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Everything posted by RocketLord

  1. GM Chara almost beamed with joy, clapping her hands together in front of her and started tip-toeing over to Moira. She reached out for the bracer and took it in her hand, holding it up so that the sun that shone through the leaves above. It reflected in the gold. She didn't even seem to care about the burst of yellow energy, she was just interested in the shiny. "All mine." She fumbled with it a bit, trying to figure out how to put it on. Behind her, the vines started slowly letting go of the party goers, with everyone jumping to their feet the moment they were free.
  2. GM "Ha! That's a great line, kid." Bear-Knuckle called out. He moved to the edge of the ring, putting a massive paw on it, before TKO placed a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, man, wait a bit. Leave some for the rest of us." Bear-Knuckle didn't seem to like the idea, but he let go, and pointed to Fly-Boy. "Alright. Get up there Heavyweight. Show the kid what we're made of." The large man with the drooping features looked up and nodded. "Alright." Then he, slowly, and with some trouble, climbed up into the ring and approached. He cracked his neck and knuckles and took a stance, legs slightly apart, hands held up in front of him. He looked almost bored with being there. Everywhere around them, people were starting to cheer, but TKO killed out, breaking through the noise. "I'd keep the lightshow down if I were you. Wouldn't want to hit any of the people around here, would ya?" His grin was sly and knowing. They clearly weren't above using the audience as collateral "GET STARTED ALREADY!" Bear-Knuckle was clearly growing impatient.
  3. Bear-Knuckle: 14 Fly-Boy: 26 Heavyweight: 6 TKO: 20 26 - Flyboy - Unharmed 20 - Facsimile - 3HP - Unharmed 20 - TKO - Unharmed 14 - Bear-Knuckle - Unharmed 6 - Heavyweight - Unharmed So, Facs is up, since only Heavyweight is in the ring so far!
  4. Archer Tell your friend to come inside? Connor froze for a moment. He was this far away, and Kombat had spotted him already? Damn. Meant he would've been ready for anything Connor would have thrown at him, anyway. Still, he should follow. They were moving out of sight, and he couldn't provide any backup like this. Shooting down a zip line, he reached the door and pushed it open, quickly catching up with Kombat, Corona and Cline, he still keep an arrow ready on his bow, just in case. No reason to put his guard down, just because Kombat had seen him. A hidden door, with the button hidden in a statue? For someone that claimed to hate super heroes, Kombat had all the clichés down. Secret headquarters and everything. Trophies of past victories. Scraps of costumes, hung on the wall for only Kombat and his select few to admire. The colors ranged all over the spectrum. Probably both villains and heroes. Connor scoffed at the thought. Any similarities that he might have thought he had with Kombat ended there. He wasn't about to fight some hero just because they had powers. He'd prove he was just as good as them in other ways. Better ways. And then, the secret weapons. Planning for every occasion, even against his old team. Or rather, especially against them. Connor eyed the syringe as Kombat explained its purpose. Brain damage at best. Dead at worst. And he had a way of taking out Corona too. The punch came so quickly, straight in the face. Immediately, Connor raised his bow, taking aim at Kombat. Corona had her reasons for the punch. Hell, Connor would probably have done the same, but still, better safe than sorry, right? Not like he could just suddenly start blasting like other people here. "You're in charge, Corona. Just say the word." The arrow string was pulled tight, arrow ready to fly. Not a lot of distance between Connor and Kombat, but he figured he could get a shot off before Kombat could reach him, if necessary. How could Kombat have been thinking of ways to kill his friends, even if they might be under mind control? How long had he planned? Had he even tried to find non-lethal ways?
  5. GM Chara's smile froze on her lips. "Come on, Morley! Just give her the damn thing!" Val shouted from her seat. She was visibly struggling against the binding vines now. Joey was still caught in the revelry. Chara, for her part, just shook her head. "That is not the game, Moira. That's not why he invited you here." Val whimpered while the vines tightened around her legs. Then they began moving up, surrounding all the party goers, slowly, but surely, beginning to squeeze them. "See? I have all the power here. Hand over the bracer, or pick up their pieces. Your call."
