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Sandman XI

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Everything posted by Sandman XI

  1. Stark black? Wesley guessed it was to stand out. Surely those others who would see it would find it very bold. He nodded and smiled, "Alright, Gina, we'll start on that as soon as it dries." Wesley tried to make a little conversation as he set up the equipment, but Gina wasn't much for small talk. Never say he didn't try. As he set up, he showed her the steps in doing so. He knew it eased some first timers to know what was going on exactly. The needles the machine, down to the vaseline and cleaner. He wasn't analytical about it, just enough to clear her head. "Now," he said as the prep was ready, "just hop up on the chair." He jacked his stool up to where he could reach her as she did. The buzz of the needle started "Here we go," he said with a reassuring tone.
  2. Silhouette was quickly followed by Wesley. The guards didn't seem to see him. though the closed door posed more of a problem. He shrank down into a small swarm of bugs (cockroaches, fittingly enough) to get under the door and then reformed himself in normal Wesley form. The smell was angry and bitter. He didn't see Silhouette either. Though she could see him, the guy in the tshirt could not. Wesley decided to get a closer look.
  3. Wesley hummed along with the soft beat that wafted throughout the shop. While Gina took her shoes and pants off, he snapped some gloves on and began to cut around the design. "We'll have this done in no time," he smiled looking at his work then back to Gina. "Alright, I'll tell you everything I'm about to do as I do it, just to let you know what's happening. Just tell me to be quiet if I start sounding boring." Grabbing a bottle of green soap and giving it a squirt onto a paper towel, "First we gotta clean the area that we're gonna apply the paper to. This'll feel a bit cold." He lightly but quickly rubbed the area that she pointed to. "Now," he said taking a disposable razor, "even though you don't have hair their, we're gonna deep clean that area just in case." Again with the lightness he shaved, clearing the area. "If you look at it, it's very formulaic," he said drying the area with a clean paper towel, "Sometimes it gets to where you don't even know how much time has passed." He chuckled and grabbed a deodorant stick, "This is where we get a little bit of stick for the paper," Applying the stick to the area where the temporary tattoo would be, "Don't worry, it's unscented. No smell at all!" He stood, "Now for this next part I need you to stand. Reason being is that it'll move around. The design looks different from standing up than sitting down." When she stood up he knelt down, "Alright, just gonna lightly apply this. It may tickle a little bit." He lightly rubbed his finger across the design, "Gotta make sure there's no bubbles. YOu don't want it to look broken." After it was flat he lightly pressed his hand against it, "Now to make sure it's tightly on there. And then we pull it off." Lightly he pulled it off, "There we go," he said standing up, "Now we're gonna let that dry for about five minutes. You can't touch it or sit. That'll mess it up. But if you wanna look at it, we have a standing mirror."
  4. Could have done worse, Alan Scott would have been boring and Kyle Raynor would have been overhyped tripe
  5. Wasn't meaning to troll, only to resurrect. Muse + Breakdown = Siren (III? Yeah, I know it's already taken. It was either that or Harpy ) A beautiful voiced trio of triplets who uses their singing voice to lull criminals to sleep or to boost their allies.
  6. Elizabeth blushed as Eddie laid on the praise. It was nothing really. Now that he really new something about her family, she could breathe a bit easier. She wasn't avoiding telling him about them, it had just slipped her mind. For almost two months. But now he knew her financial status wasn't so bad as she couldn't buy such a suit. Though she was the tailor, she smiled at the jab about doing work after dinner. SHe hoped he enjoyed dinner as well. "You're welcome, honey," she said stopping to straighten him up after he stretched a bit. His black suit, black shirt and red tie went perfectly with her little black dress. "And I can't thank you enough for getting these tickets. Hopefully you enjoy this. I know Beaudrie Opera House offers season tickets if you do."
  7. Wesley was no computer. He couldn't match the typeset exactly, but for what he couldn't do with the sterility of it all, he tried to make it look appealing. When he was done he showed the design to Gina with a smile, "How's that?" He was glad that she liked it. "Now, we'll give it a minute or so to dry. When it gets done I can apply this to you temporarily to see if you like it. I can apply it to your hand or arm, or since you want this on your thigh I can take you into a work room and apply it there. Whatever works for you." He smiled and nodded matter-of-factly. "And if you like it we can set you up to make it more permanent."
  8. Light looked at Kurt, then Elizabeth and finally Dark as he was still walking away. She didn't know how to answer this. She answered with a bit of trepidation her voice, "I... don't know. We have options. Maybe I can go out there and be a hero." Dark stopped walking, but did not turn around to face the group. He put his hand on his hips and glumly hung his head. As if the hero suggestion were the worst thing ever. Light looked to Dark. At least he was not walking away anymore. She flew over to Dark and hugged him from behind leaning her head on his back, "Don't worry, baby. It's not so bad." Dark sighed as if there was noting else to say. "Listen," he said softly, "You go do what you have to do. Just don't die out there. I love you. Now let go of me so I can go think. Elsewhere." Light did as he was told. Dark quickly ran off, vanishing into the night. Light dropped to her knees and looked to the ground as he did so.
