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Moira Morley

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Everything posted by Moira Morley

  1. "It's magic, we don't have to explain it!" :P
  2. "I'm completely much more better than OK," Moira answered nonsensically with a bit of a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood as much as she could. But in a way she wanted this feeling of joyousness to never stop. She was home, surrounded by friends and loved ones. Stesha, Jack, Ace and someone else. Maybe she was a friend of Ace? Or just a pretty face who knew what she was doing. Either way she was glad that the girl knew what she was doing. She would have to meet with her later. She gave Jack a quick hug as he gave his greeting. Noting the super badass sword, she wondered why some people needed weapons when they themselves were as weapons themselves. Still, it looked cool, maybe that was the reason? They would have to talk about that and many other things later. Ace, always a favorite of hers, took no hesitation in taking the greeting. Giving him a wink back and a quick peck on the cheek after she hugged him, "We'll get to those drinks in due time." When Derrick made his entrance, it was like he final piece of the puzzle was fitted. She hugged him too, "Thank you, I missed you all too." Finally she looked around her home and couldn't help but feel the hearth and happiness. "Thank you, thank you all," Moira said with a happy sigh. She wanted to meet with everyone in the room and then some. There was so much she had missed in those three months. Looking around to everyone again she smiled. She was comfortably uncomfortable. Usually being the center of attention was good with her, but she felt like other people deserved some attention. The people who rescued her. That was the comfortable part. Edone silently sighed in the back of her mind. She was stuck on Earth, if but for a while. She wanted to be home where everything was fun and made to order. The instant gratification she craved was not available here. And much more than that, she wasn't in charge. This whole mortal thing chafed her. Then again, she had her prophetess and her priestess , so it couldn't be that bad. Could it? Moira wasn't into the whole worship thing, but maybe just maybe Edone could warm her up to the idea while she was here. She could possiblly make her want to leave this dreadful place. Ruling from on high was the life. Not to mention, even though they aboded by The Pact, the 'witchhunters' would be looking at her very very closely. Moira cautiously stepped out of the circle, holding Stesha's hand with a mischievous snicker, as if this was her last steps to freedom from imprisonment. When she fully exited it was like a great burden lifted off of her shoulders. That and the pressure shift too. She wondered what that was about. "So," she nodded, pulling her best friend towards her but addressing the whole crew, "What do you say we get out of here and go over what I've missed over the past three months?"
  3. Feat sets are mostly fighting styles (in fact I cant think of any other feat sets). So I've been wondering, can you make new ones? Warriors and Warlocks has Jaded. It makes you immune to emotion effects for 5pp. Think about it, there are six emotion effects (fear, despair, hate, hope, calm, love). One of them you can't be immune to (hope). So, would Jaded work as a feat set?
  4. Edone heard the voices drone, calling her to Earth as she lay on her bed. She didn't need to sleep, it was more of a pleasure. Out of all the things she did while on Olympus, sleeping would have to be in her top one hundred. She and Hypnos shared a close relation at the beginning of her tenure. Though he spurned her after he found out she was courting many, many others. The voices grew louder and more demanding. What could they want? She got odd requests sometimes. Not that she'd turn down worship at all. The more blessings she gave the more her name grew. In a few years she could have a sizable cult. Though she hadn't heard from her prophetess in a while. That's when the voice grew crystal clear. Moira and Edone both knew the voice that was calling. It was Stesha. Moira rejoiced in the fact that she was going to be in the company of friends. Edone rejoiced in the fact that her prophetess had learned to contact her. She sprung up from the bed and wrapped sheet around herself like a toga. Edone had to be formal on such visits. Moira didn't care. It was time to see home for at least a while. *** Light filled the room the ritual was in. The light was not harsh though. It was easy on the eyes. Though when it dissipated, the goddess Edone stood before the summoners, her prophetess and it seemed she had a priestess. This was fortuitous indeed. The woman known as Moira Morley also stood proud. She was home. She wondered if she could speak or move of her own accord. Would Edone grant her this bit of happiness? Turning to Stesha, hand trembling, she touched her friend's cheek. Moira was in control They had called her, not Edone. She tearfully hugged her friend, "I missed you."
  5. I've been wanting to build Moira from the ground up. Seeing as she has just enough points to be PL 12, I thought this would be the perfect place to start. This is why I am asking you guys's help. What we have here is the barebones of what I want. She has 175 points, I have spent 68 of it. Her concept is that she's the goddess child of Ares and Aphrodite. Anything you guys could do to help would be appreciated.
  6. So, I was thinking of an attack that was an illusionary nightmare realm, but Illusion doesn't seem to do what I want.It's a 5 foot square at base. I want the person to sense everything around him as the nightmare realm, not just see a 5 foot square
  7. I'm leaving Sunday. I will not be here Saturday (Angel's birthday). Tonight is my last night with you guys. I will see you when I get back in November.
  8. This should explain everything :)
  9. How many IC threads have you been in? 19 in all for Divine A little jaunt A Starlit Date All the Single Ladies Angel's First Flight Dreaming the Day Away Drunken Shenanigans Feminine Confrontation Forceful Ops Friday Night Fights It's All Who You Know Just a Few Pointers Learning Curve Low Places Mythical Saturday Saturday Night At Morley's Sun and Flowers Vaster than Empires and More Slow When All is Said Wisdom of the Gods (Outsourced)
  10. Mecha & Manga has combos! Are we using them?
  11. Moira tried to tell her friend goodbye, but it was too late as the flames swallwed her up. She how found herself in a marble hall looking at other people in togas. Unlike what she thought the greeted her happily. "Good day, Edone. Welcome back to Olympus." She felt natural in her surroundings as if she had lived here forever. She was ready. Subconciously, her mortal side wept.
