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Everything posted by angrydurf

  1. Sorry this ones full up Evis, Also its a bit high PL for River Rat. Post is up Star Crossed Lovers
  2. Arrowhawk sits crouched on the roof oposite the office of one Grigori Vaslev, he knows the Russian Mobster has been calling up some heavily armed muscle the parabolic mic he aquired reveals a bit more as the hardend criminal speaks into the phone, "Yes they will be there, you just do your part and make sure to get the girl unharmed, do as you will with the boy he means nothing. The captain of the ship tells us they secured passage and will arrive tonight." Once he hung up he shouted orders to his thugs, "Get to the waterfront and watch for Natasha and that dog Scarletti. Our outside contractor will contact you with details. Go, Now!" *** (Later that night, Edge takes a break while his chaperone Dark Star scans local radio signals for signs of trouble in the waterfront.) Edge happens to glance down and see a well dressed young man around his own age step out of a tricked out escalade nervously glancing around as he plants something underneath the vehical and runs pell mell down the street away from the vehical. At the same time Dark Star picks up reports of a fire at a nearby construction site with several workers trapped at the top levels. Arrowhawk silently prowls the roof tops having followed the heavily armed thugs to their ambush point where they have prepared a stolen spike strip to deploy and lie in wait for the target, however there has been no sign of the mysterious 'outside contractor' as of yet.
  3. August 11th 2009: Arrowhawk, Darkstar, and Edge help two Star Crossed Lovers escape their families while Blink throws a wrench in the works.
  4. After finally convincing the shocked woman to see reason and come with him to the bivouac Ace moved quietly through the crowd offering comfort here and there and halping with first aid were needed. He kept relitively close to the de-armored Malice just in case. Given his state it looked as if the explosion had been accidental but one could never tell with this kind of madman. The residents were safe now came the hard part of dealing with the aftermath. Ace had seen enough disasters in his time to know that the initial event was often less destrictive than the ensuing fires in cases like this. To the heroes in the Scarabs network he interjected, 'Things are under control here it looks like, but those fares are getting out of control anyone got a way to slow them down? We should be getting national guard forces incoming soon but maybe not soon enough. Malice looks peacefull enough but we should get him into custody, not to mention medical attention.'
  5. Mike stiffed slightly at the question, but forced himself to relax it was a reasonable question after all. "Well not everyone really," Mike replied, there were a few students without powers, "Its not exclusively powered students but we're the majority." "Nothing exciting personally, tougher and stronger than most, flight." Mike shrugged as he spoke minimizing his abilities out of habit more than anything.
  6. Ace watched as the group quickly started drawing their lines in the proverbial sand and spoke up, "Now now, before we all settle into intractable stuborness in one way or another lets remember that Moira is a friend of all of ours and we all have the same goal." He eyed everyone carefully before continueing, "We all want her to make the choice not her parents or whoever else in Olympus is pulling the strings." Ace had his concerns that this may be bigger than Moira, the games that gods play rarely were so simple. He for one did not plan on playing by their rules. Ace paused and looked for agreement from the assemblage. "Now, as noble as it may be that will not be achieved by pushing Phantom to break her oaths, nor by challenging the gods." He cooly explained. Looking to Phantom he began to formulate a plan, "I admit my knowledge is limited but my understanding is that there is a pact that binds the divine from directly entering this plane, that seems the likely reasons invoked to take Moira." He looked to the rest ofthe group then as he continued, "We have at our disposal one of the foremost experts on the Pact at our disposal I suggest we take advantage of that fact and utilize our strengths in a meaningful way."
  7. "Yea," Mike agreed, "Alot nicer than alot of schools." He paused as if uncertain what to say for a moment then continued, "So you a local or coming in from out of town?" While he spoke he nodded his head to JJ indicating to follow and headed towards the admin building to get him set up with a room.
  8. Ace huried up the steps to Moiras appartment taking them two at time and didn't bother knocking as he opened the door. "I got here as quick as I could," He said as he stepped in and glanced at the assembled heroes pausing for a moment on Jack he paused and took the small step to approach the gentleman he hadn't met before. "Hi," he said presenting his hand, "Captain Ace Danger." He smiled wide inquiring "and you are?" with clear intrest.
  9. Mike wasn't exactly sure what had prompted it but when the headmaster asked you to play tour guide argueing was pointless. He had gotton distracted and was running a bit late but with most of the new students not yet arrived Mike was confident he'd recognize a new face. The tall boy approached casually and held out his hand introducing himself, "Hey I'm Mike you must be Jadon?"
  10. Ace looked down at his phone curiously as the caller ID displayed who was calling, "Ace Danger" he answered. He nodded as Stesha explained the reason for her call, "Of course, Stesha, I'll be there directly, her place?" He replied once she finished her explanation. In the background Stesha heard another man speak with mild displeasure. As he spoke Ace quickly dressed and mufflingt he phone told his companion, "Duty calls, be a dear and lock up before you leave." and then he was out the door taking the express elevator to the parking level. "I shoudl be there in twenty minutes tops." He spoke into the phone once more. Once he knew where he was going Ace slid shut his phone and thought to himself that this evening certainly looked to be getting more interesting. He slid behind the wheel of his car and sped out onto the streets and the aid of his friends.
