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Tropical Getaway (IC)

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Torpedo Lass II


"Consuelo seems fine, she should stay on shore for a bit to make sure she doesn't end up with secondary drowning and that any water she may have breathed in is coughed out..." Then a realization hit Mizuki, making her hold out her hand as if she was telling everyone to hold on a tick while looking at the sand near where she went in. "I knew I heard a splash... Anyone seen Baz? Baz' footprints end here..."


"I swear... I should just get a red swimsuit and a rescue can and just be the lifeguard here for the remainder of this trip..."

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"No, I'm fine!" Consuelo insists to classmates concerned about her. She really does look surprisingly fine for someone that nearly drowned just a few moments ago. Her color has returned and her temperature seems normal. She's alert with no signs of nausea or difficulty breathing. "I'm sure I didn't breath in any water. But if you don't believe me.  . .  ."


Consuelo holds one hand up in front of her and opens her mouth wide. A twisting tendril of shadow snakes out from her palm and enters her mouth as she inhales. The shadows flow down into her open mouth, and she rolls her eyes and bobs her head back and forth a little, as if she is impatiently waiting fur something. 


The shadows recoil back into her palm and she smiles. "No water in there now!"

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By the time Parker has reached the beach alongside Vueriz, Consuelo is already declaring herself safe. He shakes his head. Maybe starting out like this was not the best place for starting to learn to swim, if they've almost lost Consuelo already and Baz... has leapt into the water again.


"I got him." 


He can see the green shape out there in the water. He can feel the exact distance. At least water doesn't block his senses. Reach out, grab hold of Baz, focus and increase the distance between him and the bottom of the ocean. 


Baz lifts out of the water and is brought to the beach, where Parker puts him down, quickly kneeling by him again to check how much water he has swallowed this time.


"How about letting Mizuki know when you're ready next time, buddy?"

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Gamma Buzz


"Hey! You saying I can't swim? I had in under total control. And even if it wasn't absolutely 100% totally completely undercontrol... and obviously it was... but even if it wasn't and I was a little bit drowning, I can hold my breath for a long time! A minute, probably! Maybe more!"


He coughed out some water from his insect lungs. Not all of it came from his mouth. 


"But anyway, thanks. Obviously it was just a test to see if Mizuki had taught you basic lifesaving skills. And well done, you passed! I will... ah..."


His antennae trembled. 


"...obviously have to make sure your skills are maintained. And maybe I will do that by jumping into a water again and... pretending... to drown. Just to make sure you keep your skills fresh, right?"


He gave a smile. 

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Lawrence had a relieved look on his face as Mizuki said that Consuelo was fine, who also insisted she was, including using her own power to remove any water from her lungs. And then it was realized that Baz was missing…again. Once again, Parker was on the case, fishing Baz out of the shallow waters inside the reef.


"Well, I for one am glad you two are on top of things." The blond teen said to Mizuki and Parker with a smile.


He then headed over to where Mizuki had set up the life raft and the waiting Vueriz. Soon Lawrence had opened a shed short distance from the beach and hooked up a hose which they used to fill the raft with water to which they added the ice Vueriz and Parker had collected.

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"Hey Parker! Catch!"


And then a football thrown with a perfect spiral was flying gracefully through the air with enough force that it probably could have bruised someone who wasn't a metahuman towards Parker. It wasn't an attack, and it had exceptional aim for the toss, heading directly towards where Baz and Parker were.


It had been thrown from the far edge of the beach where Michael and Carmen were coming down the walkway and across the beach to join the others. Now that the others had all gone off climbing, Michael figured it was a good time to move down to the beach, and maybe nap down there instead.


"I bet he does something like stops it in mid-air rather than catch it." He said to Carmen as they walked. He'd gone back to holding her hand as soon as he'd thrown the ball, but he was watching it spiral with interest; to him, seeing that he could still throw a football as well as he could when he was practicing twice a day meant a lot to him.

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La Puma Negra


Carmen watched as the football flew through the air with a force that could have easily hurt someone that wasn't powered like themselves or at the least someone that couldn't catch it. The young catwoman had been learning more and more about American football, having stop herself in her own mind from confusing what most American's (from what she could tell) knew as soccer with it. For all purposes, it wasn't that hard to differentiate the two, seeing as she was a resident of Puerto Rico and had learned plenty through osmosis.


"Wow, that was a nice throw," Carmen spoke, watching as it was flung with a rather nice spiral to it, recalling that he had used to practice a good amount for the sport, "Can he?"

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Parker hears the shout and stops. He doesn't need to turn around to know where the ball is, spinning through the air towards him. It is going fast. A regular person could be hurt, so it makes sense that Michael would throw it at him.


He has to time it right, but it should be fine. Without turning around to face it, he raises his right hand up and, as the ball comes flying in, but at a wrong angle, heading towards his face and... It is suddenly in his hand, a few black drops of energy floating from the point between his hand where the ball connected. 


"Nice throw!" he calls out. He had never really played much sports after getting his powers. It would've been cheating. But with everyone else around, it might be different. 


He holds the ball up in his hand, then throws it back. Regular throw, some power behind it, but aimed well, at least.


"How far can you get it?"

