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@MoonSimply: Fail by 4 means you get a Bruise, while @Spacefurry failing by 7 means Bruise and Daze. 

The more you fail a Toughness save (or another save vs. Damage, but Toughness is most common for that), the greater conditions are imposed upon you. We got a bit of House Rules here, changing the effects around slightly from the core book. I'll just get into non-lethal damage here, because that's the most common:

Fail by 1-4: Bruised - Bruised Conditions stack, each Bruise giving you a cumulative -1 to your Toughness Saves to resist damage.

Fail by 5-9: Bruised and Dazed - On top of getting a Bruise, you also get Dazed. The Dazed Condition basically makes you skip a turn, being cleared at the end of your next turn. You cannot have multiple Dazed Conditions at once, so they don't stack.

Fail by 10-14: Dazed and Staggered - You don't get a Bruise, but you do get Dazed, and you get the Staggered Condition. Being Staggered means you can only take either a single Move or Standard Action per turn, not both, and any further damage means an instant knock out.

Fail by 15+: Instant knock out.


There's a list of all Conditions and what they mean beginning on page 170 in the Core book.


Unfortunately, a 17 misses Blue!


Since @Spacefurry is Dazed, give me a post of being dazed, then @Nerdzul is up! (And I still need a DC21 TOU save from Nightscale too)



La Puma Negra is in melee with Blue in the middle of the street.

Paper is in melee with Yellow next to Blue and La Puma Negra.

Nightscale is grappling Red on the sidewalk.

Green a bit further down the street.


32 - La Puma Negra - 2HP - Bruise (x1)

24 - Paper - 3HP - Bruise (x1), Dazed

11 - Nightscale - 3HP - Unharmed, Grappling Red

10 - Red Villain - Unharmed, Pinned by Nightscale

10 - Blue Villain - Unharmed

10 - Yellow Villain - Unharmed

10 - Green Villain - Unharmed

Edited by RocketLord
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I think that Nightscale will just ignore a DC 21 save due to impervious :) Otherwise I still rolled as I forgot about that... and got a 22


I got half an idea to just throw red to green, but I'm not super sure about the rules (plus Luke has pretty mediocre aim with ranged attacks anyway), so I guess he is just gonna attack the guy he is holding. Save DC is 23. He auto hits due to the grapple right?

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@MoonSimply Since Nightscale got the power Impervious Toughness 8, he can automatically ignore any attacks that requires a Toughness Saving Throw of less than 15+8 = DC23, so he ecan ignore the attack.


@Nerdzul: Throwing would indeed be a Ranged Attack, and it is an autohit due to grapple.


Rolling TOU vs. DC23 for Red: 26

And I roll a 20. Go figure.


@Nerdzul give me an IC, then the bad guys strike back!



La Puma Negra is in melee with Blue in the middle of the street.

Paper is in melee with Yellow next to Blue and La Puma Negra.

Nightscale is grappling Red on the sidewalk.

Green a bit further down the street.


32 - La Puma Negra - 2HP - Bruise (x1)

24 - Paper - 3HP - Bruise (x1)

11 - Nightscale - 3HP - Unharmed, Grappling Red

10 - Red Villain - Unharmed, Pinned by Nightscale

10 - Blue Villain - Unharmed

10 - Yellow Villain - Unharmed

10 - Green Villain - Unharmed

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Red tries to gain the upper hand in the grapple. 

@Nerdzul give me a Grapple Check vs. DC20


Blue tries to punch La Puma Negra again: 16. and she misses.

She uses a Move Action to back away from La Puma Nega, putting a few meters distance between them.


Yellow tries to Snare Paper: 22, that's a hit.

@Spacefurry Give me a DC21 Reflex Save vs. Snare. 

If Paper fails the Reflex Save, he will end up Entangled, which means -2 to Attack Rolls and Defense, and -4 to effective Dexterity. Since the telekinetic force anchors him to the ground, he won't be able to move.

