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Everything posted by Azuth65

  1. Wisp looked at her cards, a faint frown crossing her face as she listened to the conversation playing around her. At Fusion's addressing of her, her head snapped up. "Sorry. I haven't run into much AI-based weirdness," she said, tossing in her own $5 chip. "Closest I've come to dealing with robots in my time has been the Geth in the Mass Effect video games." "Still, sounds like this Doc Otaku guy needs a swift kick in the junk. Or to have to watch an Uwe Boll movie, they're about equally painful," she added discarding two cards and waited patiently for replacements.
  2. 10+15= 25 Acrobatic Bluff, 17+13=30 Attack
  3. Turning to look at their oversized opponent Wisp balled her fists. "Hey Tiny! I think if there are giant humanoid mongooses around they'd keep you from your goal. Well, until let's play a game. I'll be Rikki Tikki, you can be Nagaina." With the taunting words Wisp launched herself in to a series of jumps from the various surfaces of the car and into the reptile's 'gut'.
  4. "Jeeze, they just don't stop," Wisp muttered as she jump and launched herself into a flip after kicking herself forward by way of a support pole. Her hand spring was followed by a series of smokey strikes. "Where's Mace Windu when we need him?"
  5. 5+15=20 to bluff and 2+13=15 to attack. Please ignore the second set of rolls. I screwed up.
  6. Vicky listened intently to Marcus and Etain discussing dreams and nightmares. "I'm just hoping that if we're going where I think we're going, we don't run into Robert Englund and his Christmas sweater." Upon reaching the second floor she couldn't help but feel a little disquieted by the almost silence of the area as they made their way to Julia's room. She stepped forward and grasping the handle, knocked twice on the door.
  7. 13+8=21 for the first reflex, 14+8=22 for the second
  8. "Yeah, the Potter books are pretty mainstream, though I had to stop reading the final one after Rowling killed the owl. Seems like a crappy 'shoot the dog' moment to me. I've been more in a post-apocalyptic mood lately so I've been re-reading World War Z. Just something about the zombie genre... ," she trailed off. Wisp nervously held the sketch up. It wouldn't be winning her any awards but it looked close, the eyes weren't right and Grim's lips were a little thin but she was mostly accurate. "I still need some work," she sighed, "Thankfully my school has a pretty decent art program."
  9. "Yeah, sometimes you just can't beat 'Grandpa' Tolkien's genre," she said, taking the offered seat. "I've been into sci-fi and fantasy since I was a kid. Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, things like that." Glancing back and forth between the page and Grim she worked carefully, as if a single misaligned hair on the sheet might be seen as a grave insult. "As for my powers, I'm a teleporter. When I first started using my powers I could only 'poof' about ten feet at a time. Lots of training and large meals has since allowed me to expand that rank considerably. I can't get from here to, say, New York quickly but if I keep at it, maybe I'll be able to at least get anywhere in town in just one poof."
  10. Vicky scooted into the back seat, yanking her mask out before Etain and Mercury could get in, making sure to keep her head low as she entered. "I haven't had a chance to meet her but I got the impression for the handful of people who've talked about she's nice." Pulling out of her bag a pair of protein bars and a bottle of Gatorade she started consuming the snacks, having an unsettling feeling she was going to be getting in a teleportation based workout in the very near future.
  11. "A major change from the subways back home in Chicago," called over her shoulder, getting ready for another round low flying acrobatics to lead off her attack. Unfortunately her foot smacked one of the benches and threw her balance off. The only thing that kept her from falling face first or hurting herself is her quickly activating her powers and appearing behind the last snakeman standing, allowing herself to fall elbow first and carrying the rebound into another series of strikes.
  12. 1+15-5=11 for Move-Action Acro-Bluff. 14+13=27 for her attack action.
  13. Wisp gathered her books for an afternoon of studying and sketching. She was heading down to the cafeteria for a light snack, well by her metabolism's standards anyway, when she all but ran headlong into Marcus and Etain. "Hey Marcus, Etain. What's up?"
  14. 18+15-5(fast Acrobatic Bluff: Move Action) and 13+13=26 for the goon-sweep setting.
  15. Wisp performed a series of flips and spins with her smokey teleporting strikes one the remaining reptile who had made the rather horrid mistake of attacking civilians in her town. "I agree completely," she replied to Cannonade.
  16. "Thanks. And yeah, I'm in 'the biz'. My friends call me Wisp," she said with a nervous smile. Reaching into her bag she drew out some pencils, pens, markers, and an eraser from within and setting them in a row on the table next to Grimalkin's. "I'm afraid I'm not very good yet. I've been working through those 'How to Draw...' books. Most of what I've got is from the fantasy genre, goblins, orcs, pissed off wizard/private investigator. Things like that." Settling down after getting the autograph she came for, Wisp began sketching Grim as she sat behind her table.
  17. I admit, I was out of line. It has since been fixed.
  18. "Our doom? The fun fact about guardians like he sounds like is bringing them about tends to be slower than a massive beating," Wisp quipped, preparing for another assault on the remaining two reptilian combatants. "Or, to simplify, we're going to jump the gun on the Ides or March on your scaly asses," she punctuated this statement with a flurry of clumsy strikes at the duo. The movement of the train however worked to the snake's advantage and left her strikes wide and barely connecting when they even do.
  19. 4+13=17 against the two remaining reptilian punks.
  20. Wisp noticed the subtle wince cross the telepath's face and felt a stab of regret for her choice of words. Way to go jackass, make yourself look like a prick to the people you're trying to make friends with. As Sil mentioned alternatives to chips using candies and cookies a smile crossed Wisp's face and she recalled a Halloween five years previous where she and some of her friends had spent almost six hours ringing doorbells asking for candy then taking the haul home and playing a simplified form of blackjack with their sugary rewards. "That is a good idea Sil. If we did this again, maybe we should schedule the game for shortly after a major candy-selling holiday though. If we'd waited four days we could also throw in a sub-game of chocolate Russian roulette," she chuckled. "As for our game tonight, I have to confess, I'm a poker virgin. I never even watched the various tournaments on TV. It struck me as kinda like watching NASCAR, kind of a waste of airwaves that could be better used with an episode of Mythbusters or the like."
  21. Wisp stood in line, her mask firmly in place and her red and white Old Navy hoodie covering her hair she waited to grab a picture with Grimalkin. She was nervous as hell about asking the heroine for a picture but there were stranger requests. It just felt... , weird, asking for a picture and an autograph but at least it was at a public signing and not in the middle of an alien invasion. Before getting in line she had browsed the shop's back issues shelf, selecting and appraising over a dozen different series as she moved up and down the shelves. Her messenger bag was loaded down with her purchases and the small gray covered sketchbook she'd picked up from Barnes & Noble for her autograph collection. Slowly but surely the line moved forward and Grim turned to her. "Uh, hi," she managed a shy smile while pulling the small book and a pen from her bag, "Was hoping to get a quick picture and an autograph."
  22. Wisp set the shirt on the floor next to her chair and patted the small bulge in her pocket. "Glad you aren't going to be calling for an actual buy-in. I don't think I could afford it right now." Thinking of her deflated wallet she sighed, "I need to get an after school job."
  23. Catching her breath, Wisp readied herself for another sweep, she focused on the one who just hocked the acid/venom loogey at the guy in the helmet. She was a blur of elbows, fists, knees, and feet as her powers allowed her to quickly and rapidly deliver devastating blows to the reptilian terrorists.
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