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Everything posted by Shofet

  1. The Meta-Naut Raya frowned at the proceedings. Captain Crime had escaped while their backs were turned and now they were left with this lady. If she was right and he did come back, this was going to be a problem for her. He had already shown a willingness to break into her company's transmitter room, and she didn't doubt he'd do it again. But what could she do about it? Not much until she could figure out just where his home dimension was. Or where exactly he had gone to, if not his home dimension. Oh, this was incredibly frustrating. She glowered at Ms. Demeanor, and slowly turned her upside down. Petty revenge would have to sate her for now.
  2. GM "Eh? Oh, nah. The energies fade over time and people usually return to their normal selves after a few days. Well, mostly normal. There's some residual stuff but nothing ever serious. People ain't hit with enough energy to make it permanent, not unless you used that transmitter like we were planning." Ms. Demeanor looked around boredly, then smiled as she saw the door close off in the distance, her uncle and the goon now far and away. The sound of a car driving off and then a loud flashing noise followed. "Aaaaaand there goes Uncle Crime. You'll probably never find him now, but he'll be back."
  3. GM Ms. Demeanor sighed. "Nah, if you just broke it, then all you'd have is a broken gun. Which would suck because then my uncle would yell at me and I probably wouldn't get paid and I'd have a real rough time." She tried making puppy-dog eyes at him. "Say, jack, why don'tcha lemme skip on outta here? You got me beat and I ain't a threat no more. Not to mention I am pretty sure one of those baton hits to the dome gave me something like a concussion and I am real woozy." "Pleeeaaaase?"
  4. Mia slapped her forehead. "Of course," she said, her voice full of realization. Hastily, she got to work at replacing the fan and just to be safe, checked out the connectors. They seemed to be fine, which lead her to believe what she was thinking was right. Once the computer was back together, she booted it up and began to run some software maintenance checks. While those ran, she now had some free time, given they would take a while. Her eyes wandered over to the programmable matter, and she smirked. She could do that real easy. But she'd let them have their fun. Instead, she scooched over to Judy and Micah. "You two don't mind if I butt in, right?"
  5. GM Out from the house stepped a middle-aged looking man, somewhere in his 50s, with greying hair and pale, almost chalky skin. He seemed to be tall and thin, but the effect was diminished by a hunched posture. His arms were just slightly overlong, and his fingers matched, spindly like spider legs. He was dressed in a drab grey dress shirt and dirty brown trousers, his eyes obscured by a pair of wire-frame sunglasses. "Hello," he said in a whining, wheedling. "Hello." His eyes were focused on Raya, but occasionally, he sniffed the air and then his glances turned toward Valkyrja and Fraevengr as he licked at yellowed, jagged teeth. "The cabinet is in the basement. Why don't you and your friends come inside?" He said, raising his voice so that he could be heard from a distance.
  6. Mia didn't exactly understand why the work had to be sex-segregated, but she wasn't going to make a stink about it yet. She would instead internalize her irritation, like all healthy people did. The deer were a very nice site. She never really got to see them, even when camping, so she had to resist getting close. Probably would have resulted in getting her butt stomped by the mama deer. Once night time came, Mia sat lazily by the fire, her chores done, and strummed on her guitar. It started first as a medley of various tunes, before eventually helping Judy out with "She'll be coming 'round the mountain." For her own satisfaction, she also played a bit of Jim Croce's "I've Got a Name", partially as an excuse to show off her singing. Then, when she was ready to get bedded down, she found herself reluctant when she looked up at the night sky one last time. Seeing all those stars... It was enough to get lost in them. She wished that the sky was this clear back in their home dimension. Still, tired after a day of work, she eventually gave in and drifted off to sleep.
  7. It misses Roadkill, but you hit Liteshow! 18! Oh, that does not feel good for him, he's got another bruise. @Electra you are up!
