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Everything posted by N/A

  1. Thrude's glare barely wavered from Set, but her shoulders visibly sagged with a low sigh. When she spoke again, it was not in modern English, but in Old Norse, the tongue of her people. "<Thou doth HURL invocations of my infamous father's crimes as though a SPEAR, fellow Storm-Lord, and thy throw strikes TRUE. THY disgrace is not so well known to the people who NOW walk Midgard as that of my father, but it is known to ME, Kinslayer. Thou art he who dwells in the DARKNESS of the desert. Thou art remembered NOT for your STORMS, but for your LIES, your BETRAYALS, and the DISCORD wrought in your name.>" "<But my father was no monster, merely a FOOL, a PAWN of a mortal whose mastery of the runes...dwarfed his own.>" She raised a fist, clenching it so tightly that it shook. "<My father thought himself BEYOND the reach of any MERE mortal, and MILLIONS of those he had once SWORN to PROTECT instead DROWNED IN BLOOD for his HUBRIS. I SWORE NOT to follow in his ACCURSED footsteps. So if thou shan't judge me by my kin, then I shan't judge thee by the tales of thy past.>" Thrude clutched Hridgandr in both hands and raised it to the sky. "<IF thou ART lying, then KNOW YE that thine ASHES will SCATTER upon the WINDS of the coming winter. BUT if thou doth SWEAR on thy BLOOD and thy HONOR that this ABOMINATION is NOT thy doing, then I will accept thy aid. Lay hands upon my weapon. Let our two streams become a river and drown this dark magic.>"
  2. N/A

    Thrude (Top-Tier)

