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  1. Past hour
  2. Okay, need to push this on to wrapping up. Updated initiative order. Round One 28 El Gato (Unharmed) 21 Kismet (Unharmed) 19 Elite Omegadrones (6; 2 unharmed; 3 bruised, 1 bruised and dazed) 18 Cerebral 3 HP (Unharmed) 17 Madrigal Martinet (bruised 2) 16 Starshine 4 HP (Unharmed) 15 Multi-Girl 4 HP (Unharmed) 15 La Puma Negra 3 HP (Unharmed) 15 Bruiser (bruised, injured, dazed) 12 Neko 1 HP (Unharmed) 12 Copper Knight (Unharmed) 11 Jotunn 4 HP (injured, bruised) 10 Neko’s Giant (Minion) 6 Network (Unharmed) 6 Omegadrones (15 attacking over 500’ away, caught in Neko’s obscure; 6 on group) 4 Archer (bruised, injured, dazed) 4 Cerebellum (Unharmed) @Avenger Assembled Neko's summoned Minion is up!
  3. Today
  4. Artificer 1 post = +1pp The Last Free Place (1) Written in the Stars (0) --Titanium Characters-- Dead Head 0 posts 000 Doktor Archeville 0 posts, added to ??? Fifteen Feet of Pure White Snow (0) Shoaling Patterns (0) Horrorshow 0 posts, added to ??? Test Your Might (0) Protectron 0 posts 000 --GM Posts-- Down on the Farm (0) +[0*2] 0 posts, to ??? --Other-- Mod point, to Artificer
  5. Artificer Damn my eyes!, Heroditus cursed to himself, regretting the modifications he'd had done which allowed him to see mystical energies, which made the horrors before him even more psychedelic. It had seemed like such a good idea at the time... And yet already his hands were a blur of motion, withdrawing and connecting components from his many pouches, brass tubes and boxes, slivers of crystal, engraving tools. "I am not sure what that is," he called to his comrades, "but it looks to be made of steam, so let us see if a blast of cold can slow it down!" He made a quick mental prayer to his ancestors as he worked, and soon had what looked to Nick like a crude pipe gun, with Atlantean runes quickly scratched along the barrel. "Let us hope I got these inverted fire sigils aligned correctly...." Shakily taking aim, he inhaled sharply as he pulled the trigger, and an intense beam of blue-white light lanced out towards the steam creature... but missed completely, not even making a glancing blow.
  6. Timeout "Umm, thanks." Lynn replied a bit uncertainly to Daniel as he commented her playing. “Yeah, that’s right.” She then added, confirming his question about her name. The blonde teen then looked over to Sam, as slightly uncertain look on her face. "You could say that." She replied to the older girl’s comment about being accustomed to the wealthy lifestyle Lawrence was part of. "Mansion in North Bay, penthouse in the Wading Way, pretty much the same thing." But even as she said that, Lynn seemed to freeze, as her character died in the game. She turned away slightly, wiping one hand at her eyes. "Sorry, something in my eye." She said. Sam could tell she was not a very good liar. A short distance away, Lawrence gave Iris a small smile as she mentioned her and Daniel being willing to keep an eye on Lynn. "Thanks." He replied before turning to Michael. "Believe me, not only have I thought about that, so have the Atoms and my mom and the rest of the Freedom League." He paused a moment before looking over at the younger teen. "When members of the Atom Academy found her in Z-Space, she was being pursued. But since arriving in our timeline, there has been no sign of anything like that. But of course, that hardly means anything when dealing with entities that see time very differently." Lawrence looked back over to Michael and Iris, giving them one of his charming smiles. "Another thing to worry about eh?" He added. The blond ten the looked over to where Michael had indicated Mizuki was, his smile widening. "Now, if you two will excuse me for a moment." He said before making his way over to the game she was playing. Lawrence leaned up against the outside of the game, looking in at Mizuki, who was intensely focused on the screen in front of her as she flew her current mission. "Hey there." He said with a small grin.
  7. While La Puma Negra could speak fluent Spanish, she had no idea what he meant by that as he spoke some French sounding word. Puma took this more like it was some sort of insult, which it likely was to an extent, keeping a hold of him with her strength with assistance from Golden Star. It smelled rank like an old and musty book, but this little caricature of the fabled character getting on her nerves with each passing moment. Easily enough, she could have easily taken this little thing and used it like a scratching post for her rather sharp claws. Restraint however won out as she kept them held down. "The book, maybe we can use the book or something? Close it right on top of the fella or something like that?" she spoke, thinking about that one video game character that appeared out of that cursed console from about a week ago.
