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Everything posted by Cyroa

  1. He nodded at her words. "Given that much of who we are will be withheld, the travel arrangements might be a bit troublesome at that time of year. I'm certain it will work out though," he said absently. He was more than happy to just stand back and watch her. Just being around her was a heady experience; but when she was happy like this, it was infectious. It made him almost/practically look forward to large social events (not one of his strong suits). "Sounds lovely to me. I bet we could get more than a few of our friends interested. Make it a regular event perhaps. But you're right of course. Our lives are likely going to be a bit...hectic soon enough. More so than they have been too," he said with a wry smile. "I'm looking forward to every moment of it," he said happily.
  2. Derrick put the bottle down on the table and returned her embrace with a contented expression on his face. The hug was a bit more gentle than before. He still hadn't quite accepted the 'she is not a fragile flower' bit just yet. It was still too new. But the embrace was full of love nonetheless. Nodding, he smiled happily. "It certainly seems like a wonderful idea. Getting our friends together might be somewhat problematic given everyone's respective crazy lives and schedules, but we should definitely try. Maybe give that whole 'normal' thing a try; at least a little bit." They were far from normal of course. But that didn't mean there weren't aspects of a normal life that were not intensely appealing. Those things had been on his mind quite a bit of late.
  3. Derrick smiled but said nothing as his love rushed too and fro about the place. Instead he simply went and grabbed the lighter like he was asked. He lit the candles and headed for the wine, saying, "Everything looks perfect. It will be wonderful I'm certain. Just relax and take a moment to enjoy. Everything is great." Maybe it was the whole 'nesting' thing that had helped spur her current level of obsession on or maybe it was simply they didn't have a lot of company but she had been a bit obsessive over their home(s) lately. He figured the former was more likely; not that he was taking the upcoming change any smoother. If he asked her one more time if she needed anything or if she should lay down, Stesha was likely to kick him out. Still, he couldn't help but keep it in mind. It was a rather pleasant thought, especially considering that a year ago the concept of marriage or children was not even something that would have occurred to him.
  4. Dark Star nodded in thanks. "I am always just curious as to how much time various people spend on such activities. As I don't have a conventional job, though I do teach part time, and since I don't sleep, I tend to be out almost constantly. But I do a little work with various scientific organizations to help their research along that I suppose might count as well. Which reminds me, I really need to go retrieve those satellite packages. Hmm, perhaps almost constantly no longer applies," he added half to himself. He gave a little shrug. "I still have some catching up to do."
  5. Dark Star Triumphant Meetings Friendly Neighbors Hellion Kill a Man: Rusty Cage
  6. James muttered to himself. He'd been out late, no surprise there. He'd intended to sleep in through breakfast, no surprise there either. (He didn't really need much sleep, but something about sleeping in and skipping mornings was just appealing to the teenager.) He'd managed half of this 'plan'. The rest was shot when the klaxons went off alerting him to a dimensional penetration. Which turned out to be nothing major, just a bunch of fool kids messing with something they shouldn't have and almost getting lost in a Faerie sub-realm. An easy fix. But it did take a little while. By the time he finished, he got a message about being late to meet with his friends...oh, and major explosion/imminent threat was in the works over there. With a swirl of lights, James appeared on the side of the mountain near the others, shaking pixie dust from his shoulders. "Sorry I'm late. Had a minor elven altercation that I had to intervene on. Where do you need me?"
  7. James enjoyed the food and the company. He made idle chat with those around him, just enjoying being home and around his friends more than anything else. He didn't particularly care what the agenda was as he observed those around him. He smirked at Mark's extreme solution to Trevor's mask issue while the more somber teen took the simpler route. Some things never changed.
  8. He nodded to the cloaked hero. "Of course. Whenever is convenient for you, just let me know. With no travel time, you can stay as long as you wish. There are quite a few cultures that might fight that description. The Lor Empire would likely be a good place to start given the similarity of form." He tilted his head to one side, pausing a moment. "Ah yes. She did mention that to me. It is no trouble. Keep them or return them at your leisure." He looked at the two of them for a moment. "How often and long do you two patrol? Just curious. I do not sleep so I tend to be out and about quite a bit but I'm always curious what a good, and normal I suppose, average is."
  9. James chuckled lightly as they danced. "That's basically the same thing. Not helpful right now. Brain downloads are nice if I can access it. But I'll take what I can get I suppose. Even if I'll have memories popping up at odd times," he said with a smile. He nodded, spinning her around the dance floor. "I understand. He holds that pain rather close." He was quiet a moment as they danced. "If you'd like, I can chat with him. I've had my own 'demons', if you'll pardon the pun, to exercise and I've done some similar things," he offered. He doubted he could help Mike more than Alex could. She practically lived in her fiance's brain. But Mike was a friend and James would do whatever he could to help. As the music ended, he gave a little bow to Alex. "Thanks for the dance," he said before following her to their table. He took a seat and sampled a little from here and there. He didn't need to eat much so he might as well try as much as he could. He'd certainly consumed far worse stuff than this.
