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Tiffany Korta

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Everything posted by Tiffany Korta

  1. Gallia's Reflex Save 1d20+8=21, so she's good. She'll try to attack KoS back, 1d20+8=9. That would be a miss. Rene's up next.
  2. The card scored a solid hit, but Gallia easily shrugged off the coils of the card. “Ah these little Superheroes and there little toy’s, thing were simpler in my days. It was all about force or arms and willpower, and maybe just a touch of magic.†At that she gave a manic laugh. As she spoke she drifted above everyone, every now and again throwing out beams of power randomly lashing out into the room None of the blast’s came anywhere near the two heroes, but also none of them seemed to harm any of the controlled guests despite the beams catching a few of them head on.
  3. So all she had to do was distract the Queen for around five minutes. It seem simple enough, she seemed enamored with the persona Blodeuwedd was projecting. But the Fae were mercurial creatures and were quick to change on a simple whim. “Well I’m no PR expert, there people who deal with other public image. But the entertainment industry television and cinema seemed to have the most in common with your ideas.†And built on illusions and lies, which summed up the Queen nicely. She had to concentrate to keep her body language friendly, it didn’t help that the Queen reminded her of some of the Queen bee’s (in a school sense not literally) at Claremont’s.
  4. One of first thing’s Lucy had learnt about dealing with people was when lying it was best to use as much of the truth as you could. She didn’t lie often, not since she was a young tearaway, but she was unfortunately quite good. “There was something amiss at this place and my friend’s here.†She gesture to the Doctor and the Vampire “Were helping me find out the truth. They were in danger and I didn’t have time to warn the security here about what I was doing.†She turned toward the security “Sorry about that.†Now the easier part, pouring on the charm. She gave the Police and large warm smile. “There still out there, and I really need to track them down. So if you wouldn’t mind?â€
  5. You have to worry when Blod's being the sensible one... It's a little bit Bluff and a little bit Intimidation so I'm not sure which you want. Both have Skill Mastery, so Bluff's 21 and Intimidates 24.
  6. She understood that Myrmidon must have major issues with this organization in general and this individual specifically. But they still needed answers and this guy was probably there best chance to get answers. So she suddenly appeared right in front of Burkhardt the tip of Dyrnwyn mere millimeters from his Adam’s apple. Her face, shrouded in the shadows of her hood, showed a grim determination. Her arm didn’t waiver one bit as she stood there. “My friend here is inclined to kill you, and I’m quite inclined to allow him to do so. But then again I want to know the full extent of your plan. Tell me everything and we’ll keep you alive, even clones must value there life…â€
  7. Blodeuwedd considered her options, she’d managed to get a fairly good read on the girl, not everything but enough of an overview. But having known Subito for a little while she knew he’d probably didn’t want the cold hard truth, so she’d had to sugar coat things a little. “She seems alright. Probably hiding a few secret’s, but then again who here isn’t?†She shrugged her shoulder “But I think something seems to be bothering her, though I’m not sure what.†She knew she shouldn’t but, like all the other mysteries around her, at some point she would probably try to find out what her problem was.
  8. Okay not to bright, but not disastrous. With Quickstep gone we have. 64 Velocity, unharmed, 3hp 45 Jubatus, Fatigued, Dazed & Staggered, 0hp 27 Silver Spider, Dazed & Staggered, 2hp 17 Bee-Keeper III, Bruise x 1, 0hp Velocity your up.
  9. Meanwhile Agnus was going through the complicated procedure of waking up, after a couple of exhaustive day she’s managed to get a good “night’s†sleep. She’d managed to recall who she was, when she was, and that she currently naked with… Now fully awake she leapt to her feet. “The tabloids would have a field day with this on.†She mumbled to herself. Summoning her clothes from whatever dimension they we’re banished to she notice they were back to their original contemporary (for her) form. Another complication to add to the list. It seemed a shame to wake Broken Crow, after all he had a challenging few day, but if she and Subito were going to get home she’d need his help. In a loud whisper she also called out “Oi! Subito are you out there?â€
  10. A rather suspicious smile crossed Angus’s face. “Okay if you’re sure.†Suddenly she wrapped her arms around Amir in a gentle yet firm grasp, her glowing aura began to grow until it covered them both. “Don’t worry I won’t take advantage of you. Please keep your arms and legs inside the aura at all time, or else… well you’ll see.†With that the two of them shot up into the sky. First Freedom City disappeared below them, then New Jersey and finally the East coast until at the edge of space the whole of America was laid out below them. “This is where I come when I need to think. Its gives me some perspective on everything.â€
  11. Digital Angela looked like she was on the verge of tears and Merge looked like she was going to say something smart ass, instead she turned back towards the screen. “It’s okay it’s just a bit of a shock for both of you. If I could just ask a few questions…†As she turned another Megre was on eh same spot, who guided Asad a short distance away. “Look I know what’s this is like, but I think we’re short on time. You see there…†she pointed to a large metal case below the screen “…that’s all that’s running Angela. I’m not sure what he rest of this equipment is for, and that worries me.†Her voice softened a stage â€I don’t know if she’s a true AI or a really good simulation, but you need to decide what to do with her.†She held up her finger before Asad could answer and turned back toward’s the her by Angela. “Tell Amir what you just told me, us.†Angela had a serious on, as if the information was important. “There someone one else in her with me, I keeping her away but she’s starting to get really suspicious.â€
  12. Efficient Bee-Keeper is scarey . It would be remiss of me not to remind Az that Silver Spider has a couple of HP to spend, special as at the moment she's double dead! The bikers been taken down a couple of time, so this time he's defiantly down.
