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Everything posted by Kolohehonu

  1. Ok well hopefully those two are still in transit. I'm going to see if I can catch them/search for them. Again, quickness 17 on that.
  2. Question AA is that explosive rigged to blow already and can I get in there to disable it?
  3. Ok! So Stalwart you notice that Lurlene has a set of high tech contact lenses in. They're glowing in her eyes. Both of you also notice a reddish haze around Lurlene's head and eyes.
  4. Can everyone but Pacer give me notice checks?
  5. GM Lurlene entirely ignored the bold powerhouse. Instead she aimed her plasma rifle right at Breakneck with his arms still spinning. "Hi honey! Miss me?!" She hollered before squeezing down on the trigger angrily. The bolt of energy though went just over his shoulder as a pane of glass shattered and Hyperactive came flying through with a kick aimed right at the last remaining wedding Crasher. "see now it's four on one!" Hyperactive declared triumphantly. Sure it hadn't been exactly how he had intended it, but hey it worked! "Miss I'm going to ask you to stand down." "Not on yer life." Lurlene said before spitting and muttering a racial slur.
  6. "Wait if she's big mother does that mean we can call you mom?" Hyperactive deflected, he did not want to be talking about fighting the Jade Dragons, that would blow Ace's cover! "No mom I'm not going to be picking fights with our host or her army." "Seriously though, caves. That seems like a good place to start, but of course that means we have to walk into their place, which means ambush. I don't like that. I mean it's like Return of the King buy Frodo and Sam some time level bad idea." He tossed a wink at Grim. Which she probably couldn't see through the face mask. Smooth Hyperactive. "Any thought on how we could draw them out mom?" "Gabriel you hear anything?" Hyperactive asked before beginning to tap his foot at hypersonic speed. Sitting still was starting to worry him.
  7. Lurlene is going to take a shot at her Ex. Shoot Breakneck: 1d20+10 11 swing and a miss!!! ok! Hyperactive is up! Seeing there's one of these guys left he is going to go for her. Attack the wedding Crasher: 1d20+10 23 ok that means she has to make a DC 25 toughness save. Toughness save: 1d20+7 8 down and out!
  8. "Then it's time to get to work." He smiled before changing back. "I suppose it's time to get back to the nursing home and then to find the Altmans." Hyperactive pondered. He shot a quick text on over to DM2.0 about it. -2.0 we found Parrot. We're keeping an eye on him. I'll keep you posted.- "ok well when your ready we can use the transporter pad to get back. It should be calibrated for Prime, I'll check before we depart." Hyperactive said escorting his guests to the simple transporter room, which looked like any other teleporter pad. Simple and sleek green and silver in the black room. "I'm sure we'll be back afterwards." Hyperactive began to initialize the process. "Should let you know we may have been gone shorter or longer than it seemed. If you see yourself do not talk to them. Standard Archetech disclaimer!" That was always the better disclaimer to give people. Going back in time was more harmful to time, but less harmful than the thought of being tossed too far into the future.
  9. Yeah i was letting you know ahead of a scene change.
  10. I'll say you can take a shot at two of them. Dodge the door: 2#1d20+6 16 11 ok and toughness saves on both Toughness save: 2#1d20+8 9 20 so one goes down and the other is dazed and bruised. If you wanted to aim at Lurlene go ahead and let me know! I'll need to change some numbers.
  11. Sure! That would absolutely work!
  12. Oh and Klara notices that these fake cars are significantly lighter (proportionally) than real cars.
  13. PC Gear looked the robot over. To call it a piece of his history would be... crude, but at the same time extremely accurate: He remembered the fall and rise of the High Artists four thousand years ago. He'd been there. A life time ago. "You're right Red Moon. The patterns match that period of history, but this looks like a new machine. So either someone has a great respect for the classical or-" a fellow time traveller perhaps. This could be the work of the Rel at worst. "Name's Gear. Greasy Gear." "I believe I heard about an explosion in the Spinal Core market place. Just a few days ago. People were blaming the Third Hive Nameless."