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Blue Bolt


Vueriz had missed the drama of Consuelo's little trip into the water, and had been slightly too late to help Baz out, although given it was a test by the other teen she supposed that was fine. Instead she had busied herself with the raft that would contain her ice bath with Lawrence. She barely waited a moment before hopping in, groaning with relief at the temperature. Comfortably warm for her, rather than the awful heat of the island.


Hesitating a moment, she cracked an eye to look at Lawrence, mumbling a quiet "Thank you, Lawrence."

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"Told you he'd do that." Michael said with a chuckle to Carmen as Parker stalled the ball before throwing it back. With ease thanks to Parker's good pass, he caught the ball as he and Carmen finished the walk.


"Great toss! You've got some good aim there." He said with a smile as he got to Parker and Baz, rolling his shoulder. He thought about Parker's question for a second before answering.


"I can throw it about one full field right now. I'm not really doing any super powers while I'm here though, I could probably get it further if I put my back into it, especially if I started burning time, but I'm trying to relax, you know." He explained. He turned to offer the ball to Carmen.


"What about you, Carmen? You wanna try a toss?"

Edited by Poncho
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Lawrence gave Vueriz a small smile. "Of course Vueriz, glad we were able to come up with some plans for how to help you deal with the heat." The blond teen said. "Just let me know if you need anything else."


After returning the hose to the shed, Lawrence stopped in the shade of the trees along the edge of the beach and just watched his friends. Mizuki, Consuelo and Baz down by the water, Paker, Michael and Carmen, a little further along, throwing a football. He smiled at the sight, while in the back of his mind there was a feeling of guilt with regard to the things he felt he needed to be honest with them about, particularly given the warning Quirk had given back in December. Just…right now was not the time.

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"I kind of want to see how far you can get it if you really try," Parker says to Michael, crossing his arms. "I want to see how far out you can get it before I can grab it. Not like I can do like that at Claremont, in the middle of the city."


A ball isn't easy, not at distance. He can feel anything out to a certain distance, everything around him. Like another sense, one that he's pretty sure the rest of them doesn't have, but a ball isn't big. It's not easy to grab hold of, and a place like this, where nobody can watch? That's the perfect spot.


"Go for it, Carmen. I'll grab the ball before it gets too far away."

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La Puma Negra


Carmen would nod her head as she watched the scene unfold, Parker catching the football rather well before tossing it back for Michael to catch. Sure, it was sort of cheating with the powers they had, but it was hard not to do so anyway, especially when they could cut loose a bit instead of holding it back. Carmen was more fascinated in the spectacle as she was more at home playing soccer if anything else. Though, she hadn't watched much of it or played it since coming to the States.


In fact, when Parker calls to her, she is taken by surprise a bit, "Um sure..." she says before quickly moving in a position to catch the ball. If they were using powers, it was only natural for her to use what she was already gifted with, a quickness beyond the norm, superhuman, to move to catch it.

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"Alright, I'll give it a little bit, but I really am trying to rest...It takes a lot out of me to keep up with you and Carmen, you know." Michael said to Parker as he spun the ball in his hands. His hair turned red as he was surrounded by a golden aura as he took a few deep breaths


"Alright....Go!" he yelled as he slapped the ball to let Carmen get running. He suddenly wasn't Michael Adon- the Claremont prep, Golden Star, overachiever-, anymore. He was Michael Adon, a top high school project that recruiters were ready to spot for. He dropped back into the makeshift pocket, his eyes scanned the open beach like he was checking his routes, he set his feet, and every muscle from his feet to his arm hitched as he threw the ball. It cracked the air and kicked up a blast of sand as it went soaring, aimed at the end of Carmen's run; she would need to put all her effort into the run but it was going to come down almost directly into her hands. Or it should have, but it looked like it might wobble and Carmen would have to demonstrate her incredible dexterity to catch it.


"Aahhh, the wind took it..." he mumbled to Parker as he rolled his shoulder. "...I bet she's still got it though."

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Parker closes his eyes when Michael gets ready. 


Being able to see the ball is one thing. It will be difficult, given the speed that Micahel will mostly likely be throwing it with, but feeling the distance to it as it passes between Michael and Carmen, going closer... He can keep up. He can feel where it is.


A moment before Carmen would catch it, Parker stops it in place, infinitely expanding the space between her and the ball, then increasing the space between it and the ground to send it flying up.



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  • 1 month later...

La Puma Negra


Just as Carmen was lined up to grab it, watching it with a relatively trained eye as brought her hands up to catch it. That was before someone decided to use their powers to make it a bit more of a challenge. The ball seemed pause for the smallest of moments, so quick it was that it was barely registerable before. The space between them had expanded and then the space from the ground itself was as well. A smile would now form on her face, a real challenge was to be had now as she got on all four and began to chase after it as it moved with a renewed momentum.


"I got it... I got it... I got it!" she says, jumping up to grab it, the synthetic leather ball sliding into her hands before she came back down to the sandy ground.

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"Woah." Michael said at both Parker and Carmen's actions, picking up his feet and walking towards his girlfriend while he clapped.


"That was incredible! You're so cool Carmen!" He said as he jogged over towards her. "You really are a top class athlete, you know? You'd put pro athletes to shame."

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