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Tiffany Korta

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Everything posted by Tiffany Korta

  1. Through the glass panel of the door Starlight could see yet another Merge standing in the control room. With her was someone else, and man of only a few year older than herself, and from his facial features in some way possibly related to Merge. He seemed to be staring at the monitors of the control desk which were changing their view without anyone apparently using the panel. He didn’t seem to react as Merge touching him gently on the arms. “I know you’re trying to tell me something Dwayne but I just can’t understand you.†Her voice was softer, kinder, and had none of the bravado of the other Merges Starlight had seen.
  2. With a nod Lucy walked over to the barely conscious man and gently took his hand. She stroked it gently, hoping that the physical contact would keep him calm. “Mr Dickens can you hear me.“ She put on what she hoped was a quiet calming voice “We need you to remember what happened to you. Please it very important.†She looked up at Doctor Wessex to make sure that everything was still okay. Reassured that everything was still good she carried on her gentle questioning. “Take your time you’ve been through quite a bit in the last few days.â€
  3. Blodeuwedd was torn, part of her wanted to know where Sam was going, but she also wanted to respect her new friend privacy. In the end she decided for a compromise. “I’ve want to quickly do something I’ll catch up.†With that she quickly dashed after Kit fishing something out of her bag as she run. “Sam hey wait up. Look I know we have our disagreements but I want to make sure that your safe. So I want you to have this just in case.†She handed Kit a cheap Smart phone “It’s a burn phone its just got my number so if you're in trouble just call me.†Of cause it also had it’s GPS enabled just in case. With a cheery wave she left Sam to do her business and dashed back into the store. Today she was shopping like a teenager choosing clothes suitable for her age. She picked put a couple of items and caught up with Tona. “Yes you just pay for them; you do have enough money don’t you? I spotted this and though of you.†She held up a red hoodie “But for a night out I think you should try out this.†She held up a mid-length black skirt.
  4. She gave a little smile at Subito’s stream of consciousness; he could be so adorable at times. “I doubt if the Avians themselves are responsible, the technology of there we’ve seen was far to primitive to pull of something like this.†She held up the statue “I suspect that this mysterious V has been recruiting them for some purpose.†During her investigation she’d spend considerable time gathering as much information on the Avian and there technological achievements. “I have to collect some equipment before we leave. If you’re fine to leave straight away? Were do you keep this magnificent airship?â€
  5. The woman’s hand went to her gladius but for now she didn’t draw the weapons. <â€Earth Prime, what arrogance! Why not 6 or 16 or even 616? Any if your aim was not to invade my homeland, why did there device open a portal to this world?â€> Judging her chances against the heroes around her she took her hand off of gladius and soften her tone slightly. <“Still it should not take much to prove whether the invaders were from this world. They wore fatigues’s much like my own but instead of this…â€> She tapped the patch on her arm a badge containing a stylized eagle. <“…they wore a crooked cross.â€>
  6. Blodeuwedd spent a couple of minutes checking the trapdoor for triggers, before releasing the catch with a satisfying click. It was quite satisfying to be able to put these skills into practice after all these months and hopefully for a good purpose. The hatched open she lifted herself up, holding herself vertically until she was absolutely sure that the roof of the lift was safe. Only then did she pop her head back into the lift to talk to Myrmidon. “Everything looks fine up here. Do you need a hand up?â€
  7. “I’m with the little human, except for the death part I’ve got a backup plan.†She gave a wide grin “But there are many ways the Lor could punish even the like of your Starlight. They have prison planets, with inhibitors of cause, cryogenics or even digital storage. It would get worst if the Grue had a claim in you, there don’t have the same ideas of justice as the Lor.†She stood and made her way to the comm panel. “I’ll order the ship to drop out near the Glorious Dawn. The Lor will want to talk with us either way, we may have had tussle in the past. Then you can see what they want to do about this whole situation.â€
  8. It was strange having to explain this all someone; she’d been doing this since she was little. Whilst she had been specially instructed in this all but then again didn’t everybody knew about this stuff? Sometimes it seemed that Tona had been raised by wolves. “Tona it’s not camouflage, it’s not to hide your feature but to enhance them. Fashion is like a game, or a complicated hunt. The aim is to enhance what you’ve got, whilst down playing your flaws. I hope that make sense it kind of like a fish trying to explain water, it just kind of there.â€
  9. She carefully hung up her bad containing all her normal gear, it felt weird not to wear her normal bodysuit but someone of Erik’s skill could tell if someone was wearing body armour. The one thing she hadn’t brought was Dyrnwyn. It felt strange that she wasn’t sparing with the blade and she had to remind herself that a few months ago she’d never even held the sword let alone wielded the blade. She gave a small smile as a thought crossed her mind. She been taught through all her years to fight in a variety of clothes and foot wear but her fondest memories were of her earliest lessons where she fought barefoot. Coming to a decision she crouched down and unlaced her trainers adding them to the bag.
