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Everything posted by angrydurf

  1. Catching sight of James and Eddie coming through the crowd Mike waved and adjusted course so they would intercept. "Well thats convienient." He said then glanced around, "Wonder where Mark and Chris got off to."
  2. Mike wasn't sure if Mark trying to plan was a good thing or not but he didn't have any better ideas so he agreed, "Seems like a good point of entry. I mean I doubt there will be more guards on the back side right?" "So do we wanna try Erins idea? Have the two of us air drop in while you all give us air support?" He asked then thought for a moment before adding, "Or we could drop in to clear a landing area so we don't have to worry about the SeaHawk getting taken out before we get out."
  3. Mike nervously rode the elevator down to the Doom Room. Joint training had been going fairly well for the team and with everyone else there it was easy to not worry about the continued tension between him and Erin, However today it would be just the two of them. None of Eddie and Chris' wisecracks to break the tension, or Alexs gentle support, or even Marks cheesey speeches on teamwork. Just the most social maladjusted team members trying to to work together. Maybe she was right and Archer was just a sadist. Mike shook off that line of thought and resolved to make this work, he had said things that aparently hurt her feelings though even after Alexs explanation he wasn't sure how exactly. Erin always seemed so strong and sure of herself the idea that anything he said would really matter that much was hard to wrap his head around. He had appologized before the action had started up on Erde and that had gone pretty well. 'Just remember like Alex said no qualified apologies that'll make it worse.' he reminded himself as he walked down the long hall towards the Doom Room. Reaching the door he caught sight of Erin waiting outside, "Hey Erin." He said nervously, suddenly not sure he should even bring it up again. That was all the more reason to bring it up, like his dad always said nothing worth doing was easy. He struggled for a moment with the right words before setteling on starting with the appology again, with a deep breath he spoke, "Sorry again about the last session, I lost my temper a bit and said some stuff I shouldn't have."
  4. "You do a diservice to both them and yourself with that kind of thinking." Ace replied, "Its no business of mine so I'll only say to really think if you are doing it for them or for you." And true to his word he left it at that. Jean-Paul soon returned and Ace stood to examine his suggestions passing roughly half on for Taylors approval. "You do have good heels right?" He asked as if he had not but hours ago ransacked her closet.
  5. OK as DS comes in he notices 9 men in body armor and with rifles of some kind hiding in the shadowed allyways just past where the car came to a stop. The weapons look familiar but not like earthly weapons.
  6. "OK now that thats cleared up." Ace said, "On to planning." He took a seat on the couch and gathered his thoughts. "I can likely find out any official information as to Moiras parentage but when it comes to gods and magic doctoring is a definite possibility, even memories coudl be tampered with." He said. He glanced to Phantom, "Can you tell what happened here? get some line on what sort of dimensional activity led to this?" he asked. "I know a preistess who fallows a hellenistec brand of paganism she may be able to divine answers for us as well."
  7. Blink have an HP for DS and Edge not going to the distraction you set up. And Cy can you post the current configuration of your array for me. Aslo need the notice check still.
  8. Ok I need Initiatives from everyone Edge and DS (if DS comes here instead of going to the fire) gimme notice checks. Initiative (1d20+12=16) Thug Leader Initiative (1d20+6=7) Thugs Initiative (1d20+3=18) Man and Woman in car
  9. Have a good visit you shall be missed in the interum.
  10. Rounding the corner and firing off his hex Edge sees that the Young man has jumped into the pasenger seat of a silver Audi convertable which is heading right for him. The lightpole drops clipping the back of the car. The Pretty young Brunette driving loses control of the speeding vehical which barrels past Edge narowly missing him before spinning out in the middle of the street nearly a block away just short of the planned ambush point. Those in the vicinity can hear the man swearing and shout, "They found us so soon we have to get out of here."
