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Asad (PL 10/14) - TheAbsurdist (Bronze)


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Power Level: 11/14 (201/215PP)
Trade-Offs: -4 Attack / +4 Damage, -5 Defense / +5 Toughness
Unspent Power Points: 14


In Brief: Egyptian American Billionaire with Energy Absorbing powers
Quote: "I decided that instead of keeping my identity a secret it's easier just to hire a PR firm."
Alternate Identity: Amir ibn Jafar ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Misri, Amir al-Misri, Amir Misri
Identity: Public
Birthplace: New York City.
Occupation: Hero, Philanthropist, Super Wealthy Businessman
Affiliations: Summit Transnational, Freedom City's Muslim Community, Local Politics and Charitable Organizations, International Business Community
Family: Father - Abu Naseef Jafar ibn Abd al-Aziz ibn Amir al-Misri, Mother - Amatullah bint Haroun bint Khaldun al-Misri,(siblings have patrilineal names, and are shortened) Brother - Kareem al-Misri , Sisters - Fatima al-Misri, Hida al-Misri, Shafiah al-Misri. Order of children is this Fatima, Hida, Amir, Shafiah and Kareem.

Age: 46
Apparent Age: Early 30s. (D.O.B 1971)
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Arabic.
Height: 6'2
Weight: 193
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Pitch Black.


If Asad were to describe himself, in a word, that word would be dashing. In another word, smoldering.  Most often he had a relaxed expression on his face and in his overall demeanor. Since becoming a hero, he had put on some mass, a sign of a new workout regime, hours spent boxing and doing charity runs has added mass in a lean, brawler sort of way.

No matter the event he is normally impeccably groomed and dressed, though there again was a casual flair to his clothes, even if he prided himself on being the best dressed person at any social function. Every single hair purposed for the event or task at hand, and contributing to the mood he wants to present. Though is reluctant to wear any kind of jewelry, except a watch.

Asad generally opts for something a bit more simple, a morphic molecule short sleeved shirt. This generally worn under whatever clothes he has on, so he can 'change' quickly. Burgundy in color, with a white stripe up each side and over the sleeves. A stylized front facing golden lion's face is on the chest of his shirt. He pairs this with his normal khaki-cargo pants, and either track-jacket with similar colors as his shirt, in addition to gloves, and whatever shoes he has on.


Though he does experiment with different color schemes and various other outfits.



Power Descriptions:

All of his powers are Inherited Genetic Mutations, activated by the massive amount of energy from the supercollider breach. This would indicate that others in his family have energy based powers as well.  As such all his powers carry the Mutation descriptor.

Amir is possessed of the ability to absorb massive amounts of kinetic energy, and thus far all energy from the electromagnetic spectrum. This is both passively, in a fashion that affords him the ability to resist harm, and actively in a manner to remove non-latent energy. Currently it seems as those he can metabolize the absorbed energy to some degree and it has prevented his aging, as well as allowed for greater physical prowess than before.


He no longer seems to be required to ‘charge up,’ and has been able to generate energy he is not currently exposed to.  This may be related to the Fission Chips episode that him absorbing a small fission based thermonuclear reaction.


Finally there are some visual cues that comes from his absorption powers that occur when he absorbs large quantities of energy, or if he is emotionally distressed.  This can present as a simple glow, to coruscating blue light that resembles Cherenkov radiation, which seem to correspond to the fission chips embedded in his skin

He also possesses the ability to fly, the mechanics of which is unknown, as he has been reluctant to be tested.


Amir Al-Misri was just a rich, gadfly playboy type. He drove insanely fast cars (badly). He regularly traveled to Monte Carlo and Las Vegas. He hit up as many red carpet and high profile events as possible. Skied at all the best resorts. Flew in his private jet to New York just for the Pizza, and L.A. just for a movie premiere. Drinks like a fish a lot of the time, and has eaten gold dusted beluga caviar on more than one occasion. And often he is doing all of this with some starlet hanging on his arm (or pop-star, or celebrity bad girl, or heiress, or... well you get the picture).

Yes, Amir Al-Misri led a charmed life, not that he seemed aware of it. Ostensibly in control of the former American subsidiary of his family's financial empire (because he was the only one born in the U.S.), it was hoped that sequestered as that he would not negatively impact the Al-Misri Holdings Group at large. They also separated all overt ties between Summit Transnational and the rest of the Group. It was the outcome he had hoped for his entire life.

The truth was that his parents were individuals who felt that competition amongst their children would help them succeed. Amir was the child to successfully seize control of his fate aware from their well intentioned efforts. A natural talker, he spent his formative years in various expensive boarding schools using his natural silver tongue to maneuver through life among the children of the super-rich and the ambitious. This carried through to college to Oxford, then Harvard, and finally Stanford (though not necessarily a degree from any and/or all of them). And while he will admit he doesn't remember every class lesson, he came out with a Rolodex (contact list for the kids) that would buckle a desk.

