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Everything posted by RobRX

  1. The barbell seemed to weight nothing to Cho. "Um, I don't think that's heavy enough." With one hand she tossed it into the air and catched it back. That thing might as well be weighless. That thing couldn't possible be the test, right? "You'll have to get me something heavier if you want to test it out. Oh and I was wondering; is there really no way to test out if there's not any power I just don't know I have? I don't know, something like a full body scan? I guess you probably have that. And no, I wouldn't want to brawl it out with you; last time was almost a stalemate but you're probably a whole lot stronger than me!" Once more, Cho weighted the thing. Nope, still pretty much weightless.
  2. "Oh, this is so cool! But a little big, I'd feel a little awkward if I reached that size and couldn't shrink back. But ha! So cool! Sorry if I sort of busted your secret identity, I promise, I won't tell anyone! Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, I promise!" At the very least, Cho was rather excited by all this (maybe a little too much?). By that point, she had mostly dealt with superpowered individuals of her age and never with an established superhero who was also an adult. One would think Cho would be heavily into a rebellious teenage phase but deep down, she probably needed a little bit of guidance and support from an adult that would understand. Even if, considering how easily Maxima's identity got uncovered, perhaps Doctor Steel wasn't exactly the best option... "Well, that makes me feel a whole lot better, really. I didn't want to get slapped to a table and dissected. I mean, I could have ran away but..." Her shoulders slumped a bit. "I know they just want to help me. Truth be told, I don't really want this to end in some stupid 'well I can prove you I'm right' situation. I don't want to feel like I'm just drowning them out because I'm trying to prove them wrong." The teenager shook her head. "I don't want to fight them." Slamming a fist into her palm eagerly, Cho said; "So! What do you got for tests? I mean, if we're going to do this we might as well do the whole thing and then some! I've never pushed myself at my complete limits, not at Claremont."
  3. "Wgoa, you're huge!" Was the only thing that could some out of Cho's mouth. She quickly covered it, however. "I'm...Im...no actually I don't really have a 'name' yet." She explained, before returning the gesture and shaking Maxima's hand. At least that would be someone she wouldn't risk breaking all the fingers in her hand. For all she know, that would possibly be the opposite. For all Cho knew, Maxima could possibly break her bones with just one hand. "Heh...heh...health nuts." giggled Cho. "I'm not sure THAT count as health or fitness nuts anymore, or were you planning to go to bodybuilding contests before they told you you'd win by default?"
  4. Twenty seconds passed. Nothing but the barely flickering sphere hanging there, floating in the air. Then distorted, screeching noises erupted from the sphere, like grinding metal mixed with thunder as the sphere's flickering grew dramatically more intense. For a brief moment, it was as if a thunderstorm had suddenly erupted. Cracking blue lightning struck all around the sphere. Then a bright flash of white light. Followed a small shockwave. Now there was a blanket of dust and smoke, with some sparks briefly lighting it up. An atrocious smell filled the air, like a mixture of ash, ozone and rusting metal and the overall smell of industrial decay. However, perhaps that was just a side effect of the burnt up crater that had just formed. Slowly, a figure began to rise in the smoke, standing up from it's curled up fetal position. The shape was human, or at least human-like. In the smoke, a red point lighted up.
  5. Cho glanced at the whole thing, as her brain began to tick and...pretty much put the pieces together fairly easily, as it seem this Doctor Steel wasn't very good at hiding things. 'Wait, does that mean she...' is what ran through Cho's head as the doctor rambled on, perhaps a bit too much and with a bit too much 'fun' about a machine supposed to be able to allow even people with super strength to have a workout. Turning, Cho asked, flatly; "Do you use that too? I mean, if you have that thing set up there, does that mean you have powers too? N-not that I'm saying you're secretly a superheroine! Even if there wouldn't be anything wrong with that! Even if I'm not sure how you'd manage that and your job..."
  6. "I-I...I don't fly." muttered the girl. "That would be pretty cool! But I can't do that. I don't think I can, anyway." All things considered, her mood didn't seem all that gloomy. One could only muster so much teenage angst. "Don't think I hate my powers or don't want them. Well, maybe I did a bit at first. People my age have to deal with zits, I have to worry not breaking everything around me. I know that, when someone is granted powers, it's up to them to put them to good use. It's just my family worries about the danger." Clenching a fist, Cho seemed to get a bit more fired up at all that. "Beside! I'm not going to lie, this is the coolest thing ever! So to hell with danger! I'm sure no hero ever backed down just because 'it was dangerous', right?"
