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Everything posted by angrydurf

  1. Toughness saves (1d20+5=22, 1d20+5=18, 1d20+5=21, 1d20+5=11) for sky lord soldiers
  2. DOH uhmmm then they fire at other type peoples
  3. "That would be the point and purpose." Ace said with a friendly smile as Jean-Paul took the preffered gowns back to be tailored. Turning to the other assitant while Jean-Paul was away Ace whispered, "We'll return for the finished pieces shortly." And hustled Taylor out of the shop looking nervously behind him as he hurried down the street Taylor in tow. "He's an excelent Tailor and designer but a complete boor, and would have tried to invite himself along." Ace explained as they went.
  4. The newly arrived mercenary squads open fire on the Heros in the center of the conflagration. Taking carefull shots so as not to ignite any further ordinance. Each of the Heroes feels the bullits impact thier defenses in rapid succession. Ace take the first hits to his vest in stride but is spun around and staggered by a bullet impacting solidly with his shoulder. The remainder at the descending soldiers of the Sky lord sending two more tumbling to the ground.
  5. Ace toughness saves: Toughness saves (1d20+8=23, 1d20+8=9, 1d20+8=24) 2 no effect, 1 Staggered and Stunned.
  6. Mercs action: 2 new groups of 6 move in to fire on the heroes: 4 fire at Sky Lord Soldiers: Firing at Sky lord soldiers (1d20+8=24, 1d20+8=11, 1d20+8=20, 1d20+8=25) 3 hits DC 20 4 Fire at Ace: Firing at Ace (1d20+8=10, 1d20+8=24, 1d20+8=27, 1d20+8=25) 3 Hits DC 20 4 Fire at Phantom (Flat Footed): Attack on Phantom (1d20+8=28, 1d20+8=12, 1d20+8=24, 1d20+8=28) 4 hits DC 20
  7. "You got it." Mike replied already building speed. He swooped in a wide Arc to try and deposit Erin on top of the machine while evading any incoming fire from the airship.
  8. Mike quickly stowed the box back away in its corner of the attic and grabbed his spare set of clothes hurrying into a bathroom to change. He grimaced slightly at the look but shrugged figureing it was better than his still sopping wet clothes down by the pool. When he returned minus his signature black duster it was clear he hadn't updated his spare wardrobe here in awhile. Unlike his normal baggy ovesized clothes his current outfit was a much more fitted pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt tight across his chest and arms. "So where to first again?" he asked.
  9. Notice check (1d20+4=23) Mike finally is not oblivious
  10. Ace will adopt a defensive stance and try to keep under cover if possible. Burn an HP for Inspire 3 on Scarab, Arrowhawk, and Dark Star. HP to surge and Distract Knieval for another round, Skill mastery for a 32, He gets a +1 to resist this round. *Due to beeing oh so confused where I was standing I am doing different things now.
  11. Ace addressed Knieval, "You aren't going anywhere, there is no escape for you already the whole area is cordoned off you don't stand a chance, I suggest you surrender peacably. Your friends will be vanquished and stand for thier crimes as well." It was of course a lie the Police had no where near enough time to close off the are especialy with all of the chaos but it just might make him pause for the few moments they needed.
  12. Mike shifted uncomfortably at the signs of affection Mark and Alex shared glancing away as if there were suddenly fascinating things happening somewhere else. He wasn't realy sure how to react to public displays like that and didn't want to seem to stare. "Heya Mark," He said with a slight wave. At Alexs suggetion Mike shot her a slight dirty look for just a second but resolved to prove that his autonomous control of his flight was much better now, besides he did kinda deservi it for telling everyone about her tilt-a-whirl issues. "Free-fall sounds good to me he said." almost challengingly.
  13. Mike lifted Erin up with one arm and launched off the boat at a slightly more gradual acceleration to skim over the water in a broad arc. "Theres more twisted scenarios out there but these certainly do seem to have that tendancy." He replied as they took off. "You see anything?" He asked as he began to angle up to gain some alltitude after the initial low flyover.
  14. "Why not go now?" Mike asked. "I mean we have no reason to be on the boat we can take a quick spin soo if we can see whats coming ahed of time this time around?" Mike stuck out a hand to hoist her up with him if she agreed. "Besides," He said with a mischevious smile, "Why play the game their way?"
  15. Mike looked at Erin skeptically, "Thanks but I'm pretty sure I just need to pick up a few more tricks than charge at max speed and hope its still there when I get there." He said with a self depricating grin. He looked around consideringly as the new surroundings phased in around them. "Huh," Mike remarked, "Must be the canal." He took a moment to admire the scenery, "Well it is pretty at least." he said gesturing to the view.
  16. Mike lowered easily to the floor with a shrug, "Well other than the irrefutable proof I can't hit the broadside of a glitching barn I'm fine." He said with a chagrinned smile. "Looks like Mark isn't the only one who can break this thing huh?" He joked about the sims failure right as she clubbed the creature.
  17. "Ah well thats a good base to expand from." Ace replied. Seeing the slight downcast of Taylors features he smiled good naturedly telling Taylor, "Tailoring will take care of that, you will look resplendant I promise you." And if he had anything to say about it she would. Jean-Paul for all his personal failings was one of the best and the dresses acentuated her good features while makeing those areas of her greatest concern seem to fade away lost in the delicat folds of the dresses.
  18. Seeing the joint strike was apparently ineffective Phalanx flew up and tried to get a clear shot at the eye hopeing to meet with more success. The creature was fast for its size however and he wasn't able to land a solid blow. He zipped back and forth weaving towards the head to no avail.
  19. Since I know its coming Initiative (1d20=11)
  20. Mike glanced down at Erin with a slight smile, "Definately." He replied as he looped an arm around her waist and shot off towards it's most likely landfall. He accelerated almost instantly to supersonic speeds holding Erin tightly leaving only a rippling contrail to mark their passing.
  21. "Tokyo sounds fine to me." He said, after all a populated area seemed better training than some jungle. Mike shrugged, "I mean we'll do em both eventually that seems like as good a start as any." he elaborated. He really mostly wanted to get this done with and get out of here it reminded him too much of hte itesting at hte institute, he didn't like the feeling of being watched and judged he always got in the Doom Room.
  22. "Thanks," He said, "We'll see how I do in the simulator and then you can give me soem pointers on technique maybe," He smiled weakly adding, "I might lack a bit in the finesse department." The irony of seeking advice on finesse from someone who fought like Erin was completely lost on him however. Mike shrugged, "Well we gotta get started some time right?" He asked, then under his breath added, "I hate this thing."
  23. Mike laughed softly, "Yea deffinately," he replied shaking his head. "Chris and Eddie have jumped in with all sorts of advice." He frowned slightly, "Solicited and otherwise. Well I guess its like my dad used to say, opinions are like..." He cut off and coughed slightly remembering he was in mixed company, "Nevermind." He offered a weak smile, "I did mean one thing I said." He held up a hand so he could finish before she got too upset, "You can do it, it might take awhile, but you'll get the hang of it, holding back when you need to ya know? And if you want help..." He left off the rest of the offer assuming she would know he was willing to give it a more civil go whenever she was ready.
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