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Avenger Assembled

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Everything posted by Avenger Assembled

  1. Neko caught the slash and spoke in a male voice - no, something deeper and multi-dimensional that echoed across the room into everyone's ears. It was Quirk's voice but it wasn't, an impossible five-dimensional tone that said "You're finally paying attention - but you're still just playing the game. The Raven's brat won't be here to save you every time!" Then there was what could only be called a discontinuity, as if the world around them was coming apart image by image, stripped down until it was just the group of Claremont students who had first entered. And then things rewound again and they were with the Patriot and her tactical support squad, confronting the nanotech-infused heroes that were about to assimilate the world into one technological hive-mind. And then things rewound again and they were with the Patriot and her armed goons, confronting the last defenders of human freedom as they undertook one last gamble to try and save the human race from the forces of tyranny. And then they were back in the trophy room at the end of the hallway, surrounded by mock mementos of a real hero's life, caught up in what looked for all the world like the end of all things...
  2. The Navigator: It was the Rogue Trader's grandfather who found the planet of 'feral Navigators' - a term not said within earshot of the wrong people but an accurate enough description of the survivors of the once-noble house that had crash-landed on a swampy, watery world over a thousand solar years earlier. The survivors of House Hydranus had perhaps degenerated somewhat and had certainly accelerated their cycle of mutation in the harsh conditions of the planet that was now their home, but they had maintained worship of the Emperor and through the descendants of their serfs who still lived on land greeted the Rogue Trader's vessel with jubilation. Finally - the stars were right and the Father had found them again. (The initial culture clash, when the planet was first taken for a planet of xeno-worshipping cultists, had killed only a few thousand on each side - a minor price to pay for the Rogue Trader's fleet when an alliance with a still recognized Navigator house whose descendants still had the ancient gifts.) Aquaria is a member of House Hydranus. She is an affable, even gregarious sort, given to song and dance, and pleasant enough to speak to if you ignore her green skin, large teeth, and preference for water rather than air. When she steers the ship through the Warp, she sings a strange throat-singing song that it is exceedingly unwise to listen to for very long. She is, however, growing bored. Acting as the final punishment for serfs, criminals, and others aboard the Rogue Trader's ship fills her belly and provides her with entertainment but they have little to tell her. She would very much like the chance to hunt the next time they visit a suitable world. If she maintains her health and good humor, sings her prayers, and steers ships through the sea of stars, she knows she will be there the day the Father rises from his throne, looks out into the wicked galaxy overrun with daemons, xenos, and other filth - and devours them. The Sister of Battle: It was all supposed to be for a great and holy cause. When the Sister Superior met clandestinely with the ambitious young Arbite, she told a terrible tale of corruption inside the Ecclesiarchy, one that could only be found out by one willing to sacrifice even their own truth to guard the Emperor's Daughters. So Ashley took the vows and went undercover as a novice among the Adepta Soriritas, cutting her hair and dying it white, all the while trusting that the Sister Superior would ensure her freedom when the time came. When the time came and she rescued her fellow novices from the cunningly-concealed Chaos cultists hidden within the church itself, Sister Chauvina was hailed as a hero by those she had trained among and offered any position she liked. But of course what she wanted was her freedom - Until the Sister Superior told her the truth. Her service had earned her a place at the Emperor's side after death and she could indeed have her pick of positions in her new Order - but those vows had been taken for life, hadn't they? Besides, she could hardly go back to her life as a layperson with the knowledge she had of corruption inside the Ecclesiarchy, of how close those Chaos cultists had come to killing so many innocent young sisters. What would people think if they heard such a tale? Sister Chauvina, a heroine even before she took her final vows, is on detached duty aboard the Rogue Trader's ship, acting as personal bodyguard to the bright young confessor assigned to the Rogue Trader's territory, whose faith shines like a star with her every sermon. For her part, Sister Chauvina is trying her best to be the person he has to pretend to be even while embodying the way, the truth, and the light. It is impossible to have a good day in the grim darkness of the far future. The Soldier: They call him Harrier, because he harried the Archheresy to death with only his entrenching tool. He uses the name when his superiors say it but truthfully calls himself his regimental number in his own head. The Kriegsman does not like to argue with his superiors (at least when they are not ordering a retreat) but he remembers the battle against the Word Bearer somewhat differently that they did. It was his brothers and sisters who kept the abomination off-balance with volley-fire and melee charges; it was his brothers and sisters who planted the mines that