  11. I'll let ya'll figure that out ;)
  12. Ok so we will have; In the blue corner representing truth justice and love; Edge, Arrowhawk, and Darkstar. In the Red corner representing nere-do-wells and mobsters of assorted types; Blink (and assorted NPC type backup) I'll be trying to get the intro-post up tonight. Blink theres a PM waiting for you.
  13. Mike nodded, "Sure giving it a few days will let me cool off some too." He said though he had shown almost no signs in the course of the conversation fo being upset so much as penitent. "I appreciate the advise guys, Its helped alot." He said though he continued to neatly skirt discussion of the Mark, Alex situation. Mike still wasn't sure exactly how he felt about that other than awkward. Until Chris had mentioned it he hadn't ever really thought about him and Alex in that fashion however since it had been brought up he was less certain how platonic his feelings were, its not like there was anyone else he could really compare, well Erin but thatwas a big enough mess without contemplating that.
  14. Mike frowned at Chris' oversimplifacation of the issue, "The program was almost all private tutoring, inter-mixed with tests and couseling, not really conducive to knowing what to say to people and not piss them off. So yea I tend to ere on the side of not upsetting everyone, well I try but aparently am not so hot with that." He explained, he realized he was rambling and cut himself off. "Anyway yea you may be right, no way but practice to get it right I guess." Mike wasn't really sure what exactly to practice but sitting on the sidelines letting Alex do the talking seemed to be a fast fading option and he said as much. "I dunno Alex has always been better at this stuff anyway, did all kinds of research before we starrted here to see what normal school would be like and prepare us." Mike shrugged, "But she said basically the same thing, but to try not to dig the hole deeper."
  15. Mike assuaged his need for funnel cake and solved Alexs dilemma by agreeing to finish the other half of either or both. He glanced around and it looked like Erin was still shopping so he hit up the cart once more for a Lemon Ice before while Alex began her search, not that it woudl take long he knew. Indicating Erins bags as she rejoined them he said, "Looks like you got good haul." then turned an expectant eye to Alex for directions to James or the others.
  16. Begginers luck stealth. Notice and Stealth (1d20+7=8, 1d20+7=15) I see nothing. And most likely am seen by the evil computers :(
  17. "Ok then, so anyone know how exactly to disable the factory but leave it intact enough to be salvaged?" Mike asked. He understood the desire to leave supplies for the resistance but how they were supposed to do that and not leave it easily repairable for the Nazis seemed near impossible. None the less he stepped into the seahawk and strapped himself in wanting to get underway and done with as quickly as possible.
  18. "Sounds like a plan." Mike replied as the group turned towards the retail pavilion. It was a relitively short walk and took them little enough time to reach the pavilion. As they split off to get overpriced greasy food Mike turned back to ask Erin, "You want anything?" Mike was eyeing a funnel-cake stand but thought it only polite to offer to grab Erin something while she was shopping.
  19. "I think we both know what a lie the first reason is," Ace said matter of factly but not with any malice, "Others knowing may put them in danger but them not knowing leaves them unprepared." He spoke softly and with a hint of real concern in his voice. Affectionately patting taylors leg he moved on to the trikier subject of her second reason, "But they will look at you differently," He paused for a moment a far off look in his eyes, "That is never going to get easier but you have to ask yourself if you trust them to accept you for who you are or not." He glanced sideways at her almost expectantly.
  20. Ace lauged softly, "Indeed parents always have trouble with chidren who don't quite fit the mold." he said a smile dancing at the edge of his lips. "So I take it your family doesn't know?" Ace inquired, "What you do that is, not your penchant for clothing of a more civilized era."
  21. Whether Aces reminder or Taylors explanation Jean-Paul cleaned up his attitude. He set aside the dresses and took a thourough set of measurements with quick and efficient movements. Once finished he headed off into the back of the shop without a word and Ace patted the seat next to him. "It may take him a bit, I recomend the Capuccino," He said when the other young attendant inquired after refreshments, "You have a good eye Taylor." Ace complemented her as they waited.
  22. Mike schooled his features to nonchalance with a little effort and sent his thoughts to Alex 'You sure about this? Your moms already pretty upset you're doing this at all.' Oout loud he merely shrugged and said, "I'll put this back before anyone notices, your call Alex."
  23. "It is a beautiful piece," Jean Paul replied as he pulled it and several other light drapey designs. As he brought them over to Taylor he added, "It will work to show off his latest piece of arm candy." The snooty Frenchman proceded to hold up the dresses in rapid succession as Ace reminded him, "I said nice Jean-Paul." then went back to his coffe.
  24. "I think the hamming it up for the cameras is Marks gig." Mike said with a small laugh. and then they were off being whipped about track with nary a decapitation to be found. Not the most thrilling ride in Mikes opinion but he was notoriously hard to please so kept his mouth shut as they disembarked. Once they had gathered out of the way of the other passengers he asked, "So food?" realizing too late he had left himself open for the inevitable jokes about his appetite.
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