrived Justicar, who was accompanied by a hulking alien with a massive club. In a almost unseen movement, the speedster kipped back up to her feet and then was gone in a WOOSH of air and a blur of yellow towards the Justicar and hulking alien.



One supersonic punch hit the Justicar squarely in the jaw, the blow causing the armored figure’s head to snape to the side as he was knocked off his feet and to the ground.




Velocity delivered a another punch to Uqruks' stomach. However the towering alien seemed completely unfazed by the attack, barely even registering that it had hit him.


The speedster reappeared out a blur of yellow near Artificer and Vor'an, shaking her right hand slightly from the after effect of punching Uqrucks. "Ow."


Down in the Engine Room


The alien's long, snake like torso whipped it back into an upright position with seeming ease as it readied its pair of curved long daggers once more. Locking eyes with Patriot as she drew her energy weapon, the alien slithered back toward her, plunging both daggers towards the patriotic heroine…

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  • 3 weeks later...



Yeesh... that snake alien is tough. Just absolutely tanking when he tries to scramble their entire nervous system, and going straight for Patriot too... can't have that!


"Right here, Patriot!!" 


He rushes out of the floor next to her, flying straight towards the snake alien, passing a hand through it, to, hopefully, actually do some damage this time.


"Lay it on me, boss lady!" he calls out as he swerves around, flying back to Patriot's side.

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