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Everything posted by Darksider42

  1. Rose makes her toughness save.. She passes with a 24 Now she attempts to knock the block off one of the minions. She lacks Takedown Attack and thus has no mooksweeper abilities. Taking 10 on punching ones face.
  2. Rosethorn ducked as the blades and fists started to fly in the Melee. She had to admit she was a bit impressed with the massive blow John landed on that rubber werewolf. Although as she looked around, she cringed when she saw the other wolves gang up on Jann and assaulted him from all sides. Lilly crouched down, touched the ground and focused. Within second Vines started to sprout from the ground, accompanied by the jaws of venus fly traps. Almost all of them were captured by the sudden floral invasion. And the air became full of more squeaks as the vines constricted harder and the Fly Traps gnawed on them. Really annoying.
  3. Rosethorn uses her Snare on all the surrounding enemies. ALL OF THEM! DC 20 Reflexive save for everyone that is a rubber duck of some sort.
  4. Rosethorns jaw dropped when they emerged from the darkness. "We are seriously doing this?!" She made a mental note to remember that Jann clearly did not get humour for future reference. Thankfully she shock about the situation was not enough to stop her from noticing the axe coming for her head. She ducked underneath the blade and instinctively readied a counter attack. She swung a thorn covered fist at the artificially created monstrosity, only for her fist to bounce off once it came in contact with its shield. Along with a very distinctive squeak. That's gonna get annoying fast.
  5. Rose takes a swing at the packleader who attacked her. Result: 13
  6. Rosethorn rolls initiative! Result: 20
  7. There was an eerie moment the immediate area around Lilly went silent, her eyes wide and her body frozen. "Wait. Are you serious?" She asked Jann just as he re-entered the Doom Room. With John following in close behind, she decided to follow close behind. Maybe Jahn was joking as well? Entering the room, she frowned. She had started to get use to the faint ethereal presence the plants and trees in the school grounds seemed to radiate. Here is just felt a little off. She assumed this was just the result of the simulation overlooking something. Lilly raised her arm and watched it quickly become covered in thorny vines. Doesn't screw with my powers at least. Her line of thought was interupted by the sudden transformation of John. She even leapt back a bit when his tail came down on the ground. "I'd say that was impressive yes."
  8. Rosethorn crossed her arms and tilted her head. It almost looked like she was seriously considering it. "...Somehow I don't think they have that loaded somewhere. Maybe they have Zombie Werewolf Vikings?" She said with a shrug. It was hard to tell just how serious she was about that one. "Anyway. This is Jann." Lilly said. She was getting to know the Avian a bit better but a lot about him was still a mystery to her.
  9. Lilly was still surprised she was able to get a spot in the Doom Room. Apparently Morgana had been hit with too much schoolwork to go through with Doom Room training today. It suited her fine, she even suspected she wanted to avoid it altogether. She elected to go in full costume. It was a good time to see if it held up under a fight. "Apparently. I haven't seen it for myself yet." She explained to him just before entering the Room. She peered down, eyes wide at the sight of the simulation, along with how fast Jann was dodging.. "Wow, OK. It really can." She looked over John for a second the moment she heard the questions. "I think they have spare Uniforms just in case. Also..." Again, she peered down at the fight nervously. "I have my doubts."
  10. There were...Other things going on." She tried to plain before the dryad started to speak again. She nodded as she listened. "Loggers. Right." Somehow that should not have surprised Rosethorn. Especially considering the time of year and she had heard some people had a habit of wanting an 'authentic Christmas tree' without the hassle of the price tag. "I might not have every power I'm suppose to have, but I can probably grow you a new home near your old one if that is what you are after." It seemed better to have her back to wherever she was from rather than in some place she was not familiar with.
  11. For a moment it seemed there would be no fight at all.The coils of tension that were slowly starting to wrap around the inside of her chest were starting to fade. Then Jabcob burst into flames and panic was starting to set it. What is with the boys in this school? Do they really want to get themselves killed? Already she was trying to pull whatever mystical influence into the earth, ready to stop it before it started. But then everyone started speaking up. And it seemed to cowboy was starting to calm down. She sighed in relief. "Look. Just go." She told the enraged water elemental, her flowers still pouring out the calming pheromones that stilled choked the air with its overpoweringly sweet smell.
  12. Lilly tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows. It was clear she was a bit thrown off by Johns reaction to the pheromone-laced scents coming from her flowers. They were not out of the woods yet. Kinda glad I didn't go with the lust combination. I'd hate to see what that would do to him. And then more people started to walk right into the situation. Someone looking like a cowboy from hell was not something she was expecting but she was starting to adapt to the weirdness this school attracted. He gaze lingered on him for a second longer than she should have and returned to Harper. "Look, it would be great if we all just moved along." She said, trying to not draw attention to her arm as she moved it a bit more out of view of the assembled jocks.
  13. Ruby paused, looking the enraged Xuli'pa up and down as she stepped away cautiously. "...Not sure. Never seen her this angry before." She replied to the star knight. She seen her in a combat frenzy, she seen her arguing with Roulette. Never before had she seen rage like that before. Her attention once again turn to the planets unofficial ambassadors. As before her helmet made it impossible to tell what she was feeling, but one got the impression she was no longer glaring daggers at them. She elected to stay silent for and follow the group to the records. There was still enough doubt in her mind that this was actually happening. She was curious about what future they would fabricate for her.
