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    A fungus among us! Mostly just math stuff: The Abilities' final point cost is correct, but it looks like the tally line lists 6pp of Wisdom instead of 4pp. You've shorted yourself a bit on Initiative, listing +2 from Dex instead of +3. Looks like some of the Wis-based skills have been calculated with a +3 Wis bonus instead of +2. Question on the Snare - why the Perception range? The effect sounds like fungal life reaching up to 'grab' the target, but that would still imply an attack roll of some kind rather than an auto-hit. Does it spring into existence instantly? I count 72pp of powers, rather than 71, which I'm afraid puts you 1pp over-budget - but please do double-check my math.
  3. Today
  4. (Golden Star Post) "...Magic, probably. Not that I know anything about magic, to be honest." he said as he helped her up, then looked through the book again. "I don't know if it came from the book or from someone who cast a spell on the book." he rubbed his nose to try and get the smell out of it, coughing a little. "So I guess the way I'd think about it is either someone cast a spell on the book, and we have to find them, or the book keeps them locked up, and reading it made them wake up? That's my best guess, I think. If we put them all back in the book, I figure we'll find out one way or the other. So...onwards we go, I suppose." He said, closing the book and floating up. "Go ahead and try to sniff them out again, I think. Hopefully the other ones haven't gotten too far. That one didn't even seem that strong, so maybe the others aren't either."
  5. Mathmathmath. A generally solid and straightforward sheet (and as a reviewer, I thank you for that!), so mostly just edge case stuff: I count 24PP of abilities, rather than 22PP. This may put you slightly over-budget. I think you're shorting yourself a bit on Grapple: +4 Base attack and +1 Strength would be a +5 rather than a +4. For the sake of consistency, please follow the sheet template for skills, so that it's clear what ranks you've bought. Blast doesn't need the Ranged extra, as that's already built into the power; if you want to explicitly list the extra it should be Damage instead. The overall power's solid, though. Dazzle does not need Affects Insubstantial, and in fact can't benefit from it - Insubstantial doesn't save enemies from sensory effects, so Dazzle works normally as-is.
  6. (GM Post) Thomas opened his mouth and talked, but, of course, nothing comes out. So he had to stop and put his thoughts in order again, typing on his own phone to talk to Bernie. He was still a little frantic; it's not like even people in Freedom City were calm during Supervillain attacks, they just were better prepared for doing what needed to be done to stay out of the way of Superheroes and not get in the way. He stood up and started to make his way out of the room, the other girl following him as they moved into the hall and then down it; a perfect opportunity for Bernie to lag behind, perhaps. What was interesting was that while there was no sound, the vibrations of whatever the Maestro was doing was causing the ground to shake, like he was slamming the ground with a massive hammer. Given his mastery of sonic abilities, it seemed likely that was what the vibrations were coming from, not that he'd suddenly developed super strength.
  7. Jack visibly lit up when Lynn said she liked the drawing. He had hoped she would like it, but to see her smile over it made his day. "I yam glad yous like." Jack nodded when Megan offered to take it home. He had put a protective coating on it, but hadn't really thought ahead about Lynn having to carry it around all night. Jack's ears perked up when he heard a greeting in his native language. He turned to see a well dressed teen presumably their age headed to the art galleries. He raised a hand in greeting. <"Hello Comrade."> Jack said back in his Native tongue, but the boy was already moving on. He turned his attention back to Lynn as Megan departed. "Yous mom seems wery nice."
  8. Initiative Results 1d20: 12 [1d20=12]
  9. Nightscale At +6 base Toughness, Nightscale would have a -3 base Knockback. Something's gone a little odd with the point costs on the powers in the Dragon Magic array; I think they're all within budget, but they seem to disagree with the budget they have (23, 24, or 26PP per slot) and the base power lists 10PP for a 9PP Impervious Toughness. The Molten Breath also goes to 23PP, I think, rather than 22PP. Dragon The final cost is correct, but with 32 base Con the dragon would tally its abilities as 8+0+22+0+2+2, not 8+14+2+2. I'm afraid your size penalty also penalizes your flat-footed defense (which makes sense; a really big surprised thing is easier to hit than a smaller surprised thing!), leaving you at +1 Flat-Footed here. Double-check the knockback modifier; it's easy to lose track of all the little bits, but my math says -20 (-10 Impervious Toughness, -5/2 Toughness, -8 Size) / -5 (-11/2 Toughness). I count 89 ranks of skills, rather than 88. Tyrant's Will is within budget but the tally line for it has gone a little odd. The power section tally has also gone a little odd - I'm guessing it's just outdated.