  9. Elizabeth nodded when Kurt whispered to her. He didn't know what he was going for, but it had to be better than she planned. Though these guys were totally sorry about what they did, it still didn't excuse them from what they did. Letting a criminal go? What would the Centurion think? But maybe, just maybe, they deserved a second chance. "Indeed," she said floating in the air, her arms crossed, looking down, "You have to do something with your life. You want to end up in jail? Or worse? There are some 'heroes' out there who'd be much less caring than we are."
  10. New couples have come and gone since this happened last :P
  11. "We few, we proud, we band of bash brothers" :P
  12. Wesley chuckled as Lynn gave her 'grandiose' speech. She always was one to jump on things and grab them by the horns. While he did miss the high energy relationship, it was obvious that their time as boyfriend and girlfriend had passed. He couldn't help but think what she had planned for this whole scheme, but when she started pacing he knew this was one of her on-the-fly deals. Sitting back in the chair he took a sip or two of his drink, then she stopped. 'Jill' looked, what, sixteen or seventeen? He was almost twenty-one. That wasn't going to fly. Wesley chuckled when 'Divine' popped up. While she definitely was the most senses-pleasing woman he had ever met, Lynn was right, she was more of a free lover. Finally, there was 'Gossamer'. He'd met her once or twice! Huh, small world. Though the high maintenance thing was probably something he probably didn't need to think about. He was sure she was a nice girl and all, but he was no gold mine. "Worked with? As in here?" Wesley shook his head, "I'm sure they're all nice girls, but it would feel sorta awkward dating someone I worked with." Wesley thought about it for a second or two. He didn't know many females on a personal level. "As for the other 'job'... Eh, maybe, possibly, probably not. There was this girl last month. She was nice and all, a bit mysterious. Her name was Silhouette. Though I never heard from her again after that, didn't get much personal information from her. Then again, the zombies sorta impeded that." He chuckled, "If I reach way back, I met this girl named Mongrel Angel earlier this year. She was a shapeshifter, possibly like yourself. We didn't spend much time together either. Beyond werewolves." He shook his head, "I'm sorry I'm not much help for you."
  13. "I'm sorry, Gina," Wesley said sincerely when she looked annoyed, "I didn't mean to upset you." He nodded to everything she said, "Standard procedure, everything you mentioned. Stay right there. I'll go get the sketch paper and you can watch the magic happen." He smiled to her and popped up. Quickly going to get the stencil paper. A few seconds later, Gina saw a group of tattooed and/or pierced people walk in (and one of them had very... unhuman features, of which no one minded). Wesley greeted them. They were obviously employees. One went behind the counter and the others went back in the back to set up their work spaces. Wesley popped back over to Gina. "And I'm back," he scooted the chair closer to her so she could see him drawing. He looked to Gina with a smile, "If you have any questions, please feel free. Now first I'm going to draw a rough draft then smooth it out." He looked to the pad and began to draw.
  14. Wesley nodded sagely, "Very interesting." He looked at the drawing again and then back to her. She seemed very introverted. Unsure of herself. He made it policy to ask the next question to everyone who looked like they were unsure. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Sure he could go on and tattoo everyone that came in the shop, but he had ethics. "I'm not going to deny you this if you want it. You seem nervous though." He smiled warmly trying to look in her eyes, "Like I said, there's nothing to be worried about here. I would never let a friend of mine get hurt."
  15. Wesley swallowed hard when he saw he ring. A cough or two later he smiled weakly, "Congratulations." He wondered if it would be rude to ask to come, you know, the whole ex thing. But then again, it seemed like she was extending the olive branch. Then it seemed Grim was getting a bit more formal. He winced at the word 'Grimpig'. Such an inventive word for a horrible time in their life. He sighed, "Look, I gotta apologize for that too. The secret I held from you that haunted my nightmares and still do? Maybe could have been avoided if I was more truthful with you. There are many sides to a story. Black and white conclusions sometimes doesn't cut it." He looked with another weak smile, "Thankfully I've told you everything I know." Then she smiled and told him that she wanted to hook him up. "Wow," he said shocked, "I don't know what to say. Uh... Thanks, I guess?" There was a bit of a nervous chuckle. "It is a very grandiose gesture of you." He smiled warmly, "I guess there's no harm in trying, right?"