  6. You know that the Contenders is a team of thugs and strongmen that were primarily active in the 80'es and 90'es, though they seemed to disappear from the public eye in the late 90'es. They have all been in and out of prison multiple times, but they're believed to be at large, even if no one has heard from them in years. They're strong, but have always been more followers than leaders.
  7. GM Chara let out a laugh at Moira's mention of connections. "<Oh, Moira. No, no. Why would I want anything like that?>" Her features were shifting. The path behind them were closing, they could only continue forward. "<I am just an obstacle. I need nothing of the sort. But...>" She raised her hand, pointing directly at Moira. Or rather, at Moira's wrist. "<But... that bracer. Now that is interesting. So golden, so shiny. So powerful. Give it to me, and you and your friends can go.>"
  8. Searchable Profile [A picture of a young man at around 18 years age. He's leaned against a rail, with a grey background much further behind him, obviously not entire comfortable about having his picture taken in the first place, and has been caught at an. His brown hair is cut into a buzzcut, his eyes are deep and blue. He's wearing a white dress shirt with a red tie, which he is loosening around the neck while the picture is being taken. He is wearing a pair of black slacks, with the picture cutting off just below his knees.] [The same young man, with the picture taken from behind, from just above his waist. He is holding a bow in his left hand, his right hand held back, open, having just released an arrow. There's a multitude of smaller and larger scars and marks on the young man's body. Far ahead, at the other end of a long hall, there's a number of targets. All of them have arrows right in the center.] [The same young man, or at least his right eye and mouth visible, with his hand blocking the camera.] Name: Archer* Gender: Male Preferred Era of Pop Culture: He seems to like stuff from the 80'es and 90'es, old school action movies and all that. About you: I'll be frank here: The kid hasn't written this profile himself, but someone gotta get him out there to meet someone. I guess you could call me his mentor, and its partly my fault that he's been a bit too sheltered, so I might as well do my part in actually getting him some help. Archer is a good kid who's had it rough. Even before I took him in, he didn't exactly have a normal childhood, and I probably haven't helped that any. He's a pretty driven individual, wants to prove that he's the best hero out there, even if he doesn't have any powers. I've trained him well, but he doesn't have all that much experience in the field. He's confident, he's quick, got a bit of a chip on his shoulder, and got something to prove. As far as I'm aware, he's never really dated, or even shown all that much interest in dating in the first place. Show him a good time, have some fun. And before I forget, the kid loves cats. Just ask him about his cats. Looking For: I think he's into women. I've honestly never asked, feels a bit weird. Partner Goals: I doubt he's looking for anything serious right now, but who knows? Have some fun, get together for something other than crime fighting, have a good time. I'm not gonna commit him to anything longterm, but you just might hit it off. Someone with some confidence that can challenge him and won't back down if he starts barking? That would probably be great. Fun Prompts! My Favorite Thing About The Place I Live Is.... All the target practice he could want! Most People Who Know Me Would Say I'm... Driven and confident. My Favorite Childhood Memory Is... Being found by his mentor! Five Things I Am Not... A bundle of joy, lacking in confidence, a bad shot, great at social interaction, a cat hater Private Letter to ErosUnlimited
  9. GM Chara smiled sweetly, slowly moving her right hand up to her own cheek, resting her head on it. She tilted her head slightly, as she looked up at Moira. "<Come now, Moira. Is that any way to act?>" She gestured towards the table and the people. Despite Moira's outburst, they kept eating, drinking and laughing, even as the actual chatter, and reason for laughing, died out. Even Val and Joey, though they seemed to be struggling to stop, kept going. "<They're having fun. That's all. Don't you think they should have fun, Moira? Do you want to take the joy away from these people?>" Her voice was as sweet as honey. "<Then, what would you give me in return, hmm?>"
  10. GM "What?" Val just looked absolutely confused, looking up at Moira, then turning to the person next to her. "Hey, what's she saying?" Chara smiled a somewhat motherly smile, crossing her arms under her chest as she looked up at Moira. "<The best toast of all!>" she laughed, before clasping her hands together in front of her. From her new position at the top of the table, Moira would notice something else, however. Something that was maybe not quite as fun. Everyone but her and Chara were sitting, and there was something about their legs. Looking closer, she could see that they thick vines seemed to stretch from the wooden benches, holding everyone in place, even if they didn't seem to notice so themselves.
