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Everything posted by angrydurf

  1. The illusion is just a special effect to using the distract feat on Knieval. Skill mastery bluff for a 32 on the check for distract. If he doesn't beat the 32 with bluff or sense motive or will (Whichever is highest) he is dazed for one round.
  2. As the self styled Captain Kneival rushed past Ace faded into view refocusing his talents. With the Vestige out of commision Ace concentrated on slowing down the villains attempted escape. Scarab and Arrowhawk were right outside but it looked as if that Malice nutjob was getting involved as well and may tie them up. He called out to the Captain, "You can't get out that way Knieval, you're trapped." As he did so he erected an illusory image of an unending hallway through the door. "Stand Down and face your crimes like a man."
  3. Ace pulled out several pieces in black handing them to Taylor with a smile. "As you wish Taylor." He said as he backed out of the changing booth and beckoned Saundrine over "She preffers a feminine eye, a bit shy I daresay." He explained. Saundrine laughed a light airy laugh and stepped into the booth closing the door behind her, "For what its worth I agree with you, much better to keep him guessing." She said conspiritorily having clearly misconstrued the reasons for this shopping trip. She smiled up at Taylor and adjusted some of the straps on the most recent ensemble then called out to Ace, "Deffinately worth the wait." then arching a conspiritorial eye at Taylor presented her with a small colection of specialty pieces that, "He'll appreciate."
  4. "A little of both really." Ace replied warmly, "In this buisness friends are important, but you also have to accept that sometimes theres nothing anyone can do." His voice went quite and a little sad as he spoke. "It never really stops haunting you, but you can either let that defeat you or let it drive you try all the harder." Ace shook himself and said with a practiced smile, "And here I've gone all maudlin on you, appologies milady." "As for the rest of the world it has its defenders as well by and large, not to mention the League who act much more internationally these days. So Freedom really needs me as much as anywhere." His tone returned to is former jovial devil-may-care tone as he spoke.
  5. "Sometimes you fall short." he replied plainly. He clicked his tough thoughtfully for a moment then shrugged, "I certainly have, the thing of it is you have to pick yourself up afterwards and dust off and try again." Ace looked out over the bay a smile toying at the edge of his mouth. "Its not easy, but nothing worth doing is right?" He inquired almost rhetorically. "Now," He said emphatically, "If you want to know how you keep going even after the failures that is harder but at the same time very simple." He looked back to Stesha, "Will. The will to do good regardless of the personal cost and against all odds. Its the true defining feature of a hero powered or not." He paused his eyes searching her face for a moment, "At the same time its very easy because the alternative is unbearable. To see people suffer because you did nothign is far worse than anything you will suffer in the course of your career as a hero."
  6. Ace gave a slight mock bow. "Touche." He exclaimed with a smile adding, "Thats a nice trick." He quirked an eyebrow and asked "Can you do that ot others cus that I may want to learn." He looked over the new look and nodded approvingly, "That'll do well for evening wear I think. So do you know you're mans favorite color yet?" If not they could always just go with black but a personal touch never hurt when it came to specialty outfits. Ace pulled a few variations out on what she was trying on that were hidden in the back or front for backless and low cut pieces.
  7. "I've never thrown up," Mike said as he pointed vaguely behind Alexs back in an exagerated pantomime of secrecy. He laughed slightly, "Alex'll take the middle I'm sure. Right Alex?" He asked expectantly
  8. Ace laughed softly as he countered, "I like to see my work and barring havign to deal with an irrate boyfriend at some ungodly hour this is probably the best situation for that." However there was a certain something in his eyes as he spoke that clearly outlined that other situations could be a great deal better for both of them if one ignored the consequences. He smiled a wicked smile, "And I was talking to you, you'll have to excuse Saundrine however she's french so she can't help but be rude." He patted the young designer lightly on the rump as she merely rolled her eyes and claimed to need to check some stock or soemthing. Ace pulled out a couple other pieces from where they hung and presented them to Taylor, "These shoud work better for evening wear." he said and waited expectantly with an almost chalenging expression on his face.