If he fails by more than 5, he will be Bound and Helpless, which gives him a whole host of other penalties (and not being able to do much) that we'll get into if that happens.


Green moves up to Nightscale and attacks him. Nightscale loses his dodge bonus to defense if they are still grappling. 

Attack roll: 13, which will be a hit if Red haven't managed to break the grapple.

@Nerdzul: Give me a DC25 TOU save if you succeed on the Grapple Check.


and after that, @MoonSimply is next!



La Puma Negra is in melee with Blue in the middle of the street.

Paper is in melee with Yellow next to Blue and La Puma Negra.

Nightscale is grappling Red on the sidewalk.

Green a bit further down the street.


32 - La Puma Negra - 2HP - Bruise (x1)

24 - Paper - 3HP - Bruise (x1)

11 - Nightscale - 3HP - Unharmed, Grappling Red

10 - Red Villain - Unharmed, Pinned by Nightscale

10 - Blue Villain - Unharmed

10 - Yellow Villain - Unharmed

10 - Green Villain - Unharmed

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Blue can't make that save, so he's Feinted vs. @MoonSimply's next attack.


@MoonSimply: One thing you can do here, aside from waiting for the next turn to attack, would be to use Extra Effort to do a Surge (Core book page 120). Using Extra Effort will make you fatigued at the start of your next turn, but you get one to do one of a few different options.

The two most commonly used are Power Stunts (which lets you add a Power feat to a power, mostly used to add Alternate Power, which basically lets you make up a brand new power on the spot) and Surge, which lets you take an extra Move or Standard Action in a turn. 

By using Extra Effort to Surge, you can attack this turn, getting to spend your Feint immediately.


You can get rid of the Fatigued condition by spending one of your Hero Points (Core book page 121).



La Puma Negra is in melee with Blue in the middle of the street.

Paper is in melee with Yellow next to Blue and La Puma Negra.

Nightscale is grappling Red on the sidewalk.

Green a bit further down the street.


32 - La Puma Negra - 2HP - Bruise (x1)

24 - Paper - 3HP - Bruise (x1)

11 - Nightscale - 3HP - Bruise (x1), Grappling Red

10 - Red Villain - Unharmed, Pinned by Nightscale

10 - Blue Villain - Unharmed, Feinted by La Puma Negra.

10 - Yellow Villain - Unharmed

10 - Green Villain - Unharmed

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No need. A Feinted character will lose at least half their Defense (since Dodge Bonus is half Base Defense + Dodge Focus feat), so that's a hit.


Rolling TOU vs DC23: 16

That's a Bruise and Blue is Dazed.


Give me an IC @MoonSimply, and then @Spacefurry is next!


32 - La Puma Negra - 1HP - Bruise (x1)

24 - Paper - 3HP - Bruise (x1)

11 - Nightscale - 3HP - Bruise (x1), Grappling Red

10 - Red Villain - Unharmed, Pinned by Nightscale

10 - Blue Villain - Bruise (x1), Dazed

10 - Yellow Villain - Unharmed

10 - Green Villain - Unharmed

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That's a hit. 

TOU save vs. DC23: 13

Well, seems like my streak from last post was broken. Yellow is now Staggered and Dazed.


@Spacefurry give me an IC.

@MoonSimply: The Staggered condition means you can only take either a Move Action or a Standard Action on your turn, not both. It also means that if you fail another save vs. damage, you are knocked out.


Then @Nerdzul is next.



La Puma Negra is in melee with Blue in the middle of the street.

Paper is in melee with Yellow next to Blue and La Puma Negra.

Nightscale is grappling Red on the sidewalk.

Green a bit further down the street.


32 - La Puma Negra - 1HP - Bruise (x1)

24 - Paper - 3HP - Bruise (x1)

11 - Nightscale - 3HP - Bruise (x1), Grappling Red

10 - Red Villain - Unharmed, Pinned by Nightscale

10 - Blue Villain - Bruise (x1), Dazed

10 - Yellow Villain - Staggered, Dazed

10 - Green Villain - Unharmed

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Nightscale is gonna try again taking down the guy he has grappled. Save  DC is 23. 