    Aaaaand here's a PL12 version. I think this one is my favorite so far. Character Name: Thrude Power Level: 12 (250/250PP) Trade-Offs: -4 Attack / +4 Damage, -4 Defense / +4 Toughness Abilities: 16 + 4 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 16 = 52PP Strength: 35/26 (+12/+8), 105/26 Lifting (Heavy Load: 25,000 tons / 920 lbs.) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 34/26 (+12/+8) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 26 (+8) Combat: 16 + 16 = 32PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +8 Grapple: +34/+16 Defense: +8, +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: 14/4 Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 6 + 12 = 18PP Toughness: +16/+8 (+12/+8 CON, +4 Protection) (Impervious 12/0) Fortitude: +12/+8 (+12/+8 CON, +0PP) Reflex: +8 (+2 DEX, +6PP) Will: +12 (+0 WIS, +12PP) Skills: 80R = 20PP Bluff 0 (+8, +16 Attractive) Craft (Artistic) 10 (+10) Diplomacy 0 (+8, +16 Attractive) Intimidate 17 (+25) Knowledge (Arcane) 10 (+10) Knowledge (History) 5 (+5) Knowledge (Philosophy/Theology) 5 (+5) Languages 10 (Anglo-Saxon [Old English], Danish, Faroese, German, Gothic, Gotlandic [Gutnish], Icelandic, Norse [Native], Norwegian, Swedish, Vandalic) Notice 15 (+15) Ride 3 (+5) Survival 5 (+5) Feats: 14PP Accurate Attack Artificer Attractive 2 Benefit (Status [Goddess, Princess, Valkyrie]) Environmental Adaptation (Storms) Improved Critical (Hridgandr Strike) Improved Grapple Interpose Power Attack Startle Takedown Attack 2 Track Ultimate Save (Will) Italics indicate a feat which was purchased as a power or part of a power. The cost is reflected under "Powers," below. Powers: 43 + 8 + 9 + 11 + 12 + 4 + 8 + 28 = 123PP Device 13 (65PP Container [Passive, Permanent], Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 ["Only The Worthy" can lift, use, or transform], Subtle [Transforms into an ornate drinking horn]) [43PP] (Magic Weapon, Rune Magic, “Hridgandrâ€) [2 + 2 + 16 + 1 + 44 = 65PP] Environment Control 1 (Light [Moderate], 5ft radius, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [2PP] (Magic Lightning) Flight 1 (10MPH / 100ft per Move Action) [2PP] (Magic Wind) Immunity 30 (Cold Effects, Electricity Effects, Weather Effects, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect], Feats: Environmental Adaptation [storms]) [16PP] (Elemental Mastery, Rune Magic) Space Travel 1 (1c) [1PP] (Magic Wind) Storm Mastery 15 (30PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 5, Dynamic Alternate Power 4, Dynamic Base Power) [44PP] (Rune Magic) Base Power (Dynamic):Damage 4 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [11PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon) Alternate Power: [9 + 17 = 26PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon) Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [9PP]Drain Toughness 16 (Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Slow Fade [1 minute]) [17PP] Alternate Power: [21 + 9 = 30PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon) Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Trip], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Knockback 12, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [21PP]Trip 16 (Extras: Knockback, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Range [Touch], Feats: Improved Throw) [9PP] Alternate Power: Damage 16 (Extras: Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Homing 2 [2 additional attempts], Improved Critical 2, Improved Range 4 [1 4,000ft Range Increment], Indirect 3, Precise 2, Progression [Range] 1 [4,000ft Max Range],) [30PP] (Magic Lightning) Alternate Power: [12 + 16 + 1 = 29PP] (Inspiration) Emotion Control 12 (Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Healing, Luck Control], Selective, Flaws: Limited [Hope], Range 2 [Touch]) [12PP] Healing 4 (Extras: Action [standard], Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Luck Control], Selective, Total, Flaws: Limited [Others], Temporary) [16PP] Luck Control 1 (Spend Hero Points for others, Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Healing], Selective, Flaws: Action 3 [standard], Limited [Recovery], Range 2 [Touch]) [1PP] Alternate Power: Environment Control 12 (5-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check once per minute / 10 rounds], Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Hamper Visibility [-4 Visual Notice/Search], Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch], Feats: Slow Fade 2 [5 minutes per Power Point, 2 hours 20 minutes total]) [30PP] (Storm Summoning) Alternate Power (Dynamic): Flight 15 (16, 1,000,000MPH [Mach 1,304] / 10,000,000ft [2,000 miles] per Move Action) [30PP] (Magic Wind) Alternate Power (Dynamic): Immunity 7 (Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Suffocation, Vacuum, Extras: Affects Others, Force Field, Feats: Progression [subjects] 2 [5 Subjects]) [16PP] Alternate Power (Dynamic): Space Travel 30 (31, 10,000,000,000c) [30PP] Alternate Power (Dynamic): Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Travel 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth], Extras: Duration [sustained to keep portal open], Portal, Feats: Progression [Portal Size] 2 [25ft]) [12PP] Enhanced Constitution 8 [8PP] (Divine Might) Enhanced Strength 9 [9PP] (Divine Might) Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support [Disease, Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Poison, Suffocation, Vacuum], Starvation/Thirst) [11PP] (Divine Might) Impervious Toughness 12 (Extras: Reflective [Melee Damage], Flaws: Limited [Not Impervious vs Blessed/Celestial/Holy, Chi/Ki, Demonic/Hellfire/Infernal, Divine, Magic, or Supernatural Damage]) [12PP] (Divine Might) Protection 4 [4PP] (Divine Might) Super-Senses 8 (Extended Hearing 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Extended