hobbled the beast and broke its leg. In the end, when the last explosions went off and all were dead, it was just him, the Chaos Space marine, and his entrenching tool. When he awoke in the Officio Medicae's hospital he was horrified - first by the thought that the thing had lived, then by the thought that he had as well. The Commissar who decorated him, the Inquisitor who thanked him for his service in destroying the forces of Chaos (and in saving the Inquisitor himself from the thing that had come to kill him) - they didn't understand. He had literally done all he could and defeated a force greater than any he could have imagined, but he was alive! Alive and - after a visit from a high-ranking officer in the Death Korps, named! What was he to do with this terrifying freedom? He found direction, as he always has had, in duty and in service. Recruited by the Rogue Trader, who had heard of his heroic exploits but was actually willing to hear what had really happened, he found himself on a ship full of weak, soft men and women (generally) who wanted to serve a power greater than themselves but didn't know how. As commander of the mercenary force aboard the Rogue Trader's ship, he'll teach them. After all, he still has the shovel. The Enginseer: Everyone thinks she killed the Magos. To be fair, they're right. (Nobody liked the Magos very much anyway, so it's fine.) It seems like a simple enough story of ambition. He removed her from her place manning the teleportorium and assigned her to menial tasks; the next time he used the teleportorium the machine spirits inside killed him for his impiety and his lack of intelligence. But then, those are synonyms for members of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Given to the Cult Mechanicus as a sick little girl by a powerful, wealthy noble house, she might easily have wound up a servitor if not for a staggeringly generous donation by her parents - and by a group of Magi interested in how a still-growing youth's body might adapt to circuit, iron, and silica. And adapt she did. She designed mechadendrites for herself when she still had organic hands; she described the changes to make to herself when she still spoke with an organic voice. Her mentors were proud of her. The Enginseer who was once Eira van Katastroff, being unusually young for one so profoundly transformed, made a fine missionary across the Solar System (she is the only person on the ship who has actually been there - well, now that the Magos is dead, anyway), demonstrating the strength and certainty of steel while recruiting those with the intelligence and the faith to serve the Cult Mechanicus. (The inhabitants of Mars do their work but genes can become - Chaotic if not freshened with new blood.) She and the Magos brought thousands back to Mars to begin their training. It was pleasant enough work, even inspiring - but she wanted to be out among the stars as an explorator, not traveling from planet to planet inside what is a very holy but not particularly interesting system. When she was 18, the Magos and his protege took passage privately so that they might finally join one of the explorator fleets she had so long craved to serve on. They were aboard the Rogue Trader's ship when she, bored, overcame the Magos' frankly pedestrian security on his personal cogitator to read up about the successes of the bright young minds she recruited. It was then that she learned that all 2000 of them were now servitors. She felt feelings churn in her flesh when she realized the young minds she had met would never think again, and worse that the Magos had lied to her about their purpose for years, for years, shameful animal impulses to violently suppress - until cold machine logic met them going down. The Magos had not just proven himself unreliable. He had sacrificed promising servants and even future Magi to meet his quota of servitors. And he had failed to understand that this would make her angry. His logic was flawed. It was a rare time when animal impulse and machine logic were in agreement. When she told him that his logic was flawed, the Magos demoted her. Then he was dead, before he could tell anyone else. A shame. How illogical he was, to think that she would not reach out with her own mechadendrites and take what should have been hers. Now she is the highest-ranking Adeptus Mechanicus she can see - and on detached duty with the Rogue Trader until they cross this whole sector, has no prospects of having to bow her masked head anytime soon. Perhaps she can work out a deal with the navigator where she can acquire some of Aquaria's less promising victuals. If she's not going to be resupplied anytime soon - well, she needs servitors of her own. For the moment, all she has is the Magos's skull, now converted into the very first servo-skull she prepared with no supervision. He would approve, not that it matters to her very much. Even in death, he serves the Omnissiah.
  3. "Hah, well..." Owain looked away from Consuelo for a moment, running his hand through his long hair, then seemed to change the subject. "Have you ever read Anthony Hope's The Prisoner of Zenda?" he asked. "It is old, but it is full of excitement - and the movies made from it are all good. We have a movie club here on campus," he offered, "and almost any other kind of group you'd care to name. There is Neko's anime club, several Christian groups of various sorts, and of course Rosalind and the theatrical troupe, and all the others there." He considered for a moment, hand on his chin, then said, "And if you would go your own way, there is much to do there as well. You need not be bound by what we have done before you. What brought you hence?" he asked.
