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Brown Dynamite

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Everything posted by Brown Dynamite

  1. It is indeed too low to hit Grab.
  2. Omen gets a 15 for Gather Info and 14 for Current Events. Guess he took the relaxing part of the vacation to heart.
  3. Quite frankly Erick enjoyed travelling. He spent a year doing it after graduating from high school in the first place. Experiencing new cultures and interacting with the locals was an experience that money couldn't buy. Helped solely by the fact that he had the money to test that theory out in the first place. Which made the allure of taking time off to experience the wonder of Carnival first hand a no-brainer. As much enjoyment as could be garnered by crashing mob operations back in Freedom City, and there was certainly quite of bit of enjoyment to be had, sometimes Erick Sloane had to channel the inner the. Currently, the blonde man found himself wading his way through a crowd of masked wearing participants in the festivities in the hopes of finding a better view of all the celebration. Any other day of the week being surrounded by a crowd covered head to toe in elaborate masks and costumes would have an entirely different connotation. The thought of which brought a wry smile on Erick's face as he stopped walking and began looking around. It was settled he was definitely on vacation.
  4. GM As soon as the two heroes had gathered onto the floor the hidden villaines would make the effort to try and incapacitate them. Grab often avoided having to get her hands dirty by fighting if not goaded into it. Which made her initiating the combat all the stranger. "No one invited either of your to this party!" Grab, whom was 'hidden' underneath a table, sent her arms outwards to try and sweep both of them off their feet. She might as well been swinging at air when her arm came by Velocity who seemed to avoid it effortless. *Whap* Omen wasn't as lucky as he soon felt the sharp sensation of her elongated arms swiping at his legs in a scythe like motion. Knocking the blonde hair man right off his feet. However, Omen didn't tumble unless he wanted to. Or at least that was the standard he held himself to. Twisting and contorting his body in mid air he would quickly land on his feet. Which would only be greeted by muffled profanities as Grab realized she hadn't even slowed them down.
  5. "And I thought I ran everywhere." Omen mumbled to no one in particular seeing as Trap Door was out of commission and Velocity had disappeared in a blur. Of course Omen could save himself some effort and attempt to swing down the side of the yacht. But the risk of being taken by surprise while on a swing line wasn't worth a few shaved seconds. Besides, even though there was absolutely no chance of him getting down there as quickly as she did. And Omen knew this without a single doubt in his mind. A small part of him was competitive enough to try. As such Omen's legs would begin to work over time as he took off in an enthusiastic charge. Giving a small yet mocking wave in Get Away's direction as he passed by. Speeding off at such a rate that left no doubt to the man's physical conditioning. Of course, it was a pointless endeavor. He didn't expect a different result when he was the last person to enter the now darkened room housing the auction items. Yet the smile on his face showed absolutely no sign of considering that reality. Simply pure enjoyment as he began to shift back into his regular stride. Ever the competitor Omen was simply having fun at this point.
  6. Velocity easily notices that Grab is hiding beneath a table. More importantly that two outstretched hands are coming forth from said table. It also doesn't take a notice check to notice this, but the lights on this floor were turned off at some point before the smashing began and in the middle of the night the floor has obscured some vision somewhat. Omen has to work a bit harder to hoof it moving all out to make it to the same floor. I'm going to play it a little fast and loose for a second and stunting off elongation Grab can make an area trip attack on both of Omen and Velocity getting a 21 Not good enough to get Velocity especially with total defense. But good enough to try and peg Omen. She gets a 22 on her Dex Roll, which thanks to the house rules would be opposed by Omen's acrobat score so essentially he couldn't fail said roll either. Round Nine Velocity (59): Unharmed, 2HP Omen (18): Unharmed, 2HP Grab (5) GM
  7. GM *CRASH* Of course. There were four members of Larceny, Inc. Not three. A fact that became all too apparent as the sound of a fragile and most likely pricey auction item shattering on the ground beneath reverberated through the air. Apparently someone had taken it upon themselves to begin smashing some of the auction items on the bottom floor. The passengers began to murmur amongst themselves yet again. Cementing the fact that the night had yet to quite come to a close. *CRASH* It sounded as if the item had a brother whom soon suffered its fate. Moving from robbery to vandalism, no one could say that the foursome wasn't at least ambitious in their pursuit of screwing over those whom they felt had wronged the city. It was hard to say how much of their sales pitch they believed and how much was just lip service to justify their enjoyment of the crimes they were committing.
