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Everything posted by TheAbsurdist

  1. Jonah had settled, as the teacher explained, sort of. It was a little aggravating, but he abruptly fell into laughs at the comment of of jail being cold and hell being hot. His chest shakinging and his voice a rumble that seemingly dropped several octaves. "'Kay. Ya. That's pretty good Mr. Hawke. I mean, like, bring up religion and talk of consequence in way that's built around something to be afraid is, I don't think, a good thing to do. Gonna show us the slides for STIs in health class next? Like, your question cannor ever place us in the place to be able to answer the question, except as like an exercise, and this discussion wont have bearing on how we act, right? Like, we can armchair quarterback from here till the rest of you are..." And he snorted and shook his head, rolling his eyes at realizing he was making a pun, "Blue in the face, but, like... Okay, let me ask you all this, you are free climbing a sheer cliff, with no rope, or anything, and your grip slips. What do you do?" Unfolding his hands he held them bladed and gesturing with them to the table, at the point he was driving at. "Now answer that question again five years from now, a decade, so on. The answer changes. Because circumstances might be different, and you definitely should be different. Even that's a trick. Because the situation presented might seem to have all these options, but there is a very few actual responses: let go or grab at the cliff. And one response is definitively the right one, at least in the view of the asker." His attention went back to the teacher, "So, I don't know, I will never know. I'll just do my best in that moment. Because I am not better than anyone, and I am gonna do my best to not be ruled by fear as the reason for my decisions, because it's liks the Mind Killer and stuff."
  2. Jonah took the clap to his shoulders with a meaty thud, and it made him look up to Ryder, for a moment, nodding at what he said. The boy wasn't judgemental "Like..." He drew in a measure breath, "I say that not in the moment of it happening. I don't know if my loved ones could handle what's happening. I just don't know," Jonah added emphasis to the last sentence. His heroics had been a rescue thus far and he'd yet to be in a real fight, so this question was supposing a lot. But tended to not like hypotheticals 'cause they dropped all the context that'd come up with a situation. He bobbed his knee, a little agitated, as he let out a slow exhale, and then another, his breath coming out in a foggy steam as the temperature started started to dip, his skin and hair changed to a more chilly countenance. Then Jonah grew still, and he turned his head to look at the teacher, his heavy brows knitting down into a scowl that made his eye sockets look cadaverous, "Why? Like, why the question, Mr. Hawke? Or this a Kobayashi Meru? Or, like, I dunno the guy bought like 42 watermelons." He said, name dropping the one pop culture reference his mom had successfully instilled in him, and rounding out with a reviled math problem.
  3. Jonah blinked, as he settled in his chair. The tall, lanky boy had started to fill out, which showed nore as he folded his arms across hos chest and he set his jaw while he wrinkled his nose, which in turn curled up his upper, showing off his distaste for the question. He was still in his human normal looking guise which is where he tended to be. He really only had one loved one, and she was... Well he didn't know what his mother was capable of, as she kept that part hidden still, given there was minimal conversations since the revelation of his father. And... Yeah go after his dad, that'd be funny. After a moment he made a noise, in his throat. "I don't know. Like, really. I don't know what I'd do. Its a hypothetical, ya? So, so this includes future stuff, right? Which begs the question would there be a responsibility for people like us to add loved ones who cannot take care of themselves to some degree? And even if they can, there isn't... Like, Centurion died, and we don't know. Feels like a bad math problem where we're solving for X, but there's at least a Y, and probably the rest of the alphabet coming for us." He turned his head and looked at a spot on the wall, his mind rolling around the idea, looking for all the angles and prospects that might come. "Feel the moral response, for me, is to let them go, because it's the immediate harm. But the smart move is to like bug or something to track the villain. But, like, it's a bad question, because how we react to loved ones isn't the same as strangers. And... Ya." His frown as large as he was, scowling, as he looked back at the rest of the teens.
  4. The lumbering Jonah, easily finished his next round of snacks purchased from Owain, and then swung his big bags up and over his shoulders like they weighed nothing like a mighty scarecrow that was still filling out on his frame. The fact that his tshirt pulled up his midsection helped illustrated the fact he hadn't a chance to adapt to his new height. He ambled over to the other group on his way. "Excuse me," he interjected on Noel, Luke, Carmen, Leon, and Neko, "just so I know which way is the dorms?"
  5. Yes. Should have it up today. Please note the social thread will have dice thread, for emergent rp, in case people like fall off the ropes.