  11. GM The women giggled. There was something ephemeral about her. Something fleeting. Her height, while not outright shifting, seemed to vary when Moira looked away, and then back. "<You speak Greek? That's so nice. I'm Chara.>" she replied in the same tongue, untangling herself from around Moira's neck to each for another cup, already filled with wine. "<I'm just having fun. This place seemed like it would be fun. Just look at everyone else here, all having fun!>" She gestured around at the people, all having fun, all eating, all drinking. Both Val and Joey were sitting at the tables now, revelling and laughing with strangers they had just met, almost like they were old friends. "<See? This place is so much fun, isn't it, Moira?>"
  12. GM Val and Joey moved around the tables, drinking, laughing, eating, chatting. Doing whatever they felt like at the moment. A tall woman, towering a foot or two above Moira, appeared from out of nowhere, throwing an arm around her shoulder, quickly showing a cup filled with deep red wine into her hand. The woman was stunning, to put it mildly, with long, brown hair tied into a braid that reached about halfway down her back. She was dressed in a white tank top and white shorts. A very loose white tank top and very short shorts at that. Her eyes were deep brown, almost black, but not quite. Her features were vaguely Greek. "Come now, have a drink, have fun with us! No need to rush on!"
  13. GM Guy did not react to the threat, as scary as it might have been. He didn't even flinch when she smashed the mice that were crawling all over the armor. Now that she could see him, his face appeared rather neutral. He was standing with his hands behind his back, his eyes staring straight at her. Still wearing the same shirt. "Oh, but there is so much more than just the mice. The mice are just the carriers. They're happy to be slaves." There was something about him that seemed off. It took a moment, but Nicole would see it. Starting from his neck, he was covered in tiny, silver circuits. As he took a further step into the light, the light shining off the circuits just made it even more visible. "Just like Rita."
  14. Justice This was crazy. Beyond crazy. A silver storm, sweeping through the city and raining blue lightning, wrecking everything in its place? People getting caught up in it, looters, people in danger? It was insane. Robin had seen some crazy things since she started this entire super hero thing, but, she hadn't even been doing it for a year yet, and then something like this? This wasn't something she was ready to deal with. Nothing natural about this disaster, just pure crazy. She had been at the Sound and Fury when the storm hit. Caught up in the mess of it all, she couldn't even react at first. It was too much, overwhelming. Everything just happened so fast, but eventually, her instincts prevailed. Amulet in the driver, full power. With a shout of "Henshin!" Justice emerged from the crowds, doing her best to get people to safety. If anything, her bright armor made her easily visible.
  15. Just as a heads up: Once August PP is given out, Justice is gonna receive a major rebuild that gets rid of the alt form array, for a few other arrays in its place. For the ease of rp until that goes through, just assume she sticks to the normal Justice Armor until then.