  10. Dark Star shrugs a little. "Sterilization is simple the application of radiation along certain wavelengths. It isn't too difficult to do if precise control is available." He nods. "Yes, I do that quite a bit. I try to mediate disputes, deal with out of control problems when stellar phenomina and activities become more than the local population can handle. I've dealt with a few armadas and the like. But I don't impose myself or my ideology into conflicts too often unless they are rather obviously extreme or egregious. Likewise, I don't particularly view any place or anyone as weird. They are simply different from your point of referrence. And with the variety of life and places out there, some can be significant different while others remarkably similar."" He shrugs a little. "But to answer your question, I've been all over this galaxy. I've criss-crossed and quartered and explored for many, many years. I've taken people to planet to visit, to relax or to learn. Any number of reasons really."
  11. "Not to mention you can fly. That cuts down on the crushing of the toes a bit." he said with a little smile. He followed her gaze Mike and then back. "Yeah, he's one in a million. You guys are a perfect set," he said honestly...and maybe a bit wistfully. He looked at his psychotically color-challenged friend and gave a wry grin. "Loaded question huh?," he replied. She already knew what he was thinking. And he knew she knew. He didn't mind; she was Alex after all. Still, he appreciated the formality. "I'm...good. Tired I suppose. I can't say I was thrilled to have to run off and vanish for years to keep reality nice and seperated. But it did help me get my bearings I suppose. I made plenty of mistakes and got off rather lightly because of them. I came to terms with it all. With just about everything really. Did more of that growing up stuff," he answered with a chuckle. It certainly sounded nice and easy when he said it like, but things were never that easy. "How about you? That mental barrage wasn't exactly informative in the helpful way," he said with a chuckle.
  12. Dark Star nodded easily. "Of course I can. No suits are required. I create a energy bubble with a combination of a energy and gravity field to protect the occupants from the dangers of space. Temperature, radiation, even creating air my rearranging the molecules when necessary. It is quite helpful for moving people around out there. Rescues or just giving them a look at something." He tilted his head to one side. "Well humanity has been growing quiet rapidly and, thanks to Daedalus, there are a few vehicles that are capable of FTL travel. They are limited and little more than shuttles however. In time, humanity will move out into exploring the stars." He looked over at Victory at the man's concern. "No no no. A black hole is not nearly the same thing. A black hole is an area of space-time with a gravitational field so intense that its escape velocity exceeds the speed of light. Very dangerous and quite troublesome for most beings," he said. "A wormhole is a curvature in space-time that connects two distant points negating the distance between," he said, falling back on his astrophysics knowledge with the ease of old habits. "I have opened wormholes inside the atmosphere often enough, yes. As long as the opposite end is in at a similar atmospheric pressure, there is no danger. Things like disease, microbes or what have you don't pass through on their own, so there is little fear of contamination. I sterilize and clean people or objects going back and forth when necessarily of course to prevent cross-wold contamination though there are many locations where such effort is unnecessary," he said absently.
  13. James looked over at Alex with a briefly raised eyebrow and a smile on his face. He took her hand and bowed. "True enough. I wouldn't want to break a promise." He looked up at his friend and Alex's fiance. "As long as Mike doesn't mind, I'd be honored Alex." With a nod to his large friend, he led Alex onto the dance floor. "Somehow, I have trouble seeing you stumble Alex...or crushing feet," he said wryly. He was doing his best to not dwell overly on the last time he and his friends were at a dance together. He'd made peace with his mistakes and where it had lead...but that didn't make the memories any more pleasant.
  14. "I love you," he repeated happily. "You need sleep and food now?," he asked, the previous concern came galloping to the fore for a moment. He stood up and offered his hand to her. "Then we'd better get you lying down in bed. And I get you anything to eat?," he said quickly. He was still adjusting to the amazing news. Shockingly, pregnancy and babies were something he had practically no knowledge or experience in. He was very interested in snuggling with her and doing....other stuff, but with her 'delicate condition' he probably needed to be very careful and gentle with her. Maybe he should offer to carry her? Or get her a blanket. Yeah, she said she wanted to be warmer. A blanket might be good.
  15. He chuckled lightly, his arms wrapped around her. His brain and heart weren't exactly settled at the moment. He felt like he needed to be jumping and yelling in excitement or something. He was more than content to hold her close, enjoying her closeness. "You're right. This is all I really need. Have I mentioned recently that I love you?" He kissed her lightly before learning back to just soak in the moment. They were getting married. They were going to have a daughter. "Maybe I should open a bank account," he mused half to himself after a moment.