  7. "So what, there's actually a rhyme and reason...sort of, to all that? I thought this stuff was, well, random. From what I understood, it wasn't exactly something that had some sense or something you could get roughly the same result off of twice. I really wasn't told much and I didn't feel like bringing the subject up because I didn't want to remind people of...it." Her voice got weaker and weaker toward the end of that sentence, turning into almost a whisper. "It hasn't been a very pleasant change. I-I don't really recognise myself sometimes. Sure I was in good shape, but I was more thin and wiry. The spurts were painful, especially at first. First ones were the worst and I could actually feel them. I still feel sore and constantly hungry even when it slowed down." Cho leaned back in the chair, staring at the ceilling. "So what now? You can basically guess exactly how my powers work? Because there hasn't been any new one since the discharges...but um, I don't know, it might not be over yet."
  8. "Um, yeah." Cho was far from an idiot but that still sounded like compete and utter technobabble. Because it was. With only highschool, those kind of subjects might as well been said in an alien language humans can't even speak. That said, some of it did seem to make a certain sense. "So, what; despite having powers fueled by...probably non-existence, it still...exist? And you mean like energy-to-mass and mass-to-energy stuff?" Once again, she shook her head. "Okay, I-I'm not going to lie half of that makes no sense to me. Hazards? Most don't do anything, so, nothing noteworthy that affect me in some weird way! Now the flareups? Those can and do happen at random and it's rather painful. Just using that disintegration ray is painful, really; it feels like having needles jabbed in my bones and the needles are on fire."
  9. "Sorry about the scene." was the first thing that came out of Cho's mouth. "I-I know, they don't mean it like that. Anyway..." Despite the scene with her family it seemed she was still willing to defend them, even when both had cause a very small scene. Mentally, she took note that it actually went fairly well, all things considered. "Um, it started with what I'd say is close to growing pains. Some, um, pretty intense one I guess and it's still going." she explained. "Must have gained a good foot by now and maybe a bit more. I got a lot stronger, tougher and faster. Not...well not super-fast but still a lot faster. I don't really feel much, um, not even bullets and lasers, that just bounces right off. Then there's, well, that." The teenager rolled up her sleeves before clenching both fists. Once again there was a build up of energy and her fists became engulfed in orange-red light with a some eerie glow, the line even exposing the shape of her bones on the inside of her hands, something akin to putting one's finger close to a bright light. "You don't want me to fire that, I-I might break something. W-well, not so much break as just make it dissapear." With a grunt, she made the light dissapear and began moving her fingers. "It's pretty painful to use, actually."
  10. "I know, I know it's just they're a little too eager to have it all taken away." That didn't take long for a response to that beign heard. "Cho, I have already told you won't force it on you. I don't think we could if we wanted to. We are just here to better understand what is hapenning to you." replied John, with a sighs. "Yes, we would prefer you stay out of all this, as it is a dangerous world. We won't force it on you but we would really like that you reconsider your descision. Doctor Steele should be able to provide more information and input since she likely knows more than I do. And if it can't be taken away, at least get a better grip on it. I don't want you to hurt anyone." Cho's mother spoke up, trying to reassure everyone and calm them both before things spiraled out of control. "Accidents can and do happen." she explained to her daughter. "A-allright, allright...fine." Cho immediately started to sulk again, which frankly did not help that rather horrible first impression she gave to Cassandra.
  11. "Hey, it's fine...I-I'm fine." muttered Cho, holding her arm. It was still there, even if the cut was rather deep. "I could have finished him myself! But, um, thanks." Shaking her head, she began assesing the damage. A few bruises, a deeply cut arm and utterly trashed clothes. At the last one, Cho clammed up a bit. It wasn't at a point where she'd be in trouble for it, but it was clear that while she could soak up blaster shots, normal fabrics couldn't. Even her gloves and sleeves had faded away, vaporized by her own powers. Has she worn her Claremont uniform, this wouldn't have happenned. "Oh well, I'm starting to get why the others carry their costumes under their clothes." Her powers clearly did not extend beyond her own body. Wimpering a little, the mutant fell down, holding herself up on only one leg. The arm had been cut rather deep. "C-can you get me something to cover up and tie up the arm before I bleed out?"
  12. "I don't think it's really will, just stubborness!" commented the Claremont student, still sometimes finding Thaelia's way of speaking quite strange. Not that she'd ever say it to Atlanteans face, both out of respect and to avoid getting punched. Screaming, Cho punched once more, however underling decided to interpose himself, taking the hit at full force. Cho's punch hit him in the guts, the force of the blow shattering his armor with a loud crack. "Damn!" shouted the girl just as she saw the other armored thief raise his laser knife. Too slow to avoid the blow, Cho raise her arm to block the weapon. Either this was a well-placed hit or the weapon was powerful enough. Whatever the case was, it proved to be able to outmatch and overpower Cho's invulnerable body, cutting her arm. In pain, Cho reeled back, clutching her arm.
  13. http://orokos.com/roll/197956 1d20+8: 11 Well, Cho got hit.