  6. Jonah smiled at Owain, at his general expression and exuberance. "Thank you Owain, I do like the artificial flavor stuff." As if to prove the point he took a drink from the cup and he glanced at the others if just because Gwen's raucous declarations made him look to them. Maddie also had a boisterous energy, and while he didn't think of himself as shy, Jonah could probably best be considered 'retiring'. Or, as he preferred it 'goes with the flow.' He looked back to Owain, "I'd offer to keep things cold, but I am not great with all the powers and I might freeze... ah, you." He laughed sheepishly, at that and rubbed at the back of his neck with his free hand.
  7. Room for 1 more for action, and maybe 2 for social
  8. Asad did not, as a point of fact, go to Europe and western Asia. It made things smoothly with with his family, given he had divergent plans than them, and he had been a star ascendent instead of their desire to hold steady, or cling to ways that were failing. He was late, because... Well he was always late, as he was always doing and going somewhere (damn those 70 hour days he kept). Today, or was it tonight, he had adopted something out of Crockett's wardrobe from Miami Vice, a cream sports coat, the sleeves pushed up near his elbows, with a bright magenta v-neck t-shirt, his slacks and shoes matching the coat. With the sleeves up they showed off forearms that were looking like they had twitching steel cords under his skin, as he normally was dressed in a way to not show off that, but... Well honestly a diety was involved, so he felt a gun show was probably good. This wasnt normal circumstances. The walk, though, was lovely. He toom his time on it, delaying further, before he moved up to into the Gala proper, curious about the hors d'oeuvres.
  9. Please PM me if you have a personal baddie/nemesis.
  10. So I am looking at two threads, a social one centered around a character's interest, like activity, sport, hobby. Whatever. And another action-y one at the Mall. Please sign up, space is limited.
  11. Jonah took the rabidly developing scene in stride, in that mostly he was feeling on his back foot about all of it. Oh, there is some sort of backstory I am missing, this is why I dont watch television. Gwen flitted away with Luke to the other guy, leaving processing, but he was also being addressed by Maddie and he looked to her, and by extension Owain. "Oh, uh Denver? Its okay for big city. I liked Boulder better. But I like the mountains. Climbing, and, ha obviously, snow." He was about to look to Owain before he realized, "Oh! I don't know either of your names, but I'd like some lemonade." He shifted his bags off his shoulder and to the ground, as he rummaged for a wallet in his fanny pack.
  12. Jonah watched the whole exchange, his eyes widening, and he then made an understated, "Huh." Then cane the swarm of activity, and he pulled his hand back, before Gwen smacked his shoulder, with a dense thunk as the impact of their hand was enough to sting their palm a little, he was skinny in that way of someone who grew recently and was starting to fill out. The big rangy, blue guy nodded at Gwen. "Uh, Denver, Colorado?" He didn't seem shy, so much as processing Gwen's exuberance. And before he could Leon added the whole Big Blue, and that is when his brows furrowed into an impressive display, heavy as they were and deep set as his eyes were. Annoyance crossing like a thunderstorm, but it didn't quite get to his voice, "Huh. Yappy." And to his credit was only a small bit of cold on the warm day. Fixing his face as Leon went off to only add fuel to the fire, he looked back to everyone else, Gwen included, "Yah, Colorado, mo-," he caught himself on the first Dutch syllable, "...mom was a professor there. Though she's at FCU now that I am here." Though he almost made a sympathetic face to Bert, but well that guy was paying more attention to Carmen. Which, fair. "Anyone here local and know of any good climbing gyms?"
  13. Once Jonah was further into the courtyard, taking in the sights while orientating himself, before he settled on a group of students, and he over to the. With an easy long legged gait, those four big bags held readily. "Hallo," he spoke in an unsteady baritone, that along with the size of him and how there were only hints of him starting to fill out indicated the recent growth spurt, and the breadth of his shoulders said more would be coming. "I'm Jonah," he smiled at them, conscious of his new height and he easily shifted the bags around to one hand, freeing his right that he stretched out towards them. In doing that, he relaxed, and let the magic, or whatever that was holding his 'normal' appearance go, and his features became harsher, as the color fled his from his face and hair. Slowly his skin settled on that glacial blue, with his hair shock white.