  8. I should at least get a response in to that... The Steam Monster rolls a 23 to resist, so it is Bruised. I will hold off on further actions until @Dr Archeville gets an IC post in.
  9. Crystal-Gazer Lulu nodded as Lynn filled in the details, her brain still struggling to make sense of it all. "Alright, okay...that all makes sense. An' don't apologize for how you feel; 'cause this whole superhero thing? Is nuts!" She smiled and shook her head, chuckling slightly. "Ah mean, ah don't know how any of us keep from goin' crazy! So many different worlds an' timelines to keep track of; it's enough to make her head spin!" Then Lulu stepped forward, and gently took Lynn's hands in her own, a sympathetic smile on her face. "An' ah betcha, once ah get to know you a bit better? That you an' ah will be thick as thieves." She gave the younger girl's hands a quick squeeze.
  10. NPC/Lynn The blonde teen went quiet as Lulu took a moment to work out what could be going on. She then gave a small nod when Lulu put out her theory. "That's is pretty much it exactly." She seemed somewhat relieved that Lulu was taking everything in easy strides. "I'm Lynn, Lynn Conners" She then continued. "In….my timeline, my family took you in as a foster child when you came up to Claremont, just like happened here as I understand it." As Lynn spoke more, Lulu noted that she had a fully American accent, with a bit of hint of a Jersey accent to it. "I was only four when you joined our family, but it wasn't long before you became a big sister to me and Lawrence." As she spoke, Lynn's expression seemed to darken some, overcoming what had been excitement and happiness. A tear ran down one of her cheeks as the blonde teen turned away slightly to wipe it. "I'm sorry….it…just felt so good to see you. I forgot that you wouldn't know me."
  11. Jack felt a pang of Empathy in his chest as Lynn tried to wipe away her tears. She tried to force a smile, which garnered one from Jack in response. She looked very small all curled up against the tree, arms wrapped around her legs. He sat against the same tree as her, but at a right angle to her, so she wouldn't feel confined, and he was correctly positioned so that no one from where they had been by the shawarma cart would be able to see past him, giving her some small measure of privacy. "Vell...." He paused for a moment, trying to think of what to say. "..ist prolly good thing I yam good company then, no?" Jack said softly. "Good thing about being giant farmer boy, is 'aving big ears, and being comfortable with silence."
  12. Crystal-Gazer "Oof!" The sudden hug caught the telepath completely off-guard, and her brain struggled to comprehend everything that was going on. Something told her that this was what Megan and Robert wanted to talk to her about! "Alright now, just...gimme a second to process all this." She held out one hand, fingers spread as she attempted to figure everything out. "Ah'm gonna take a wild shot in the dark here, and guess you're...from another dimension, like a parallel world of some kind? An' on that world, we know each other; in fact, we're real close. How mah doin' so far?"
  13. I'm just not sure what to roll against, my ranks of swim, or my superswimming power...
  14. NPC/Lynn Lynn’s sudden departure had caused a bit of a scene in the plaza, with a number of people looking over in the direction of Jack and the general direction the blonde teen had gone. At the moment, no one seemed overly alarmed, perhaps a bit concerned (or in some cases just curious). As Jack grew close to the group of trees, it was not hard to spot Lynn, who had taken a seat with her back to one of the trees, generally facing away from the plaza. She had her knees up toward her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. Jack could hear her softly crying as he came close to the group of trees. She apparently heard his approach, reaching up to quickly try to wipe tears from her eyes before glancing over toward the large teen. Lynn was clearly upset, and while she tried to force a smile, it did not really last. "I'm sorry Jack." She managed to say as she wiped one of her eyes once more. "But…I am probably not very good company right now. This outing was probably a bad idea for me."
  15. NPC/Lynn Finding some cookies was not too difficult for Lulu. When she had first moved in to live with the Harrows, Megan had kept the cookies in an upper cabinet. But after Lawrence had outgrown both her and Lulu, there had not really been a point to that any longer. The Southern redhead had just taken bite from a cookie when she heard someone enter the kitchen and a young female voice she did not recognize called out. "Lulu!" Then there was a rather familiar *WOOSH* of air, and Lulu found herself being hugged tightly by a teenage girl just slightly shorter than her. But almost as quickly as the girl had moved to hug Lulu, she released the redheaded young woman and took a few steps back. The expression on her face was a mixture of happiness (that was quickly fading), embarrassment and sadness. "I…I'm so sorry. We haven't actually met…here. But…you look just like I remember you at this age." She said in an apologetic, and slightly disappointed, tone. Now that she was able to get a clear look at the teenage girl, Lulu saw she seemed about fifteen, maybe sixteen, and was a dead-ringer for Megan. Same blonde hair, same nose, slightly different cheeks. But then there were the eyes, she had the same bright blue eyes as Megan (and Lawrence), that seemed almost to burst with energy.