  8. OOC for Greatest Show Unearthed
  9. GM The new Ticketmaster (who looked exactly like the old one) smiled cheerily at them, and took the money, before handing over two shiny, gold-coloured tickets. "There you go, boys! That'll get you in anywhere in the carnival. Just show'em the tickets if they ask! We have bumper cars! You look like you'd enjoy bumper cars, yes you do!" Even as they passed him, he waved chummily at them. The interior of the carnival was busy, to say the least. All sorts of attractions had been set up, and despite the remote location, all of them seemed to have plenty of customers. There was a roller-coaster, the previous mentioned bumper cars, some dancing, a few contortionists and plenty of snack stalls. The loudest, however, was the dunk tank. Standing off to the side, the dunk tank looked especially formidable with a caged top that seemed almost impenetrable. Sitting inside was a furious looking woman with clown-makeup on and a yellow one-piece swim-suit covered with red polkadots and adorned with ridiculous frills, shouting at a child who was giggling to himself as he tried to hit the target. "ARE YOU NOT LISTENING TO ME, KID?!" the clown bellowed. "I'm not supposed to be in here! I'm trapped! GET ME H-- Oh, jeez, that one was real close to the-- AAA!" her rant was cut short as a ball hit the target dead on, dunking the clown into the slime below. The clown gurgled and gasped, before scrambling back up onto the once-again raised platform. "Augh! Someone get me out of this stupid thing!"
  10. GM Ms. Demeanor looked rather alarmed at Rebellion's appearance. "Gosh, are all heroes as nasty as you guys in this dimension or am I just real unlucky?" She hung her head and sighed. "Alright, you got me licked. Captain Crime's my uncle. He had just gone splitsville from this group of criminals called the Ferocious Five, for a lot of reasons, and then he decided he was going to make a big mark. He got busted, and decided he was going to go to a more primitive world. Since you guys are like... 52 years later than us and wayyyy more primitive, he thought you'd all be easy marks." She shrugged her shoulders. "Turns out, no. Aaaanyway, his crime gun just uses evil energies to bring out your latent criminality. I ain't hip to what evil energies are, but that's what he calls them."
  11. GM The man stared at the Dragoneer for a moment, and began to rant again, waving his cane wildly. "Fine! I don't need your money! Why don't you go back to your lame sport land where it's okay to just accuse people of stuff! We've got the Painmonger, all you've got is an ugly face! An ugly face even a mother could punch! You're not even a heel! You're a butt! A BIG. UGLY. BUTT!!!" During his rant, the ticket master had begun to sweat green. The sweating continued, growing ever more severe, until at the final word "butt", he suddenly erupted, absolutely and utterly coating the Ultimate Dragon Knight in foul smelling green slime as scraps of clothing and hair went flying up into the air. There was a stunned silence for a moment, before out of nowhere, another man, looking exactly like Charlie Day, stepped into the ticket booth. "Hello boys, looking to buy some tickets?"
  12. Shofet


    Soliton Mia's eyes went wide at the sight of Danica, and a huge smile lit up her face. "Danica! You look adorable!" She said. She had been on the internet when the Five Nights at Freddie's boom had been on YouTube - all the boys in her middle school classes had been super into it, and a lot of the girls too. Of course, the scary effect the characters had in game was kind of lost here. "Thankfully for you, I did call ahead. They accommodate everyone. Equal opportunity scares." Not long after arrived Astrid. Mia didn't know the girl very well, or at all really, but she was part of Orange Squad and so she had extended the invitation for her to join them same as everyone else. Would be a good chance to get to know her, anyway. "Hey, hey, hey," Mia said appreciatively. "Loving the Ziggy costume. Bowie's great." Looking between the two, she nodded to them. "Now we just gotta wait on the others and we can head in. In the meantime, I brought snacks. We're not allowed to eat inside, so we'll have to do it out here," she said. Reaching into her dimensional pocket, she pulled out a few goodies. "So, got a few things here. Salt and vinegar chips, a bunch of Mars Bars, some Laffy Taffy... Pork rinds. For drinks, I got RC Cola, Faygo... Oh, and..." She produced a metal water bottle, and grinned mischievously at them. "'Punch,'" she said, making airquotes. "If you know what I mean."
