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Tiffany Korta

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Everything posted by Tiffany Korta

  1. Rene was surrounded by a glow, an aura of light that seemed to infuse him. Everyone in the room, to Rene eye, were also surrounded by this aura. Except Beatrice it seemed her fate was had been decided. “I’ve provided you all with protection against her control, I’ve also leant you a tiny bit of life force, enough to hopefully halt her plans.†She gave a smile “I’ve got to go, I wish you luck and if you mean the current bearer of the host be kind, and remember me.†Time seemed to shift and thing returned to some kind of normal. “…nne.†There wasn’t any perceivable change in the room, no flashes of light, strange sound or the smell of tin. But it was obvious to all that the woman who stood up was no longer Beatrice. “Hello Rene, it’s been a while.†Her voice had a strange reverb effect as if two voices were talking at once.
  2. “The current barer of the Spirit of Justice is in this City and she can draw on the memories of the past hosts. Normally we’re just an echo a whisper in the breeze, but you connection with myself, with both of us has allowed me to manifest.†She gave a little smile “I did warn you that dealing with the likes of us would entwine you in our fates. She’s returning, it’s too late to stop her…†Time seemed to flash forward and Beatrice was in front of his face here mouth forming the name of Gallia’s host, the key to free her from her bondage “Her power has grown over the centuries, she can now control the mind of those whose come from France. As much as I want to I cannot stop her or blunt her power, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help a little.â€
  3. “The painting was lost for centuries before it turned up in the collection…†She paused as she caught sight of Rene, and a strange look crossed her face. She strode over and bent down looking him in the eye. “He knows, he knows who she is. He knows that her name is Jea…†Constance smile at Rene. “I am a piece of undigested beef, a crumb of cheese.†She paused and a strange looked crossed her face “How strange it is to know things that happened after my time, to be aware that I’ve been gone all this time. I don’t even know my own fate…†There was the barest hint of melancholy, but she was quickly back to her old façade.
  4. Agnus managed to hide her wince once she’d realised who she was. So she’s TK girl? She downed in one the champagne she was holding and helped herself of another from a passing waiter. Unfortunately with her enhanced constitution it would take quite a few of them to have any effect I could excuse myself now, teleport home and be on the sofa in a comfortable clothes with a glass of wine, catching up on EastEnders before they even realised she was gone. But instead she drew a deep breath and drained the second glass, just for luck. “Well if it help any I have a whole channel of my misdeeds, I stopped checking at a couple of million. And unlike you my bad reputation was well deserved, I’m afraid I was a bit of a Diva back in the day, and I’m talking full on Naomi Campbell. And you wouldn’t believe half the stories that were written about me in my fifteen minutes.†She lent in and whispered conspiratory “And between you and me you make a lovely couple.â€
  5. “The Fae are like cat’s they’re self centered and think of only themselves. It’s fine as long as you entertain them, but if they get bored of you, they’ll ever leave you alone or make up new games with you involved. And not all pleasant. Vicious, mean, but luckily never deadly.†Blodeuwedd gave a little sigh. “That Brân Fendigaidd more commonly known as Bran the Blessed, though it should be Blessed Crow. He was the King of the Island of the Mighty who owned a magic cauldron the bought the dead back to life. While his head, buried under the Tower of London, eternally vigilant protects the whole of the UK from invasion. Such power cannot fall into anyone hands, especially the Tylwyth Teg.†She turned her attention back to Medraut “What do you need us to do?â€
  6. She didn’t expect him to fully understand, after all he didn’t know everything about how the Order operated. Hopefully he’d still want to be with her when he knew the whole truth, well all except why she was sent here. She spent a few minutes collecting some fire wood why the boys sorted out there dinner, or at least as much as they could before Tona returned. She dumped the wood beside the small camp fire. She gave Subito a little friendly hug “I’m not sure my family could deal with such spicy food, we don’t use nearly as much spice in Welsh cooking. It would hide the delicate taste of Leeks.†There was nothing to do now but wait for the hunting party to return so she sat beside the fire and got out her battered copy of the Mabinogion.