Vision 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision [Dust-Sized]) [8PP] Super-Strength 14 [28PP] (Divine Might) Drawbacks: (-4) + (-3) + (-2) = -9PP Normal Identity (Astrid must sip liquid from Hridgandr to become Thrude, Frequency: Common [Full Action], Intensity: Major) [-4PP] Vulnerability (Deceit/Trickery [bluff, Phantasms, etc.], Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-3PP] (Gullible) Vulnerability (Emotion Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-2PP] (Divine Passion) Abilities (52) + Combat (32) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (20) + Feats (14) + Powers (123) - Drawbacks (9) = 250/250 Power Points Combat Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC27/23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Hridgandr Strike Touch +5ft DC31 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy and/or Physical) Hridgandr Strike Touch +5ft DC26 Fortitude (Staged) Drain Toughness Hridgandr Strike Touch +5ft STR/DEX vs +16 Prone Lightning Ranged DC31 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy)
  3. Electricity flared to life from Thrude's eyes as she screamed at the young man over the howling winds. "CEASE thy prattling, sniveling WRETCH! Thy empty words of flattery and jest TRY my patience, and SHAN'T sway me from my DUTY to this realm and its people! Thy quest is FOLLY! Thy slaves THREW OFF their shackles and ROSE UP against their masters AGES ago! It is THEY who now rule this realm in the name of THEIR slave-god, HIS Messengers who now walk the very face of Midgard, while THY empire lies in RUIN and THY gods FADE from memory with every passing winter! By the blood of every einherjar who raises axe and spear in the name of my father's father, I'll NOT stand idly by while thou doth rain FIRE AND BLOOD upon their great works in the vain hope of raising YOURS from the ASHES of antiquity!" "I know not of thine 'U-Tubes,' nor anything else of thy people's sorcery, Southerner! NOR DO I CARE! I demand only that thou DISMISS thy foul storm, and SURRENDER thineself! HOWEVER thou knowest my name and lineage, thou SURELY knowest that NO MERE MORTAL WIZARD CAN STAND AGAINST THE MIGHT OF A TRUE GOD OF THUNDER!"
  4. The Scarab uses the Sensory Link on her Mind Reading to see from Jack's point of view, so she can find him. Then she reconfigures her array from ESP to Concealment, and flies over to where everyone else is gathering. At that point, her Mind Reading rank drops from 15 to 1. If either Jack or Graft want to give her the boot from their minds, they get a new save (at a cumulative +1) every 6 seconds, so it's trivially easy at this point. She's still using Mental Communication + Comprehend (Speak Any Language) to project her thoughts into their heads (and into Blodeuwedd's), but at this point she probably can't "read/hear" their surface thoughts as replies if they don't want her to. The Scarab will go ahead and take 10 for 30 on Well-Informed checks for anyone's rep tables, if/when applicable. For the time being, she already knows Jack, I can't find a rep table for Graft, and she hasn't heard Blodeuwedd's name yet.
  5. Apologies. Mental contact can be startling, even for the experienced. Look alive, the giant is headed your wa- Both Jack and Graft felt the choir of one hundred voices vibrate inside their skulls. He is telling the truth. His intentions are benign. For Jack, the conversation continued. Whoever the woman is, she is exceptionally resistant to telepathy, though if by training, talent, or other means, I do not know. I have not been able to glean much beyond her interest in VCR. I could probably break through her defenses if it comes to that, but I will not resort to such measures without further cause. The Scarab pulled her awareness back into her physical body, and refocused her concentration on restoring her cloak of psychic invisibility. She closed her eyes for a few moments to see through Jack's eyes instead of her own. She mentally compared his surroundings with those of her physical body, she quickly deduced his position. Blocking her presence from the awareness of all observers, she telekinetically launched herself over to the building where the rest of the vigilantes were congregating. Floating a few inches above the rooftop, she faded back into view. Jack, Graft, and Blodeuwedd all heard the hundred voices speaking as one in their minds as she appeared before them. Greetings. I am The Scarab.
  6. Slightly edited my previous IC post to remove reference to Blodeuwedd's location, since Scarab's Thought Awareness is only +Accurate for the purpose of locking on with Mind Reading. So she has no idea where B is, aside from being somewhere within a 1/2-mile radius of the VCR office.
  7. A cloud of white mist in the vague shape of a massive eight-legged stallion galloped across the sky over the Great Bay. Thunder growled with every hoofbeat. Atop that stallion rode Thrude, thrusting her arm forward, pointing the way with her weapon, Hridgandr. Tendrils of lightning writhed and leapt between the Nordic runes engraved along its ebony haft. When she reached the unnatural storm raging above the Lonely Point naval base, she pulled back on the horse's mane. It reared up and then collapsed into a funnel cloud beneath her, obscuring her legs from the knees down. She hovered in place, borne aloft by a tiny hurricane, and leveled Hridgandr at the winged boy. "HALT, Desert-Dweller! Know ye that this world falls once more under the protection of the Aesir! Lay down thy arms, and I swear by the All-Father I will deliver thee unharmed unto the mortal lords of Midgard to face their justice. Or fight on, and I SHALL SMITE THEE WITH THE FULL FURY OF THE THE STORM!"
  8. Knowledge (Arcane) check: 10. Knowledge (History) check: 13. Knowledge (Theology) check: 17.
  9. N/A

