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Everything posted by Cyroa

  1. Dark...err White Star frowned, his, well her, now lighter voice was somewhat amused and highly disturbed. "I'm guessing exploding school girl barbie had something to do with it. So...whoever made her? We should be able to track whoever they are down, right? I mean, how many super geniuses are there in this city?" He paused. "Right, stupid question. But how many make chipper androids?"
  2. Ok...how's this: Using the Gravity control to negate the weight and momentum of the ship. Can I use extra effort to expand the area somehow or a HP? That should make it lift enough for Scarab to move with her TK. That possible?
  3. And there are still 2 groups of thugs. One (4 of them) is near the bombs. A second group (3 of them) is on the opposite side of the hanger (where the 1st bomb started). This group is moving towards DS and Quark.
  4. when in doubt, call on the super genius to fix this! And Wesley is now called...Wesley. Its both a boy's and girl's name. drat! Though it could become Wesley Dame instead of Knight!
  5. Dark Star blinked himself awake...the blast had knocked his clear through the ground (not that it was much of a barrier given his insubstantiability). Given he was a little stunned and couldn't see, he didn't realize anything was wrong at first. He quickly rose to the surface, emerging through the ground of the alley and looking...somewhat different. Before, his form had little shape or distinction to it. He had been just a dark outline with glowing eyes. The figure that rose through the alley was different. She was glowing a soft and pleasant white light. And given how clearly one could see certain... upper assets...she was either nude or her clothes were only about a molecule or two thick. There was a long pause as Dark Star looked down at his form...a very long pause. "Uh..." A longer pause. Being nude didn't bother him...but the rest of the situation sure as hell did! "Ya know....this would likely be a lot more fun if I could physically tou...Nevermind!" He looked around and noted everyone's differences. "Ok...Doc, please tell me you can fix this! I may not have much of a social life or dating prospects but this is pretty much killing that off entirely!"
  6. I hate pink. I have a 3 year old girl and it's her favorite color. I refuse to acknowledge any other form of pink in my life! DOWN WITH PINK! (heh )
  7. does anyone mind if for the duration, DS's color changes? ie instead a vague/outlined dark figure, he'll be white/glowing and more defined?
  8. Well, DS is pretty skilled in physics and the like (even if I'm not). in addition to the weight of the thing, we're also dealing with momentum. Not sure how far from the shore we are either. But thought was to use DS to either stop/negate the motion or alter/turn the ship by altering the gravity somehow (either gravity control or brute force tk). With enough of it negated, Scarab would be able to use her own TK to hopefully push it where she's like it. But unless we dock it, or DS maintains the negative motion, the boats going to start drifting again shortly afterwards... Not sure that's coherent...but that make sense?
  9. ok, so to try and work with Scarab to stop/move the boat...we do what? something w/ extra effort? What do I need to roll?
  10. ok, action done. rolled a 20! don't know if we need to make a strength check or something though...
  11. Dark Star blinked at the scene. If she was just some girl with skill, he couldn't risk blasting her. Nor, with Avenger pinning her, could he risk tossing her about with gravity. But maybe he could hold her without throwing Avenger around. He reached out and squeezed her tight, holding her in place reached out and squeezed her tight, holding her in place. "I think I've got her. Can someone tell me who she is and what's going on?"
  12. Was that a yes or no for DS and knowing she's a robot? If he doesn't know, she could just be a girl/normal with skills so can't use too much force. (stupid superhero honor!)
  13. HP for reroll (1d20+7=12) I used an HP on this since the first was a _2_. That's just too close to botching and heroes don't loose people! So with the bonus, I'm good. edit: Shaen: MOVE the boat? a cruise ship weights thousands of tons I believe...I don't think that's even vaguely possible for us.
  14. so...round over? not sure if you'd like me to arrive or not.
  15. Happy Brithday! (thought I was late for a moment there )
  16. I'd be interested in having Dark Star joining as well. (not sure if this was a 1 person at a time thign or what )
  17. Dark Star had just left the area, moving slowly. Honestly, he was deciding what to do and where to go next. The scuffle in the alley decided that for him. He flashed down to the alley as he hovered over the cape for a moment. "Are you alright?" He extended his senses outward, picking up as much information as he could...
  18. Dark Star nodded as he watced the archer depart and shrugged before turning back to the group. "I don't have much of a 'regular' human life anymore but I do have some family left. I would be honored to hold your secrets and keep them safe as well as to share mine. But this isn't the place to reveal that or discuss our stories. If everyone's ready? Gather close together and I'll get us there in a moment." He grinned. "Welcome to Dark Star travel! The most expedient travel service to...anywhere!" Too much seriousness was not good for you after all.
  19. Hey, Bel can't hog all the credit there! DS helped! Oh wait....
  20. Increase Gravity again but not sure how it works since the Captain is already moving through the air...
  21. "Ok, enough is enough. You stay!" He reached out and and altered the gravity of the entire area, excluding the Doctor if he was too close, making it a far heavier than before. It was time for Captain to kiss the ground again; well pavement this time.
  22. quick question: with DS's super senses, when he looks, does he know that the girl's a robot/android?
  23. 1d20=20 WOW I'll post an intro shortly.
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