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Everything posted by ca_lazerdwarf

  1. "I question if he had his full race with him whether he would be any better than the Communion. I hear a desire to shape the whole galaxy to his liking" said Dragonid, "With just the one of him, he may make a useful ally if we can convince him that have something to offer him. I would not trust him, though. He will likely accept our help saving his world and then abandon us." "Let us just do it, and get back to finding ways to fight the Communion." he said with resignation.
  2. Dragonid dodged around the cyborg's energy blast, waiting for an opening, waiting for them to lower their defenses. He thought he saw one and ducked low to spit another fireball. But gritted his teeth in frustration as the cyborg merely jumped away and the fireball burst harmlessly at their feat. Frustration turned to anger and he roared fiercly at the closet cyborg, "By the fires of the fathers, I'll send you back to the scrap heap they built you from," smoke and foam spitting from his lips.
  3. Used mine at the start on a flubbed toughness roll. Only start with 1, right? I am going to try to use intimidate to demoralize Cyborg 2 as a move action, though Intimidate:Demoralize: 1d20+9 19 Of course, if they're as emotionless as they claim, they're probably immune.
  4. Attack Cyborg 2: 1d20+8 13 Hitting nothing
  5. "Yes, of course" Coiled Lightning said, "probably best for you if I don't share my plans. Thanks for showing me all this. I'd like to say it's been an honor working with you guys. If you do turn up more on Simmons, let me know. Is there anything I can help you with right now?" Charlie was itching to get back out on the streets and try to make some sense of the scattering of clues. Once he left the office, he found a place to change back to his civilian clothes and headed to the wax musuem, wouldn't hurt to see what Mr. Bittman had on display before he started investigations of questionable legality.
  6. Dragonid settled in the bar, ordering a hot alcoholic brew he had grown fond of recently. "I do not want to hear this same song all night, but I like it. The instruments are strange, but something about the tune reminds me of my homeworld. I feel like I have heard it before." He shrugged and took a swig of his drink. He was not a neat drinker. Try as he might, the liquid always sloshed out of the sides of his mouth and down his neck. He knew that some who were unfamiliar with his race found this display rude or distasteful, but he was not going to apologize for the way his mouth was built. Wiping his face clean he addressed the others, "Surely our mere presence should discourage any sort of fighting here."
  7. The bolts of electricity that flew from the cyborg struck the mighty dragon warrior in the chest, but it coursed down the outside of his thick scaly hide. "That tingled a little", he said, showing off his toothy bestial grin, "As pitiful a weapon as your sorry excuse for a bomb. Who hired such lousy assassins?" With a growl Dragonid took a deep breath and spit out a smaller hotter burst of fire at the closest cyborg's metal encased head, but his robotic reflexes let him duck just as the flames sizzled overhead. Dragonid's eyes squinted in frustration.
  8. Attack Cyborg 2: 1d20+8 19 (DC 27 damage)
  9. The reptillian warrior snorted and tried to explain himself. "The enemies are at the gates, but we came here to do more than save just this one world. We came for information that could help us save the whole galaxy. If it will not take us much time to help Lelak, we should do it, but more worlds remain in danger." He bit back comments on what he would like to do to Lelak afterward. Unproductive, immature. He crossed his arms and waited sullenly for instructions on how to help the little ingrate.
  10. Toughness Save: 1d20+10 28 Sorry for the delay
  11. "I do not know, I may be too simple for his mighty machines." hissed Dragonid. "but it would truly be a shame if his great works were destroyed in some gutter tribal war." The arrogance of this creature continued to grate on the Praetorian's nerves. He was tempted to melt the great works himself and leave Lelak to sulk, but that would not save the innocents on the surface or help the galaxy as a whole. "Where will the planet be moved to?" he asked, "We have more work to do to fight the Communion than just this one planet and I do not want to see the Communion simply find it again and return."
  12. "Tony would be 90 by now, then. Not likely to be directly involved, but maybe trying to cover up something about his father?" Charlie sighed, all the lines of clues seemed so disconnected. Unless there was something really special about that cape and this wasn't just a matter of hiding evidence. "It doesn't seem like we're going to piece any of this together unless we recover that evidence." The hero suggested, "I might go have a talk with Bittman, I'm sure he knows something. I just have to try not to scare him off, probably show some interest in his museum first."