  16. He looked the fellows over with a blink. "Oh, you just wished to go faster? I can do faster and continue our discussion with ease if you like." He nodded towards Victory. "Indeed. I can get to Alpha Centuari and back in a couple minute if I take a leisurely pace." He shrugs. "Oh, it doesn't take long. No longer than seeing any other place really. Only takes me a moment or two to get anywhere if I choose to open a wormhole," he said absently. "I have taken others on short tours and such now and again when they wished."
  17. He let himself be pushed back, trying to slow his brain down. "Oh....Are you sure? There's nothing I can do to help?" he asked, settling back with his arms around her. He was still trying to get his thoughts to settle down, his heart pounding. "Ok." He smiled happily at her. "Sit with you and be happy. I can do that." He returned her kisses happily. "A baby," he said a little dreamily. "...you sure you don't need anything?"
  18. Dark Star nods. "Well, there are quite a few culture out there that do not want assistance. Or policing. They have quite a few different views and outlooks than Earth." He looked them both over for a moment. "If you like, I can show you a few sometime. It isn't too hard nor will it take long." He tilted his head to one side. "Race? Um...would that be fair?" He wasn't sure how fast they were, but at the very least they were solid and he wasn't.
  19. His brain suddenly went from some kind of frozen state to full speed in a few moments. Hopes, dreams, worries and concerns sudden went rushing though his head. "........you're........pregnant? Are you sure? Do you need to rest? Have you seen a doctor? Can I get you a pillow? Something to drink? Wait, you don't drink. Vitamins! Do you need vitamins? Women who are pregnant need vitamins, right? We're going to need a crib. A bigger place. And diapers right? Bottles? Oh my goodness! We need to start saving for college! Should I stop giving away my money?"
  20. He nodded slowly, deflating a little. "Oh. Oh, ok. New Years sounds nice. I'm certain we can get everything done by then without trouble," he said with a happy smile. He nodded, remembering as she spoke. But then his brain seemed to...stop. Something must have interfered with his hearing. "..................................................." He blinked. Slowly. Twice. "................................................................." He felt light headed. ".................mer....what did you say?"
  21. Dark Star looked at them both. "It is good to know that Freedom City still has such diligent protectors." He looked at Victory and nodded in agreement. "I have that problem as well. I have to exercise quite a bit of effort and concentration to be careful of my surrounding when not in deep space." He down at the city below them. "It is a lovely sight." "Yes, I travel the galaxy regularly. It is no more difficult than patrolling the city really. Or country for that matter. It's just a bit bigger is all." He gives a little shrug. "While there is a lot of danger out there, there is also much beauty and many good people. I can be out there to help them, so I do," he said simply.
  22. He nodded. "Of course. If you don't mind me using my powers and calling in a few favors, we can probably have a place ready in ...a couple days maybe? We don't need to sleep so that will help," he mused. "We'll need someone to handle the food. Then there's the invitations. Hmm, we'll need a DJ or a band of some kind perhaps." He was trying to meet her wish; already trying to put all the lists together. "Do you think people will be able to rearrange their schedules? I mean, we might be able to get everything set in two days. Is that too soon?" He looked down and smiled at the little kisses. "Did the cleaners shrink your dress? Should we get a new one?"
  23. He blinked, sadness creeping across his face despite his attempts to conceal it; it simply was not one of his skills. "Oh Stesha," he said softly, voice filled with remorse. "I am so sorry. I tried but I let you down. I'm sorry." He sighed, disappointed. Their wedding was something he had wanted more than almost anything. "What can I do to make it up to you?" It hadn't even occurred to him yet what postpone had meant, what she must have had to tell people, her family, everything. Once he got over his immediate wave of guilt, it was sure to surface however.
  24. Dark Star nodded to them as they cruised along. "Pleasure to meet you both." He looked at Gabriel and nodded in the affirmative. "Yes, we have. Fleur is my fiance. I simply couldn't imagine a more amazing woman," he said with contentment. "But yes, sadly, I have been away for quite some time. There were a multitude of problem, as there always are both here and abroad. They are...resolved for the moment. The 'alarm', such as it is, is on hold for now. I keep abreast of things going on the galaxy at large regularly, so if it changes I will know within a short time." He gave a little shrug before nodding. "Thank you for asking. I take it you two are...doing a regular partol? Or practicing your flying or some other power?"
  25. He kissed her hair lightly, loving the way it felt on his face, the scent of it. It pushed the past to where it belonged, in the past, and let him remember why he came back. "I'm kind of glad you weren't. I wouldn't want to see you in a place like that," he said. He knew she was an impressive and powerful hero who could handle amazing things. That didn't mean he wanted her to have to face them. A bit of a double standard he supposed. "I'm fine. Infinite energy, living star, remember," he said jokingly and unartfully dodging the question. He didn't want to make her more upset or worry her more. "How have you been? What's going on? And how in the 13 Rings of Braxius did you manage to touch me? That was a new one," he asked. He wanted to know what was going on with her. The world itself could wait. For now, everything and everyone else could wait. "I didn't miss The Date did I?"
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