    The Human Tank II

    Here's my suggested build: Power Level: 10 Tradeoffs: -4 Attack / +4 Damage, -4 Defense / +4 Toughness Abilities: 8 + 4 + 8 + 2 + 4 + 2 = 28PP Strength: 38/18 (+14/+4), 53/18 Lifting (Heavy Load: 19 tons 400 lbs. / 300 lbs.) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 30/18 (+10/+4) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 10 + 14 = 24PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +4/+5 Ranged, +6/+7 Melee, +6/+7 Improvised Thrown Weapons Grapple: +26/+11 Defense: +6/+7, +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: 16/2, 18/2 at normal speed (Immovable 2) Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 4 + 8 = 12PP Toughness: +14/+4 (Impervious 10/0) Fortitude: +10/+4 [0PP] Reflex: +6 [4PP] Will: +10 [8PP] Skills: 40R = 10PP Climb 0 (+4) Drive 3 (+5) Intimidate 15 (+16, +18 Growth) Knowledge (Tactics) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+5) Languages 1 (English [Native], Spanish) Notice 5 (+7) Profession (Soldier) 3 (+5) Sense Motive 5 (+7) Stealth 0 (+2, -2 Growth) Swim 0 (+4, N/A Density) Feats: 10PP Accurate Attack Attack Focus (Melee) 2 Attack Specialization (Improvised Thrown Weapons) Benefit 2 (Security Clearance, Status) Interpose Power Attack Startle Takedown Attack Powers: 66PP Metal Form 11 (55PP Container [Active, Free Action, Sustained Duration], Extras: Duration [Continuous]) [66PP] Density 6 (Mass x5, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Permanent) [18PP] Strength +12 Immovable 2 Protection 3 (Extras: Impervious) Super-Strength 2 Enhanced Constitution 12 [12PP] Growth 4 (Large, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Permanent) [12PP] Constitution +4 Strength +8 Grapple +4 Knockback Resist +4 Lifting STR +5 Attack -1 Defense -1 Intimidate +2 Stealth -4 Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9PP] Protection 1 (4, Extras: Impervious 7 [10]) [8PP] Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1PP] Vulnerability (Electricity Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate [+50%]) [-3PP] Vulnerability (Magnetism Effects, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Moderate [+50%]) [-2PP] Drawbacks: -0PP None Abilities (28) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (10) + Feats (10) + Powers (66) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points With Continuous on the alternate form, it will stay up even if he's knocked out. With the Immunity, he doesn't have to worry about drowning if he gets dropped into the water (he's too dense to swim), and Endurance is redundant. Deflect 1 is useless. It's not a great power at any rank. Fearsome Presence is useless at 1 rank. I'd take 5-10 ranks, or not at all. Rage is complicated, and ultimately sub-optimal, so I left it out.
  10. The electric-blue Tesla Model S barely slowed as it whirled silently down the Highway 9 off-ramp. Astrid Kierkegaard let go of the brake lever and twisted the steering wheel to straighten the front tires in one fluid motion. She pulled down on the accelerator lever, then quickly pushed it back halfway up when she felt the car jump. Still not used to the acceleration on this thing. The middle-aged man in the backseat wearing the pinstriped business suit was too absorbed in his iPhone to notice the sudden shift. The palatial mansions of Freedom City's elite families loomed over the county road, occasionally giving way to brief glimpses of the private beaches lining the coast as it looped around the peninsula to the Trainor Airport. Astrid's car crept up past an array of private jets and helicopters before settling in front of a Gulfstream IV. She had passed a dozen just like it, and she wouldn't have been able to tell this one apart from the others if the driver hadn't pointed it out. As her passenger fumbled through his pocket to retrieve his wallet and counted out bills for her tip, Astrid caught a flash of lightning out of the corner of her eye. She peered out over the Great Bay, squinting at the dark clouds swirling around the Lonely Point naval base. "Thanks," she muttered as the passenger handed her a wad of bills. Astrid turned over her shoulder to face him. "Hey, you're flying south, to Miami, right?" The passenger nodded, still tapping the screen of his phone. "Mmm hm." She wrapped her knuckles against the driver-side window, startling him out of his reverie. Then she rolled down the window and pointed across the bay. "Storm's coming. Looks heavy. Have your pilot fly around it." "Th-thanks," he offered with a wide-eyed look of worry at the storm. As soon as he got out, Astrid raced back out the way she came. Summer hurricane in New Jersey? Even with global warming, that's no normal storm. She pulled into the paid parking lot and shoved the same pile of cash her passenger had tipped her into the hand of the attendant at the entrance. Then she grabbed her messenger bag, unfolded her wheelchair, and wrestled herself out of the car. She wheeled herself out the gate and behind the first unattended building she could find. Once out of sight, she pulled a bottle of water and a large, ornate drinking horn out of her bag. She poured some water into the horn, then up-ended the horn and took a swig. A bolt of lightning flashed down, and Thrude Thorsdottir of Asgard wiped some stray drops from her chin. The wheelchair was knocked onto its back. The wheels were still spinning as the Daughter of Storms soared away.
  11. N/A

    Thrude (Top-Tier)