  14. Lillian had been sitting quietly under a tree, going over another book from the library about the spirits of the world. For someone with an interest in the occult it was interesting, if its insights into the spirit courts were limited. Sensing a pattern here. She thought. Lilly cringed when she started hearing someone yell. Her gaze fell on the group assembled around someone she had not recalled seeing in her short time at Claremont. Taking a deep breath, she put her book into her bag and started making her way across to them silently. Along her upper left arm lavender and violets started to grow, clinging on by a piece of ivy seemingly in defiance with how the plants actually work. Strange scents started to fill the air, ones that seemed to melt away anger in an instant. "Can you just stop." She said, the scent in the air starting to grow stronger. "If he really was a danger I don't think Summers would let him walk around the school grounds without someone keeping an eye on him." She eyed his arm nervously. It was rare for her to actually talk to someone like this but she felt she had to do something.
  15. Rosethorn tilted her head, eyebrows furrowed. The speech of spirits was still something that she could not puzzle out. Even when they attempt to talk in a language she could speak it came off a bit off. "I was given a bunch of powers as a Champion of the court. Speaking the language was not one of them apparently." She told the dryad. She had never heard the term worker applied to her before. "Anyway, you're clearly not from around here and you don't seem to have your own place. What happened?" She asked, burrowing her hands deeper into the jackets pockets in a vain attempt to find a bit more warmth.
  16. Lilly raised an eyebrow at Jann as soon as the nurse came in. Ok, that is a weird definition of the word occasionally. She turned her attention back to the nurse, putting her phone away. "Oh. I'm fine honestly. I was just making sure Jann got here." Other than some exhaustion from the events of the day, it did not seem that Lillian was in danger of dropping dead. She was starting to wonder if other Avians were as stoic as Jann. He certainly did not act like Talona, Except the charging into danger part anyway.
  17. Spirits are weird. That seemed like the main conclusion Lilly was coming to when it came to learning about them. The internet so far had given her information that was either too vauge to be helpful or trying to to sell new age self help books . School libary had some info but not enough to help explain what she was going to be dealing with. Still it was more than enough to tell something strange was happening on the school grounds. Peering out from the window of her dorm room she saw them. They seemed to be looking for something, never mind the fact most spirits in the campus grounds have retreated inside the trees after the freak blizzard not too long ago. She turned from the window and got her black leather jacket and her mask. She had a feeling she was gonna need it. She stumbled outside, struggling to walk through the snow and the biting cold. Lilly approached the pair of spirits. "Hello?"
  18. "Really? Because I really don't think you do!" Ruby sneered, her rifle still trailed on the two. Nothing but excuses. Any action she was about to do was interrupted by Aquaria. "Song of what?" Her attention was then drawn to the mountain of flesh and metal that rose from the depths The strange sound emanated from it, It brought memories of gazing into space. Staring at the infinite black, dotted with the faint gleam of burning stars and stained by brilliant nebulae. She turned back to the two. "...What is that?" Some part of her was starting to suspect the answer. But still there was no way this was possible. For now her rage blunted, but it still lingered and she still sought answers.
  19. Lilly realised too late that her question might have come off the wrong way. The almost scripted response seemed to only hint that. "Oh, I've never met an Avian before." Was really all she could reply before entering the Nurses office. After that she simply sat down and tried to distract herself with her phone, a quick glance at the reading materials provided showed nothing that held her interest. "How often do you come here anyway?" Another awkward question, but one she felt she needed to ask. With all the scars, I'm guessing a lot.
  20. Ruby Voxx Orphans of Yesterday (3) Rosethorn Skeletons in their Closet (17)
  21. Lilly listened and nodded with everything Joaquin said. A lot of it was stuff that did not surprise her considering the situation. "OK. We'll keep quite about it. I'll get Jann to the nurse then." She herself was perfectly fine, even with the close calls the fighting brought on. She turned around and started heading for the nurse, trying to suppress a yawn. Along the was, the silence was starting to get to her. "So...um.." It seemed like she was trying to pick her words carefully. "How did you get wings anyway?"
  22. Infrared vision was a useful thing to have built into your helmet. It made reading the emotions of a Xuli'pan a lot easier. "...They've made her mad." Ruby would have continued but Velak and Javeen made their presence known. Suddenly that anger that had been simmering in orbit had started to boil over. Ruby loomed over the pair, circling them like a predator. She listened as they explained their plight to the star knight. "For someone that claims to be from the future, 'we should have know.' seems to be a running theme here." "Not only have you insulted me, the clan that took me in and their ancestors, you've insulted my crew. Now you claim to be our descendants?" She leaned in close, her helm a dark mirror of the faces of the two aliens that barely contained the growing fury she was feeling. "I am getting really sick of this joke. Drop this charade. Now."
  23. Ruby rolls to intimidate Velak and Javeen. She really thinks this whole time travel "we are your descendants" thing is malarkey! Malarkey I say! Result: 23
  24. Contents: Coming Soon!
  25. Lilly ignored the students. It was almost second nature to block out people staring at her by this point. The attempts at walking as fast as possible, combined with everything else today were starting to make her feel a bit tired. The sight of asome sort of teacher on the other hand did give her a bit of a boost in energy. "Um. Yeah." She replied as she approached. "A flaming stone...Creature...Thing just broke out of a wall from the basement. We managed to fight it off but we need to see someone about it right away before something else goes wrong." Her attempt to articulate what just happened made it plainly obvious this was a new experience for Lilly. "Also I think Jann might need to see the nurse." She said with a glance at the burn on his arm.
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