If he can (not sure if he has to use a move action to keep the grapple), he will also try to intimidate the fellow who has attacked him as well. Although with only a 15 (SM 20 -5 for using a move action)

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TOU save: 15

Bruise and Dazed.

@Nerdzul: What Intimidate effect are you going to use?



La Puma Negra is in melee with Blue in the middle of the street.

Paper is in melee with Yellow next to Blue and La Puma Negra.

Nightscale is grappling Red on the sidewalk.

Green a bit further down the street.


32 - La Puma Negra - 1HP - Bruise (x1)

24 - Paper - 3HP - Bruise (x1)

11 - Nightscale - 3HP - Bruise (x1), Grappling Red

10 - Red Villain - Bruise (x1), Dazed, Pinned by Nightscale

10 - Blue Villain - Bruise (x1), Dazed

10 - Yellow Villain - Staggered, Dazed

10 - Green Villain - Unharmed

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@MoonSimply: Like you used Feint, one of the moves granted by a Skill, Nightscale is now using the Demoralize move on the Green Villain. Since he has Skill Mastery for Intimidate, he doesn't need to roll, but can just take 10 as his roll, which would, normally, put his Intimidate roll at 20 (since he a total Intimidate +10). However, rather than use a Standard Action to Demoralize, Nerdzul decides to use a Move Action, freeing up his standard action for his attack. You can do exactly the same with other Skill actions, like Feint, but it comes at the cost of -5 to your roll, which means that Nightscale's Intimidate roll is at 15. 

You can get around the -5 by picking the Feat "Challenge [Fast INSERT SKILL ACTION]", which means you can perform a Skill action that is normally a Standard Action as a Move Action, without taking any penalties to your roll. It's something to consider, if you think you will be using Acrobatic Feint, Feint or other Skill actions a lot. 

The Challenge feat is in the Mastermind's Manual book, not in the core book.


Green, rolling vs. Intimidate 15: 28, nope, not demoralized!


Since everyone buy Green are dazed, they will spend their turns clearing the Daze. 

The Green Villain then blasts at Nightscale again: 22-4 for shooting in melee equals 18, that's a hit.

@Nerdzul: Give me DC25 TOU save.


Then @MoonSimply is next!



La Puma Negra is in melee with Blue in the middle of the street.

Paper is in melee with Yellow next to Blue and La Puma Negra.

Nightscale is grappling Red on the sidewalk.

Green a bit further down the street.


32 - La Puma Negra - 1HP - Bruise (x1)

24 - Paper - 3HP - Bruise (x1)

11 - Nightscale - 3HP - Bruise (x1), Grappling Red

10 - Red Villain - Bruise (x1), Pinned by Nightscale

10 - Blue Villain - Bruise (x1)

10 - Yellow Villain - Staggered

10 - Green Villain - Unharmed

Edited by RocketLord
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Blue's defense vs. Feint vs DC 18: 15+1 = 16, she's feinted!

@MoonSimply: Remember, each feint gives the target a cumulative +1 bonus to resist!

It's a hit, so TOU vs. DC23: 11-1 = 10

Ow, fail by 10+, that means Staggered and Dazed!


@Spacefurry is up next!



La Puma Negra is in melee with Blue in the middle of the street.

Paper is in melee with Yellow next to Blue and La Puma Negra.

Nightscale is grappling Red on the sidewalk.

Green a bit further down the street.


32 - La Puma Negra - 1HP - Bruise (x1)

24 - Paper - 3HP - Bruise (x1)

11 - Nightscale - 2HP - Bruise (x1), Grappling Red

10 - Red Villain - Bruise (x1), Pinned by Nightscale

10 - Blue Villain - Bruise (x1), Staggered, Dazed

10 - Yellow Villain - Staggered

10 - Green Villain - Unharmed

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