    Alternately, here's a "true" PL15 version (work-in-progress): Character Name: Thrude Power Level: 15 (280/250PP) Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness Abilities: 16 + 4 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 10 = 46PP Strength: 42/26 (+16/+8), 117/26 Lifting (Heavy Load: 136,314 tons 1,760 lbs. / 920 lbs.) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 40/26 (+15/+8) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +10 Grapple: +41/+18 Defense: +10, +5 Flat-Footed Knockback: 17/4 Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 8 + 15 = 23PP Toughness: +20/+8 (+15/+8 CON, +5 Protection) (Impervious 15/0) Fortitude: +15/+8 (+15/+8 CON, +0PP) Reflex: +10 (+2 DEX, +8PP) Will: +15 (+0 WIS, +15PP) Skills: 103/104R = 26PP Craft (Artistic) 15 (+15) Intimidate 20 (+25) Knowledge (Arcane) 15 (+15) Knowledge (History) 10 (+10) Knowledge (Philosophy/Theology) 10 (+10) Languages 10 (Anglo-Saxon [Old English], Danish, Faroese, German, Gothic, Gotlandic [Gutnish], Icelandic, Norse [Native], Norwegian, Swedish, Vandalic) Notice 15 (+15) Ride 3 (+5) Survival 5 (+5) Feats: 12PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Artificer Benefit (Status [Goddess, Princess, Valkyrie]) Environmental Adaptation (Storms) Improved Critical (Hridgandr Strike) Improved Grapple Interpose Startle Takedown Attack 2 Track Ultimate Save (Will) Italics indicate a feat which was purchased as a power or part of a power. The cost is reflected under "Powers," below. Powers: 43 + 14 + 16 + 11 + 15 + 5 + 8 + 30 = 142PP Device 13 (65PP Container [Passive, Permanent], Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 ["Only The Worthy" can lift, use, or transform], Subtle [Transforms into an ornate drinking horn]) [43PP] (Magic Weapon, Rune Magic, “Hridgandrâ€) [2 + 2 + 16 + 1 + 42 = 65PP] Environment Control 1 (Light [Moderate], 5ft radius, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [2PP] (Magic Lightning) Flight 1 (10MPH / 100ft per Move Action) [2PP] (Magic Wind) Immunity 30 (Cold Effects, Electricity Effects, Weather Effects, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect], Feats: Environmental Adaptation [storms]) [16PP] (Elemental Mastery, Rune Magic) Space Travel 1 (1c) [1PP] (Magic Wind) Storm Mastery 15 (30PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 5, Dynamic Alternate Power 4, Dynamic Base Power) [42PP] (Rune Magic) Base Power (Dynamic):Damage 4 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [11PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon) Alternate Power: [9 + 21 = 30PP] (Hridgandr Strike) Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [9PP]Drain Toughness 20 (Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Slow Fade [1 minute]) [21PP] Alternate Power: [19 + 11 = 30PP] (Hridgandr Strike) Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Knockback 10, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [9PP]Trip 20 (Extras: Knockback, Flaws: Action [Full], Range [Touch], Feats: Improved Throw) [11PP] Alternate Power: Damage 20 (Extras: Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Homing 2 [2 additional attempts], Improved Range 4 [1 5,000ft / 1-mile Range Increment], Indirect 3, Progression [Range] 1 [5,000ft / 1-mile Max Range]) [30PP] (Magic Lightning) Alternate Power: [15 + 12 + 1 = 28PP] (Inspiration) Emotion Control 15 (Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Healing, Luck Control], Selective, Flaws: Limited [Hope], Range 2 [Touch]) [15PP] Healing 4 (Extras: Action [standard], Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Luck Control], Selective, Flaws: Limited [Others], Temporary) [12PP] Luck Control 1 (Spend Hero Points for others, Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Healing], Selective, Flaws: Action 3 [standard], Limited [Recovery], Range 2 [Touch]) [1PP] Alternate Power: Environment Control 12 (5-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check once per minute / 10 rounds], Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Hamper Visibility [-4 Visual Notice/Search], Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch], Feats: Slow Fade 2 [5 minutes per Power Point, 56 minutes total]) [30PP] (Storm Summoning) Alternate Power (Dynamic): Flight 15 (16) [30PP] (Magic Wind) Alternate Power (Dynamic): Immunity 7 (Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Suffocation, Vacuum, Extras: Affects Others, Force Field, Feats: Progression [subjects] 2 [5 Subjects]) [16PP] Alternate Power (Dynamic): Space Travel 30 (31) [30PP] Alternate Power (Dynamic): Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Travel 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth], Extras: Duration [sustained to keep portal open], Portal, Feats: Progression [Portal Size] 2 [25ft]) [12PP] Enhanced Constitution 14 [14PP] (Divine Might) Enhanced Strength 16 [16PP] (Divine Might) Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support [Disease, Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Poison, Suffocation, Vacuum], Starvation/Thirst) [11PP] (Divine Might) Impervious Toughness 15 (Extras: Reflective [Melee Damage], Flaws: Limited [Not Impervious vs Blessed/Celestial/Holy, Chi/Ki, Demonic/Hellfire/Infernal, Divine, Magic, or Supernatural Damage]) [15PP] (Divine Might) Protection 5 [5PP] (Divine Might) Super-Senses 8 (Extended Hearing 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Extended Vision 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision [Dust-Sized]) [8PP] Super-Strength 15 [30PP] (Divine Might) Drawbacks: (-4) + (-3) + (-2) = -9PP Normal Identity (Astrid must sip liquid from Hridgandr to become Thrude, Frequency: Common [Full Action], Intensity: Major) [-4PP] Vulnerability (Deceit/Trickery [bluff, Phantasms, etc.], Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-3PP] (Gullible) Vulnerability (Emotion Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Minor [+1]) [-2PP] (Divine Passion) Abilities (46) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (23) + Skills (26) + Feats (12) + Powers (142) - Drawbacks (9) = 280/250 Power Points Combat Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC27/23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Hridgandr Strike 10ft DC30 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy and/or Physical) Lightning Ranged DC30 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy)
  12. N/A

