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Everything posted by angrydurf

  1. Ace takes Stesha out to cheer her up and find out a bit more about Jack while he's at it.
  2. "My namesake," Ace said with a fond smile, "Ace Portenoi, He served with my father in the war and acted as a personal pilot afterwards, Taught me everything I know about planes." Bernadette beamed, "He was a war hero." She said with a slight giggle, "But he took us flying when we were young, I loved it up in the sky." She drifted off stareing out the window. Antoni managed to keep a bit more on task asking, "How do those feel, any pinching?"
  3. "Oh, really?" Bernadette asked seeming truely intrigued, "So did our grandfather. Oh you must be Huangs neice!" She sounded very excited about the prospect. Ace then spoke up, "I see the keen powers of deduction continue to run true." he said with a smile. Antoni approached with the shoes and had Taylor try them out walking around the store. Smileing as his sister gushed.
  4. Ace smirked at Jacks suggestion, "Well I think we have a plan then." "So Taylor and Jack will research the magical end of the mystery and see exactly how she was transported, Barring distractions how long should that take?" He inquired of Taylor. Turning to the other half of the room he continued to outline the plan, "Meanwhile Stesha and I will try and contact Moira and ensure she is being held against her will and any information of use she can offer and perhaps find aid within the Pantheon." He looked expectantly to the others fully prepared to cut off any further squabling.
  5. Bernadette took Taylors hand and led her to a comfortable chair, once she was seated the attendant took several measurements of Taylors feet calling out the numbers to Antoni. She smiled and in a friendly voice inquired, "So how do you know Ace?" While Antoni searched hte shelvs pulling down several shoes for Taylor to try.
  6. Ok that was my confusion I though the door Knieval had bashed down was right out front. KK I'll revise me actions Just going to distract Knieval this round then. Skillmastery Bluff for distract gives me a 32. Knieval has a plus one to his roll to resist this round.
  7. Mike was unable to evade the giant ball of energy but managed to wrench his eyes shut at the last second avoiding sure blindness. He did however lose sight of his foe for a vital second and was unable to manuver into an appropriate attack position his wild swings easily evaded by the more nimble villian.
  8. Attack roll (1d20+5=9) Swingandamiss
  9. "Well I realize that it does lack your preffered signature location wedged betwixt an Orange Julius and Hot Topic, However yes this is not ritzy." Ace said dryly as he stepped inside and was nearly bowled over by an enthusiastic you lady who Screamed "ACE" as she flung herself into his arms. Dropping back to the floor she offered a well groomed curtsy to Taylor and a well dressed man a few years her senior followed behind embracing Ace briefly and giving him a quick kiss on each cheek. Ace smiled warmly at the two of them then proceeded with introductions, "Taylor, this is Bernadette and Antoni. Antoni, Bernadette, this is Taylor Chun."
  10. The glowing sphere of crimson energy erupts nearly engulfing Ace and Phantom and entrapping all of the remainng mercenary forces though the flying Soldiers of the Sky Lord mange to be outside its grasp. The mercenaries immediatly fall to thier knees screaming in pain and collapse where they stand. Ace slowly gathers his wits and steels himself against the throbbing pain in his shoulder. The two remaining Soldiers of the Sky Lord alight upon the top of one of the large stacks of boxes and toss down smoke grenades donning Anachronistic breathing aparatus immediatly afterward.
  11. Visual obscure (smoke) fills the area.
  12. Will saves (1d20+3=22, 1d20+3=21, 1d20+3=15, 1d20+3=6, 1d20+3=10, 1d20+3=10, 1d20+3=11, 1d20+3=21, 1d20+3=17, 1d20+3=6, 1d20+3=8, 1d20+3=9, 1d20+3=5, 1d20+3=20, 1d20+3=15, 1d20+3=15, 1d20+3=7, 1d20+3=21, 1d20+3=20, 1d20+3=12, 1d20+3=8, 1d20+3=9, 1d20+3=22) You are able to catch all of the mercs but not the remaining Sky Lord forces. None make the nigh impossible save.
  13. Reflex saves (1d20+2=13, 1d20+2=20) Fail the first succeed on the second.
  14. "Alright we'll do this the hard way then." Mike said as he flew at the flaming villian unleashing a mighty punch as he did so. The hit took the villian square on the jaw, Mike ignoring the scorching flames as if they were not even there.
  15. Attack roll Aggressive stance +2 attack Def set to -1 Attack roll (1d20+5=24) DC 26 toughness save Toughness for aura Toughness save for aura (1d20+10=30) Just fine
  16. Toughness save (1d20+11=24) Fail by 3 thats a bruise.
  17. Ok can we get an update of where everyone is in relation to everyone else then cus I'm kinda confused.
  18. Ace rolled his eyes, "Same fellow as on the observation deck the other night?" he asked smoothly. "Because if so," He continued, "He needs to work on his discretion." he flashed her a quick wink.
  19. Mike stepped immediatly inbetween Eddie and JJ looking around for the source of the explosions whist guarding his teammate. Realizing it was a joke on JJs part he forced a small laugh saying, "Heh, sorry little jumpy." 'Who does that?' he thought to himself, someone like Erin migh take his fool head off before anyone knew what was happening. At that thought his eyes bugged out for a moment, "Oh and you might want to watch that kinda thing some students can overreact to that kinda stuff sometimes." He didn't really want to name names but made a note to warn Erin about the mischevious new energy controller.
  20. Mike checked his speed along side the vehical as the back-up tried to knock Erin off the side of the airship. Lungeing at the flaming villian with reckless abandon he put all he had into grabbing on to the other flyer trying to free Erin up to deal with the vehical and its occupant.
  21. Aggressive stance sets defense to -1 but gets me a +2 attack. Free action set Paragon array to: Flight 5 Superstrength 1 Standard action: Initiate Grapple. Attack roll to initiate grapple (1d20+5=13) HP to reroll attack to initiate grapple (1d20+5=17) Grapple check if that hits Grapple Check (1d20+17=23)
  22. Ace smiled at Jack resisting the urge to tell him not to worry his pretty little head about such things while the grown ups were talking. "Angela is trustworthy, aditionally I woudl be quite surprised if the Olympians are of one mind on this issue." He replied to Jacks concern instead. "Did you note anything odd about the crown?" Ace asked Stesha gently, "Such Rainments have a precident in greek mythology of being traps at times."
  23. Ace glanced at Taylor tersely but didn't respond to her barb, "Shoes." He said with a smile turning down a narrow street away from the mass of botiques they had previously been wandering past. "My good friends Antoni and Bernadette maintain a shop down this way," He said with quick gesture down the street, "Not quite as ritzy as some places but quality goods." "So who's the young man?" Ace inquired gently, he already had a pretty good idea but wanted to hear Taylors take.
  24. Initiative order Mercs 22 - 20 minions Scarab 13 - 2 HP - Uninjured Ace 13 - 3 HP - Staggered and Stunned Sky Lord Soldiers 10 - 16 minions (First Wave) Phantom 6 - 1 HP - uninjured
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