  16. Crystal-Gazer Lulu was still dressed for travel when she arrived at home, which was truly what the Harrows' house had become. Veronica's fashion sense had finally rubbed off on her, so khaki shorts and a lightweight blouse in pale blue were the order of the day. Once she was inside, she slipped off her light hiking boots, set her carry-on bags down by the door, and padded towards the kitchen in her stocking feet. "Hey y'all, ah'm home! Customs was a nightmare, but somehow ah survived!" She fetched herself a glass from the cupboard, poured herself a tall glass of milk, and began rummaging around in search of cookies.
  17. (GM Post) "Uh, Mr...Echohead, you're having some issues?" The charge nurse said, approaching with concern. She looked him over, checking his temperature and his fingers. She wasn't in the best place for it, but she was relying on her training as best she could. "Oh, we've got something for this, actually. Here..." she went to one of the drawers and pulled out a syringe and some pills. "Here. Let me give you this shot and you take two of these pills now and two in the morning. It's a preventative tumor treatment, to prevent it from affecting you. Once you've taken the pills you'll feel better in about 15 minutes." She looked over at Predator, unsure if she should even be doing this, but also relying on the heroes completely. "Once we're done with this, we'll barricade up and be hoping for your success."
  18. Jack noticed a bit of a blush from Lynn and he allowed himself a small smile. He was glad to see her happy even if for the briefest of moments. It felt good to brighten her day a little bit. "Grandmother alvays say, good food is good, but good company is best, so the 'hype' ist already good I think, no?." They made it to the front of the line and Jack was scanning the menu when he heard her gasp and began fleeing the cart rather abruptly. Jack looked at the paper she had been staring at. It looked to be the original owner of the cart and he had passed away last year. Jack apologized to the cashier and stepped out of line. He stood for a moment, scanning the crowd trying to spot Lynn. Everything being grey really made it hard sometimes, but he managed to spot her as she entered a stand of trees. He considered his options, as this seemed to deeply upset her. Jack was not a particularly smart bear, but he reflected on the small bits Lynn had told him over the last few minutes. Could the shawarma owner be the friend of her mothers she had spoken of? Seemed reasonable, but the theory was still on thin ice. Jack's heart always went out to anyone hurting, and he couldn't abandon his new friend now any more then he could abandon a plant dying of thirst. He slowly walked over to where he'd spotted Lynn entering the treeline, unsure of what to say, but maybe just being here would count for something to her.
  19. In speed form, it's actually +12 defense, so I dodge by quite a lot! So I'm going to respond by giving him a little bunch! Attack Roll Results 1d20+12: 23 [1d20=11] If that hits, that'll be DC 23 Toughnes!
  20. "Aye, feels it too." Jack confirmed with a nod. Something was definitely not right, though it didn't seem to be setting off his spirit's senses at the moment. Jack could do with a few more lessons in magic. The Rockstar definitely acted like he was on something of the partying variety, though Jack had no idea what it could be. Tweaked, was how his mother always called it. "Aye, my grandfather ist Shaman of our peoples. I knows some of it. I may be able to help if ve can figure out what ist causing it." Jack glanced down at Rock with a curious expression. "What it whisper in ear?"
  21. Yesterday
  22. NPC/Lynn Jack was pretty sure he saw a slight blush in Lynn's checks as he referred to her as a 'pretty girl.' She gave him a slightly awkward smile as she brushed a lock of hair behind one year. "Well, hopefully the food lives up to the hype." She managed to reply as the pair got into line for the Shawarma cart. The blonde teen listened as Jack talked about his family a bit more. While she certainly seemed interested, at the same time a sense of uneasiness seemed to come over her, as if she wanted to reply, but was unsure about something. But Jack did not have long to consider that when the two reached the front of the line "Hi." Lynn said to the young woman behind the counter as she turned to face the pair. Lynn glanced a moment toward the back of the cart, where another employee was working in the kitchen area, almost as if she was looking for someone. She then focused back on the young woman looking to take their order. "Sorry, let's see I will have…." Lynn then stopped, her body going ridged as she looked off to the side of the main menu, intently focused on something. Jack heard her take a deep breath, that seemed almost combined with a sob before she spoke again, her voice uneven. "I…I'm sorry…" She had remained focused on whatever she was looking at as she spoke, but then turned away, brining one hand up to her eyes as started moving away from the cart. Jack thought he saw tears going down one of her cheeks, and while she did not exactly run, she moved rather quickly away from the crowd and toward the edge of the plaza and towards a group of trees. Glancing to what she had been looking at, Jack saw it was a In Memoriam that was put up just to the right of the menu. It included a picture of a man, who based on the dates listed had died about a year ago in his late forties. From the quick glance at posting, it appeared that he had been the originally owner that had started the cart.
