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Tiffany Korta

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Everything posted by Tiffany Korta

  1. I think we shall go to iniatives, as Merge did read the file... Merge Trois Initiative 1d20+7=16
  2. “So all we have to do is find a specific demon, in hell none the less, and then try and convince them to give up there hard won souls. Well that shouldn’t be too difficult.†She gave a cheery smile. “But this is my first time in hell, so I’m not quite sure on the layout. Unless Dante knew more about the layout of hell than he was letting on I'm not going to be much help.†She stuck her hands into her pockets and looked thoughtful for a few seconds. “Could we pick up some kind of guide? I mean I know we can’t trust anyone down here, but I sure a promise of a promotion might get a little loyalty.â€
  3. Whilst the three of them decided to interrogate the poor guy she decided to stay on crowd control. She’d floated down to just in front of the crowd beaming, both a wide smile and her glowing aura. She was used to dealing with crowds and all this was natural to her. She couldn’t help but grin as she listened into the conversations, talk about the generation gap. “So are we going to be long here, because I skipped lunched and I could murder a burger. Cause if not we probably just throw him in hold with his mate and move on.â€
  4. Toughness save 1d20+8=10, yeah I think a reroll due there 1d20+8=13, so that a 23 and a Bruise. Plus I'm a HP down, but hey it could be worse .
  5. Blodeuwedd could understand Tona’s instincts; she tended to try to carry as much of her equipment as she could. But she had been trained to both accessories and be prepared to carry around everything she needed. She had a few throwing knives tucked into the lining of her handbag, just in case. “Maybe you should look at a bigger handbag?†she hefted her quite substantial, but still a designer label, handbag. “Or perhaps you should look at a utility belt or pouches, though they’ve fallen out of fashion recently.â€
  6. “Well my Momma uses to say, Merge never refuse a drink from an attractive billionaire.†she then held her hand out and dropped into a mock Southern accent “But where are my manners? I and my sisters...†She gestured to the other two women in the room, one of which gave a little wave “Are called Merge Trois, and this gentleman… well he wouldn’t give me his name but I call him Grey†The Grey man gave an almost undetectable sigh before carrying on. “We’re not unreasonable people Mr Misri. There are certain resources owned by your company that we require sign them all over to us and well leave you well alone. This will include a fee for mine and the young ladies expenses.†Merge leant in and whispered in a seductive voice. “Believe it or not he’s the carrot and I’m the stick. And I really don’t want to ruin that pretty little face.â€
  7. So the gig was up, but luckily they wouldn’t be as easy to find as they suspected. It seems that this base had all manner of defenses from magic, which was something she understood, to obvious clones. But why did they look so familiar? <<â€It seems we are spoilt for choice. You seem to be the expert on bases like this which would be the best place to start? At least we should probably get out of these vents it probably the first place they’ll check.â€>> Almost by instinct she clutched the hilt of Dyrnwyn ready for trouble should it start.
  8. Asad word didn’t appear to have an effect on the woman straight away, but as they got near the boardroom she leaned in a whispered. “Just listen to what he has to say I don’t really won’t to hurt that pretty little face. We can discuss that holiday later…†to the boardroom at large she declared in a louder more bubbly voice “Look what I found boss, can I keep him?†The Grey man wasn’t quite as enamoured with his charms. “You do have a point. So I have a simple offer you stay on as a figure head whilst my clients run the show… or we’ll have to replace you. I’m sure there are several shapeshifters that would be happy to help.â€
  9. Young Britannia watched the Merge’s seemingly doing nothing but waiting. One of them even managed to find a yo-yo to play with whilst another was blowing bubbles. “Why are they waiting for? They must be delaying for some reason…†she finally caught up with what Starlight had said. “Wait did you say they were stealing the money from the other studio? That must be what they’re doing trying to delay the cops whilst they get away with the cash. We should really try and stop them in their plan, whether you bothered with them stealing the cash or not they did threating the hostages. And me as well but that’s beside the point.â€
  10. As Asad expected there was someone was waiting for him, but what he didn’t quite expect was the reaction he received. A woman, who was wearing what could be generously be called a business suit, thrust a cup of coffee into Asad’s hand. “Pleased to meet you Mr Asad. There waiting on you now in the boardroom.†She then proceeded to gently guide Asad toward the meeting room, keep up a stream of mindless babble as they went. It was only as got near the room that Asad could see an identical woman waiting for them, alongside a small Grey Suited man.
  11. Blodeuwedd gave a wistful little smile “Well the last time I went to a club I ended up in a fight.†She looked at the other “No not like that there was this guy… Maybe I should tell this story later.†She look a little embarrassed before continuing on “But I’m sure that tonight will be much less eventful.†There were defiantly good points about that night and she suspected that tonight would be even better. She just hoped that it would be uneventful. “Well what are we waiting for? We looking so good and it would be unfair to deny people the pleasure of being in our presence.â€
  12. Blodeuwedd didn’t say anything at first continuing down the ventilation ducts. But she couldn’t help herself. She was sure he was hiding something, she had trouble reading his body language, but it was there. It was a bit of a risk but a little push might reveal a little bit more. She tried to keep her tone conversational. <<â€I’m sorry I had to ask, but some people seem to lose perspective when dealing with organization like this. Sometime they tend to lose focus and it becomes about revenge instead of justice.â€>> All the while she kept them moving looking for the evidence they required.