  13. Charlie moved up to the Volvo and checked inside to see if the man had a partner, then turned back to him. "So who are you and what exactly brings you out to a dark overpass at night?" he asked, "Looking to speak with a man named Slice, who was just caught doing a little breaking and entering. What were you intending to do after knowingly receiving stolen goods?" He looked the man over. Respectable looking and suprisingly cooperative, not what he'd expect to be involved in this sort of criminal dealings.
  14. Dragonid was caught off guard nad before he could move he felt the energy beam sweep over him. If he was a lesser creature it would have hurt, but now he was just mad. "If destruction is what you seek, you will get it." He ran around behind Kharag, positioning himself in line with both cyborgs. Then, taking a deep breath, he spit out a long continuous stream of flame. The flame engulfed the first cyborg, but the second dodged out of the way quickly enough to avoid being burnt. "There is hotter fire where that came from."
  15. Ok. I'll do that,then. Can put out the fire later if i need to. Dc20 reflex and DC 25 toughness
  16. Is there room to run alongside them and catch them both in a Line Area of Effect? Do the walls look flammable?
  17. Toughness check: 1d20+8 12 I don't want to start off the combat stunned, so going to use a hero point to reroll. Toughness check (Reroll): 1d20+8 16, which becomes 26 because the roll was less than 10.
  18. Coiled Lightning looked down at the suddenly empty box he was holding, then shrugged and tossed it to the side, so much for that plan. "It turns out you were right, Something DID go wrong. Your boy Slice screwed up, brought some unwanted heat" he said pointing at Liquify on the ground. "I think he's going to be a problem for you and your boss." He reached behind his back and pulled out his whip, activating his whip. "And me. I'm going to be a problem, too. Now quietly put up your hands and step away from the car."
  19. Dragonid is slow on the draw Initiative: 1d20+2 5
  20. Dragonid snorted at the cyborgs, the muscles in his neck tense as he spit out words of contempt. "No fear in what is left of your brain? Then you are clearly lesser than before, unable to see that your metal heads will be melted and cracked before this is done. You have attacked and threatened a dragonid's host. Even if he were not one I considered brother, my fires would be here to melt you down to slag. But since he is my brother, you would have been wise to start running days ago." The fires burned in his chest, ready to burst forth and destroy the foolish would-be assassins.
  21. "But that wasn't an 80 year old handkerchief, was it?" Charlie asked, trying to picture it again in his head, "I guess it looked pretty old. Why would someone have been carrying this guy's handkerchief? Could it have been part of the stolen evidence from the time capsule? Though I can't think of any reason for it to have been in there either." "Any relation between Bittman and Simmons? Maybe he knows Simmons's grandcihildren or something." Charlie struggled to think of a connection between the clues and the case. He was just going to have to talk to Bittman.
  22. Dragonid watched Lalek with suspicion, promises of order and prosperity were common among conquerors. Disturbing to hear them from someone who thought themselves powerful enough to spread it through the whole galaxy. Dragonid had thought he had left masters behind. He hope his suspicions were not true and this creature could be a valuable ally. "What of these 'Lost Cousins' your recording speaks of?", asked Dragonid, "Could they still be out there in some form? Some other remains of you Masters. More to help us against the Communion?"
  23. "We should have thought to bring Slice's mask." Charlie said quietly before he took a deep breath and got out of the van. Too late to worry about that! He stopped to pull out the box with Liquify in it, then began walking over to the car. "We were just taking our time, trying to be thorough. Good work takes time, you know. Ride us too hard and someone's going to slip up," he calld out in replying, trying to sound tired. As he got closer, he tried to get a look inside the Volvo to see if the man who addressed them was alone. He didn't look too tough himself, shouldn't be a big problem.
  24. Dragonid tried to keep quiet. He did not want to confused Lelak with too many voices so he should let Sitara carry the conversation, but he had to express his impatience. "We do not know how much time we have. The Communion are on their way. Can he help us?" The thought of a race from a million years ago was even harder to imagine than the idea that they themselves had lost 5000 years in the Curator's ship. He would like to talk to this creature, but destruction on a galactic scale was on its way, priorities had to be kept.
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