    Prodigals (OOC)

    Idris Elba worked out so well as Heimdall in the Marvel Studios version, I decided to cast him in the World of Freedom as well.
  13. The rainbow bridge sloped down to a narrow path between a pair of steep cliff faces which stretched so far above Thrude's head they seemed to touch the sky. Thrude summoned a steed of mist and fog to attend her once more. The cloud-horse's hooves did not quite touch the ground as it raced through the canyon. A horn roared in the distance, followed by another, then another, until the howls of an entire pack echoed back and forth across the mountains above her. The canyon terminated at the gates of a colossal fortress seemingly carved from the very mountains themselves. Round towers carved from white stone sparkled and gleamed in the mid-day sun. Thrude could not help but smile at the sight of Himinbjorg, the castle through which all who would set foot in Asgard must first pass. As she approached, she could just barely spot the shining steel helms of the guards poking out from the parapets. Their horns flared to life again. Metal and stone scraped against one another as the tremendous ironwrought gate, each crossbar larger than a tree trunk, started to rise. A score of mortal warriors emerged from the gate, clad in steel plates overlapping tunics of fur and leather. The faint golden aura surrounding each one marked him or her as a member of the Einherjar, the slain warriors chosen by Thrude's fellow Valkyrie for the highest honor of fighting alongside Odin and the Aesir in defense of the Nine Worlds. The warriors surrounded a mountain of a man. Not a single one of them even rose to his shoulder. Three meters tall at least, he wore no armor, just pearl-white tunic and breeches trimmed with silver, in stark contrast to his coal-black skin. The gargantuan sword strapped to his back was almost as long as he was tall, with a blade at least a foot wide. The einherjar ceased their march several feet from Thrude, and parted before the giant in their midst. He continued to advance until within arms reach of Thrude. No, not a "giant." For this was not one of the Jotnar, but rather, the first line of Asgard's defense against their ilk. He offered his arm to Thrude, and she clasped his inner forearm. He returned the grip and shook her arm. She pulled him into an embrace, and he laughed. "Uncle!" she cried. "Many an age has passed since the Daughter of Storms has set foot upon the Rainbow Bridge. I bid thee welcome, Thrude Thorsdottir."
  14. Thrude tensed and twisted, spinning herself around so that the Earth was at her back. Mist erupted from the massive battle axe holstered at her back. The mists gathered beneath her, first as a formless blob. In seconds, the impossible cloud stretched and shaved itself into the vague shape of an enormous horse. A Clydesdale would appear as a pony before the eight-legged monstrosity with lightning for eyes which now bore the goddess aloft. She pointed her outstretched fist toward the Moon, and her steed needed no further instruction. It galloped through the void as though it were upon the smoothest brick road, covering a distance ten times the circumference of the Earth in the blink of an eye. The stallion collapsed and evaporated as her boots touched down upon the Lunar surface. She reached over her shoulder and slid her immense axe from its holster. Gripping the smooth ebony haft tightly with both hands, she raised it above her head, and then slammed it down upon the desolate rock beneath her feet. The impact of the pommel sent a spider's web of cracks racing through the stone. Thrude glared into the double-headed axe blade she held in front of her face, and slammed the haft down upon the rock again. Lightning writhed along the shaft, pooled at the blade, and then burst upward, a pillar of brilliant cyan and violet surging toward the heavens. Thrude knelt down upon the scorched, broken Lunar stone, motionless save for the gleaming golden locks of her hair floating around her. For a few moments, all was darkness once more. Then, from some invisible point in space far beyond the orbits of Sol, a wave of blinding light descended upon her. The colossal ribbon of white snapped down, and then straightened, solidifying into a wall of color. Thrude inhaled deeply and gulped hard enough to dry out the inside of her mouth. She took one hesitant step, like a baby deer standing for the first time, half expecting her foot to push right through the glowing rainbow. Instead, her boot rested as firmly against it as the rock below her other foot. Her shoulders sagged and she exhaled a sigh. She lifted her axe, shifted her grip to bring the haft resting against the back of her arm, and trailed it behind her as she jogged up the Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge leading to Asgard. After a few steps, the rainbow retracted from the surface of the Moon, loosening once more from a stiff ramp to a waving banner, before soaring off into the distance, and finally vanishing in a single flash.
  15. N/A

    Prodigals (OOC)