  14. "Yes, moeder, I have everything," Jonah said to his mother as he hoisted the bags of what he would be bringing as he arrived at Claremont, looking at her as he stood there with a docile expression. He wore a sleeveless hoodie with a mountain logo in neon pink against a dark grey, a loose pair of board shorts, and running shoes. He kept up the old more more human appearance. There were four bags of his various clothes and other things, though most was still packed up at his mother's new place (she'd moved with him to here, which he understood). His mother, a frizzy haired blonde somewhere in her forties peered owlishly over her towering boy, as he was, as per normal lacking any sense of urgency. She rolled her eyes behind her glasses and shook her head, "Jonah, well good, call me later, yes? When you are free tonight and let me know. I have meetings the rest of the day about my new job. I love you sweetie, and please be careful," his mother, Tess spoke with a slightly exasperated tone in a light Dutch accent. Jonah nodded at her, "Yeah, of course, text me later when you're done. I love you, moeder, and talk to you soon!" And as blithely as he was, he turned and strode carrying the bags over his broad shoulders, even if he did have the build of a scarecrow, crossing past the entrance and into the main yard as he looked around. Soon he stopped, and shifted his load around to hold up the map and figure out things. He knitted his brows together as he glanced from it, and sweeping his gaze around as he worked out where he was in relation to things.
  15. Made adjustments per convo with EP. Though the carry weight is a little undercut, but over thirty it is a bit odd if not dividable by 5.
  16. TheAbsurdist


    Jotünn Power Level: 8 (on PL 12 Points, 194/197) Unspent Power Points: 3 Trade-Offs: None. In Brief: Progeny of an ice bound villain. Catchphrase: “Chill’s coming.” Theme: “Miami Showdown,” Digitalism Alternate Identity: Jonah Janse Birthplace: Delft, Netherlands Residence: Claremont School, Freedom City, New Jersey; formerly Denver, Colorado. Base of Operations: Claremont Occupation: Student, Adventurer Affiliations: Claremont, Dutch and US citizen. Family: Mother – Tess Hoffman, Father – Glacier, no real contact with Maternal family due to strained Description: DoB: January 1st, 2006 Apparent Age: Teens Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6’6 Weight: 209 Eyes: Dark blue. Hair: White, formerly brown. Jonah had a recent growth spurt, stretching his body towards the lean and rangy, though not very large , in the process his skin had turned paler with a blue cast to it. His hair now frost white. He has sharp features, though still soft from his age as he is filling out after the growth spurt. He prefers to wear a hoodie with battle patches, and wears a mask over his lower face. Normally has sharp features since he changed, though has the ability change his face to his prior human feature, though he is still built like an amateur rock climber, and the growth spurt has him stretched thing. History: Jonah is the son of the villain Glacier, his mother being a former cohort who had gotten involved, but left the ‘scene’ once she got pregnant. He is aware of his past, and his father, and had shown no outward signs of any of Glacier’s abilities until an accident where during January 2022, the vehicle he was in lost control and plunged into an icy lake. This triggered his abilities, and his growth spurt, but allowed him to save the other people in the car. While there was some struggling with the fact of what was happening, he hadn’t really wanted his father’s abilities, he also didn’t have a plan. Given the lack of abilities by his mother, the move to Claremont made sense, though she did come along as well, and is local to him. While not possessed of any Scandinavian heritage, he found it fit him the most given his new size. He is Jewish, though it is not something he’s really engaged with. Personality & Motivation: An affable guy, he is a jock who favored rock climbing and wintersports, so he loved living in Colorado. Though played as many sports as possible He definitely views his powers as ‘cool,’ but worries a little about hurting others with them, as he feels the best person to teach him is not someone he has interest in learning from. Powers & Tactics: Realistically he is making this up as he goes along, and is still learning what he can do. He’d prefer not to get up