  14. Hey so travel via the Shadow Zone is precarious. Travelers do not always arrive with the same amount of time as they left. What seemed like minutes in the Attometer may be hours or days. Or they could arrive before they left. Feel free to trigger that, I always let GM's know.
  15. "Well in that case we should head back to the nursing home, find Altman, do the filming and see what comes of it." Hyperactive declared. "I assume no one is opposed if this turns into a real life crime drama right?" "Yeah well if we see anyone associated with Bloom we'll assume they are willing to attempt physical violence." Hyperactive deftly flipped a coin into the air and snatched it as it returned back down. "Emphasis on attempt. They will not succeed."
  16. "I think step one is to go find the younger Altman. See if he maybe went to go check on his dad. See if we can't talk with them, get footage. Then hey maybe we can get the Altman's outta town." Only question was where to have that conversation. Well ok one other question. "Hey Zyte, Michelle, Zane!, y'all ever hear of anything well physically bad happening to those who cross Bloom?"
  17. "Be right back." As quick as thought an energy drink was in Zane!'s hand. Hyperactive also went and knocked on Emily's door. "Hey we have guests, a movie producer." "Really?" Emily asked as Hyperactive nodded emphatically. She gave a roll of her eyes before shooting him away. "Ok let's talk." Hyperactive declared as he arrived, changed into a casual shirt, jeans, and boots. "So here's what I've learned. Parrot was her goal. She wants him to get to the younger. She wants people with powers in her movies. She has one, but she's a crappy actress." Hyperactive paused. Made sure he wasn't using Speedster speech and continued. "Girl who got impaled by the cucumber, she can regenerate." He made sure to shrug, cool power, super speed was cooler. "Now here's the speculation. She doesn't want the younger Altman for his acting, he's kinda messed up and not a great actor. But she did suggest that he'd be a good athlete or body builder. And we saw what she did with those stuntmen. I'm thinking she wants to use Parrot to 'fix' his son, get rid of that empty look." He was starting to high speed ramble. "Also she wanted me in a movie. Told her I needed to have that negotiation with my agent." He nodded at Zyte. "Might be an in." "Also if my girlfriend shows up do not mention the naked amazons."
  18. The Shadow Zone and The Attometer Speedsters can wind up a lot of different places when they pass the speed of light. They might travel in time, space, or dimensions. The Shadow Zone is all of these. It is one place where a speedster may be if they exceed the speed of light. It exists as a roiling plane of kinetic energy and darkness. It seems like a swirling red and black desert that occasionally crackles with dry red lightning in the sky. These are the places where light isn't fast enough to reach. The place rolls and moves, everything here is bathed in shadows and the latent heat of super luminal things. Time and distance are inexact here, time mostly flows forward, albeit at a far slower pace in general. Distances might be shorter or longer or plain different. It isn't a true alternate plane rather it is a location at least on prime that is highly difficult to reach. The Speedster Hyperactive has found that his super luminal travel will get him here. He has also built a base here known as the Attometer. Location and Appearance The whole Shadow Zone is like a desert. Dunes and a prevailing howling wind buffet any traveler. The Shadow Zone's black skies are often filled with red lightning that originates and dissipates without a clear origin or end point. Rarely these bolts strike the ground. Anyone with true sight or who can see the connections between dimensions may realize the shadowy dunes are places and times. Diving into one and slowing down enough would get the person to the location in the dune. The Attometer is a large complex that is in the same black and green as Hyperactive's costume, a glowing beacon of life and hope in the shadows. It is his personal retreat and recovery zone. It includes places for living and housing multiple heroes. It is also a place to run tests and experiment. The Attometer when viewed from above looks like a massive letter H. The West Wing of the compound is the more public side. It houses the gyms, infirmary, laboratories along with meeting rooms. The northernmost corner also houses the transporter units that take people across the multiverse. The East Wing houses living spaces, the kitchen, as well as meeting places and living rooms. The center is a bridge which curves up and over the sands of the Shadow Zone. A large circular room is above this bridge and rotates, (in Hyperactive's words, "why not?") this serves as the main command center for the Attometer. This houses the computer and communications system of the base. Significance The Attometer is a hub of inter-dimensional transit for Hyperactive. It is also a stable place for running a variety of physics experiments involving superluminal particles. As such Hyperactive often leases lab space to Archetech or other research groups. The Shadow Zone also is harsh enough that some people use it to test high speed vehicles or intense environment suits. People Hyperactive is really the only person who consistently goes into the Shadow Zone. His girlfriend Emily Masters aka fellow Waco Warrior Triple Threat also lives in the Shadow Zone. Some of the Waco Warriors use the base, but not all of them. Doctor Orion uses it if he needs to traverse the multiverse, and Druid tends to hang out there. History April 1, 2017: the Attometer becomes operational.