    This thread helps to bridge the gap between the old Thrude and the new, recently re-approved version.
  16. The pale, statuesque young woman floated, relaxed and aimless, several hundred miles above the surface of the Earth. Her arms, legs, and long golden braids drifted limply in seemingly random directions around her as the shining pale blue world spun beneath her. Her eyes remained closed as she quietly inhaled the crisp, cool air of the winter storm (with just a hint of ozone) which always filled her lungs, regardless of her surroundings. Of late, Thrude, Daughter of Storms, Princess of Asgard, found peace only in orbit, far above the crowded palaces of Midgard where the mortals seemed never to sleep anymore, where their electric torches were never extinguished and day never truly gave way to night anymore. Even here, in the silent void, the night sky below her was a sparkling spider's web woven over every land, from coast to coast. I swore to protect this world and all its peoples. But I feel less connected to it every day. I thought I had earned the trust of one mortal, but the Archeville was no comrade to me or his fellow mortals. He welcomed me with open arms, then stabbed me in the back as soon as I turned it. A deceiver and traitor every bit as vile as Loki, a beast as bloodthirsty as any jotun or dragon. Empires rose and fell, and in all that time, the people of Midgard saw only two so-called "champions" from the Aesir. Both promised to defend them, and both were revealed as the pawns of monsters. How can they ever trust us again? How can they see us as heroes and not demons? The blasphemous mortal who claimed the Fenrir's name for his own saw little difference between me and the Winter Wulf, and he was but one voice in a choir. Even the Messenger from the slave-god of the eastern deserts looked upon me as his followers do, with two shares of terror in their eyes for every one of hope or relief. And why would they be anything but afraid, when my sister of shield and spear shepherds their warriors to their doom even when there is no war to fight, no enemy at their gates? No enemy but us. Sparks sputtered from the corner's of the goddess's closed eyes. When she opened them, cerulean bolts danced back and forth between the pupils. I will never truly be their champion if I remain apart from them. I cannot be as kelp drifting from one wave to another. The sapling must take root in the land before it can grow into a mighty tree, and until it does, those who toil beneath it will have no shield from the unforgiving rays of the summer sun. I cannot be trusted to protect this world unless I have a stake in it.
  17. N/A

    Thrude (Top-Tier)

    She's pretty much already got all the raw power she's ever going to get. She just gets more skill, knowledge, and finesse later.
  18. N/A

    Thrude (Top-Tier)

    Really, she's a PL13 with -3/+3 tradeoffs on offense and defense.
  19. N/A

    Thrude (Top-Tier)