toe to toe in a fight, but he is big enough that it’s probably going to happen. His powers are not generally subtle though has most enhancements that allow him a great bit of lattitude His Fimbulvetr power allows him to manifest a veritable hale storm of icy objects to throw at someone, to blast them with an intense cold that can hamper them, or just simply free objects sufficiently to make them brittle or break. The Arctic form expresses his powers through his body, and he can channel it out to enhance his strength even further, which results in cold bleeding off of him, chilling the area around him. His mist form is is such that the chill of him generates more mist. Power Descriptions: He possesses an inherited, magical based ability to manipulate cold and ice. It does, admittedly, seem to not be limited to there being ambient water, as he is drawing on a primeval cold. He also seems to be able to channel his powers through his body and make changes to himself. Complications: Secret ID: The public doesn’t know who he really is. I hate that song: He is blue, and while he can hide it, he is still self conscious about it. Just Vibes, man: He is easy going, and despite his intimidating appearance, would prefer not to fight. Power Level: 8 (180 PP) Abilities: 10 + 8 + 10 + 4 + 8 + 4 = 44 PP Strength 20 (+5) / 28 (+8) Dexterity 18 (+4) Constitution 20 (+5) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 18 (+4) Charisma 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16 PP Attack: +8 (+4 Base, +8 unarmed, +8 with Fimbulvetr) Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Initiative: +8 (Dex +4, Improved Initiative +4) Grapple: +9/+12/+13 (+4 Base Attack, +5/+8 Strength, +0/+1 Super-Strength) Knockback: -4/-2 Saving Throws: 1 + 2 + 2 = 5 PP Toughness: +8/+5 (+5 CON, +3 Protection) Fortitude: +6 (+5 CON, +1) Reflex: +6 (+4 DEX, +2) Will: +6 (+4 WIS, +2) Skills: 72r = 18 PP Acrobatics 8 (+12) (SM) Climb 12 (+17/+20 w/ Enhanced Strength) (SM) Diplomacy 4 (+8) Intimidate 4 (+6) Investigate 4 (+8) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Physical Science) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 4 (+6) Languages 2 (Dutch, German, English [Base]) Notice 8 (+12) (SM) Sense Motive 2 (+6) Stealth 6 (+12) (SM) Survival 4 (+8) Swim 2 (+7/+10 w/ Enhanced Strength) Feats: 14 PP Attack Focus (Unarmed) 2 Challenge: Accelerated Climb 2 Dodge Focus 2 Improved Initiative Luck 2 Skill Mastery: Acrobatics, Climbing, Notice, Stealth Stunning Attack Takedown Attack Ultimate Effort: Climbing Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 51 + 46 = 97 PP *All powers carry Magic and Primeval. Ice Magics 10.4 (Container) [51 PP] Fimbulvetr 24 (Array, all Cold Descriptor; PFs: Alternate Powers 1, Accurate 2) {51PP} BE: Damage 8 (Cold; 800’ ft range; Extras: Alternate Save Fort.[+1], Ranged) {24} + Paralyze 8 (800ft; Extras: Alternate Save Fort.[+0], Ranged) {24} {24 + 24 = 48/49} ‘Sapping Cold’ AP: Drain TOU 8 (Cold; 800’ ft range; Extras: Affects Objects, Ranged; Flaws: Limited to Objects) {16} + Damage 8 (800’ ft range; Extras: Ranged; Flaws: Limited to Objects) {8} {16 + 8 = 24/48} ‘cold snap’ Primeval Potency (Container) [46 PP] Artic Form 12 (Array, PFs: Alternate Power 1) {25 PP} BE: Flight 2 (25 MPH/250’ round) {4} + Insubstantial 2 (Icy mist form; Cold; PFs: Selective){11} + Obscure 3 (Cold, Weather; 25 ft’ diameter, All Visual; Extras: Action [+1, Move], Area [+1, cloud]; Flaw: Range [-1, touch]) {9} {4 + 11 + 9 = 24/24} ‘icy fog form’ AP: Super Strength 2 (+10 Strength, STR 38, Heavy Load: 3,000 pounds; PFs: Bracing, Countering Punch, Groundstrike, Shockwave, Super-Breath, Thunderclap {8} + Environmental Control 4 (Intense Cold, 50ft. Radius; Extras: Aura [+1], Independent [+0], PFs: Slow Fade [1 Minute]) {13} {10+13 = 23/24} ‘Boreal Might’ Enhanced Strength 6 (Prowess, to STR 28/+9) {6PP} Immunity 11 (Cold, Immunity to Cold descriptor, environmental heat) {11 PP} Protection 3 (Prowess) {3PP} Morph 2 (Transformation, changes to look normal human, +10 Disguise; Drawback: Negated when Fimbulvetr or Arctic Form are used) {1 PP} TOTALS Abilities 44 + Combat 16 + Saving Throws 5 + Skill 18 + Feats 14 + Powers 97 = 194/197 PP
