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Everything posted by GooseInduced

  1. Sei knew she wouldn't be much use here, aside from making sure no one bothered Ana of course. So she did her best to stay out of the way. The crew around the Terran were doing what they could to help, plugging their machines in and checking various things. For a few moments she just stood there, bow in hand as she stared at a diagram on the wall. Looked like a map of the ship. She knew her vicinity well enough to know where they were in relation to the cockpit, but what any of the scribbles meant was anyone's guess. Stupid words. When eject rang out over the speakers, Seika heard it first from a terminal nearby. She didn't want Ana to be desturbed so Sei walked over to it and hit the flashing button on screen with a finger nearly too big for it to register. Her tall frame had to stoop to speak, too closely, into the mic."Ana is fixing the engine. Ana and the crew are working hard."
  2. It was Ana that helped keep Sei's anger in check. The Terran had always been kind to her. Treated her as equal. It had given her a certain respect toward the girl. This tusked male was another story. He had put his foot right where his mouth was and Sei couldn't help but eye him disapprovingly. "Sei understand." The Kahi'iru pulled the bow from her back, hitting the button as she flicked her wrist, the mechanism sprang loose. The spaces around the grip expanded, the the limbs of the bow unfolded and sprang out drawing the string taught. It had grown more than three times its previous size into a weapon that no one on this ship could handle but Sei. Simply because there was little chance of anyone else having arms long enough to properly use it. While she didn't knock an arrow, she stood at the ready. She would defend Ana if needed. Still, as she watched him and the other crew member speak she began to understand. They were all on edge, stressed. The situation was taking it's toll on everyone. "Sei.... Sei understand. Male not know. But now Sei has told you. Sci-vids are wrong." Sei looked to Ana, then to the crew members still standing about. "Well? Get Ana what she needs. GO! While she can still fix ship!" She raised her voice a bit, having hoped to spring them into action.
  3. lol I would say she is probably gonna do lethal damage. She is in a wolfy sort of fury. Grapple: 1d20+17 22
  4. Skaere could feel the hunter squirming beneath her, desperately trying to get free of her. She didn't sit still. She kept moving, shifting, made sure to keep him boxed in. She wouldn't let him. No. She had caught her prey and she wouldn't let him go. Her mind was too far gone to the beast. His flattery would get him nowhere. She was beyond that. She just wanted him to shut up. Baring her long fangs, Skaere's jaws opened wide and snapped at him, hoping to take a chunk out of his shoulder.
  5. Seika stood behind Oskar as the body was revealed, able to easily she over his shoulder and to the body on the table. The long gashes made her flinch ever so slightly. Golden eyes looked down at her own hand, reveling. Whatever it was, had hands or paws even bigger than her own.... "It is big. Even to Sei this creature will be large." The huntress pushed out a small sight. Though part of her was thrumming, excited for the approaching hunt. "Oskar is right. Creature did not eat them." Though the moment she said that, Sei noticed the strange injuries. What in the three suns made that? "Yes. Sei and Oskar should be careful. Big creatures are easier to sneak up on but... Well, even Sei is good at hiding."
  6. OK. I'm not quiet sure how she can pull her punches with a bite attack... which is what she has in her wolf form. Maybe bite him on the shoulder? Any modifiers since they are in a grapple?
  7. The werewolf's fur was still sizzling when her assailant went down. It would take her a few more moments to fully shake off that attack. She just... hadn't been quiet prepared for what he was going to throw at her. It had been instant, all consuming... thinking about it sent a shiver down her spine. She noted the hellhound rising as Skaere untucked her shoulders from the protective position she had vainly tried to curl into. It was still angry but... she could tell it was scared too, confused. She could smell it even over the acrid stench of decaying furs. Without the demon there was a chance, a small one but a chance, that she might be able to talk it down. "Woah. Brother-" At least, she thinks its a guy. Hopefully she isn't wrong on that front. "Easy. There is no more reason to fight. We do not want to hurt you. He was controlling you yes? Using you to hunt and kill? It's over. The demon has been reduced to ashes."
  8. At first, Sei had looked toward the tusked Alien in confusion. She wasn't sure what she had done to draw his attention, and was even further startled when he recognized her species. It wasn't common. "Yes. Sei is Kahi'iru." As she took a step toward him, Sei wondered how he knew of her kind. Her reptilian mouth was ready to form a smile when what he said next threw her more towards shock. After several long moments, she managed to recover, but the hard set of her brow and metallic sheen in her golden eyes gave away the anger bubbling under the surface. "Sei not mutant. Kahi'iru not animal. All Kahi'iru speak." The smile that her mouth formed was more sinister than happy. "Most just too dumb to understand."
  9. Well, I don't get any bonuses on the roll aside from the +2 so I'll just plug that in... Dead bodies: 1d20+2 17 Not too bad actually XD
  10. Crap! Sorry! Got distracted with the event *pulls at hair* I don't have either of those. Do I just roll a straight d20?