  9. Ace Danger: Son of the famous Johhny Danger, Ace traveled in his youth with the Jungle Patrol on many adventures. As an unaging adult he continues to fight the good fight though misses the good old days when thigs were simpler and more inocent. Phalanx: Changed in-utero by the strange energies of the Terminus during the Invasion Phalanx is a young paragon learing the ropes while trying to get through school at the prestigious Claremont academy. Detective Marcus Sandoval: As a FCPD detective specializing in the occult Det. Sandoval has seen alot but continues to delve into the darkest occult crimes Freedom has to offer to bring the perpatrators to justice. SuperBeast: DNascent surrvivor Superbeast works as muscle for who ever will hire him and moonlights as an underground bloodsport contender. Student Body: The 'IT' girl of Claremont Academy. This is a correctiont he the awful stats given in Hero High for her.
  10. Ace gave Taylor a few minutes while he chatted with Saundrine about this and that before walking in to check on her progress. He cast an appraising eye over her for a moment before stepping into the large booth to get a look at the other side, "Hmmm straps are going to show on eveningwear but could work for the club scene, or interviews though it would be a waste if no-one got to see." He said with an appreciative air then looked to Saundrine who added "You were right purple is a good look for her."
  11. They will be hiring out mercs to muck up the affair, probably kidnapping one of the young lovers. It is however looking like 3 heroes already so its up to you if you want to get caught in the middle of that. Muscle will be available on request but nothing with Blinks kind of finesse. Cyroa you preffer Hellion or DS for this? Either is fine but the thread is looking to be tuned to the PL 10 range.
  12. I'm a slave to peer presure ... And like to roll for stuff
  13. "Best not to argue with him, you won't win." Saundrine advised. Then with a dreamy little smile peeking at the edge of her mouth added. "Just go with it and enjoy the ride." It didn't take long for her to get Taylor correctly sized and she began marching about hte small shop pulling aside assorted linggerie for Taylor to try on. As she did all of this Ace wandered about as well and added a few choice items to the growing collection. Ace called over the racks, "Just enjoy the trip Taylor, we'll get you all set up and your young beau won't be able to keep his hands off you." He flashed a mischevious smile at her to emphasize his point. To Saundrine he added, "Cool colors, she looks best in deep purples."
  14. Ace left Taylor to take in the assortment of designer undergarments and strode purposefully across the store to an attractive young brunette who was busily stocking one of the racks. He got her attention with a quiet clearing of his throat. The pretty young lady turned with a practiced smile on her lips which upon taking in Ace standing before her quickly fell. "Saundrine, its been too..." Aces greeting was cut short by a loud smack as she slapped him, spinning him half around whilst cursing vehimently in french. Ace rubbed his jaw and with a shrug and a smile said, "I probably deserbed that." once the young firbrand fell silent Ace nodded to taylor, "She needs help so I brought her to the best." he explained with a winning smile, "Long term relationship just ended she's trying to get back intot he swing of things." The practiced smile sprung back to the young womans face as she descended upon Taylor measuring tape in hand. "And what size have the hacks back home been telling you you are?" She inquired in perfect english.
  15. As Chris and Mark moved forward to see what kind of aircraft was in the offing Mike hung back and turned to Erin, "Yea I told her that. Alex has a good head on her shoulders hopefully she can keep James and Eddie from doing anything too dangerous." Mike wasn't entirely certain that was possible between James devil may care attitude and Eddies somewhat spastic tendancies she woudl deffinately have her hands full. Mike struggled briefly with whether or nto to say anything more but the fact was he knew thigns were still awkward between Erin and himself, "So uhhh I'm sorry about the other day. You're right if I'm gonna be doing this I can't do it halfway. Maybe we can work out a more productive training when we get back?" He was trying to be as tactful as possible now was deffinately not the time to reopen the whole issue but Mike needed to know she understood thet he was there for her ant he rest of them onehundred percent before they went into this.
  16. "I speak loud slow english I find that it usually will suffice." Ace said with a grin as he took her arm and began steering her down the boulevard. As they walked he pointed out various sights always with a little personal tidbit. They came to a well lit shop where Ace turned and said, "Ah here we are." The window displays held manaquins displaying a variety of lacy and silky underthings.