  23. GM "Not normal?" asked Rocky. Rubbing his knee. The fractures had sealed up nicely. The thug had given a few groans, but there was no doubt the man would live. He was asleep now, pain ablated, eyes closed. Rocky looked left and right with suspicious eyes. "You feel it to, do you? Something's been bugging me. Whispering in my ear. Hot, dark, like smoke, I guess. I honestly thought I was going crazy. Partying too hard. Not enough sleep, too many dr-- I mean, ah. Partying too hard. Lets leave it at that." He sniffed and wiped his nose. "I need to get my head straight... say, can you help? You look... actually, what do you look like? Never seen a man like you. Those scars? What are you, some kind of shaman?"
  24. CharGE! https://orokos.com/roll/1013255 17 Which I think you just dodge? Your tilting of Mr Metal means you have him FLAT FOOTED!
  25. GM "Adults? Screw Adults! They suck!" yelled Mr Metal. "I mean, obviously I am totally an adult. And not at all a kid. That's what I meant. I mean, you adults in this universe are STUPID!" He shook himself out of his verbal self-hanging with a wobble of his metal form. "S. T. U. I. P. D!" he spelled out. "Thats STUPID! I bet you cant even spell! HAR HAR HAR!" "Anyway, I'm going to magnetise your backside, just because you are so STUPID!" He jumped at Dwayne. A powerful, quick jump. At a guess, Mr Metal was actually doing something magnetic - propelling himself off the metal surface of the power station. He was like a lance - quite literally. His head molded itself into the shape of a sharp cone. He was going to head butt Dwayne. He was a SPEARHEAD!
  26. "Pretty girl and good food..." Jack said with a big grin. "Good thing yous not super villain or I vould be in trouble." He laughed heartily and nodded. "It vould be my honor, Lynn." The Plaza seemed to have a fair number of people roaming about as they slowly made their way towards the Shawarma cart. "Father teach art, Grandfather teach my people's Shaman vays. He is one who saved me after accident and heal vounds." Jack offered, wanting to continue conversation with Lynn, but not wanting to pry into her life.
  27. (GM Post) As Puma got her claws around the tiny creature, the fake John Henry- or at least miniscule one- struggled, but he was caught in her grip. He was strong, but not strong enough to get away from her at this exact moment. "Ah! Let me go, you Roogarou! I'm not going back in that book, no siree, not in a million years!" Said the diminutive disruptor, struggling against Puma's grip. The question was what to do with him now, or how to get him to stop.
  28. Carmen had gotten used to quickly getting her clothes off in strange out of sight places, having long used the type of attire she normally used either with her or already on her person. In this case it was already on, removing clothes and quickly stuffing them into a bag to be hid away and found later, climbing a few feet to perch it safely on an unused rooftop alongside Michaels bags. It may be hard to really say that she Carmen wasn't herself La Puma Negra, but Michael at least had some leeway. It still did feel awkward with him there, having a modesty to try and hide herself behind a dumpster as removed her casual attire, trying not to look towards him until he was done with his change as well. Carmen wondered if Patriot had this sort of thing, or there was some sort of quick-change technology that allowed one to switch or wear it without any issue or potential chance to be seen in a less than desirable situation. The scent lingered still but was strong enough that La Puma Negra and Golden Star could follow using her extraordinary senses to bring them to a construction yard. Puma would point to out quickly as she saw one of their targets, "There's one of them!" she says before dashing forward, attempting to catch on to him. Knowing from experience, even if this guy was small he could likely still do plenty of damage. It was then that La Puma Negra would soon have to dodge out of the way of concrete mix that was sprayed out everywhere. Reflexively, she'd use her gymnastic abilities, weaving her way through before pouncing forward with a cry, grabbing on to him, "Stay still pip squeak!"
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