  13. Blodeuwedd cast her eyes over the selection of weapons on display; she had a passing familiarity with all of them. She quickly discounted most of them she was her after all to improve her ability with Dyrnwyn. She selected a long sword of a similar design as her own sword and begun to test its balance. It felt weird to wield a sword not on fire maybe that was why the balance didn’t feel as good as her own. Satisfied with her choice she laid the sword with in front of her with some reference before she begun a series of warm up exercises.
  14. Alarms blaring but thankfully no sprinklers, she really could do without ruining this outfit and she hadn’t had time to change into her costume. Well with someone dealing with the public she had time to deal with Robo-Rex here. “How about you shut you’re big dinosaurs mouth and go back to entertaining kids?†She didn’t expect the massive robot to comply with her request so began to gather up her energies. “Final chance or this is going to hurt a lot. For you that is I’m going to be fine.†With that she released a bolt of energy toward the robot
  15. Let's start with a straight up blast 1d20+8=26.
  16. “Well I guess that means we’re all ready then. So where are we going?†Looking at the assembled girls she suddenly realised that they expected her to also get a change of clothes, and knowing how stubborn they could all be they wouldn’t let her go until she had the perfect outfit. Time to show off a little. Checking that no one was watching and they were out of view of the camera she sent the necessary mental commands to her bodysuit. She kept the little jacket, but the summer dressed shifted and altered to something a little more form fitting shifting it color to its default dark blue. “The bodysuits mimetic I can alter it at will, saves on buying new clothes.†She gave a wide grin.
  17. The Grey Man seemed intent on tying to calm down the general hubbub going on amoung the board memebers, whilst the woman seemed to be scanning them looking for potential trouble. Deciding that discretion was the better form of valor Ms van Cleef began to slide the cell off the table. She was watching the woman like a hawk, so was totally surprised when a female hand grabbed her own. "That looks like a nice phone, all expensive and stuff." the woman bent down to look at the screen allowing Ms van Cleef to see that the woman looked exactly the same as the other! "And this must be your boss?" she gestured to the photo of Amir on the screen "I must say he's a real looker." she grabbed the cell from her hand and held it to her ear "I'm sorry we're all in a meeting at the moment. Maybe I'll see you later. Kiss Kiss." With that she hung up the phone and threw it back to Ms van Cleef. "You can try again but I'm afraid service has been cut off."
  18. she's joined Starlight in the control room, sorry I should have made it clearer.
  19. We're briefly out of combat whilst everyone decides what they're doing. When we pick up we'll keep the initiatives.
  20. Starlight’s blasts hit the Merge solidly, but instead of doing any apparent harm she just begun to fade away, blowing Starlight a kiss before dissolving completely. Meanwhile the other Merges were cordoning the audience out of the building towards the waiting police outside. In their hurry they weren’t paying as much attention and Agnes was able to slip away from the crowd. She was looking for some place to change when Starlight’s attack got her attention. Making sure that she wasn't being watched or followed she made her way into the control room. “Hey Starlight whatever you did seems to have spooked them. What are they doing now?†Only one screen showed any images, the rest now having been shut down, and showed the remaining Merge’s standing around the studio they had just left apparently waiting for something.
  21. The Order had never considered human threats, only those of a supernatural nature, so Blodeuwedd’s knowledge of SHADOW what was publically know about this evil organization. That said there was a strange overtone to the way that Myrmidon had declared that they had to destroy everything. She turned round to look at him, drawing her hood down to block the light from her goggles so not to ruin his night vision. <<â€That a bit extreme even for people like this. There got to be something else going on here for you to put many people at risk. I’m not asking you to tell me everything…â€>> it wasn’t like she was an open book herself <<â€But give me a reason why we need to go to such extremes? I won’t let you harm people without a very good reason.â€>>
  22. Summit Transnational Offices, Wading Way 27th August 2012 Despite the reputation of the company’s playboy owner its board meetings were normally quite unremarkable things. Today however things were a little different. The meeting was just about to get started when two people just boldly walked into this private meeting. The gentleman was totally unremarkable, to the point of greyness; the woman with him was a totally different story. The young African-American woman towered over the man in her almost impossible heels her blond hair piled up on her head. She wore a pair of over sized glasses and a parody of a business suit just the right side of decent. The pair took up a position at the head of the table, a position normally reserved for Amir, the woman standing behind the grey man. Whilst the rest of the board seemed shocked and perplexed by this sudden turn of events the unflappable Ms. Van Cleef just dialed a number from memory before whispering to Amir. “Sir I think you might be interested in this…†she put the phone on the desk in front of her. The grey man leant on the table for emphasis before speaking. “Ladies and gentlemen I come to discuss you all signing this company over to myself.â€
  23. “Heya. Yeah the doctor also mentioned this guy, so kinda a bust.†Agnes gave a frown and leant against the wall. How would they be able to track down this cult? They’d need some massive advantage, but where could they find such a thing? “Wait we’re on a starship with a massive computer that can keep track of a planet rotating a star going around a galaxy and plot a course to another planet doing exactly the same thing. Could we not track all the victim and look for release points or do some face recognition to look for the cultist?â€
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