  10. "...Is she always like this?" Michael whispered to Parker as he watched Tracy move a million miles an hour. He thought he moved fast, but this was on a whole new level; he was having to speed up his brain just to keep up with the speed at which this lady was talking, and it wasn't easy in the slightest. He indicated his head slightly to Parker before heading towards the other two highschoolers and putting his hand on Iris' shoulder supportively. "Ms. Tracy, not to talk out of left field here or anything, but we did just get into the building...can you maybe show us the lab and stuff before we start talking about putting people in helmets? I'm really interested in this mental mapping idea you've got going on; I can manipulate how fast my thoughts go but I've never had any sort of mental powers like that, I'd be curious to see what a normal person's brain looks like on your mapping software, if that's something you have available." He actually was absolutely certain that he'd have no way to make heads or tails of Tracy's scientific exploits, but he was just saying stuff to try and make her back off of Iris and Daniel for a second, at least long enough for them to take a breath.
  11. "Mmm...a discussion about Lynn." Michael explained to Parker, indicating his head to where Sam was hanging out with Daniel and Lynn. "It's one of those...Collapse things. Not sure how much it's my place to talk too much about it. But she's he's half-sister." he scratched his chin for a moment but then shook his head. "I think it's fine now, Sam's having fun with her. Probably not wise to overly strain her, I think." he was speaking pretty softly about it, not wanting to make Lynn think he was talking about her or making anything too weird. He shook his head. "Ya'll wanna play some Air Hockey? Or Maybe take some turns on House of the Dead?" he offered to Iris and Parker. Sam frowned at what seemed to be her having made the girl sad just by beating her at the game. Whatever she was thinking, she just smiled instead of spouting off with something uncaring or rough; maybe Sam was maturing in her own way too. "If you want to play something else, Lynn, I got some more quarters. Maybe Pac-Man or something?"
  12. GM As soon as the three young heroes touched down on the platform, their vision shifted slightly. The Doom Room seemed to have disappeared and they were on the interior of a starship, specifcally the cockpit. All aound them was the cold blackness of space, with small lights, stars, allowing them to see. Of course they would know that they were still in the Doom Room, it seems this was more so for atmosphere. It did not take long for things to kick off however, for as soon as the heroes got adjusted to anything the Alarm within the ship started to go off! "INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT!" About twenty feet from them, they could see the back wall, away from the glass behind them, and the door attached to it was slowly being forced open, some silver robots with a single red eye in the middle of their foreheads and blasters in their hands broke through! There seemed to be about six of them, yet the heroes would all have a feeling that more was coming. When suddenly...the Aurora Roarer goes off! BOOM!
  13. Roll initiative! Also they are about 20 feet away so the Aurora Roarer will go off. Only one robot succeeded it's save, the rest are blinded.
  14. NEW STUDENTS Name: Renee Cole King Codename: King Cole III Year: Sophomore Pronouns: She/Her Prospective Roommate: Good with whatever! Goal: Renee wants to be a 'professional' Superhero, so to speak. She knows she'd need another job, and she's hoping to maybe find the confidence to take up where her grandfather left off; running a theater, putting on plays, entertaining kids. Even though she was never allowed to meet him, she wants to be what she thinks he was. Favorite Music: Renee is a complete Swiftie. She has other bands she likes across different genres, but Swift is her favorite.