  13. Mia awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck, heading further into the room. She looked at the snacks, but found she wasn't hungry. Of all the things to get worker up about, this was probably the dumbest, but here she was. Getting worked up. "So, uh... Hmn," she said, trying to find the words. "I don't actually... Know what I am. Like straight or gay or... Neither... I haven't really ever been into anyone before. Not really. So I might be here as an ally or something else. I don't know." She frowned. "That's probably really dumb because like, who doesn't know but hey, that's me... Haha..." Mia looked at everyone, sinking a bit. "Anyway, lots of people who're really close to me are LGBT like my mom and my godmom and stuff so I can at least show my support while I get my ☠☠☠☠ sorted out."
  14. The Meta-Naut Raya groaned loudly when the blow did not connect, but even more so when Ms. Demeanor decided it was high time she got out of here. The villainess turned and ran, and Raya ground her teeth. Well, at least with her running, she won't be hurting anyone else. Then, she thought about it for a second more. This lady was going to hijack her tech with her boss to turn the cities into some weird crime land. And you know what? No one touched her stuff. Not her, not her boss, not any of his goons not even God. Raya suddenly extended a giant tether from her blaster, which then formed into a pair of claws at the end. They wrapped around the fleeing criminal. "Hah! Gotcha, you little psycho," she said with a smirk. "Now you better just sit tight or I am going to see just how high I can throw you, and I won't be catching you when you come back down, either." Uh, little dark there, Meta-Naut, she thought to herself. Still, it seemed to work as the villainess simply hung her head and waited in her confinement.
  15. It is a miss! However, seeing that her chances are not great at the moment, Ms. Demeanor is going to try to flee. Raya is super not interested in letting her get away, and is thus going to try and grapple this lady with her move object. 15! That's a fail so Raya will use one of her hero points to reroll this. 25! That's a hit. Grapple check time! 28 on Raya's part. Let's see how Ms. Demeanor does. 13. Okay, she's grappled!
  16. The Meta-Naut Raya watched the baton clunk Ms. Demeanor in the head, and couldn't help but wince. The force of the hit seemed to nearly knock the supervillainess on her behind, and left her looking even worse for wear than her own blast did. But she was still up, and Raya couldn't have that. She took off into the air, flying up and around and behind the woman, before levelling her blaster at Ms. Demeanor's back. Letting loose another blast, it hit the distracted villainess between the shoulder blades, but did not actually seem to knock her down. "Oh, come on!" Raya whined. "How sturdy is she?"
  17. 19! That means, since she was already dazed, that Ms. Demeanor is now also staggered while taking another bruise! Since she can't act this turn, the Meta-Naut goes once more. Meta-Naut will press the attack and blast her again! 17! That means she's gone get hit since she's already preoccupied with someone. 19 again. So, another bruise but still up. Go again, Rebellion!
  18. Shofet

    Amygdala OOC

    This is the OOC for Amygdala, where cool things will happen. @Cubismo @Ari @Heritage @Electra @Dr Archeville @Nick
  19. Shofet


    Lantern Hill, Freedom City October 31, 2019 8:00 PM Mia Mustafic-Markov looked especially spooky this Halloween night. She stood out front of a haunted house, her face marked with a false glasgow grin complemented by fake red blood, and her face was made even paler by white make-up, her eyes made dark and sunken looking by black makeup rimming them. Her neck had a similar false wound, and her denim jacket opened to reveal a white shirt marked by fake blood and three long slash marks over her belly. Yet, the effect was diminished some by the fact that she was dutifully staring at the screen of her phone. She had decided to invite out her Orange Squad team-mates (and Danica!) for the night, in order to get to know them better. And what better way to get to know them than scaring the bejeezus out of them with a Haunted House? Yet, unfortunately, it seemed she was the first to arrive. Which did make sense. She could teleport, and most of them… couldn’t. The choice of venue seemed cool. The Black House, they called it. Not the most creative name, but it was supposedly one of the scariest things ever. It traveled to different cities every year, almost always big ones, and was apparently so scary some people had to check into therapy after visiting. That probably wasn’t true, but it was a pretty great selling point and Mia wanted to check it out. But right now, she was here alone. She looked back at the great mansion behind her, watching as people stumbled out, pale-faced, while more brave looking souls headed on in. Her attention turned back to her phone. Opening up her group text, she hammered out a reply.
