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As the massive robot powered down and the last Omegadrone in the area fell, a moment of quiet seemed to fall over the area. The police were still getting civilians out of the nearby buildings and down into the sewers through the opening Owain had made and towards safety. And the sounds of explosions could still be heard in the distance, primarily from the downtown area where dozens (if not hundreds) of small figures could be seen flying through the skies above the city.


Archer moved forward and over to where Kesmit had landed the sky-cycle she was piloting. "If you all want to run, you can." He stated, glancing over towards the teens. "But we need to stop just reacting, and start picking our targets and striking." He glanced over towards the city. "As long as the portals are open and allowing more of these troops in, we will constantly be on the defensive. We need to find a way to shut down those portals."


Turning, his gaze swept over the members of FORCE Ops before focusing back on the Claremont teens. "We are going to go and see if we can find a way to shut those down. You all are a lot more capable than I would have expected at your age, we could certainly use your help."


Bernadette glanced over towards the others, hesitant for a moment. But before she could speak, a tall figure rouse up behind her duplicate and in a quick movement plunged an energy sword into the duplicate’s back. The duplicate arched slightly as she let out a brief cry of pain that was cut off as the end of the energy blade pierced out the front of her chest. The original Bernadette’s body went tense, and she staggered a step, almost as if she had been hit herself.


In a swift motion, the figure pulled the blade free and the duplicate collapsed lifelessly to the ground and then disappeared. The figure was a six-foot-tall woman wearing a long red military style coat with gold braid and brown, thigh high leather boots. She had long raven hair that flowed out of a golden helmet that covered her face. Taking a step forward, she pointed her energy sword at the original Bernadette. "Will you disappear as well when I cut out your heart?"


"Kill them all!" She yelled as six Omegadrones in black armor flew into view, followed by a number of normal Omegadrones.

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El Gato hissed at the woman that had managed to sneak up on the group, leaping at the Annihilst as she slashed with her claws. The tall dark haired woman was caught slightly off guard by the sudden attack, El Gato’s claws slashing across her side. While they drew blood, they seemed not much more than a minor wound to the masked woman.


Meanwhile Kismet leveled her assault rife at one of the Omegadrones in black armor and fired a burst at it. Several of the bullets hit, but they all bounced off the heavily armored foe to no apparent effect. That drone then flew over towards El Gato, stabbing at her with its power pike, but the cat-woman easily ducked under the attack.

Another of the black clad Omegadrones flew near Starshine, firing a blast of energy at the teen from its power pike. However the blast missed the target, as Starshine dodged to one side.

Meanwhile Bernadette ducked under an attack from another of the black armored Omegadroens, while Owaine similarly dodege and attack aimed at him


But a blast of energy from yet another struck Archer in the upper shoulder, knocking the bow wielding hero to the ground as it dazed him. Another blast managed to strike Daniel in the side as well as a black armored Omegadrone flew overhead.

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"Bernadette!!" Iris cried out, despite all this chaos around her, she would witness the other losing her clone and the pain it seemed to shoot through her. This older girl was the first actual friend both Iris and Daniel had made in the school...arguably the first they had made in Freedom City. Because of this protective rage flowed through her veins.


She would pop out from behind her cover and point towards the tall woman that had done the dreaded deed, and extremely faint bolts shot from her forehead and towards the villainess'. She would be able to feel something trying to harm her mind but she pushes through it unharmed.


Upon Iris realising this, she clutches the pike she stole close to her before running and ducking behind a destoryed car. 

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The  Annihlist managed to shake off the mental blast, briefly glancing over towards Iris before focusing her gaze back on Bernadette. The tall woman rushed toward the redhead, swinging her sword as she closed. The broad form of Bruiser suddenly stepped into the Annihlist's path, blocking her from reaching Bernadette.

Martinet's glowing sword slashed across the hulking man’s chest, sending a small spray of blood as it cut him and sent him falling back to the ground, dazed and injured from the attack. The Annihilist brought her sword back into a ready position as she refocused back on Bernadette, waiting to see what the redhead did in response.

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Something was wrong, well everything was wrong what with all these Omegadrone flying around, but things felt off. Maybe it was all the power she was challenging, and apparently, more fighting was coming.


Normally she'd wait until they attack, but a freakin' invasion most definitely counted as the worse kind of attack you could get. So charing up her powers again, causing her to glow like a mini star, as she fired off a burst of light energy towards the leading drone. They looked tougher, but her attack seemed to cause some damage, hopefully it would be enough for now.

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Bernadette watched as Bruiser took a hit intended for her, getting knocked to the ground as he was cut by the Annihilist's blade. While hurt, the powerhouse seemed to still be in the fight as the redhead gritted her teeth and focused on the tall sword-wielding woman.

Up in the air, Startshine's attack hit one of the black armored Omegadrones, causing it some damage, but not enough to slow it down at the moment.


As Bernadette rushed towards Madrigal Martinet, nearly a dozen of her duplicates popped into existence, a couple moving towards the Annihilist, spreading around her and briefly drawing her attention. The others spread out to attack the three black armored Omegadrones that were either on the ground or close to the ground attacking people.

All of Bernadette's duplicates managed to hit the Omegadrones they attacked. Two were hurt, but otherwise remained on their feet similar to the drone attacked by Starshine. However the third was knocked to the ground by the force of the attack of that duplicate, dazed, at least for the moment.

The Irish teen herself attacked Martinet, landing a solid blow into the taller woman’s stomach. While the powerful punch caused the Annihilist to flinch back in pain, she stood back upright as she looked down at Bernadette. "You are indeed much stronger than you look. But I have fought and defeated stronger."

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La Puma Negra


The more the group stayed here in this time the more precarious their situation occurred as now a major super villainess had arrived to continue the reign of terror and put an end to Force Works and their resistance to the Terminus invasion as major threat to their plans. Puma and her compatriots being there meant that they in effect were tampering with the events of what transpired that day with each passing second. However, if they were going to survive, they had to fight, and Puma did that well enough.


With a battle cry of sorts, she charged and pounced at the Elite Omega drone with a claw swipe. It imbeds in good but does no damage, growling as she saw that it had no effect whatsoever. Taking out these drones meant they wouldn't be taking potshots at her friends dealing with Martinet, the fewer the better.

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Neko Musume 


Wondering if she would ever be free of war, Neko made a declaration, holding her lunar necklace high. "<He comes! Gashi gashi HE COMES!>" 


That was the thing about war, you see. Wars make people dead, and the dead remember. Power crackled from her necklace and across her body, then into the air, taking an unholy form as the air around them rattled with the groans and cries of the unquiet dead - of which there were now a great many. Was Bernadette's soul among them? It was hard to tell. Still standing by the manhole cover she and Owain had pulled open for the benefit of any fleeing refugees, Neko laughed in a high kekekeke sound as a gigantic, building-sized skeleton formed above her, its bones dripping with rotting flesh, its teeth rattling in its gigantic head. 


"<Give me flesh!>" it bellowed in Japanese, towering as high as the nearby wrecked buildings, the biggest moving thing visible to anyone. Familiar with this plan, Owain went on the defense, running around and around Neko in an anxious circle. 

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