  14. -2 dmg/+2 atk on Thief 1 http://orokos.com/roll/197937 1d20+7: 19 Apparently I have wasted a good roll.
  15. "W-what, r-really? This stuff is for us?" Cho asked, surprised by this feast. All things considered, having a feast in her (well, rather all the students) honor was something new. In fact, having a feast in general was a whole new thing, as this easily surpassed family reunions. This really was something. It also occured to her that she really felt hungry. Looking at the delicious food, her hunger felt even more present. The meat, in particular, caught her eyes. "Can I...dig in?" she asked, somewhat timid, since at this point she felt so hungry that she knew that, once she started eating, it would make her voracious. By now, she generally knew what to expect from her sudden cravings.
  16. At the mention of the 'Benjamin' name, Cho couldn't help but grunt. If one would have paid attention, they would have noticed a chunk of her sleeve dissapearing in a tiny spark of light and one of her veins glowing every so slightly as she clenched her fist. Unclenching the fist, a small wisp of smoke rose from up her sleeve. "Thank you, Doctor Steel." said John, shaking her hand. "I am glad to meet you. I hope you will be able to do..." The man glanced to his step daughter. "...something for her. Thing have not exactly been easy since the changes. I hope you might be able to do something to help her." "Don't beat around the bush, okay?!" added Cho, spiteful, before sulking in while her mother shook her head, putting an arm around her daughter. "Cho. C-cho, listen to me; this isn't a...cure, okay? We're not at this point yet, I promised you and even if there was one we wouldn't force it on you." Seeign her teenage daughter looking away, the woman reached out to grab Cho's chin and force her to look her in the eyes. An astute eye could actually see her strain just to move the head against her will. "This is not a forced treatment. We just want to see what's going on and see if you can't control it more easily. We'll take it one step at a time."
  17. As it turns out, Cho's family arrived fifteen minutes late. And what a sad picture it painted, with the mother looking anxious and her stepfather equally anxious with an added side of stress and a younger child clinging to either parent, depending on the moment. Towering over both of the adults was the teenager in question, who frankly looked as if someone had just shot her dog or something equally depressing. It was clear that, given the awkward silence and gnashing of teeth that this whole situation was tense for all of them. Arriving, the family confirmed who they were and what their business here was, while Cho seemed to have become utterly fascinated with counting the tiles on the floor. She was also wishing she could somehow melt through the floor to dissapear. 'They want to take away my powers...' She thought to herself, unsure what to think about that when she had just started to understand what her place was in the superhero community. Or, at the very least, her place in Claremont.
  18. Now one would not normally assume that Cho is actually capable of 'thinking', given her usual tactic of rushing headfirst into things. Not that the girl had ever really shown herself to be stupid, merely lacking in the ability to analyze as well as lacking in foresight. However, that was far from the truth. As Thaelia and the presumed leader of the armored thieves, Cho took a very short moment to think. Out of the seven thieves, only one of them had ever shown any actual skill in combat, the others proving to be completely inept. 'Which one do I take out first?' thought the young mutant to herself. 'One I missed or...' Immediately, it became obvious. Leaping into the air, screaming, Cho clenched her left hand into a fist and sent it straight for the man's helmeted face. Upon impact with her fist, a shockwave formed.
  19. -2 dmg/+2 atk, moving and attacking Thief #1 http://orokos.com/roll/197230 1d20+7: 16 DC is 24.
  20. Unfortunately for "Speccy-Spaccy", Cho's attention was focused elsewhere. Lacking any form of superhuman sense and facing in the opposite direction while talking with Georgia, the whole situation completely flew over Cho's head as she was busy having a (sometimes one-sided) conversation with the other girl about...well, whatever the two would discuss anyway. That said, subways are horribly noisy places and rather bad for conversations. Sometimes Cho would turn to the young mother playing peek-a-boo with her baby and would smile a bit.
  21. "Yeah! Girl of fury...wait what?" Was the only reaction Cho could muster from the appelation, raising an eyebrow. Monikers or titles were something completely new to her, to say the least. Intending to finish this superpowered rumble. The girl's upper body glowed once more, something halfway between some inner light and bioluminescence, with an orange-reddish tone, briefly outlining the inside of her body, such the skeleton and muscles looking as if on fire, briefly hinting at a certain image of terror likely all-too-familliar to some people, before flowing down her veins into her fists. Once more, a beam of entropic energy erupted from her hands...and completely missed the target, carving out a chunk of the scenery.
  22. It doesn't exactly work like that, Trild, if you want to participate just ask if you can.
  23. http://orokos.com/roll/196719 Using accurate attack for a +2 accuracy, attacking Thief 6 and missing.
  24. Sooooo...aaaaanyway! Given the title, I wonder what's going to be found?
  25. Cho is too shy to get laid and even if she could, there would be a gender-reversed version of 'Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex'.
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