  20. The Meta-Naut Power, the new drug-du-jour of the city. Of course it would give people super-powers. Why not? Couldn’t just make you feel good, that’s not what drugs were for anymore. They had to turn you into a crocodile man or something or you just weren’t getting your money’s worth anymore. The Meta-Naut hated it. It made her life more difficult, and given that she was a woman of leisure, anything that made her life more difficult had to be stopped. She found herself in Bethlehem Heights, the supposed source of the drug. That wasn’t the most interesting part, though. What was most interesting was the fact that she saw a familiar lack of face on a nearby rooftop. She came down like a blue comet, dropping in front of the man she recognized as Rebellion. “Rebby, buddy,” the Meta-Naut said with a smile. “Haven’t seen you in a bit. Not since the Captain Crime… Thing. You here to deal with the new drug problem?” She hoped he was. She was not especially bullet proof, which made the prospect of fighting a bunch of drug dealers somewhat intimidating. But Rebellion, he was really, really good at crowd control and making people with guns drop them and scurry off to somewhere where she didn’t have to deal with them.
  21. The Meta-Naut As the knife was harmlessly deflected by her force-field, Raya sighed to herself. She had hoped to not have to use her powers while she was in disguise as herself, but it seemed as though she now had no choice but to kick this woman's butt. Focusing, she conjured a blaster of transparent blue light around her hand, and fired it directly at the woman. Unlike the Meta-Naut, however, Ms. Demeanor had no forcefield. The blast struck true, and she seemed dazed by the attack that hit her, slowing her down. "Alright, I got her," Raya announced. "Go ahead and finish her off while she's loopy."
  22. GM The goons looked at each other, then at Rebellion as the fear washed over them. They all dropped their guns simultaneously, and began to scramble towards any available exits, shrieking incoherently with abandon. That left the room mostly empty, aside from a whining Captain Crime, a paralyzed thug and a very angry looking Ms. Demeanor, who scowled at the fleeing cowards. Yet when Raya tried to capitalize on things, Ms. Demeanor moved too fast. She freed a knife from hidden inside her jumpsuit, and chucked it at the Meta-Naut, only to find it suddenly intercepted by a flash of blue light. Ms. Demeanor's eyes widened. "A force-field!? THAT'S CHEATING!"
  23. Ms. Demeanor goes on the attack! She strikes out at the Meta-Naut with a thrown knife! 20! I don't think I need to tell you that's a hit. DC 20 Toughness test! The Meta-Naut tries to tough it out! She's totally fine with a nat 20 to give her a 27. The Meta-Naut shall respond with great violence! 19! A hit for a DC 21 Toughness save! Ms. Demeanor rolls a 13, leaving her bruised and dazed.
  24. GM The ticketmaster barely looked at the photo, before wildly shaking his can. "No! Brom Steele? Never heard of the guy. You sure he's real? I'm not. Could just be a spooky ghost you dreamt about, have you thought about that?" He was incredibly animated, his voice getting a bit shrill as he ranted. "Anyway, tickets are five bucks a pop! That's a pretty good deal. Might distract you from your insane delusions of men with stupid names. We have bumper cars! You look like you'd enjoy, you'd love bumper cars." A few of the patrons stopped and stared at this bizarre scene from the other side, a few of them even pulling out phones to record it. On the other side, everyone seemed way more normal than this guy.
  25. GM At the front gate of the carnival was a series of turnstiles, flanked to the left by a classic looking ticket booth, red and white stripes with a viewing port and everything. Sitting inside was a man who looked exactly like Charlie Day, except wearing a white dress shirt and red vest overtop, along with armbands and a boater hat. "Step right up, step right up!" he said in a voice that also sounded like Charlie Day's. "Get your tickets here!" Pointing a cane at the two new arrivals, he smiled at them. "You there? Are you here to buy some tickets? Or perhaps... To face the Painmonger?" He eyeballed the two wrestlers, waggling his cane at them. "There's a prize, you know."
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