  17. "Hero life or normal life its all really the same." Ace explained, "No I'm not retiring or anything like that just refocusing, the world has many guardians I'm going to focus on the city for awhile." They continued their walk out to a well aportioned pergola looking out over the scenic North Bay Shore. He motioned for her to have a seat in one of the chairs as he elaborated, "Its not a job with hours and vacation days its something within that drives you to do more for your fellow man," He leaned in conspiritorily "you can't just turn that off." Then again Ace had grown up witht he Jungle Patrol and been involved with similar activites his entire life, normal might not really be something he could understand even if he wanted too.
  18. Mike vigorously shook his head, "No way you two I'm not playing tie breaker, you're gonna have to fight it out." He said with a small laugh. Glancing at the map he nodded saying, "I do have to agree that the tilt-a-whirl should go before food, We don't want a repeat of when we were ten." Mike was probably never going to let Alex off the hook on that one.
  19. "Uhmmm Barring shrinking down to Chris' size, no." Mike replied truthfully he coudl probably fit in several of the shirts but they would cling rather than drape thus were right out for his 'Asthetic' such as it was. "Nice hat." Mike said with a broad smile, he honestly found something freeing about Alexs complete lack of care about standard fashion wisdom. "Ladies choice." He said with a quick half smile, really none of the rides seemed that thrilling to him but he knew how much Alex loved them and assumed Erin must as well.
  20. Ace laughed out loud, "Oh thats a good one, ritzy shop in riverside, very droll." He said voice dripping sarcasm. He wasn't even going to deighn to comment on the Mall as a shopping venue, she had plenty of mall clothes already. "You did me a bit of a favor recently, I always repay my favors." He stuck his hand out expectantly. Truth was she was a friend and needed help, even if she didn't realize it fully, Ace danger did not leave a friend in the lurch. "Besides the cost is mostly in travel expenses and we won't have those will we?" His smile was infectious and his insitance actually started to seem reasonable in an odd kind of way. Perhaps this was the Danger World phenomenon that her uncle had used to explain his continued travels with the Jungle Patrol in his youth.
  21. Ace surveyed his piles with a calculating look and replied, "Paris. Well for starters, we'll build up from there." Despite his theatrics a good portion of her clothign actually met with his approval for casual wear, she really just needed a bit of pizazz to bring out for dates. He flashed Taylor a winning smile and extended a hand, "I could probably arrange to borrow the Danger Jet but your way will be quicker." he said.
  22. "Well thats certainly one name for it I suppose." Ace responded with a grin but he did set it down. He took the few steps to close the distance to Taylor, "Like a house a good look needs a good foundation, if you're going to get the help you need you'll have to trust that the adolescent glee I once took in ladies unmentionables has long since faded." Not to mention that as Phantom she wandered around showing far more of her assets then the bra would. With that he returned to her chest of drawers and quickly sorted out her various underthings the majority of which went in the hurting more than helping pile.
  23. Mike was not so oblivious as to be unaware of the continued stiffness in Erin and hsi interactions there just hadn't been tiem to discuss, whatever it was they needed to discuss. One thing he knew, Eddies just ignore it theory wasn't gonna cut it. He followed the girls into the gift shop and as they perused the glasses thumbed through the T-shirts in the vain hope of a XXXL. Glancing up at Erins pick he agreed with Alex, "I think solids may suit you a little better." As Erin made her way off to the changing room Mike rolled his eyes at Alexs choice of sunglasses, "I think a little less Elton John might be in order." As she inquired as to his pocket space he patted one leg and responded "Yea I think I can manage." One benefit to the oversized jeans he prefered were oversized pockets as well.
  24. "Thats exactly the problem my dear," Ace said as he began tossing outfits into varying piles on the bed, "I caught your little excursion on the observation deck, its just embarissing so I'm here to help." He looked up and flashed her a winning smile. Ace had needed a new project and aparently it was going to be Ms. Taylor Chun. He continued his sorting mildly distressed at the sheer volume of ragged denim. "So," He asked as he sorted, "Your friend just going to be taking you to off hours tourist attractions or do we need evening wear as well?" Ace of course had a fairly good idea of who her date had been, however a few 'descrete' inquirys never hurt.
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