  13. Blodeuwedd had watched how the two Avian as they had attacked, it was obvious that they weren’t really confident with the weapons and kept giving easy opening when they attacked. She just needed an opening to be able to press her advantage. So when Lord Steam gave her an opportunity, in his own unique manner, she took every opportunity. With a leap she bounded between the two Avian’s, and with a series of simple swipes she rained a series of cuts onto the two. The attack was quite effective and the Avian’s collapsed, the steam gun clattering to the deck.
  14. I keep forgetting that these are meant to be minions, so I'll spend a hp for take-down and take 10 to finish up the two in the corridor. Unless Subito want to bravely take on the Airlock guard were out of combat for a bit.
  15. When Lord Zander basically told the teenagers they had a free run of the area Blodeuwedd eyes lit up. It was a chance to try something she’d always wanted to try. But first she had to convince Subito why it wasn’t for him. She knew he wanted to do everything together with her right now, but something’s a girl had to do on her own. “There’s a challenge, sort of game really. We used to do it at the Order as part of our stealth training. It’s a form of Counting Coup, we had to try and sneak up on a herd of skittery animal Cow or Horses normally. The aim was to get as close to the animals as you could without startling them. The further within the herd you got, the better the bragging rights. And if you managed to touch one well…†She didn’t say it, but her tone suggested she’d managed such a feat. “Well I want to try and do it with some of the big herding dinosaurs. I know it’s a bit weird, but it might be my only chance to try something like this. And you’re not the most subtle of people…†she gave one of her rare smiles “I promise not to pick on anything dangerous. Why don’t you show the new girl around, I’ll try not to get too jealous.â€
  16. If you could give me an IC post Az then it's Bee-Keeper's revenge!
  17. We can do this! After BK save Silver Spider is up.
  18. There it was almost unnoticeable, but it was there. Blodeuwedd had be trained to read body language, manly in her role of social infiltration but it also helped her when fighting human opponents. And Crow didn’t like what the Captain was doing. Obviously he was after the Chalice. She wasn’t sure which one it was, magic cups were a dime a dozen. Didn’t mean she couldn’t help him out a little, but how to let Crow know it was her? IN a soft slightly ethereal voice she began to quote from the Battle of the Trees, whilst constantly changing her position. She hoped he’d pick up on her choice of tree’s, plus the fact it was in her native Welsh. <â€The Oak, quick moving. Before him, tremble heaven and earth. A valiant door-keeper against an enenly, His name considered.â€>
  19. Yeah let's go for that Will save for Bee Keeper, and an IC post.
  20. Cool stat it up and give me an IC post.
  21. So can I speak now? Well we're a little short on bikers at the moment, but yes we have bee's. Well it would a Technology roll and your welcome to roll, but with Jubatus's time shifty thingie I'm happy for him to just spend the HP and do some kind of Nullify or some such. PLus I don't won't to slow thing down to much and make AA mad .
  22. Even in her state she hadn't expected Tona to attack Sam, not the woman who as far as Blodeuwedd knew Tona loved. But now was not the time to deal with all the emotions, if she survived she'd have time to process everything later. Still there was a chance that Tona could still be reached, be reasoned with, or at least distracted. Or did she just need to say these things? Maybe she wasn't coping as well as she liked. "Is this what it's come to? Hurting the woman who cared for you, who loved you?" She knew she had no time to wait for an answer so as she finished speaking she was already on motion. Jumping off of the side of the building she aimed a kick at Tona's face, then using her momentum she spin around as she landed, lashing out with Dyrnwyn.
  23. If I've got this right it's Blodeuwedd go now, if I've missed someone out sorry. Move Action : Jump down to Tona Standard Action: Attack Tona with Dyrnwyn. Attack Roll 1d20+9=23 so close but not good enough, let's burn a HP 1d20+9=19 so with the +10 that 29 and a hit. A pitiful DC 24 Toughness Save for Blue Jay.
  24. That'll hit, her Toughness save is 1d20+12=31. So she's fine. Jubatus is next after your IC post.
  25. With all the gangsters and biker's down we are now left with. 64 Velocity, unharmed, 3hp 45 Jubatus, unharmed, 2hp 27 Silver Spider, unharmed, 3hp 17 Bee-Keeper III, unharmed, 0hp 14 Quickstep, unharmed, GM This time we're really back to the top and it's Velocity's turn.
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