  12. "Do what you must," Moira nodded as she let Stesha go. "I am a fair and merciful. You shall be an oracle unto me. While I am gone, You will recieve revelations from beyond the veil." The pearly glow began to resemble a fire that absorbed her. Under the 'flames', Stesha heard a voice familiar to her, "Don't give up, please?"
  13. Moira reached out for Stesha's hand and held it for a second before embacinging her. Not as a lover or a friend, but as a life partner. "You're right," she said trembling as she held on to her. The echo made the voice sound a bit distorted and trippy. "I don't even know what they're going to do to me there. It could be hell on wheels or it could be total bliss. I either would be trapped there or never want to come back. I try to envision it as one bi toga party, but then again when have those types of places ever been only fun and games?" Her grip tightened, but not painfully so. Even at a whisper het confident voice was great and terrible, "I will realize my place in my family. None will challenge my authority. You will stand beside me, or will you not?"
  14. "Unfortunately they can and they will," Moira sighed then smiled, "this is my family though, they won't do anything to hurt me." She stood up as the pearly glow got stronger and the echo got deeper, "Maybe when I come back I'll have my own worshippers and something to look after." She meant for that statement to sound sarcastic, but it sounded nice to her, "Moira, Defender of Love!" She was shocked and a little bit em to hear it comeout in such a way, Smiling half-heartedly, "Guess I gotta work on controlling that voice."
  15. "I really wish I had a say in this," Moira , "but it comes all once in our life whether we like it or not." Picking up the box she walked over to the couch, beckoning Stesha. She slipped on one of the sandals and the straps tied themselves up her calf. "Huh, maybe I should have done the goddess thing earlier," she grinned as she thought alloud. Twirling the silver circlet around her finger she felt it's weight, "It's only a matter of time before I am taken away."
  16. Moira closed the box and sat it down. She looked to Stesha with somewhat of a smile of indecision, "Honey, I'm going way farther than Greece. Believe me, if I didn't have to do this I wouldn't. This is a rite of passage so to speak. They're going to teach me everyhing there is to know about being a 'Hellenistic deity'." She took Stesha gently into a hug and almost cooed as she talked, "Don't worry, I'll be back. I couldn't live without my mortal family. Angel, the Knights, Ace." She smiled and looked at Stesha, "Definitely you."
  17. Moira nodded slowly, "Well, the correct term is 'Hellenistic deity', but Greek goddess sounds so much more fun." She picked up a box made of cedar off of the couch. It had a small etching in Greek that she couldn't read but i Opening it she found a circlet made of pure silver and a pair of white silk sandals to match the toga. She happily bounded over to Stesha to show her, "Neat, huh?"
  18. Pssst! Anime means animated. The Simpsons is anime, Cowboy Bebop is a cartoon.
  19. I thought Shadow Academy was recruitment for the Nazi expies.
  20. "No," Moira said with a bit of uncertainty, "But they know I'm going to to be gone for an indeterminate amount of time." She looked around a bit nervously, as if someone was watching her. Even though she wouldn't know if Adrian Eldrich was around the corner to smack her down, it was reflexive (even though this would be the first time). "There's something I have to tell you. Remember all those times I jokingly said I was a goddess?" Her voice turned more confident echo-y as she began to shine with a pearly glow. "Well, now you must know! I am the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite! All will kneel before me and worship!" She cut off the booming voice with a snicker, though the echo and glow still stayed, "Nah, you don't have to kneel. I just wanted to do that."
  21. Moira chuckled happily, "If we stopped meeting like this, it wouldn't be fun would it?" She was going to miss Stesha the most. She knew she made the sweet girl blush, but it was so fun. "First you wrap it around like so," Moira modeled what she had already done. She thought about making her blush, but she actually wanted to teach as much as this fabric did. "Wrap it around twice. Take the remaining part and tie it into a belt Then use the belt to tie around your waist. Then around your neck. Then tie it off like a tie. Finally, use the rest for tying around your back. Tada!" Wow, this fabric was really accomodating. Almost as it took instructions and showed her where her curves were while she was dressing. The silk was loose but snug against her body. "Well, that's the thing," Moira shrugged, "I don't know if this is going to be a party or it could be a time of hard knocks."
  22. Moira felt silly, like she was going to a costume party. Only this costume party would last a whole year. She wondered what she would learn there. She was given no curriculum. Could it be just one long frat/sorc party? What does a godling need to learn? Wound she have to wear this toga the whole time? At least the circlet and sandals were cool looking. Still semi-wet from showering, Moira dried off and walked into the living room. She looked at the giant piece of white silk with equal parts happiness and fear. Picking it up she slowly wrapped it around her body once. It as almost like she felt like the fabric was sizing her up! Was it magical? She didn't have time to think about it, Stesha had arrived. "Hello," Moira greeted Stesha with a curtsey and a smile as she held the fabric around her body, "Lovely timing you have. Would you like to learn how to tie a toga?"
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