  19. From Zyte, Michelle, and Zane!'s perspectives they had teleported. Here on the streets of Hollywood to there in the next. There being the Attometer. It was a base that looked like it had been decorated by Chip and Joanna from Fixer Upper, because it had. Shiplap walls and high vaulted ceilings. It had a touch of sleek modern that meshed, if not well then at least not painfully with it, sleek black with green striped countertop and a modern looking black couch. A tv was off, but the real entertainment was outside. The ever howling winds of the shadow zone tossed the red and black sand around. The sky churned with lightning that started and ended abruptly. Hyperactive found he could watch that forever. The trip for Hyperactive had been slightly different, he had to run at the speed of light to traverse the multiverse and so he'd built up speed zipping around the earth before grabbing and moving the crew across the dimensional barrier and into his home. He had taken them to one of the rooms where he could meet with people, just like the Seasonal, it looked like a very private space, but everything there was strictly declassified. "So let me give you the rundown and we can figure out a plan." Hyperactive declared as he caught his breath. "Anybody want a drink, water, Dr. Pepper, I think I may have some energy drinks too."
  20. The Attometer is in the Shadow Zone, essentially a dimension where Hyperactive goes if he moves faster than the speed of light. It's a swirling black and red sand desert with Crimson lightning crackling across the sky. The Attometer is Hyperactive's personal hideout, it's a massive research and training complex in the shadow zone. Taking all of Zyte's crew, Zyte, Zane! And Michelle.
  21. Scene change to Hyperactive's extradimensional base?
  22. Hyperactive stepped gracefully from the car and strolled out over to Zyte. He was forming a plan, but it would take some planning still. And he wanted to know what Zyte knew away from what he suspected were Bloom's prying ears. "Hey you down for a trip out of town to somewhere we can talk? No offense but I don't like the thought that this town may be crawling with goons." Hyperactive asked. "Actually I don't think anyone's been there with a camera yet so may be a good deal for you."
  23. "We were planning on getting some video with Parrot." Hyperactive said easily. So more along the line of those stunt riders and less of the acting. But hey it seemed like acting would be a perk for the younger Altman. "Why'd he get blacklisted? I'm sure Zyte can tell me if you won't." "If he wants to work for you why do you need his father? I'm sure you can understand it makes you look... nefarious." Hyperactive said as he rolled the ideas over. What in the world was going on here. There was something nefarious here, but he couldn't tell if it was his problem. He was a super hero, and if there were crimes here, they didn't seem super. Of course if Altman was a meta and about to be used as a weapon, well it might be his problem. "Seems like you don't really need the older gentleman."
  24. Hyperactive matched Thoughtspeed as best he could. He did a lot less of the through, but he did a lot of sliding under and flipping over. Condor had taught him well and his acrobatics were very useful out here. Well at the very least, it made him look cool. He and Thoughtspeed both clearly knew just how important that was. As great as the race was, and it was truly great, Hyperactive was having trouble. He almost exclusively ran on streets. He was a city boy at heart, and this was a difficult race. But still he was thrilled! This was something he had been dreaming of for years! It was a delight to get to run with other heroes.
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