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Kingmaker: Queen's Defence


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Somehow, I keep rolling 1s. Liteshow has a 16. He's pulled in!


Which brings us back to the top of the round. Except...


Roadkill arrives, and she's brought friends!


Initiative time!


Woof, Roadkill. 50.

Rayburst: 16

Speed Troopers: Do not live up to their name. 14.

New initiative order:


  1. Roadkill
  2. Fast-Forward
  3. Merge Trois
  4. Hologram
  5. Adrian
  6. Rocket Trooper
  7. Archer
  8. Liteshow
  9. Fascimile
  10. Ray Burst
  11. Speed Troopers
  12. Grimalkin
  13. Rachel
  14. Corona
  15. Godlike


Since Roadkill is at the top of the round, she is going to do something nasty. Coming zooming on in, for a split second it looks like she's going to help her brother. Then, noticing Hologram and still being raw about the insults Fast-Forward gave her, diverts to attack her. It's a miss at 19, but that's not very dramatic, so I am going to award you a hero point to have Roadkill hit for a DC 27 Toughness Test.

Edited by Shofet
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Fast-Forward is going to try and distract Roadkill from injuring his wife by punching her in the face. 


He will take a full action to make a charge attack. That'll give him +2 to his next melee attack and leave him at -2 Defense. He'll also All-Out Attack for +2, further dropping his defense. 

Damage 10 (velocity punch, Extras: Autofire, Penetrating [6], Secondary Effect, PFs: Accurate 2) {38/38}


Well that's disappointing. ugh, I'll spend the HP he got for watching a bad guy try and hit his wife, right? 

http://orokos.com/roll/760828 = 26 


Well, that's disappointing. Ah well, can't win all the die rolls. 


I'll get an IC post up. 





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Okay, Paige will spend the HP she got from Roadkill to shake the daze, then grab Roadkill with her Move Object and throw her into the side of the house. Since it's Perception based, I don't think she needs an attack roll versus Roadkill, though she will need to make a contested grapple check, and I might need to roll to hit the house, though I'm guessing the DC to hit the house from like 20 feet away is probably not super high. 


First grapple check was actually very terrible, a 28, if it is not good enough I will spend an HP to reroll. 


AP: Move Object 12 (Entropokinesis/Telekinesis; Str 60, Hvy Load 48 tons; Extra: Range [Perception]; PFs: Precise, Split Attack, Subtle)) {39/40}

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Well, you grappled her. 25. I am not going to make you roll to hit the house. Time for her toughness save. 17. She's not having a good time, being now  especially since the house's forcefield is still on. Let's roll that second DC 25 toughness save as a result. 24. Well, she's not unconscious, but she is staggered, bruised, and dazed. Good job.

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Adrian rolls to hit the last Rocket Trooper, and hits with a 30. Now the monster has to resist with a DC 29 Toughness save. It is super dead.


Up next is Archer.

  1. Archer
  2. Liteshow
  3. Fascimile
  4. Ray Burst
  5. Speed Troopers
  6. Grimalkin
  7. Rachel
  8. Corona
  9. Godlike

So, right now Facsimile, Hologram, Roadkill, Merge Trois, Liteshow, Fast-Forward and Black Mamba are out front. The Rocket Troopers have been killed off, while Godlike is still hanging above the house, and is about to soar off in a panic if she doesn't pass her new will save. Liteshow is tethered and in a bad spot, while Roadkill just got slammed into the wall. Out back are Corona and Grimalkin-as-Rachel, along with Adrian. Rachel is in the house with a duplicate of Grimalkin. The speed troopers, along with Rayburst, have yet to arrive.

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Alright, let's try to stop Roadkill for good.

Archer moves away from the others, to make sure they're not just staying in one big group.

Then he shoots a Standard Arrow with Bludgeoning damage type at Roadkill: 1d20+14 = 20


Not the best, but not sure how if Hologram's TK grapple does something or not to make the hit easier! DC21 TOU save if that hits.

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