  8. Omen cringed in mock sympathy as Trap Door collided into the wall. Somehow he doubted the thief heard her over the sound of his own head bouncing back at the force of the blow. Or at the very least Trap Door wasn't likely to remember it. Which was too bad the part that was visible to the naked eye was a sight to behold. "Nice punch. He seemed to carry on a bit didn't he? Not that I think he'll feel like running his mouth any time soon." It would have seemed an apt time as any to celebrate a job well done. He had expected something a bit more inspired than a robbery attempt at this point. But that thought had long vanished the moment he heard the misguided speech as the villain tried to shame them with. Which was admittedly a new experience for the young man. But not one that he was going to fret over. Whatever fantasy those three had crafted out in this plot didn't excuse them from the ramifications of putting so many people in danger just so they could carry it their brand of 'heroics'. The term being used very loosely. Omen would take this opportunity to lean over to get a better view of the lower decks. Double checking that all the passengers whom were still on board were safe. As well as the castaways whom had made a jump for it. "Well, I think it's about time to clock out."
  9. Which does set up Round Eight. But one name seems to be missing off this list. Hence why it's not all she wrote. Round Eight Velocity (59): Unharmed, 2HP Omen (18): Unharmed, 2HP Trap-Door (12): Unconscious-GM Get Away (44): Snared-GM Smash (5): Unconscious-GM
  10. That hits! Exactly on his defense score and he has absolutely no chance of making the save. But let's see how well he can take the blow. 13 Ouch! Failing by 15
  11. GM Trap Door was fervently rubbing his jaw in disbelief. He now had to contend with two of these distractions as far as he was concerned. "How trite. And she says I'm the one with the self-righteous act. When I get outnumbered. If we are committing robbery, then it should also be argued you two are committing assault. Unless taking the first shot no longer counts as assault. That is not even the worst crime you are guilty of. By perpetuating the class divide that allow these real criminals to live worry free you are bleeding this city dry. For shame. Surrender? No, I believe I'll settle for victory." No one could say Trap Door wasn't intelligent. Even if his inflated ego left him a bit delusional. However for all that intelligence, he was a man of pattern. As such Velocity had easily been expecting it when another bolt of kinetic energy propelled itself through the air in the middle of his speech. This one had no chance on hitting her on a bad day, and she was in prime form to easily avoid it it and make it look like child's play.
  12. Omen continued sprinting up the stairs on his the upper deck. It wasn't long before he found himself close enough to catch Trap Door and Velocity already engaged in the throes of combat and banter. Sneaking up to the guy would have been more than doable. But, the domino masked hero was still a bit peeved on the interruption to his evening. As such it should have come to no surprised when he took off in a sprint and blindsiding the deft man cold cocked him right in the jaw. *BLAM* Trap Door to his credit had tried to move out of the way before the blow could land. It was simply misfortunate for him that he was not expecting a second opponent. Omen for his part pursed his lips before continuing. "Sorry to cut into the repartee. But I saw an opening that I just couldn't leave unpunched. So what is this two down one to go? Or you could save us both the trouble and come in willingly."
  13. A random vortex with snakes coming out of it sounds like the beginning of an infernal adventure if I ever heard one. Or a lead in to a variety of other types. And no, there obviously wasn't a real wormhole through time and space..I think.
  14. FORSEEN BY SUPERCAPE Omen hereby known as Foreshadow II * The obvious being he's no longer Omen and is Foreshadow II now * Age adjusted to due to the fact his age hasn't been appropriately edited in a while, and has gained 2 inches a late grower in life although hasn't gained weight. * Dropped the phobia to fire as a complication whilst expanding the content in the already existing phobias. * Added Some more background fluff. Including a change in tactics, podcast lessons from Asano Ranago (Akin to Black Canary learning from tablets sent by Shiva) and a new costume appearance to match the new name * +7 ranks put into Investigation, -1 rank in Concentration *+2 ranks put into Medicine *Completely reconfigured his headquarters, still has his friend Alaina as a roommate but a far larger space with more amenities in a new location * Super-Senses 1 Danger Sense (Visual) * Exchanged the Accelerated Acrobatics Challenge as a Feat for The Fast Task Acrobatic Bluff * New Feats: Eidetic Memory, and Improvised Tools * Dropped Multi-tool from Equipment pool *Dropped Flash-bang dazzle to 4 with a decreased burst area. *Set Trade-offs to none Further Edit in which a few changes were rethought and Glamazon's sheet was added to the edit as well. SHEET AND TEXT DID NOT TALLY BUT DONE ANYWAY BY SUPERCAPE! (Sheet did not include Danger Sense [Visual] but fortunately you had an extra PP to spare!) Glamazon *Swimming raised to 8, Leaping to 4, and Speed to 4. *Dropped Groundstrike Power Feat from Super Strength will save it for power stutnts *Added Super Senses 2 Vision [counters illusion] and Low-light vision. The Low-light vision was a mistake on my part that should have been part of the original sheet instead of groundstrike to match the Atlantean template.
  15. Omen arrives on the scene and wastes no time in his own introductions with a kick of 25 which hits, forcing a DC 18 Toughness Save. Of which Trap Door gets a 17 He takes a second shot at Velocity but it's a wide miss with a 12. Round Seven Velocity (59): Unharmed, 2HP Omen (18): Unharmed, 2HP Trap-Door (12): Bruised-GM Get Away (44): Snared-GM Smash (5): Unconscious-GM
  16. I don't think I could add to anything Ari has stated. So I'll just throw in my support of said idea instead of racking my head to think of a way to reword a shared opinion.