  4. "Ah yes, Dune," said Neko, now balancing on her toes on the edge of the folding chair's head. "I never read the book," she admitted, "but I saw the movies for my show." Neither of the siblings had seemingly-recognized her as the titular Catgirl of Catgirl Reacts!, but truthfully that was a blessing - not every conversation with one of her fellow students had to be about her new image. "I-awp!" Suddenly the chair collapsed under her with a clatter as Neko fell backwards, briefly thumping onto her butt before rolling up into a sitting position. With an air of injured dignity, she licked the back of her hand before running it through her white and brown hair, not seeming to comment on her tumble. "So," she said, "you and your brother, where are you from?" she asked curiously. "You seem very - calm, about everything." That was only arguably true with what was happening in the pool. Owain had been about finished, but when faced with this challenge, he responded as any warrior born would. "Oh-hoh! If it's a water war you want, it's a water war you'll get!" He leaped into the water, making a big splash Daniel's way, and then tossed an armful of water at him. "Have at thee!"
  5. "Very nice work," said Owain, complimenting Consuelo for her art. "Do you take commissions?" he asked her. Returning to the conversation with the new people, he asked Iris "What do you like to read? Claremont has one of the largest libraries I had ever seen before I came here," he confided. "Hundreds of books on each floor, and all printed and easy to read, about any subject you could name!" He smiled, then seemed to blush a little. "I get, ah, carried away about the books sometimes. I am what you would call 'something of a bookhound'" he confided. "For myself, I have been reading the works of Merle Miller most recently. A fine chronicler of the deeds of great men - and a man honest about his own heart. We could use more men of such bardic inspiration in any age."
  6. When Michael looked back at Neko, she was sitting up, her yellow eyes shining, her tail thumping vigorously back and forth on the chair behind her. "You have to sing for us before we leave the island," she told him, hands folded beneath her chin. "It would be so epic! If you do sing," she offered, "I bet I could sing with you..." Owain meanwhile was cheerfully greeting the twins, happy to see the girl and boy he'd met as part of his duties as chaperone. "Hello!" he said. "Can you believe we crossed the world in an eyeblink? This truly is an age of wonders, is it not?" For her part, Neko rose to greet the twins, still smiling with visibly pointy teeth. The twins had heard about the catgirls at Claremont and this one seemed more girl than cat; in many ways a normal Japanese girl of medium height and build, albeit with white and brown-spotted hair that looked like fur on her head, two huge yellow eyes that were almost bigger than a human's could have been, incisors that were just a little too pointy - and of course the ears, pointy and furred, that stuck up above her head, and the tail behind. "Hello!" she said, "I am Neko Musume. Owain told me about you," she said, stepping backwards so that she balanced on the metal frame of the chair as she looked down at Iris. Her own book, the Tales of Ise, was still clutched neatly in one hand. "What are you reading?" she asked.
  7. Okay, here's what you notice: Everything here seems real (even though you know it's not) except Neko herself - until you start looking at her! She doesn't smell or feel right or anything, until suddenly she does. The overall effect is like an actor who forgets his lines suddenly spring to life when prompted, or a masked performer slapping their mask on after being spotted without it. Something is peculiar here.
  8. "It was a love poem," said Neko, her purring voice becoming a tease as she studied him over the pages of her book. "The servant of the princess brings her love the poem, and he replies: Mata Ausaka no Seki wa koenamu which means 'I shall cross again to you, over the Meeting Barrier." With a sad little smile, she added, "They never meet again. But that's how poetry goes sometimes." She grinned at Michael and asked "Do you ever read poetry to Carmen? Girls like that, you know." Meanwhile Owain had climbed out of the pool to take a break and was toweling himself off, calling out cheerfully to some of the Bernadettes in the pool. "Nay, nay! You Irish spitfires fight like warriors born!" It was definitely a compliment, even if he had his odd way of saying it. He grinned at Michael and said, "Poetry is all well and good but you should learn a musical instrument! Ladies love a song from a gallant young man." Loudly he burst into Sumer is icumen in, his singing voice not bad even if untrained.
  9. Owain winced at the story. "Yes, it was a - time. I believe the word used by scholars these days is - problematic?" For the benefit of the new arrivals, he said, "My, ah, foster sister is of Japanese heritage and she had much to say about Quirk afterwards." Bernadette had heard Neko grumbling about gaijin weeboo kami for days afterwards. "I know I would not have cared for a fellow who used my home to torment me, that's for sure." He looked at the twins and Ryan consideringly. Generally if students arrived on the scene without parents, cousins, or anyone from their clan accompanying them, it bespoke a good reason - a reason he would hardly pry into. "So," he asked the new people, "what do you like to do for fun? There is much training and preparation in Claremont, and much learning - but a great deal of fun! I have learned how to play video games, and toss the hackey-sack, and how to play baseball and football!" He grew more and more excited as he spoke, obviously delighted by these memories.