All of that helped when handed the keys to Summit Transnational in 2003. Calling in every favor owed, and every friend he had made throughout the years, and he brought them with him into the company, changing it's corporate climate and direction. Of course no one really credited him with assembling such a skilled group of people. In 2008, he hired a former classmate, and someone who had shown herself to be immune to his charms, Anastasia van Cleef, as his personal aid.

Recently, though his course in life would change. Already an extensive philanthropist, he had started to look into Islam, in part because of a request of his father, but also years of posing as the playboy he had to become unfulfilled. He started reaching out to the local Muslim to community, though unable to reconcile his beliefs with some of the elements he felt were antiquated.

Due to his philanthropy he supported various scientific endeavors at universities. During a tour of a supercollider facility Summit Transnational helped fund in part for FCU (for tax breaks!) there was a failure in the containment system. His last conscious thought was managing to throw Ms. Van Cleef and the scientist giving the door through the automatically closing blast doors. Amir was struck with the full force of the energy produced by the experiment gone wrong, and he was sent into the secondary containment wall, slamming into the composite shell over the foot thick metal bulkhead, buckling both like wet cardboard.

Amir's heart stopped during the course of taking him to the hospital, though it restarted at the defibrillation attempt, his powers unknowningly draining that unit as well as killing the ambulance as well. A second emergency managed to get him there, though his vitals were restored. He was unconscious for almost two weeks, and when he did awake the first words out of his mouth was asking after a sip of his favorite scotch. The doctors labeled it a miracle that he survived the incident with no injuries, and that there was no radiation that seemed to have leaked from the incident as well, well publicly they labeled it as such. Privately, they had concerns but his recoverly was also hailed as a miracle there, considering the injuries he had sustained.

Amir gave a series of 'aw shucks, I am lucky and this has put my life into perspective' series of interviews, and it did. So at the next opportunity, the casual Muslim decided to take his Hajj for his 40th birthday. Forced into a level of introspection and retrospection he didn't feel as if he had a choice. This, too, was also covered by the tabloids and even some financial news, as they pondered if his near death experience had forced him to turn a corner. Which was accurate.

What wasn't covered was what happened during the Hajj. During the Stoning of the Devil portion, an old man fell, and was about to be trampled by a group of people, he jumped, farther than he had ever before, snatching up the old man, and landing in a rough roll, carrying the old man to safety, and leaving both of them stunned as the distance had been moved in such a brief period of time. It was enough to reinforce his prayers and meditations. He received no answers.

His return was quiet, matching the sort of behavior one would have when faced with such drastic and recent change. It was during this time that an attempted kidnapping happened, it made sense with some of the more mainstream press he had. The snatch happened as he was jogging in Freedom Park, and when he had made it to Heroes Knoll, three armed men appeared, and attempted to take him. This was the first time he was conscious of his powers, as he shrugged off first their blows and gunshots, before able to stop the effort with display of new found force.

Afterward, before the statues of the deceased heroes on the knoll, he prayed, really prayed for a sign, wondering what he should do, what should happen. Well that, and he saw a shrink just in case. During this time he explored his new powers, testing them covertly.

In the wake of the Gorgon Event Amir knew he couldn't just sit idly by the wayside from here on out.


Personality & Motivation:

Asad is not the face he puts out. Having stuck with the guise thus far he has decided to keep it, as it has distinct advantages. He is, by and large, a manipulator of sorts, and apt to use his words as his foremost weapon. Not that he'd shy from adversity. In fact for the first time in his life, he is driven by something greater than his ambitions.  Or maybe his ambitions are aimed in a more altruistic bent.

Powers & Tactics:

Asad is direct in a fight, generally eschewing overly complicated tactics in his efforts, as his powers are not subtle.. He opens with trying to talk down the situation, given that he has an ability to take a fantastic level of punishment.  Once battle has started he does tend to try and become the most visible person in the fight, in the hopes of drawing attention and attacks, as well as placing himself in harm’s way to take the punishment aimed at others.


Since training from Mali, he improved his versatility.  Adjusting his tact in his efforts.  He will use Fast Feint and Improved Grab to great effect.  Taunting as needed.  With his goal shifting from slugfests to locking down opponents and getting in close.


If need be he will use his blasts and ability to expel massive amounts of energy to



Dang It Jim, I am a Billionaire Not A Scientist:  Asad’s power grants him more latitude than he exercises.  As such he is hampered by his less than stellar creativity when it comes to it’s use.
Enemies: Whether by personal action, or just happenstance, Asad enters the arena already with some enemies in the wings.  Some personal, and some just plain business.  It doesn't help that at least one woman formerly linked romantically to him is villainess Madame Marvelous.