  15. RETURNING STUDENTS Name: Michael Adon Codename: Golden Star Year: Junior Pronouns: He/Him Current Intramural Team: Blue Current Roommate: It was never discussed. Retroactively being Parker/becoming Parker is fine. Reflection: Michael is, as always, goal focused. He is aiming to try and graduate top of the class but recognizes he can't compete with intellects like Veuriz or other geniuses in his grade level, so he's tried to branch out into more expansive extracurricular. In particular, he continues to be a major member of the Ventriloquy club, as he's decided he thinks it's fun. He knew Claremont would be a big change, but what he wasn't neccesarily expecting was going from being the biggest fish in a small pond to a regular fish in a giant ocean. His realization that he's not got that much that others can't match or exceed has led to him trying to become an even harder worker. He likes that he's brought together a fairly unique group of friends to 'study' Superheroing, and he's pretty sure that most of his classmates like him, but he thinks he needs to try even harder to be a worthwhile Superhero; especially now that he's met Paradigm and realizes there's a level that he can't even get close to right now. And his expanding group of friends is causing tension with Sam, the one person he figured he'd never lose connection to. Independent Thinker: Michael has developed a pretty significant inferiority complex through his interactions with the other students; Parker's massive strength makes him realize he needs to make himself even stronger, Lawrence's confidence and unshakeable nature that seems to come so naturally make him try to become more like that himself. Baz's seeming optimism is unquenchable, Carmen's skills in combat make him feel like the weak link, and Mizuki's ability to put together plans and keep her eyes on the prize seem just as good, if not better, then his. That's just the students he's spent the most time with, as the others all have their great points that he will gleefully tell them about. He questions where he is in his own life, and if he's actually able to be support them in someway. This is maybe the first time he's ever felt like he's been on the back-foot, or at least not at the forefront, of whatever he's invested himself in.
  16. Velocity After shaking Jack's hand, Megan stepped back slightly, just observing as Lynn made her way around to the sidewalk. Doing her best to hide a slight smile at watching the slight awkwardness between the two. Lynn blushed slightly at Jack's comment about her outfit. "Thank you." She replied. When he seemed a bit uncertain about his own clothes, the blonde teen glanced off to the side a bit awkwardly as she replied. "Oh, don't apologize…there is no real dress code or anything." She said as she looked back to Jack. "You look just fine Jack." Megan interjected, giving the tall teen a friendly smile. A look of surprise came over Lynn's face when Jack presented her with the chalk drawing he had done. "Wow….this is really beautiful Jack." She replied, looking up at him and managing a slight smile. "You really didn’t have to, but thank you." "This is really Amazing Jack." Megan added as she looked at the drawing as well. The older woman then reached out to take the chalkboard. "I can take it back home if you like, so you don't have to worry about it getting messed up all night." She looked down at it again and looked with a wide smile. "Sides, you walk around the galleries with this and I imagine there would be more than a few offers to buy it." It was then that a teenage boy with long blond hair walked by the trio, offering a friendly greeting as he passed. "Good evening." Megan responded with a friendly smile and a quick glance before looking back down at the chalk drawing. "Oh, hi." Lynn said in response as she also looked over at the blond teen as he walked by. Megan looked back up at the two teens. "Well, I should probably be heading home. You two have fun." She said with a wide smile before heading over to the driver's door of the parked SUV. Jack heard the greeting from the stranger as well…only, he was certain the boy had spoken to them in Ket. As Alden walked past the trio, he looked down the street to see several galleries ahead, each of which seemed to be drawing a number of visitors, as he could see people making their way in or out of each as the sidewalks around them were even busier with people that the parts of Riverside the young prince had already visited.
  17. Michael floated after Bazz as the bug boy jumped towards the space ship platform, his cape swishing in the air as he momentarily looked over to Vueriz and offered an inclination of his head as a statement of his feelings on things before turning his attention back to Bazz and whatever was going to ambush him. He was still wrestling within with his own difficult and questionable feelings, so he was hoping that this could help him shake out some of the cobwebs. He was thinking about it pretty deeply; about being the person who needed to protect others. About what it meant to be a Hero. He had a long time to think about it, but he was never the kind of person to put things off. He watched the Spaceship location very closely as Bazz jumped on it, trying to avoid getting distracted in his own head. He needed to be in the moment.