  17. Round Six Velocity (59): Unharmed, 2HP Omen (18): Unharmed, 2HP Trap-Door (12): Unharmed-GM Get Away (44): Snared-GM Smash (5): Unconscious-GM
  18. GM Trap Door whistled after Velocity finished explaining the merits of surrender. "That's a good point. A losing battle is most unsavory. However, what sort of man would I be if I just let these unjust fools revel in their wealth. They call this a charity, really it's just an excuse to flaunt to their wealth. And if they're going to go that far. Well the righteous might as well come and relieve them of their wealth and just give it to the needy. Taking a little profit on the side mind you, charity shouldn't come cheap as the people you are trying to help should attest." Suddenly his staff would shine with an effulgent emerald light. A blast of kinetic energy bursting forth hoping to take Velocity unaware. And If it were anyone else he might have had a solid chance of doing. But Velocity was simply too quick and the blast sailed harmlessly into the nearby water. Trap Door visibly fuming at the turn of event before the man regained his composure. It just wouldn't due to lose himself over a slight hiccup. "Well, no one said helping those in need was easy. But it sure is exhilarating don't you agree?"
  19. Omen took the opportunity to use his snares as a makeshift set of handcuffs on both her arms and legs. Luckily as she had already resigned herself to defeat, Omen found himself not having to actually fling said snare. Tying up the dark haired villainess forthright. With that over with, Omen wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. But the young man had to confirm things had reached their forgone conclusion. "So, thanks for the dance and all. You'll have to understand if I don't write. It's not me it's you." Omen smirked ever so slightly as he turned around. Wasting no time in sprinting upstairs to pursue the ringleader although he had a sneaking suspicion the Speedster from earlier had the situation covered the way she took down the muscle bound brute.
  20. Omen spends an action tying up Get Away with a snare. Followed by using a move action to make his way up to scene upstairs. Trap Door's going to respond to Velocity's request to withdraw by firing off a blast with his Kinetistaff for a 24. Close but no cigar.
  21. GM As the yacth came to a gradual and complete stop the remaining passengers aboard the vessel breathed a collective sigh of relief. Perhaps it would not be too much longer before the evening was salvaged thanks to the arrival of their saviours. At least that was the mentality that was stirring aboard. Showing that ever famous Freedom City resilience at its finest. Get Away for her part wanted to try and bolt for it again. But she wasn't about to let any more volts course through her body. Especially with her human shield out of commision nearby and how close the threat came in the aftermath of recent events. Still somewhat out of it she gave a slight nod to show she understood before surrendering herself to be captive. Of course Miss Traykoss would continue to be difficult, but she wasn't about to put up a fight. Despite this Get Away showed no outright concern for the fact that their plan was unraveling. Trap Door emerged from one of the various mirrors drawn throughout the top floor. A wry smile on the man's face staff drawn as he moved to attempt and sneak up on Velocity. As far as Larceny, Inc's mastermind was concerned everything was going according to plan. He just had to make it a few more inches unnoticed and the first of two distractions would be dealt with. Unbeknownst to him he had stopped being unnoticed the moment he attempted to close the distance between the two of them.
  22. Omen crouched down as he looked at the slumped over villainess. That glassy eyed look from being tazed was all too familiar to the domino masked hero. As such it was the perfect opportunity for him to begin channeling his inheritance from his adoptive father. Fear. Omen took on a much more imposing demeanor as he began to speak to her. His eyes narrowing ever so slightly as a gruff voice escaped his lips. "You know there are a lot of things I would rather not do right now. For starters, I would hate to have to pick you up and leave you dangling over the side of this vessel. Your muscles would get tired, blood would rush to your head, and whatever I leave you tied up with may not hold. All in all you would be pretty lucky if the police recovered you in time. The water is pretty cold out here too." He was of course lying. Not that Get Away needed to know that. She merely needed to comply with the threat. "Of course, if you listen to the nice lady from earlier's request and surrender, I could simply tie you up and focus on finishing up the clean up. That sounds like something I would much rather have to do. So, I'll have to ask will I have to do something I don't want to tonight?" Erick then reached into his utility belt for his snare holding it up to help drive up the intimidation factor in her current state. The fact that the boat had come to a stop was a positive sign. The lack of a commotion in the course of said positive sign wasn't as reassuring for the blonde male. As such he was making sure to drive the point home so as to remedy that lack of information as quick as he possibly could.
  23. I'm going to toss in Thaelia's hand for this endeavor. An interaction from two completely different pantheons what with Glamazon's own parentage. Of course she's stubborn to a fault and quite arrogant in her own right. So it might amount to even more of a headache for Sekhmet
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