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Monsters in the Streets! - Bayview (IC)


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Erin wiped the water out of her eyes and pushed her hair back from her face just in time to see everything start falling down around them. Bracing against the deck of the bridge, she leapt into the air, tucking her body into a ball as she headed for the giant piece of falling bridge support, She hit the side of the support with the bottoms of her feet and pushed off against it, ricocheting like a pinball and sending it flying off the bridge and far out into the water.

With the momentum she'd gained, she barreled straight for the giant, bulleting into his midsection with her oustretched arms. The force of her strike pushed the giant away from the cables and off the bridge, sending him into the water away from the boat beneath. She very nearly went into the water after him, but at the last second, caught the outermost cable with one hand and swung herself back to the dubious safety of the bridge. "Phalanx, the boat!" she called.

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Alex looked up as the bridge began to shake and shimmy in a rather alarming manner. She'd never tried this on anything so very large before. She rested both hands on one of the struts below the bridge, letting her forehead fall against the cool metal. Within seconds, that sparkly shimmer that covered the teen had spun out to coat the entire bridge like a film of cotton candy. With her brow creased in concentration, the petite psychic closed her eyes and began to start sorting what the bridge should have been from what it was.

For those on the bridge, it was quite a site as cables began to restring themselves and rubble melted back into the cracks along the pavement. Metal whined as the bridge supports unbuckled and straightened to redistribute the weight.

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As soon as the giant bug staggered and fell Phalanx rocketed down the bridge towards the titanic creature in the center of the bridge. As the creature began to fall and chaos broke out he shifted course and sped towards the endangered boat.

Splashing against the murky surface he sluiced through the water and came up beneath the ship. Setting his back to the keel he heaved it up out of the water and towards the relative safety of the shore.

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The Pitchoo arrived at ridiculous high speeds from the Midtown direction, engines blazing white-hot from the rear as the gun turrets swirled and tracked potential targets.

"OK, more huge nasty monsters... hurrah!" Geckoman's voice was audible only to those with exceptional hearing, as he swooped down and under the bridge in a lazy arc, pulling up under the debris falling towards the civilians. CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! Geckoman glanced up to see huge dents forming in the ceiling. "... I've been back literally a minute! Dear God!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Breakdown rushed to the edge of the bridge after the monster he had been fighting bit the dust. He was about to dive off the edge of the bridge in an attempt to save the people below when the Pitchoo swooped into action.

"No, it couldn't be!" Breakdown exclaimed with shock and amazement. He called out over the radio waves with his senses, Looks like we got a last minute assist, guys. Geckoman's back. If you can hear this, it's good to have you back in action, buddy.

Instead of diving off the edge of the bridge as he was prepared to do earlier, he simply changed the song on one of his ipods.

Using the radio waves once more, he called out, I'll go retrieve the people in the water.

Breakdown teleported out of sight, reappearing hovering just a few feet above the water. "Hello ladies and gentlemen," He addressed the water logged citizens of Freedom City, "Thank you for flying Air Freedom this afternoon. My name's Breakdown and I'll be your captain for this short flight. If you'll just gather around, I'll be able to take you all somewhere a little more dry." Breakdown gave them all a friendly smile, and when they were ready, he teleported. He took them back to a safe area at the end of the bridge.

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The Pitchoo swooped and rolled, dumping all the rubble into the water some distance from the civilians. "Thank you, Eddie, it's good to be back!" exclaimed Geckoman, spiralling onto the bridge and leaping from the Pitchoo even as it settled into a low hover.

"I mean, I leave you guys a few weeks and giant monsters attack. Face it, you need me!"

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