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Everything posted by JackgarPrime

  1. Around The World in Eighty Minutes! The Final Frontier!
  2. Victory's status is more or less depending on how long you take to get to him! Not that time has all that much meaning where he went.... Also, I'd say Push should start with an extra HP due to the Vanquisher's surprise attack. Victory does,too, but he's obviously not "in play" at the moment.
  3. The static from the radio was discouraging, but that was something Victory couldn't look further into just yet. Not with the whole plane burning up over him. He'd have to get the plane back up, and slow its descent at the very least. He kicks his boosters up into high gear, and tries to push the jet up. If he could get it back into the altitude it was made for, there was a chance he'd be able to help it coast along without burning up. And only then would he be able to worry about checking the status of the crew.
  4. A small tip: Make sure you have some means of actually locating Victory once you cross over!
  5. So once the crew manages to find their way to a particular point, I'm going to gradually take over from there. Just a heads-up for how this will go.
  6. An overload? But the power was just falling! As strange as it is, Victory has no time to worry about the cause. Now when the jet had begun a more rapid descent! Hurtling out of the sky, Victory kicks his rockets into high gear, chasing after the plummeting vehicle, and, more importantly, the people inside. Zipping like a silver flash of motion, Victory gets beneath the craft. His mechanical muscles whirr and grid as they reach up, every single rocket attached to his body blazing with power as he tries to use his momentum to reverse the jet's course. "DON'T WORRY EVERYONE! I GOT YA!" A few moments pass, as Victory struggles to keep the plane steady. But he doesn't hear a response back.... "FLY? FLY, DO YOU COPY?!"
  7. The obvious question is thus: How heavy is it?
  8. "Don't worry. If we have to abort, I should be able to carry this bird back to Freedom. You just keep on going. I'll watch from out here." Victory cycles through his various vision modes in rapid succession, while starting to fly in various angles. Perhaps there was something he hadn't seen? A goblin on the wing, perhaps? Victory flies much closer to the plane. It was a bit of a dangerous range, but there could be something very small that he hadn't yet been able to see. "Watch your sides, Fly. I'm coming in close..." Victory zooms his vision in, scanning each and every inch, but putting extra focus near the engine. A strange situation, there's no doubt. He had personally helped inspect the ship using his hyper-enhanced senses,and there wasn't a single chip or gear out of place. Something was in there. Or maybe....out there? Victory opens up his enhanced hearing, which he normally keeps regulated around other jets to hone out the roaring engines. He winces at first from the sound, but plays around with the filters, and eventually reaches a setting that buffers the roar, while specifically looking for vibrations coming from outside the range of the engines.
  9. Victory's powerful analytical vision scans the craft, checking every little inch for any signs of outside tampering. While he doesn't seem anything causing a problem from the outside he does notice various oddities in the internal state of the craft. "I don't see any damage, but from out here it looks like you're losing temperature. It's gradual, but it's there. Same thing with your altitude. At this point in the test, you should be heading higher up, but it seems you're losing a few centimeters every couples of seconds. Do you see anything from inside?"
  10. Phew. I was worried a second from the title of the thread that you were about to quit or something! Glad it's nothing like that.
  11. Didn't realize you were waiting for a roll! Notice Roll (1d20+10=28) Solid!
  12. While it didn't sound terribly dangerous from how Flywheel said it, Victory knows from personal experience that even the smallest flaw can mean life or death. His demeanor became a bit more grim, and he turned down his own engine to drop slightly behind the plane. "Roger that. I'll see if there's anything visible from out here. Let me know as soon as you figure out what the problem is." Once dropped behind the jet, Victory switches his vision to full analysis mode, and scans over as much as he can get a look at, bobbing up and down to see all angles.
  13. That happens, and like you said, RL is a major factor. Will you be posting in here when the trigger stories are up, and who will be part of which?