  16. "My experience with the undead is limited," Wesley frowned, "I know they're usually unresponsive enough to my powers, so if I have to stand up to them it usually takes them form of beatings. Also, not quite on the sensing thing. It's not really sight, it's something that pings in my head. The whole glowing eyes thing is... a side effect I guess? Anyway, they just show up on in my brain if they're within range of the sense." He turned into a large black wolf. "OK, we'll do the subtle thing. First we sneak up and take care of the zombie guards and then see what's going on around there."
  17. Wesley smiled and waited for her to get the paper. That really is a nice looking bag, he thought, where have I seen that before? Taking the sheet as it was handed to him, he unfolded the paper and listened to her talk while he looked at it. A bit of a confused look crossed his face as he wondered what the math problem was. "Of course, Gina, I can do that," he smiled, "if you don't mind me asking, what does this second line mean? Also, what does it mean to you? People's first tattoos are usually meaningful to them in someway, so I like to ask this question."
  18. "Very nice to meet you Gina," Wesley said with a nod and a smile. He sat in his chair a little more loosely, crossing his hands and twiddling his thumbs. He loved the word of mouth business modal. Sure it didn't bring in as much as the few advertisements he'd put in the local trade sheets, but it did bring in the more vocal and loyal people. "Now," he said sitting up a bit after she told him of the size of the tattoo, "is there anything in particular you want? If you describe it I can draw it down for you and you can see what it could look like in rough sketch and we can clean it up as you wish. How's that sound?"
  19. playah has not been with us for a very long time. I, though, am still available :P
  20. Elizabeth smiled mischievously. It would be a surprise then. As this was a surprise for her. "Oh, alright," she sighed happily 'defeated', "Black. I have this little black dress you'll love. Though, when this whole cooking thing is done I'll drop by tonight so we can compare. Sound good?" She began to plan his suit mentally. It would have to be a little bit big, but she knew the tailor. And the tailor knew she knew her tailoring. So it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. "Also, remember, don't eat too much tonight, you'll need room."
  21. Wesley smirked and threw the palm leaf away turning into a large black snake of undetermined origin before anything could be shown. The snake slithered towards Robin grabbing her left leg and slowly crawling up her, pressing strongly enough that he held on but not so much to hurt her. It felt like a massaging sensation with the pressure and flicking tongue. Up her leg, around her hips, crossing around her torso until his head reached her shoulder. Snake Wesley covered from the left side of her neck to her inner thigh, still holding on eenough where she could still feel him shifting. "Thisss ssshould be fun."
  22. "That body wash that smells so good on you?" Elizabeth was happy to hear Eddie so happy. "Two bottles?" she chuckled playfully, "I don't know, you got me." She did not expect what was coming next. She saw the opera and thought she would tease him with it, but him actually going out and getting tickets? She mentally stopped when he actually said he had the tickets. "Oh honey, you shouldn't have," she said with a happily shocked tone, "Those tickets they don't come cheap or easy." She sat a bowl of batter down on the counter and sat in a chair. She had a dress or two for the opera herself, but this means she'd have to get him something to match. "I'll get you something nice. Don't worry about dressing yourself." She had the perfect black Armani suit in mind for him. She'd pick it up late today and size it for him later tonight.
  23. Wesley could barely hear the girl, but he could make out what she said. She was very articulate, just low voiced. He nodded happily when she asked of his position. She wanted a tattoo. He couldn't tell by strait looking at her, but it was pretty obvious that this was her first time. "Well then," he spoke trying to ensure confidence in her, "You have come to the right place, m'lady." He kindly offered her a seat in the waiting room, walking over to a chair and sitting in one himself to show her that it was OK. "First up," he said looking up to her and patting a chair next to him, "Please forgive me, I did not catch your name. I would feel very disingenuous if I kept calling you just plain old 'lady'. I like to feel that my customers are my friends at least. So, what would your name be?"
  24. An early customer, Wesley thought happily, well this is going to be a good day. He had just got the sweet smell of incense and sound of a light reggae beat to fill the waiting area and unlocked the door for the girl. Wesley smiled as she entered, "Good morning," he greeted her enthusiastically as he walked to the counter with, "Welcome to Knight's Ink. I'm Wesley. How are you today?" The girl looked as if she was being protective of herself, he smiled as he understood. Most first time visitors were like this. He approached the girl, not intimidatingly so, but more warmly, not in her personal space, but close enough to speak softly and empathicly, "There's no need to worry. You're safe here! Now tell me, what brings you here?"
  25. In addition to my last edit I'd like to append: Muse Drop her smites by three ranks, kill Speed of Thought and Reflex 10 bump Dexterity to 30. This is something's she's always had Wesley his con bonus is messed up it should be 46/14 (+18/+2) and changing everything that's associated with that (even the concentration due to the benefit ) DONE BY SHAENTHEBRAIN
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