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The Trial of Captain Knievel! [OOC]

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As for "weaknesses" for Ronin to Detect:

Well, the general nature of The Scarab's powers (telepathy, telekinesis, precog/postcog, etc.) are a matter of public record. So Ronin could adjust his tactics to compensate. What follows is a description in game terms. Feel free to justify them in-character however you see fit.

With such a high Sense Motive, she's difficult to feint. But if you can pull it off, most of her Defense is her dodge bonus, You'll drop her from +10 to +2.

If you can manage to stun her, her Defense will drop to +0 (loses dodge bonus, -2 for being stunned), and her Force Field, the source of 80% of her Toughness bonus, might drop as well. Combine that with a Power Attack and it should be "Game Over."

This doesn't take into account Hero Points, of course.

Almost all her attacks are Perception-ranged, so if Ronin can find some way of gaining Concealment against her, or blinding her (Normal Vision is her only Accurate sense), she'll be almost powerless against him. She could use her Telekinesis to throw stuff at where she thinks he is, but that's about it.

As a melee combat specialist, he needs to keep her from flying high above him and zapping him from a distance with her auto-hit mind powers.

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The Scarab never really had a reputation for being a great martial artist. The fact that what combat skills s/he does possess probably come from precognition and telepathy ("predicting the enemy's moves," etc.) isn't a big deductive leap.

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Mystery Guest's Notice: 18

The guards appear clueless to the Vestige's presence, no surprise given his stealthy powers and movements. The guards are otherwise quite watchful and heavily armed, though focused more inwardly on their prisoner than outwardly against external threats. Vestige was just creeping up to make his move when he distinctly heard...a voice in his ear? No, in his head! I know you're there. If you can wait till your friend is free, I can make sure you both get the same deal.

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