  11. Yes got distracted with another post adding the IC momentarily.
  12. Through sheer will Ace resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands. Instead he sighed resignedly and explained, "Alright, it seems we can not just move of then. Very well," He turned to Stesha, "You are happily with Dark Star now be glad for that you had a wonderfull time with Jack and Moira I'm sure but are better off where you are, casual sex isn't for everyone." He turned to Jack then, "Obviously Stesha took things to be more signifigant than you did, you have alot to learn if you're going to continue this lifestyle I only hope you have been more forthright withTaylor as she is not nearly as passive a young lady." He pasued looking around the group then spoke again, "And just so we don't have to cover it later. No I have not actually slept with any of you though I am open." He eyed jack briefly before continueing, "I did purchase some lovely lingerie for Taylor that I'm sure Jack will enjoy if he can keep his act together." "If there is nothing else perhaps we can move on?" He inquired, "Or is all of this too much to get past because frankly if it is we should just give up now. We need to work together to do this." Ace waited silently for objections.
  13. Drive check to not wreck when a light pole is dropped on the vehical. (1d20+6=8)
  14. "Heya Eddie," Mike said though completly forgetting to introduce JJ, "Uh yea, JJ this is Eddie." "JJ's new, I'm taking him up to the admin building to get squared away with room assignment and everything." He said trailing off uncertain if he was supposed to invite Eddie alon or not given that it wasn't really a social thing so much as an assighnment.
  15. Dark Star is in low orbit when the bomb goes off, Whatever non-physical portion of the explosion there was s easily stopped by his impervious forcefield.
  16. ...2...1...BOOM! The flash of light as the bomb exploded was barely visible from the ground as Dark Star streaks high into the sky the explosion washing over him harmlessly. On the ground the young man who had set the bomb rushes around the corner cursing and calling out to some one "Hurry up they're right behind me." From Arrowhawks position he hears some shouting from a block or two away from the ambush sight though the thugs don't seem to notice a thing.
  17. Ace ignored the frowns in favor of continueing the progress they had made. "My knowledge of Moira is rather limited. Honestly today is the first I have heard of her ancestry though looking back at our encounters it makes a certain degree of sense." He explained plainly. "If she is indeed a full blooded daughter of Aphrodite and Ares then the pact should have been in effect from her birth." He looked to Phantom for confermation on his understanding of the issue, "So if we can discover why she was allowed to be here in the first place and the method of her being taken we can begin to ascertain how to get her back." He looked thoughtful for a moment, "As for contacting her to ensure she is being held against her will, I may have a solution that does not require invading Olympus, or risk Phantom violating her oaths getting more involved than she has."
  18. Ace rolled his eyes, "No one is talking about giving up and going home." He eyed each of them as he spoke. The selfrightousness was thick and he was sick of it. "What we need to do is figure out a meaningfull, possible way to get her back IF she wants to come back." Ace explained sucinctly adding to Stesha, "I realize she expressed not wanting to go when you last saw her but for all her many charms Moira is not the most even keeled lady around she may well have changed her mind by now." "So how about we all agree to stop postureing about who's a better friend and why the laws of reality are unfair and move on to seeing what can actually be done to help if she needs it?" Despite his obvious frustration with the bickering his speech was not unkind but rather intended to bring out what had brought them all here in the first place. A friend in need.
  19. You can grab it since your gravtic senses are accurate.
  20. "Yeah that inspires confidence." Mike said suddenly glad he was near an exit in case the thing stalled out mid air. "So do we go in by air or sea?" He asked, the talk of mines and robo-sharks or whatever seemd to outweigh at least to his mind any stealth they woudl gain. Of course he wasn't much for the sneaky aproach regardless.
  21. She was taken/called to olympus to fullfill her destiny or some such.
  22. The natasha name is meaningless withotu a last name to attatch it to but Scarletti is the surname of an underboss in the Italina Mafia with his fingers deep in the docks, He and Vaslev have clashed over various smuggling operations alot lately. Vaslev is involved mostly in gun running, with a sideline in heroin, for the Russian Mob.
  23. Arrowhawk give me a knowledge streetwise to recognize those names you heard. (Or gather info if you would rather take the time to research) Blink you have contacted the Thugs and set up the ambush point but not met with them personally yet. They await your signal to act.
  24. August 11th, 2009: Arrowhawk, Darkstar, and Edge help two Star Crossed Loversescape their families while Blink throws a wrench in the works.
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