  11. She knows galactic standard so she can communicate with others just fine. As a complication for her, her race isn't considered sentient. A combination of too few of them around, a primitive culture and their language slipping them through a loophole. If the Lor really took the time to study them they might be classified as otherwise but they have bo reason too so right now she's basically an animal. No rights. Most look at her being able to speak as teaching a dog a trick or that she's abnormally intelligent for her kind. When their language is just too complex and out of the range of normal hearing for people to even know they have one.
  12. I didn't think so. I couldn't find a way to represent it but I wanted to make sure. Thanks Thevshi.
  13. So my character Seika has a complication where her race (a reptilian alien species) isn't considered a sentient race. I have been toying with part of why. However I am not sure if it is something I need to spend PP on or can just run with. Part of my idea is that her native language doesn't have a typical language structure. They have no 'word' for I or me and have trouble really grasping the idea. Also, their language is based on words but also sounds and ticks. Some of which they can emit on sub and ultra sonic frequencies. So to anyone without ultra hearing it sounds incomplete. And those with the ability to hear it won't find an immediate structure because certain pitches have meaning. My question is do I need to represent this using powers at all? I already gave her ultrahearing. Do I need to spend PP to give her to ability to speak that way? She has it as her native language already. Though its a language I would say only her kind can fluently speak.
  14. The Lor officer's comments did not go unnoticed by Sei. She may be simple, she may not understand technology, but there was nothing wrong with her understanding of Lor language. She didn't blame Ana for the way she turned away from the woman, storming out of the cockpit with irritation on her face. Sei did a bit of storming herself. She hated when people just brushed her off like that. So when Ana seemed to perk up and declare that she didn't care what the woman said, Sei was more than ready to follow. "Agreed. When people no want help is when help needed. Ana and Sei will help." Seika followed Ana toward the core with a renewed sense of confidence. One that flew right out the space window when she saw the fire. It wasn't that she was afraid of it, more so what it could do to the ship that protected her from the cold of space. "Should Sei put on suit?" Sei asked, pointing to the bundle on her back that held her EX.E Suit. If the fire burned through the hull.... Only Ana had already stepped toward taking command and the Terran didn't hear her. So Sei took the time to pull her environment suit over her clothes. It was white and red unlike what she wore underneath. On the suit were places for her quivers and bow and knife. A bump at her hip gave away where 'Baby' was inside the suit. 'Ana, Tell Sei what to do. Sei want to help."
  15. I guess I just post trying to talk to it then?
  16. Woo! Grapple Check: 1d20+17 36
  17. Contemplating a character based on a single power (more or less). Saw Dracula Untold and incorporeal/insubstantial bat swarm combat looked really awesome. More on that note when my laptop is working...
  18. Skaere hjit with a force that the hunter was not prepared for. hitting his chest first with her paws and then the rest of her body. Her momentum and weight had been enough to knock him off balance, toppling the hunter over. The pair hit the ground hard enough to kick up a bit of dirt, the small cloud speckling the air for a few moments after they landed. Skaere managed to keep her weight on him, pinning him there with her long fanges bared. A snarl rumbled through her as she found herself face to face with her enemy. Glowing green eyes showed her anger. She was done messing around.
  19. So is it to me? I am a little confused.
  20. The surprise of the pilot did not go unnoticed by Sei. She just blinked, confused and wondering what it was she did wrong now. She was just checking up on Ana. Wasn't it her job to keep the girl out of trouble? Or rather it had been back when they were on the planet. At that point she was just trying not to be too much in the way. She was rather useless at trying to keep things together. The only thing she could do was keep herself together and help where she could. "Sei keep Ana out of trouble. Or that what Oskar said to do. Ana, do know what happened to Oskar?"
  21. "If know what kind of creature killed then, Sei and Oskar might be able to track." Seika chimed in. Her gold eyes skimmed between the Lor and her companion. She can't pretend to understand much of any of this. She can't even read the signs on the walls or the words on the screens. What she does know, is the jungle. Tracking. That she can help with. "Do know if big?"
  22. "Sei should have stayed on Xeno." The reptilian archer groaned. She ran her hands through her quills before lowering them to her ears. She pressed her palms over them as a distressed purr rumbled in her throat. She was leaning forward, elbows on her knees and her eyes shut in an attempt to block it all out. The screaming infant had long since given her a headache. She was over it. "This is why Sei hate space. Crowded. Old air. Cold." It was like she could taste the air. She didn't like it. She blinked her eyes open to see Ana moving away from her. "Oi! Do not leave Sei!" She scrambled to her feet, having to keep her rather large frame hunched down in the small space. She definitely didn't like this ship. Why did Oskar have to ask her to go? At least the Xeno was tall enough for her. She followed Ana to the bridge, not missing every look and stare she earned along the way. Any seven and a half foot tall woman would probably garner those looks. Especially one covered in scales. Still, she found herself sticking her tongue out at a particularly little one. The small victory had helped lighten her mood some. "Ana why at bridge?" Seika asked, sticking her head in with very little concern for manners or rules.
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