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Dance Beneath the Stars (OOC)

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Round One


26 Paper 4 HP (unharmed)

25 Stormcrow 7 HP (unharmed)

19 Shadowborne 3 HP (unharmed)

18 Ghule 1 HP (unharmed)

16 Sureshot (unharmed)

16 Multi-Girl 1 HP (unharmed)

15 Legion (unharmed x 10)

13 Shift 3 HP (unharmed)

10 Visor (unharmed)

9 Nightscale 4 HP (unharmed)

6 Big Horn (unharmed)


Okay, I am going to make a GM post, then it is Paper's turn @Spacefurry


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Okay @Kaede Kimura Shadowborne is up!

(@Lone_Star Ghule will be next)


Round One


26 Paper 4 HP (unharmed)

25 Stormcrow 7 HP (unharmed)

19 Shadowborne 3 HP (unharmed)

18 Ghule 1 HP (unharmed)

16 Sureshot (unharmed)

16 Multi-Girl 1 HP (unharmed)

15 Legion (unharmed x10)

13 Shift 3 HP (unharmed)

10 Visor (bruised)

9 Nightscale 4 HP (unharmed)

6 Big Horn (unharmed)

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Okay, Aoife's Schattenwelt Drawing is gonna be in this setting:


Alternate Power: [12 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 29PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Portal, Gateway, Aura, Covering)

Concealment 4 (Shadow Covering; All Visual Senses; Extras: Affects Others) [12PP] 

Dimensional Pocket 1 (Well Storing; Extras: Duration 3 [Continuous, Lasting]; Flaws: Requires Grapple; Feats: Progression 2 [500lbs]) [6PP]

Super-movement 1 (Dimensional Movement [Schattenwelt]; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Linked [Speed (+0)]; Feats: Progression 2 [500lbs]) [5PP]
Speed 2 (Extras: Linked [Super-movement (+0)]) [2PP]

Super-movement 1 (Dimensional Movement [Schattenwelt]; Extras: Portal [+2]) [4PP]


Okay, tried to just describe the whole action as a paragraph and it started to confuse me on rereads so I'll say it as a list. 


1. She is maintaining her Concealment Power and will quick change into her armour (she stores it in her Dimensional Pocket)

2. She will Move-by-Action first half to bamf to Leon with her Dimensional Movement-linked-Speed

3. She will spend a Hero Point to stuff Leon into her Dimensional Pocket

4. She will finish her Move-by-Action to get to a new hiding place Skill Mastery 28 on Stealth.

5. She will eject Leon from her Pocket, maintaining contact so her Concealment can Affect Others into him.


Jesus that was a list. 

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Okay, with Paper gone, Sureshot is going to try to attack Stormcrow now that he reveled himself, but misses terribly with a 14.


Multi-Girl will free action pass along Stormcrow's instructions to Nightscale (and Shift who is there, but she figures Shift heard on the radio).

Then she will go out by Ghule and set off her burst area attack, to catch 4 Legion and Sureshot in the area. And, she rolls terrible as well, missing with a 12. Rocket said Storm would use Luck Control for a reroll, so... 18 with a natural 12 of course, so, still misses.


So, 2 Legion will attack Multi-Girl, 29 and 21 so two hits. DC 23 toughness saves: 15 and 27, so she picks up a bruise and dazed. Untrained concentration check to keep her duplicate up (DC 18), 3 Nope.


2 Legion attacking Ghule: 23 and 19 both hit again. @Lone_Star Need two DC 23 toughness saves for Ghule!


I will get my IC posts up for all this, meanwhile @Heritage Shift is up!


Round One


26 Paper 4 HP (unharmed)

25 Stormcrow 6 HP (unharmed)

19 Shadowborne 2 HP (unharmed)

18 Ghule 1 HP (unharmed)

16 Sureshot (unharmed)

16 Multi-Girl 1 HP (bruised, dazed)

15 Legion (unharmed x10)

13 Shift 3 HP (unharmed)

10 Visor (bruised)

9 Nightscale 4 HP (unharmed)

6 Big Horn (unharmed)

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Okay, the guy with the visor is going to melt the locking mechanism on the back of the armored transport. One of the Legion waiting there forces the doors open with her staff, and then another climbs inside. Everyone gets a HP for this fiat.


The Visor guy also warns his teammates where Shadowborne and Paper are.


Round One


26 Paper 5 HP (unharmed)

25 Stormcrow 7 HP (unharmed)

19 Shadowborne 3 HP (unharmed)

18 Ghule 2 HP (unharmed)

16 Sureshot (unharmed)

16 Multi-Girl 2 HP (bruised, dazed)

15 Legion (unharmed x10)

13 Shift 3 HP (unharmed)

10 Visor (bruised)

9 Nightscale 5 HP (unharmed)

6 Big Horn (unharmed)


@Nerdzul Nightscale is up.

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Nightscale is gonna rush outside somewhere where he is not in line of sight and Shapeshift into his dragon form as a Standard Action.


Then he will use Move-by action ideally to keep moving (in total he can move up to 500 ft) and get close to a group of villains, ideally Visor, the clones (and possibly Sureshot as well) and then he will hero point to use: 

Trip 9 (Extras: Area [Type: General; Shape: Burst; Size: 45ft]; Knockback, Flaws: Range [Touch])

Generating a burst of wind from his wings to try and knock down (+ knockback) as many of the villains as possible. 

Everyone hit has to make a Strength or Dexterity check (whichever is better) ad DC 19 or get knocked prone and knocked back as if they have been hit with an attack at PL 9.


He will only do so if he can find a position where only villains will be hit (no civilians or heroes) if he can't find one he will still hero point to try attack and ideally grapple Visor with Improved Grab... But in that case he will fail with an 11... (meh) to hit. 


Edited by Nerdzul
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Okay, he can just get to the far end of the car to be out of sight and make the transformation. I will say he can just position himself where he can get Visor and Sureshot (and 3 Legion) and not catch any friends in the trip, I will be nice and say that even includes Shadowborne and Paper (who he cannot see :D )


You forgot as an Area effect, they get a reflex check first (DC 19)

Sureshot just make a 19, so completely avoids with Evasion.

Visor gets a 23, so the trip is half effect (DC 14) and his Dex check is a 9, so knocked down, but not knocked back (as that was halved and knockback resistance is higher).

The three Legion get: 15, 18. 15 so all fail the Reflex check, Dex checks (full DC 19): 14, 11, 6, so all sent flying 25 feet (after reducing by their knockback resistance) they get acrobatics checks to avoid damage from that: 17, 31, 17, they all avoid damage.


@Nerdzul go ahead with your IC post.

Meanwhile, Big Horn will move away from Shift to face the area Visor pointed out, and unleash a shockwave. @Kaede Kimura @Spacefurry  DC 22 Reflex checks for Shadowborne and Paper (Paper avoids if he makes it, otherwise a DC 21 toughness save thanks to Evasion 2), Shadowborne has a DC 27 toughness save if she fails, otherwise a DC 21 toughness save.



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