Fame: He was a social mover and shaker before getting his company. Dated starlets, pop singers, and princesses. Frequent interviews in various forms of media. And then adding his company, and it's rise to prominence has only fueled this. Unfortunately people can sometimes take a less than sterling view of him because of his Reputation.

History: He is old enough, and shaken enough hands and signed enough deals that it may come back to bite him in unexpected ways.

I Am Not Scared:  His powers afford a great ability to take punishment.  While not fearless, he may be apt to jump in over his head in such situations, and as such may not try to dodge, if he feels he can take the punishment.

My Powers Are What Scare Me:  They’ve changed… especially after some incidents.  Is this natural progression or something else?
Public Identity: He is not hiding the fact that he is a superhero, with only feeds...
Reputation: Rake, fop, playboy, feckless, lazy and more. He was, and still is, tabloid fodder, so few people will initially take him seriously.
Responsibility: He is ostensibly the head of a multi-billion dollar equity firm. And recent life changes had nudged him to take a more direct hand in the business, and he takes personal umbrage if someone messed with what's his.
Shut Up Already!: A talented speaker, he sometimes talks too much. And can be apt to make long speeches just like villains.



Abilities: 10 + 6 + 14 + 2 + 8 + 6 = 44PP

STR 40 [20] (+15/+5)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 40 [24] (+15/+7)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 16 (+3)



Combat: 14 + 12 = 26 PP

Initiative: +7

Attack: +7

Grapple: +27/+12

Defense: +6

Knockback: -12/-3



Saving Throws: 0 + 2 + 5 = 7PP

TOU +16 (CON +16, Base CON +7, Protection +1, Impervious +10)

FORT +15/+7 (CON +7, CON w/Enhanced +15, )

REF +5 (DEX +3, +2)

WILL +9 (WIS +4, +5)



Skills: 88R = 22PP

Bluff 12 (+15 / +19 Attractive)Skill Mastery

Concentration 1 (+5)

Diplomacy 12 (+15 / +19 Attractive)Skill Mastery

Drive 4 (+7)

Gather Information 15 (+18)Skill Mastery

Intimidate 2 (+5)

Knowledge (Business) 8 (+9)

Knowledge (Civics) 8 (+9)

Knowledge (Current Events) 4 (+5)

Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+3)

Languages 4 (Arabic, Farsi [Persian], French, Portuguese) (Base: English)

Notice 4 (+8)

Sense Motive 12 (+16)Skill Mastery



Feats: 19PP

Accurate Attack

All-Out Attack


Benefit (Wealth 3)

Challenge (Fast Feint)



Improved Grab

Improved Initiative


Luck 2

Move By Action

Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Sense Motive)


Ultimate TOU



Equipment: 1PP = 2/5EP

Commlink [1EP]

Smartphone [1EP]


Powers: 36 + 16 + 8 + 10 + 11 =  81PP


All carry the ‘Genetic Mutation’ descriptor.


Absorption Array 16.5 (33 points; PFs: Alternate Power 3) [36PP]


BE:  Nullify Energy 11 (Area of Effect 55’ Radius, All Energy types; Extras: Alternative Save [Fortitude +0], Effortless, Nullifying Field [+0], Selective; Flaws: Distracting) [33PP]

AP: Damage 10 (Area of Effect 200; Extras: Area [burst], Selective Attack; PFs: Progression [Area] 1, Variable Descriptor 2 [Energy]) [33PP]

AP: Blast 15 (Range 1500; PFs: Precise, Variable Descriptor 2) [33PP]

AP: Enhanced Strength 20 (to 40/+15) + Super-Strength 5 (effective Str 65, Heavy Load: 100 Tons; PFs: Groundstrike, Shockwave) [20+12=32/33PP]


Enhanced CON 16 [16PP] (Energized Metabolism)

Flight 4 (1000 ft/ 100mph) [8PP]

Immunity 10 (aging, Life Support) [10PP] (Absorption, Sublimation)

Protection 1 + Impervious TOU 10 [11PP] (Absorption, Sublimation)



DC Block:


Unarmed Touch Toughness DC 20/DC 30 Damage (Physical)

Blast 1500' Toughness DC 30 Damage (Variable)

Damage(Burst) 200' Radius Reflex DC 20 Damage (Variable)

Nullify Energy 55’ Radius Fort DC 26 PP Cancel/Negate

Groundstrike 150' Radius Reflex DC 25/Trip Check .5 DC of Trip Check/Trip

Shockwave 150' Cone Reflex DC 25 Damage (Physical)



Totals: Abilities 46 + Combat 26 + Saves 7 + Skills 22 + Feats 19 + Powers 81 = 201/215PP

Edited by Fox
+1pp for April 2024
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Thank you to whoever fixed up my formatting.

I am currently revising sheet and fluff to do this:

Sheet- Moving it around to match up, his lack of experience as a superhero. Mostly changing skills and feats to represent his background.

Fluff- I need to clean this up. I like the base story, but it does need a bit more.

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