  7. Blodeuwedd gently shrugged his arms away. “I do wish you wouldn’t call me that, it’s sweet but… well it’s difficult to explain.†She’d tried to get him to read a little of the Mabinogion or at least tell him a few of the myth. Partly so he would understand what the order was all about, but mostly so he’d know the lineage her name carried. She hope the name and didn’t resonate down the line to her, but best to be ready just in case. She let such thought go, and instead concentrated on helping Kat. “Afanc means Beaver in Modern Welsh, and yes it can have the same meaning as it does over here.†She paused to let that little fact sink in before continuing. “If you up for it we could try a lap or two of the pool? Though I can’t promise to be the best of teachers.â€
  8. Blodeuwedd rolled her eyes but said nothing, she probably understood more about interrogation techniques than she cared to admit, but now was not the right time to exchange words with Sam. “I’ve got my phone on me that should have provide all the information we need. As much as it pains me to say Sam’s plan has merit, but may I suggest a small addition? Before we commit to a battle with unknown forces one, or two of us scout out the area before we commit to an attack.†She suspected she’d be the best person to do that, but better that all of them make decisions like that.
  9. Blodeuwedd All You Need Is Hate (1) Ants among the Flowers (1) Blod in the Air (4) Fish Out Of Water (5) Paint the Town (5) Roughin' It (5) Twilight Tag (3) y Dderwen (1) Revenant Adrenaline Rush (3) Movie Night in West End (6) Young Britannia The Midnight Society Holiday Party (5) Right by my Side (1) OVERTHROW in Freedom Hall (2) Slave to Time (1) Studio Time (2) GMing Convocation of Eagles (1) Digital Love (3) Gallia Falling (7) Gallia Renaître (4) Starlight's were meant to fly (1) (points to Revenant please)
  10. It was time like these that Agnus felt a little uncomfortable, when Amir started talking shop with people of his own wealth bracket. Despite a little bit of cash she was still a simple girl from North London. Whilst they talked she looked at them trying to remember if any of them had appeared in the kind of magazine or blogs she tended to read. There was something about the young Australian girl, she was sure she remembered her from somewhere. Maybe she was famous in some way? It was at least something she could understand. “Hi there, Kristin wasn’t it? I know this sound terribly clichéd, I’ve heard it enough myself, but do I know you from somewhere? It just I’m sure I’ve seen your face before…â€
  11. With a matter of fact manner Blodeuwedd explained to Kat exactly how normal she was, whilst she talked she kept her tone neutral. There was no bitterness or remorse in her voice. “I’m not sure you could describe me as normal. My family are monster hunters. They weren’t cruel or unkind, it’s not like they made me fight monsters with a spoon or punish me if I couldn’t tell a Fomorian from a Afanc.†She raised a eyebrow to Subito “But ever since I was young enough to train I’ve been training to fight monsters and spirits.â€
  12. Blodeuwedd didn’t even wait for the container to fall, she was already in the air heading back down towards the ship. Someone up in the crane would be an obvious target and even though her suit could take a bullet it would have given away her position. With a final acrobatic flourish she landed lightly on the ship above them, but she didn’t have time to admire her work. She had suspected, and he confirmed, that they would head below deck. Only allowing herself a tight little smile she dashed ahead of them and swung through the door and hid herself into the darkness ready to follow them deeper into the ship.
  13. With a smile Lucy picked up the wad of note and counted out half of the note, returning the other half of the note to Henry. She replaced the note with some of her own. After a few second thought she remembered to add on, she hoped, a generous tip. “There one thing you need to understand. I might be an old fashion kind of girl, but I’m also a Modern Woman. Not that I don’t appreciate someone acting like a gentleman, but I'm also prepared to pay my way in the world.†She kept her tone light, she wasn’t out to start a fight, just make sure he knew the kind of woman she was. It would be best to sort it out now then later.
  14. “But a Pawn may become a Queen in the right circumstances. I’m afraid in these time deception and politics are necessary bedfellows. It is easy to forget who we do these things for and do things for their own sake. I’m afraid that is what happened to Robespierre.†He paused a second before continuing “What I ask of you is nothing. If you wish you may walk away with no repercussions, though I suggest you stay away from Paris until things are sorted. You could choose to stay here, and act as The Countesses guardian until the situation has stabilized. All the guards and servants are loyal to the Republic above the concerns of us Politicians. And Princess Marie still lives here, there may still be those who wish any royal to return to power.â€
  15. She dived into the water and swum over to the pair. “Don’t worry about it Kat, I tend to fade into the background at the best of times. And you don’t have to leave on my account, don’t worry I’m just here to have a quick swim nothing more.†As she talked she treaded water, showing some confidence in the water. “I’m not sure if I can offer you any help, I’m not the most brilliant of swimmer. And from looking at you swim you rely more on your strength than I do.†She turned to Kat to explain “I’m one of the few here with no powers. But I’ll help if I can.â€
  16. Another of the Avians when sprawling to the deck, his weapon clattering to the ground with a loud clatter. The other two closed ranks without much concern for their fallen foe. They seemed ready to use their weapons on the heroes at any moment. Blodeuwedd on the other hand had a little catching up to do, which she did with a little style, she dived and rolled into the corridor. As she came up she threw out a series of knives towards their foes, she’d misjudged thing however and the knives when wide of the target. 04:59:48:00
  17. Toughness Save : 1d20+5=17, so he's down. There each carrying some form of compact firearm, beautifully finished in Brass and Wood (of cause ), Lord Steam can't work out how exactly they work, but they'll pack quite a punch. Blod will move out to join the rest, and launch a series of knives towards the Avians 1d20+7=13, well obviously she has to work on her knife skills. And back round to the top 21 El Heraldo, unharmed, 5 hp 17 Avians (minions) x 2, unharmed 9 Lord steam, unharmed, 3 hp 7 Blodeuwedd, unharmed, 3 hp And EH is up next.