  10. Agnes spent the rest of the night tending to Wilkins. Between checks she spent time looking at the wounds of the other two soldiers. She also tried to introduce the Nurse to modern, for the 19th century, medical techniques mostly it was just the common sense ideas she’d learned another lifetime ago at the British Hotel in the Crimea. Between that and mouthful of really bad coffee she managed to catch a little sleep, it wasn’t the best sleep in the world, in a tent among the, previously, wounded but with her incredible stamina it was enough that she could struggle through the day.
  11. k, going to check the hatch for the latch and any security devices. I'll take 20, for er 20 in Search.
  12. Lucy stood back up and carefully brushed herself down giving Liz a reassuring smile. “The creature didn’t seem to want to stay and fight. When I tried to challenge the creature it took off at quite a speed. I knew I couldn’t catch them so I decided to wait.†This was delivered in a matter of fact manner “At least it looks like we’re onto something we’ve obvious made somebody nervous.†She gave a little smile “Now all we have to do is somehow find our colleagues, next time we’ll have to remember to get everyone’s telephone number.â€
  13. “Well not everything, but just enough to know what I’m doing. I’m trust you to do your job but I need to know anything that could happen so I don’t say or do anything that could harm the poor man.†Lucy tried to process all the information that the Doctor had kindly provided her. There was one small detail that was nagging her. “So undue stress could kill him? Like reliving an attack by a vampire? Would it possible to sedate him to soften the stress?†she drew a unnecessary breath “But I’m just stalling let’s do this.â€
  14. Constance regained her composure whilst removing imaginary dust from her dress. “I can promise you this though we have different methods we both want to stop Gallia from destroying the Republic.†She began to walk around the corridor until they came across there guide, just out of sight probably to listen in to their argument. She gave a little smile and instead of getting upset counted out a generous amount of Francs. “I’m taking over for the night, why don’t you go to the local tavern get a few drinks. And whilst you're there you can tell everyone about the man and woman who came and visited the King and argued that he should be freed.†It came off more as a order than a request and the man scurried off to obey. “It’ll take a while for that to get back to Gallia, I suggest we wait until morning to travel just behind the rumor. I hear that the Temple has an excellent wine cellar, care to join me for a light supper?â€
  15. It's Latin not Roman but I'll let it pass! Just drop in when the characters has a chance to build it. And for mine and Ari's sanity from on we can assume that Wave-Eye's translating everything as she says it.