  17. Jotunn Current build, looks like PL8, on PL 12 budget. Abilities: 10 + 6 + 10 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 38 PP Strength 20 (+5) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 20 (+5) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 8 = 24 PP Attack: +4 (+8 w/unarmed, +8 w/Fimbulvetr) Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Initiative: +3 Grapple: +13, +16 w/ Enhanced Strength, +17 w/Boreal Might Knockback: -2, -4 w/Protection Saving Throws: 2 + 2 + 3 = 7 PP Toughness: +8/+5 (+5 CON, +3 Protection) Fortitude: +7 (+5 CON, +2) Reflex: +5 (+3 DEX, +2) Will: +5 (+2 WIS, +3) Skills: 44r = 11 PP Acrobatics 4 (+7) Climb 8 (+13/+16 w/ Enhanced Strength, +17 w/ Enhanced Strength + Super Strength) Diplomacy 4 (+6) Intimidate 4 (+6) Investigate 4 (+6) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 2 (+4) Knowledge (Physical Science) 2 (+4) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 4 (+6) Knowledge (Streetwise) 2 (+4) Languages 2 (Dutch, German, English [Base]) Notice 4 (+6) Stealth 4 (+7) Feats: 5 PP Attack Focus (Unarmed) 2 Dodge Focus 2 Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 53 + 22 + 8 + 3 + 7 + 1 = 94 PP Fimbulvetr 24.5 (PFs: Alternate Powers 2, Accurate 2) [53 PP] BE: Damage 8 (icy barrage, 800’ ft range, Extras: Autofire, Penetrating, Ranged; PFs: Variable Descriptor [slashing/bludgeoning/piercing]) {49/49} AP: Damage 8 (800’ft range; Extras: Alternate Save Fort.[+1], Ranged) {24} + Paralyze 8 (800ft; Extras: Alternate Save Fort.[+0], Ranged) {24} [24 + 24 = 48/49} AP: Drain TOU 8 (800’ ft range; Extras: Affects Objects, Ranged) {16} + Damage 8 (800’ ft range; Extras: Affects Objects[+0], Ranged) {16} {16 + 16= 32} The Boreal Form 10.5 (PF: Alternate Power 1) [22 PP] BE: Super Strength 1 (+5 Strength, STR 33, Heavy Load: 2,400 pounds; PFs: Bracing, Countering Punch, Groundstrike, Shockwave, Super-Breath, Thunderclap {8} + Environmental Control 4 (Intense Cold, 50ft. Radius; Extras: Aura [+1], Independent [+0], PF: Slow Fade [1 Minute]) {13} {8+13 = 21} ‘Boreal Might’ AP: Flight 1 (10 MPH/100’ round) {2} + Insubstantial 2 (icy mist form){10} + b (icy mist, 25 ft’ diameter, All Visual; Extras: Action [+1, Move], Area [+1, cloud]; Flaw: Range [-1, touch]) {9} {4 + 10 + 9 = 21/21} Enhanced Strength 8 (to STR 26/+8) [8PP] Immunity 7 (cold damage, environmental cold, heat) [7PP] Protection 3 [3PP] Super-Senses 1 (Infravision) [1PP] Abilities 38 + Combat 16 + Skills 11 + Feats 5 + Powers 94 = 164
  18. Zenith's attention was drawn, as one could be expected to be, towards the massive robot, and she raced after Bee(atrice, was that her name? No, but that was playing in her head complete with laugh track). "Of course our humanitarian efforts are snarled by giant robots. I hate it when he is right!" She grumbled to herself as she arrived next to Melissa, her hands up, bent at the shoulders and showing them to be empty, hoping a universal display of that wasn't aggressive to the friggin' Voltron before her. "Hey, hey, yeah we're friendly! We're just fixing the mess. I like kitties." Even as she was focusing her efforts on the wall she'd to build a wall between the Battlezord and them, or just encase it.
  19. Zenith will help being diplomatic! And initiative for if that that fails. Diplomacy! 20 Initiative! 10
  20. Zenith pirouetted with all the grace of a world class dancer, which... she was, as she turned her power to bear pulling the honey up into the air, and stuffing in into a globe of that strange white 'fire' she made, until it was enclosed in a floating, crystalline orb that just remained suspended, locked in place mid air. Then she looked to the rest trying to sort what to do, and made her way to the rest of the teens, her crown of hair moving of it's own volition somewhere being fire and a mass like that underwater, "I can move it, I, what?" She stopped and looked to the living lightning. She tilted her head to the side as she regarded what it was.
  21. "Hmmm it was cut clean," she said absently in her inhuman voice. Zenith reached down with her power to pull a bit of the honey clinging to inside the tank and drew it up to she could taste it, her left arm raising and holding about in front of her, as that arm disappeared into that distorting shimmer that twitched and glitched as a similarly appearing glow filled the tank, it looked like digitized white fire, starting from the bottom and rising up, reforming the area that was damaged. As it did the shape of the tank started to fill in, that was the easiest part, the tricky part... She looked to the bees, "Can the honey be salvaged or does it need replaced?"
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