  10. As the new student arrived to join the existing group, a large black bird flew overhead, giving a distinct and ominous "Caw! Caw! Caw!" before it landed in the grass at everyone's feet. After just a moment, a remarkable transformation took place as the bird unfolded itself into a young man. It was not a biological transformation, there was no snapping of limbs nor shedding of feathers - rather the bird's outline seemed to grow and change into the form of a tall, muscular fellow who looked like he might have been the quarterback of the high school football team - if this was an ordinary high school. He was wearing a T-shirt that declared his loyalty to Freedom City's football team - the Heroes. "Hello!" declared the young man, his voice deep, and British accent musical to an American's ears - but of course obviously Welsh to Bernadette. "I am Owain Celliwig. Welcome to Claremont Academy!" He bowed to the group, his bowl cut bouncing a little as he moved. "I am sorry I ran late, Bernadette," he added apologetically. "Were we discussing battles?" he asked seriously. "If you are worried, worry not; it has been sometime since Claremont fell victim to outside attack. There was that blaspheming fellow who mocked the plagues of Egypt, and of course the Christmas demon, but those were years ago, and no one was seriously hurt even then. These days, Claremont is among the safest and most warded places in this realm!" he added reassuringly.
  11. That hits. https://orokos.com/roll/1000557 = he is bruised. There is something off about the cyber-Neko. You can't quite put your finger on it but she seems - off. Almost as if she's not really here. @MoonSimply, you notice that she doesn't seem quite real either - she doesn't smell like Neko either.
  12. Sea Devil stared at the vampires with her gigantic black and gold eyes. With powerful snorts of her big nostrils, she smelled their dead flesh and the blood of Surface-Men in the air. She knew what these things were; she had heard stories of the things that wore the faces of Surfacers while eating their flesh and drinking their blood from the moment Singularity had opened up to her about the world that had once been her home. She expanded her throat and bellowed, a deafening noise that rang out through the park, and bared her own teeth at the beasts, huge serrated triangles designed by the gods below to rip the flesh from living, struggling whales, and declared "You thought you could hide from me? You are weak!" And then her helmet snapped shut again as she hefted her trident high.
  13. Neko's eyes lit up as Michael handed her the book. "Thank you, Michael," she said in that soft, purring voice as she took the book from his hands. She was now definitely surrounded by what looked and sounded like cats (a not-uncommon sight for the senior when she was sitting in one spot for long enough) and rolled over on her back to read, nestling the book against a fat white and brown specimen that seemed to be resting on her chest. She smiled at Michael and offered "Will you sit?", pointing to a stool near her chair. "I can read you poetry, since you were such a help to me." She turned the cracked-spine paperback to the right page and said in a low purr: "Kachibito no Wataredo nurenu Eni shi areba" She looked reflectively at the pool for a moment, where Owain was just climbing out to fetch a cooler of drinks for the duplicates in the water with him. "It means 'Shallow the inlet - if the traveler wading in it - is not even wetted.'"
  14. What happened next to Gamma Buzz made no sense in retrospect but at the time seemed to make all the sense in the world. As his greenish cloud of radiation seemed to fill the room, setting enemies to coughing and choking (though only disabling a few), his antagonist concentrated on him - narrowing round eyes in his direction that turned suddenly from circles to slits. It wasn't just a question of eyelids moving either, but rather as if the very shape of the nanite-infused creature's face had changed. And that change was making its own change, right in Gamma Buzz's brain! He could feel as things inside his head, his very thoughts, were being shifted and squeezed out of shape, as if a hand composed of mind itself had reached into his skull and sought to quite literally reshape his brain! Meanwhile, Golden Star could see that some of his teammates (like Spaceman) were faring well against their opponents; with the former having seemingly trapped his magical opponent in a spatial snare, others like La Puma Negra and Gamma Buzz were struggling. There was definitely something hinky happening here, but with the Patriot and Lady Liberty noisily battling in front of him, it was hard to think what that was.
  15. Okay, you all have been very patient so far - @Poncho, you are up as soon as I post
  16. Neko "What?" asked Neko. "I am just staying in touch with literature." Smirking, she folded her hands across her belly as another cat seemed to appear from nowhere and settle over her thighs. "My mother used to tell me Tales when I was very small," she admitted softly now that she and Bernadette were alone. "She couldn't read, of course, but we had a folding screen in the shrine that must have been two hundred years old. She would point to all the parts and make the poems just as if we were there. It is a good book; the translator is - very good.." She lay there in the water and over the sound of Owain and the other Bernadettes playing in the water listened to the silence. And then her smile returned. "Michael is a nice boy. Very...helpful. That is good for a boy."