  18. Yesterday
  19. Okay, Martinet gets a 14 on her Reflex save, but I will give Neko back a HP and reroll, which will auto succeed as the lowest she can get is a 20. So half damage is a DC 23 on the toughness save, and she only gets a 15 (terrible rolls today), so that is a bruise and a daze. Go ahead with your IC post @Avenger Assembled
  20. Cerebral and Cerebellum The twins looked at each other again. They knew that Tracy didn't mean any harm. But she was poking around old wounds. Neither were willing to tell her where they got their powers, for it was likely she could have them arrested for crimes commited in the past. That and it was too painful for them both to discuss at the moment. After a moment of hesitation, Daniel spoke once more. It was clear that he was the 'face' of the duo. "We do not mind wearing a helmet but umm...all I will say is that we got our power in a lab." He was not going to say who's lab, but he would at least give that bit of information.
  21. Cerebral and Cerebellum Daniel would laugh a little bit. "Well it's nice to meet you." He would then turn to Sam and nod his head and then he noticed Lynn's reaction to her character being defeated. His smile would drop for a moment before he glanced over at Sam once more and shook his head. "Maybe we should take Lynn to another game." He spoke, concerned about the new girl's mental wellbeing. Though he would not force anything should she wish to stay. Meanwhile Iris turned to the newcomer and shook her head. "Just cathcing up with Lawrence. It's nice to see you again Parker. How have you been recently?" Iris had not seem him that much and was curious about her friend. Of course there was also Mizuki she planned to speak to. However one thing at a time.
  22. Spaceman Late, as almost always, Parker walks into the arcade. He is breathing a bit heavier than normal, but nothing that wouldn't be caused by running. He is in a white t-shirt and a pair of dark grey, almost black cargo shorts that reach just below his knee, as he moves to catch up with Michael and Iris for now. He spots Daniel, Sam and Lawrence, but you have to start somewhere. "Hey Iris and Michael, sorry that I'm late. I got into some trouble on the way." He didn't feel like he had to explain the kind of trouble to them. "Is everything alright? The atmosphere is a bit more serious than I thought it'd be."
  23. ARCHER II It is fast. Too damn fast. Moving out of the way of the arrow like it is just hanging in the air, the metal mesh missing. Connor knows that he should go for the most painful option, try to stop the damn thing before it gets in again, but he can't help but feel sorry for the damn thing. It didn't ask to become whatever it has become, to be used as a glorified drug mule. Stepping back out of the way of the wild slashes, he tries something else. Strobe lights. Overload it, send it into shock. Better than filling it with arrow, at least. No time to take aim, he lets the arrows fly wildly, dragging blinking lights behind them.
  24. Initiative roll, even if it can't be beat: 21 For the record: His Concealment is active, so a 50% miss chance even if hit. Then, he moves back as far as his movement allows to keep some distance between them, then fires a Strobe Light Arrow with Autofire added: 20 That's a DC16(+up to 3 from Autofire) Will Save vs. Paralyze if it hits.
  25. The STORMCROW "Alright, alright," Charlie says, putting up his hands in defeat. "The headmistress is amazing, but I gotta keep up my rep as a rogue, yeah?" And maybe try not to make the headmistress' identity clear to anyone that knows Charlie's other identity, like Michael. "Don't worry about it," he says with a smile to Iris. "I'm with Bernie, and I'm sure she's fine with you hanging out here."
  26. GHOST Carrie looks around. She is clearly acting reserved, having trouble hiding her excitement about the bookstore. "Well... I like scientific journals." She is clearly putting on airs. "Something difficult. Describing quantum mechancis and such, y'know." Casper chuckles, shaking his head. "C'mon, Carrie. Don't be like that." Carrie looks back at her dad with a pointed look. "She loves fantasy books, Lynn. All those about witches, wizards, rings, knights, elves and dwarves and all that. If anyone can find you something new and exciting, it's Lynn."
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