  16. LED INTO THE LIGHT by GIZMO Young Britannia Right I've gone and completely rewritten all of YB fluffs to better represent how I've played the character. I've not changed anything radically just tweeks here and there, - Increased Dexterity by +2 - Increased Reflex Save by 1 (Reflex: +6 (+1 Dex, +5)) - Rename Might Array to Aura of Light to better reflect source of power. LED INTO THE LIGHT by GIZMO
  17. PILATES'D by GIZMO Blodeuwedd - Increased Dexterity by +2. Means Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand and Stealth all go up by 1. - Changed Bodysuits Morph 1 back to Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change), somehow it snuck back in :oops: - Changed Goggles Awareness Magic to Detect Magic. - Few minor changes to fluff, nothing major just tidying up. PILATES'D by GIZMO
  18. “I trust you Doctor and I appreciate your honesty. Now I guess I should show some honesty of my own. You see before today I never set foot in a hospital before today. When I was growing up people didn’t normally go to hospital you just made the best of it or if you could afford it you paid a Doctor. I was born in the house I now live in, but don’t tell the current owner.†She gave a cheeky smile. “So all this equipment “ she swept her arm around the room “I understand none of this, less so than the common man, so I’m counting on you to explain what’s going on.â€
  19. “My friend here has provided a good summary of the events. I managed to track the state back to a small antique shop in Nova Scotia, and there’s defiantly evidence of Avian activity. Look I’ll show you.†She pulled out a computer tablet, causing some tutting from the traditionalists in the crowd and bought up an image of a radar scan. “There evidence that someone is gathering in large numbers in the area. But no sightings in the nearby area, so they must be staying at altitude. But there no where they could land that high up or it would have shown up on the radar.â€
  20. At that moment through the crowd came the Consul pulling behind him an attractive young woman. He embraced Rene warmly before introductions. <â€Rene I’m so glad I found you. I do hope you are enjoying tonight celebrations. This is Sophie Beatrice the smart woman who discovered the painting identity.â€> The woman gave an embarrassed like look. <â€I am a great fan of work Mousier deSaens, I’m even lucky enough to own one of your pieces. Actually I believe there was an artist in the 19th Century with the same name and a very similar artist style. Maybe a relation of yours Mousier deSaens?â€> Her French had a very distinctive accent of someone who learnt it over in Quebec.
  21. Blodeuwedd accepted Myrmidon offer with a nod and used his lift to examine the ceiling of the lift. Now she put into effect the skill she learned for less than legal purposes. “This probably the most prudent cause of actions, and should hopefully keep the element of surprise. Ah here we are.†Having found the cunningly disguised trapdoor she proceeded to check it for a method of opening, and any form of alarms it may contain. “This could take a little while, are you going to be okay? As for what the initial stand for I’m not sure, but the script they’ve used might be significant.â€
  22. She looked over to there guide, who was sensible enough to lock the door and leave. He could obviously see the look in her eyes. “I was honest with you right from the start, but if I must spend a few centuries in purgatory so that innocent are not tarnished by more bloodshed then so be it…†as she spoke her anger began to rise “…and whatever harm his father did to this country, he is not responsible for any of them. And now some made woman wishes to tear down whatever progress we have achieved to restore the very institution that bought us to this place.†By now her voice was almost a shout “And I am not a strange follower of Sade who gets her pleasure in un-godly ways, the mark is an unusual mole on his shoulder.†She stood there for a few moments drawing breath after her outburst, when she spoke again it was in a quieter more composed manner. “But you are right; if you feel you cannot trust me in any manner then it is better if you travel alone.â€
  23. Blod going to climb up and see if she can spot any kind of trapdoor.
  24. The woman turned the focus of her attention away from the two police officers and onto Ironclad, repeating much of what she just said to the two police officers. To Wave-Eye’s ear’s it was Latin, but not the former Latin of scholar or the vulgar tongue of the common man, this was as different as Middle English was to the Modern speech of this city. <â€I am General Hagnes Lapidern commander of the 21st Legion stationed at Freedom City in Ultra Columpnas. I demand that you withdraw your forces from our dimension at once or we will be forced to retaliate with force. And don’t think your servant of Poseidon will dissuade us from such an action.â€>
  25. Revenant for her part was patiently sat at the kerbside waiting for her companions return. When the creature took off at high speed she knew she could never catch it. Better to wait where she could be found that tear off and loose both the creature and her allies. Beside at least by being here she dissuaded the creature from returning to potentially harm the people they had just been visiting. And it at least proved they were on the right track, this and Marlow unfortunate attack meant someone must be worried that they could find something out. She just hoped that the other group was having as much luck as they were…
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