  17. "Mm." Neko considered the story of the other dimension and the leprechaun - a figure that certainly sounded like many of the yokai she'd known at home. "It is dangerous to visit places like that, if you are not careful. If you do have what they want, they may want to keep it - and you. But if you have been there safely once, perhaps it is not so dangerous." In her experience places of magic and the raw essence of things like music usually were quite dangerous but that wasn't always true. "You could bring me along next time," she offered, "or a magical consultant." She considered, very briefly, the look on Carmen's face when she learned that Neko and her friends had gone to the Moon - then focused. "Yes, you cannot just travel. When is your next performance, and what is the venue?"
  18. Off on the edge of the path, Owain collapsed downward into the shape of a large, ferocious-looking wolf, its grey fur sleek and form muscular as it took a few steps away into the cover of the brush. For her part, Neko shut her eyes tight for a moment and listened, ears twitching as they lay back against her head. "They are in the air!" she declared, her accent thick, tail lashing madly behind her. "<Your ambush has failed!>" she called in Japanese, her teeth bared and clawed fingernails pointed. "<Show yourselves!>"
  19. As Consuelo flew off, Neko stirred comfortably where she rested and looked over at Michael. "Soo," she said in a soft, purring voice. "Michael." When he looked over her way, she was studying him with gigantic yellow eyes, and not incidentally had a large white and brown cast nestling on her chest and studying him with the same expression. "I left my book in the kitchen of the house. Can you be a dear and go get it for me?" she asked him, her tone ingenous and face hopeful. "I'm just sooo comfortable in the sun here, I think I could lay here all day..." She stretched her arms again, the cat mirroring her actions. "It's Tales of Ise, with the man and woman in Japanese dress on the cover."
  20. Okay, nothing new from me in terms of posts: Neko Notice: 17 - Super-Senses 6 (Acute Scent, Detect Magic 3 [olfactory], Low-Light Vision, Uncanny Dodge [Mental]) [6PP] Stealth: 19 Owain Notice: takes 10 for 20 Stealth: 25
  21. "There are some places where I could be your guide," she said tentatively, thinking of realms above and below this one she had visited even after coming to the 21st century, "but it would be better to bring...specialists." She considered Raina and some of her friends and nodded approvingly. "I remember Musicland," she added, remembering the story from Bernadette. "But going there might be difficult because of supply and demand. You know," she said, circling with her pen in the air. "You have something that they have. Even if they like what you have, it is hard to sell, because they already have some of it." Making a list in her head, she added, "I have never been to the Moon but I know superheroes can get there." She'd heard all about how Carmen, with her powerful mentor the Patriot, had managed a full-on trip there. "You could suggest...a diplomatic concert?" She wasn't sure what the right word was. "See if the Moon people like music, and what it is."
  22. Neko Neko kicked off her sandals, wriggling her toes. Her feet were just a little bit furry, her carefully painted nails the color of the sky and sharp, like her fingernails. She considered what to say about Carmen, especially with Michael right there, and settled on the simple truth. "Pigeons here would be nice. Much cleaner than city birds, less...garbage." Even Fiji was overrun with people and their things by her standards, but she supposed that was hypocrisy since she was here the same as anyone else. She raised her arm to her face and noisily licked the back of her hand, not looking like she was putting too much effort into it. "Time zones make me sleepy," she added with a big yawn that showed off perfectly pointed teeth. Hooting and hollering, Owain had a fine old time with the various Bernadettes in the pool, splashing some and engaging in some light swordplay with pool noodles with others. Occasionally he thought of what it might have been like to meet a girl like Bernadette in his own realm, a wild woman of the Irish sea, but he was more than happy with her friendship. "Oh-hoh! Some of this, eh? You won't fool me, you squad of feminine brutes!"
  23. Neko smiled at the two girls and wondered exactly how far their travels had taken them, thinking of the hidden world of her village and everything she'd seen since. "Other places. Other times. Other..." She made a little gesture. "Other worlds. There are ways to go into space, and to other...kingdoms, other times. There used to be the show on television where they would go back in time, I have seen that in reruns." The girls recognized Supercrime!, one of whose hosts had actually had time travel powers. "I would not recommend it for just any performing act," she added, "But you all have powers. And there are places to go that are...safe enough." She smiled, showing just a little bit of teeth. "Do any of you know any magic?"
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