  18. “We are a government of the people. If they wish a return to the King then it shall be so, though we seem to be missing our Dauphan at the moment.†He gestured to the, now rapidly fading, illusion of the Prince. “As your young ldy friend pointed out last night we may choose to remain a Democracy or restore a Monarchy. Though the King will no longer have quite the power he’s wielded before, the council will be there to check his powers. Though we are a nation or philosophers and thinkers, maybe they will determine another better way for man to govern mankind?â€
  19. No matter how often it happened, and it was less common than in her heyday, she always felt both proud and embarrassed when someone came out as a fan. “Now, that's a name I've not heard in a long time.†She gave a friendly smile “I record under that name Annie Stone now, and most people who know me call me Agnus.†Well if Asad had taught her anything it was to seize any opportunity. “I own a little studio here in Freedom City, Zenith Studio’s, and your welcome to visit anytime you want.†She hoped it sounded more like a friendly invitation that a business proposition.
  20. Blodeuwedd put a hand on her hip and spoke in a voice dripping with sarcasm. “And what would we have me think when I find your arms wrapped around a pretty young woman?†She even managed a little smile. She trusted Subito completely, he was probably one of the most honest person she knew with total inability to hide his true feelings. It was probably part of the reason she had been attracted to him, what with living in a world of shadows and secrets. “I’ve already met Kat I think we’ve trained together and possibly a few classes together.†She knew exactly what classes she’d taken with Kat, along with everyone else she took classes with. She also heard rumours about Kat around the campus, another mystery, something she just couldn't resist. But for now she wasn’t interested in delving into Kat’s past.
  21. IF YOU CAN DODGE A WRENCH'D by GIZMO Young Britannia - Increase Defense Bonus by one. - Increase Dodge Focus by two. IF YOU CAN DODGE A WRENCH'D by GIZMO
  22. PERFECT TEN'D by GIZMO Blodeuwedd I'm working on the assumption she's now PL10, if not I might have to tinker with this a bit! - Increase Strength and Constitution to 18 each. - Increase Attack and Defense by a point. - Add Improved Initiative Feat PERFECT TEN'D by GIZMO
  23. “I don’t know but let’s find out.†She fished her smartphone out of her handbag, they were in the mist meant they were between worlds. That meant the rules of both worlds applied. Hence she could use her mobile to make a call, if she had a signal, except cell towers weren’t common in the mists. But she’d thought of that as well. “I’ve used Dyrnwyn for a long enough that there’s a link between the two of us, see if you can use that to run a signal back to Supervisor Medraut.†As plans went it was fairly simple, but sometimes they were the best plans of all.
  24. “Great I’ll hold you to that. I’ll rent us a copy of Hannah Montana, you can bring the popcorn.†She gave a little smile. She looked around at all the stylish women, and men, a sea of elegant stylish clothes. “I should have listened to Coco, I look like an explosion in a floral shop. I’m going to teleport home and get my LBD. I can pick up your Santa hat of you want?†She sighed “You know that most people here earn more in a month than I do in an entire year?†Still she gladly added what she could to the donations, there were unfortunately still people less fortunate than herself.
  25. “Oh no we not allowed to create True AI’s, there just expert systems.†There was a slight waver to his voice, was he hiding something? Totally ignoring what was going on behind him he lead them into the room where the machinery was contained. It was a rather unimpressive leather chair with a scanner like device attached to the top. Surrounding it was a much more impressive collection of computer equipment. “We could do a scan of someone and do a basic simulation. Maybe your assistant here?†Merge managed to looked completely surprised “I’m not sure I think one of me is enough.†She was now standing beside Asad and had written something on the clipboard. There is something the other me has found you need to see, wait until I cause a distraction. You’ll have to “convince" me to take the scan.
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