  16. Archer uses the Aim action, so he'll get a +2 bonus to hit if he needs to attack.
  17. Archer Kombat started talking. He clearly didn't like what Cline had said. Didn't like psychics at all. To tell the truth, he had a point. Speedsters like Cline, psychics like his wife? They were good guys. They might've been on the other side once, but even then, they were never that bad. He felt his lips going dry. The man made sense. What could you do if someone with powers like that decided to just make a mess of things? Was Kombat's views really all that different from his own? People with powers... they could do anything they wanted. The only ones to stop them were other people with powers. What if someone strong enough got their hooks into someone powerful enough to just rearrange the world? He shook his head. How far did this reach? How bad could Heather mess with someone that Kombat was still reeling from it, years later? Could she still be in his head? He'd spelled it out himself, hadn't he? He was terrified that even getting away was some fluke. What if it wasn't? What if Heather still had control, and he just didn't know it? Kombat was supposed to be the perfect fighter, right? And the Corona and Flash-Forward was this close to him. He selected another arrow and placed it on his bow, ready to pull the string at a moment's notice. But, why did he have to make so much sense?
  18. Can you give me a Sense Motive and a Notice check?
  19. GM There was laughter, there was revelling. As the group rounded the corner, they reached an open area, roughly 30 by 30 feet. A long, wooden table was placed in the middle of the area, with men and women gathered around it. There were food and drinks on the table. Wine seemed to flow freely from a pair of wooden barrels placed on another table nearby. The food looked delicious. A large turkey, a pig with an apple in the mouth. Pies, pasta, roasted potatoes. Cakes. Whatever the heart desired, it seemed. A blonde woman turned to the group as they approached, waving at them. "Heeey! Come and join us! All this food was just here, no reason to let it go to waste, right?" Joey quickly moved forward, shooting a big grin at Val and Moira. "Well, she got a point there, right?"
  20. I wasn't aware you got a PP bonus for the EU profiles, so here goes: Justice EU profile This should give Justice 1 more PP, and since Justice was one of 3PP earners for July, that should add 1PP to my Reward Tracker, too, putting my Veteran Progress at 80PP before August PP gains.
  21. REBELLION And he went running. Not quite what Rebellion had hoped for. Maybe he should've cornered the man first. Still new at this entire thing, after all. He looked around at everyone around him. He could make them run if they got too close. It was a lot of people. He didn't turn to look at the Meta-naut, but he kept looking around. "I don't see any point in chasing him. Too many people out here. Some of them look like they've been hit by the... Crime Gun. What do you think?" He didn't pause for any kind of effect, but saying it out loud was just so... weird. Still, a lot of people. He did have a plan, he had gotten a good look at that cop after all. But they needed to get inside first.
  22. GM DeCosta Construction Site, corner of Shelley and O'Donnel August 30th 8:30 PM The invite had gone out online, on all kinds of different sites. A few local news sources had even reported on it, though few had taken it seriously. Posted all over walls around Southside. The exact wording was different, but the intent was quite clear: The Contenders, a group of old 80's and 90's villains, and they'd gone mad at Facsimile. They never said why, aside from wanting to take him down a peg. They were gonna show the world that they still had it, that they could fight one of the brand new heroes of the modern day. Meet them at the DeCosta Construction site, or they'd find him and take out wherever he lived. If anyone else tried to interfere, they would blow up a nearby school. Easy, right? Quite a number people had gathered around the makeshift ring that had been set up in the middle of the construction site, though they all kept a good distance from the five men by the ring. Four of them were all obviously past their prime, but otherwise, they didn't share much in terms of looks. Heavyweight, a large, overweight man with drooping features, like his entire face was being pulled down, clad only in red and blue pants and boots. Fly-Boy, a grotesque creature, a man with the eyes of a fly, barbs on his long, thin arms and fly-like wings. He was dressed in a yellow and red one piece costume. The third, TKO, looked normal, with long black hair with some specks of grey, dressed in a grey dress shirt and black slacks. He looked around at the crowds with a smirk. The fourth was Bear-Knuckle. A large, powerfully built man. Balding, but with long brown hair and a large moustache. From around his shoulders, his arms looked like those of a bear. Where TKO's grin was one of amusement, his held far darker intent. The fifth and final was a young man in his early twenties, sitting by a table with a laptop. "About time, right? Think he's gonna show?" TKO asked, while looking at the crowd. Bear-Knuckle's grin widened. "Sure. If not, there's always all of these kids to play with."
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