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Everything posted by Ecalsneerg

  1. "Yeah, I took the materials I used in the geckosuit and made 'em black. Already had a utility belt too. I'm assuming you made yours, I remember you're into all that theatrical stuff?" Then a strangely high-voiced loa came over to the two of them and greeted them. "'sup, Darian?"
  2. "I did have to learn how to fly it, but I caught on fairly quickly. It's very similar to a video game or something. Just pressing buttons at the right time and pulling on the sticks the right way. Simple."
  3. Definitely in, but in a terrifed sort of way.
  4. I think it's time for you to beat up Arrowhawk again. ;)
  5. Arrowhawk is Scottish, and was active as a UK superhero for 17-18 years prior to arriving in Freedom City.
  6. At least it's not your keyboard this time.
  7. Remember that discussion we had on how you were Blue Beetle and I was Booster Gold? You gonna get shot.
  8. Gecks is in 3 currently, plus MCBE hopes to have a placement test thread up for me soon when he has a free moment.
  9. Yeah, knew that was a bad idea. Time to use my fabled silvery tongue! "Here's the thing, I genuinely don't remember too much about it. I know when I was in the building I got jabbed by a syringe, then nothingness. Next I know I was lying crashed into a hillside regrowing my hand from a stump. The whole incident is very hazy."
  10. "Erm... yeah, I probably could find the building again. But odds are it might've been emptied. You see, when I went there the place was... sort of abandoned. And maybe... just a maybe, I don't remember too good... there was some yellow police tape on the doorways. So, might be empty now, yeah."
  11. Chris emerged from the bathroom dressed in a black costume with a domino mask and cape designed to look like the 1960s Raven. He deliberately swirled the cape around dramatically as he walked into the gymnasium. For effect, y'know. Oh dear god... the monster mash? Noooooooooooooo!!! Chris mingled with the few people who'd turned up this early in the party. "Hey." "How you doing?" "Looking gooood, ladies!" "Hi, dude." "Now that outfit's in bad taste. Shame on you." "No, I'm not dressed as a woman."
  12. I'd like to get Geckoman in, but since he's in a few threads I'm not desperate.
  13. Sorry I forgot about this thread. Anyway, I'm trying an aim so I can power attack for full while leaving me accurate enough to pretty much hit him anyway.
  14. "You really are pretty damn tough, aren't ya?" grimaced the archer, taking out an arrow and ignoring the melee around him. If he could overdraw the shot and hit Smash between the eyes, maybe he'd finally go down... It was worth a try, at least.
  15. Awww... everyone seems to be busy. Trust Darian to get roped into fixing stuff. "Ok, I'll go put up your Happy Hallowe'en barrier if you all seem to be busy..." muttered Chris, grabbing the barrier, a couple of nails and a hammer, before stuffing the hammer into his belt. Then he ran straight up the wall, quickly and deftly hammering one end into place. "One end, aaaaaand..." he dragged the 'aaaa' sound out as he pulled the banner along the wall until the message was clearly displayed, before hammering in the other end. "Geckomaaaaaaaaan!" said Chris triumphantly, raising his arms in a two-fisted gesture of victory... before gravity caught up and he tumbled down the wall to the floor.
  16. In the Autofire attack on my bow array, could I exchange the Action flaw to Distracting, as per the discussion here.
  17. Yeah, that was my pick for the flaw. Even if you can somehow fire a stream of arrows in 3-4 seconds, you're not going to be very aware of your surroundings as you do it.
  18. Still hoping for feedback please? *puppydog eyes*
  19. Yay, I can afford to fluff more dice rolls horrifically. :D
  20. Dodging the first shot, and rolling with the second one, Arrowhawk recovered from their retaliation only slightly bruised. "Go down," he muttered, overdrawing an arrow and sending it flying towards the already-damaged drone.
  21. OK. failed by 16, so I'll spend a HP to re-roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1827910/ so I'm only bruised. I'm assuming that, although I gained a rank in Luck this month, my HP for this thread is unchanged (i.e. now at 0)?
  22. "Watch it kid, this'll be dangerous. It could ignite at any second for all we know." Arrowhawk fired his grappling gun and moved further down towards where the pile-up was most severe. "Please, if you need help, shout if you can!"
  23. Not ones I've had anything to do with the build of Right, now onto Geckoman's measly 2 pp. I'd like to add 1 rank of Equipment, used to add: A grappling hook (Super-Movement 1 [swinging]) for 2 ep. And a lightflier station built by Quark added to the powers of the Pitchoo as: Flight 3 (50 MPH, Extras: Affects Others Only, Flaws: Platform) for 3 ep. I'd also like 1 pp in skills, assigned as 2 ranks in Bluff, and 2 in Knowledge: Technology. The Bluff is a natural evolution of his already-honed talents, and the Knowledge: Technology comes from hanging around with Quark in conjunction with his studies.
  24. "Not to my knowledge, but then again..." he said, as something caught his eye. "Yeah, here's another one I didn't notice before." He flipped it open, before looking very perplexed. "That's a bit too complicated-looking for my liking..."
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