    Character Name: Thrude Power Level: 13 (250/250PP) Trade-Offs: -3 Attack / +3 Damage, -3 Defense / +3 Toughness Abilities: 16 + 8 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 16 = 56PP Strength: 35/26 (+12/+8), 75/26 Lifting (Heavy Load: 400 tons / 920 lbs.) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 36/26 (+13/+8) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 26 (+8) Combat: 12 + 20 = 32PP Initiative: +4 Attack: +6, +10 Hrigandr Strike, +10 Lightning Grapple: +26/+14 Defense: +10, +5 Flat-Footed Knockback: 14/4 Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 6 + 13 = 19PP Toughness: +16/+8 (+13/+8 CON, +6 Protection) (Impervious 13/0) Fortitude: +13/+8 (+13/+8 CON, +0PP) Reflex: +10 (+4 DEX, +6PP) Will: +13 (+0 WIS, +13PP) Skills: 100R = 25PP Craft (Artistic) 15 (+15) Intimidate 17 (+25) Knowledge (Arcane) 15 (+15) Knowledge (History) 10 (+10) Knowledge (Philosophy/Theology) 10 (+10) Languages 12 (Anglo-Saxon [Old English], Danish, Dutch, Faroese, Frisian, German, Gothic, Gotlandic [Gutnish], Icelandic, Norse [Native], Norwegian, Swedish, Vandalic) Notice 15 (+15) Ride 1 (+5) Survival 5 (+5) Feats: 14PP Accurate Attack Artificer Attack Specialization (Hridgandr Strike) Benefit (Status [Goddess, Princess, Valkyrie]) Environmental Adaptation (Storms) Favored Enemy (Giant Monsters) Improved Critical (Hridgandr Strike) Interpose Luck 2 Power Attack Takedown Attack 2 Track Ultimate Save (Will) Italics indicate a feat which was purchased as a power or part of a power. The cost is reflected under "Powers," below. Powers: 43 + 10 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 3 + 8 + 16 = 113PP Device 13 (65PP Container [Passive, Permanent], Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 ["Only The Worthy" can lift, use, or transform], Subtle [Transforms into an ornate drinking horn]) [43PP] (Magic Weapon, Rune Magic, “Hridgandrâ€) [2 + 2 + 16 + 1 + 44 = 65PP] Environment Control 1 (Light [Moderate], 5ft radius, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [2PP] (Magic Lightning) Flight 1 (10MPH / 100ft per Move Action) [2PP] (Magic Wind) Immunity 30 (Cold Effects, Electricity Effects, Weather Effects, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect], Feats: Environmental Adaptation [storms]) [16PP] (Elemental Mastery, Rune Magic) Space Travel 1 (1c) [1PP] (Magic Wind) Storm Mastery 16 (32PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 3, Dynamic Alternate Power 4, Dynamic Base Power) [44PP] (Rune Magic) Base Power (Dynamic):Damage 4 (Feats: Accurate [+2 Attack], Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [12PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon) Alternate Power: Damage 16 (Extras: Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Homing 3 [5 additional attempts], Improved Critical 2, Improved Range 4 [1 4,000ft Range Increment], Indirect 2, Progression [Range] 1 [4,000ft Max Range], Ricochet 3, Drawbacks: Full Power) [32PP] (Magic Lightning) Alternate Power: [13 + 16 + 1 = 30PP] (Inspiration) Emotion Control 13 (Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Healing, Luck Control], Selective, Flaws: Limited [Hope], Range 2 [Touch]) [13PP] Healing 4 (Extras: Action [standard], Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Luck Control], Selective, Total, Flaws: Limited [Others], Temporary) [16PP] Luck Control 1 (Spend Hero Points for others, Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Healing], Selective, Flaws: Action 3 [standard], Limited [Recovery], Range 2 [Touch]) [1PP] Alternate Power: Environment Control 13 (10-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check once per minute / 10 rounds], Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Hamper Visibility [-4 Visual Notice/Search], Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch], Feats: Slow Fade [1 minute per Power Point, 32 minutes total], Drawbacks: Full Power) [32PP] (Storm Summoning) Alternate Power (Dynamic): Flight 16 (17, 2,500,000MPH [Mach 3,260] / 25,000,000ft [5,000 miles] per Move Action) [32PP] (Magic Wind) Alternate Power (Dynamic): [12 + 3 = 15PP] Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Travel 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth], Extras: Duration [sustained to keep portal open], Portal, Feats: Progression [Portal Size] 2 [25ft]) [12PP] Super-Senses 1 (Communication Link [Asgard], Feats: Dimensional 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth]) [3PP] Alternate Power (Dynamic): Immunity 7 (Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Suffocation, Vacuum, Extras: Affects Others, Feats: Progression [subjects] 2 [5 Subjects]) [16PP] Alternate Power (Dynamic): Space Travel 32 (33, 50,000,000,000c) [32PP] Enhanced Constitution 10 [10PP] (Divine Might) Enhanced Strength 9 [9PP] (Divine Might) Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support [Disease, Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Poison, Suffocation, Vacuum], Starvation/Thirst) [11PP] (Divine Might) Impervious Toughness 13 (Extras: Reflective [Melee Damage], Flaws: Limited [Not Impervious vs Blessed/Celestial/Holy, Chi/Ki, Demonic/Hellfire/Infernal, Divine, Magic, or Supernatural Damage]) [13PP] (Divine Might) Protection 3 [3PP] (Divine Might) Super-Senses 8 (Extended Hearing 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Extended Vision 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision [Dust-Sized]) [8PP] Super-Strength 8 [16PP] (Divine Might) Drawbacks: (-4) + (-3) + (-2) = -9PP Normal Identity (Astrid must sip liquid from Hridgandr to become Thrude, Frequency: Common [Full Action], Intensity: Major) [-4PP] Vulnerability (Deceit/Trickery [bluff, Phantasms, etc.], Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-3PP] (Gullible) Vulnerability (Emotion Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-2PP] (Divine Passion) Abilities (56) + Combat (32) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (25) + Feats (14) + Powers (113) - Drawbacks (9) = 250/250 Power Points Combat Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC27/23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Hridgandr Strike Touch +5ft DC31 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy and/or Physical) Lightning Ranged DC31 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy)
  20. I've had a couple of old characters re-approved and re-activated recently, if you'd like to add them to the list. See my sig for details.
  21. I don't know if anything ever came of this, but Thrude's perfectly suited to space adventures, and she just got re-approved.
  22. VERY VERY FRIGHTENING'd by GIZMO Please edit the top of >The Scarab's sheet from "Silver Reward: Unclaimed" to "Silver Reward: 2nd PC at PL10/150PP (>Thrude)". Silver Reward: 2nd PC at PL10/150PP (Thrude)
  23. I see Blodeuwedd has +14 Notice with Skill Mastery, so she automatically notices both the ESP ("I'm being watched...") and the Mind Reading.
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