  14. While Victory had let the plane get a head-start, since the test is just for it, and he's only a "bodyguard", if that would even be the proper term, he can't see why he can't have a little fun. With a grin crossing his face, Victory kicks his jets up a higher gear, propelling him forward. He does have to keep in mind, however, that they're getting awful close to the very edge of the atmosphere, and his mask auto-deploys to cover his mouth. "Hey now, pal. Just because you got a new set of wings...." Victory kicks up another notch, and the next thing that shows up through the viewing glass of the cockpit is Victory flying ahead of it, giving a big thumbs up, then tilts it to point at himself. If he didn't have the mask up, a big, cheesy grin would've been viewable for miles around. "...don't you forget who's king up here!"
  15. That is still very quick. I was mostly just recording to see how fast it actually can go in relation to Victory. So at least he'll be able to stay there regardless of which speed.
  16. So the plane's going at 25,000 mph? or are you actually trying to get it to literally go around the world in eight minutes? For comparison, Victory can go at 500,000 mph at his normal speed, and the math works out to him being able to go around the world in..... Holy cow.... 3 minutes.
  17. Do you have an actual speed for the plane?
  18. Victory shook his head, his face showing a small sign of amusement after the Doctor's response. He knows how she is, and he knows she isn't trying to be rude. It's just her way. "Talkative as always." Victory finishes his own final pre-flight checks, then began to walk out to the runway, just behind the jet. When it picked up speed and roared down the strip, Victory gives the crowd one last wave and rockets off behind. Once they were in the sky, Victory connects his signal to the jet. "Testing, testing. Can you hear me in there, Flywheel?"
  19. Victory returned the salute, and then gave Flywheel a friendly shake of the head. "Well just make sure you make this thing look good. I know you can. If you impress them enough, who knows? We could get enough funding for an entire fleet of these babies. I'll make sure not to get in your way. Or leave you in the dust." Victory gives a little grin there, and lightly smacks his fellow pilot on the arm with his still-flesh hand. "All kidding aside, though, I know you'll do great. Just stay relaxed and don't let the fireworks bother you too much. Believe me, I know how it can get with those things going off all around you. Fortunately, you have a few more layers of sound-block between you and those than I did last time." His metal hand makes a motion as if to clean out his ear, although it is still covered by his helmet. With a last nod, he moves over to greet Doctor Kessler "Hello, Doctor. I'm sure this is a great day for you, finally getting to show off what your hard work has created."
  20. Victory Around The World In Eighty Minutes
  21. While each crew member came up to the stage, they passed Victory, who gave them each their own salute. Even the apes. He couldn't help but grin a little at the applause for the apes. Sometimes he's surprised that people still use them for experiments like this. While he knew Flywheel and Kessler, Victory hadn't gotten the chance to meet the apes' handler. He knew he should have taken the chance to know more about the apes' part in the experiment before, but there is only so much time he's had available as of late.
  22. Heavy footsteps echo through the hangar, as Victory walks up to the craft. As he walks, he checks the wrist of his artificial arm, the binders hidden inside it opening and closing, as his body makes a last check that his aerodynamic functions are all set to go. "Well, to be quite frank, I wish I could be the one inside, just for the sake of history. But I know the crew, and they deserve the honor as much as anyone." Oddly for him, his entrance his fairly mundane. Normally he likes to make his grand, sonic-boom inducing entrance to big events, but this one's definitely not about him, and he knows when not to try and show off. He takes a step up to the ship and gives it a little pat, a small clang ringing out. "Of course, you'd need the best for something like this. Right now, this baby's the only thing that can come close to keeping up with me. Gotta make sure the pilot is sharp enough to handle that kind of speed."
  23. Also, can you make the date of it some time in early June? As of the last vignette (which took place on June 17th) Victory is MIA, and I haven't decided what date he makes his return yet.
  24. I'm willing to have other people join if it's reasonable why they'd be there.
  25. I'd like to join in with Victory. Is there any room left for the Lab and the League one? It seems the one he'd most likely to be part of since he's a close associate with both groups, and has the means to physically go up there and fight The Gorgon.
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