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Moira Morley

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Everything posted by Moira Morley

  1. Moira grinned and nodded furiously, "No more Ambrosia and no more talk of Jack." Hopefully she didn't know what the slipped word meant. "Is there anything else you wanted? I've got this beach house to myself all day. We could get you some sun."
  2. Moira sighed sadly. Letting go, she looked at the ground like a wounded puppy, "To tell you the truth, it was mostly the spirits. That and my infatuation with Jack caused me to do things I don't remember." She was lying, she remembered everything Jack did to her in explicit detail. "In fact the whole night was a blur until you brought it up." She sighed and looked to Electra with a pitiful face, "I am sorry. If I had been in my right mind it would have been more Moira Swoops In And Kicks Jack's Ass, Defender of Love style." Her heart sank, "I know I've been a rotten friend here. I feel like I've let down my girl. Seriously, I'm asking you, can I ever make it up to you?"
  3. And with that frown, Moira felt like lower than dung. It was like everything stopped until Stesha said words. "Honey, me and Jack are friends," she said stressing the last two words, "we've known each other for a while now. I've saved realities with him. He's my friend. That night took us to a different level of friendship. It was never planned. There was no joke." She sighs desparately trying to appease Stesha, "If I knew it would have hurt you, I would have never done it." Bounding up frome under the robe, she wrapped her arms around Stesha from the side and whispered in her ear, "I'm so sorry. Is their any way I can make it up to you?"
  4. It was strange with Stesha. Moira still had that burning desire, but Stesha made her question it. It was like she was everything that she couldn't have, and she wanted to keep it that way. Could this be a crush? Although bodily modesty was foreign to Moira at this point, she made a point to cover herself with the robe before turning towards Stesha. Propping herself up by an elbow, she watched Stesha play for that short second. "I'm all ears," Moira said after Stesha finally spoke.
  5. Moira looked up to Stesha swith a smile. She'd left her robe by the house, and suspected that going to get it would only put Stesha in an awkward predicament. "Come closer, my dear," she smiled, "I can barely see you up there." Propping herself up on the palm of her hand where Stesha could see nothing, Moira nodded her over, "We have to talk about somethings, do we not?"
  6. Moira sighed as she hung up the phone. Stripping the beach robe, she walked back over to the towel with just her and the sun. She thought about what she would say to Stesha when she arrived. How could she mend a friendship broken with such treachery? "Mom," she said quietly, almost prayer-like, "You were really good at these kind of things right? How would you handle this in my situation?" A dozen scenes of vengence filled Moira's mind. She sighed, "I mean if they were your friend!" She continued her sunbathing by turning over to let her backside get some sun. It was really relaxing. Losing all track of time in her thoughts of what to say to Stesha, an hour flew by. She would have known if she kept the phone near.
  7. Moira (Divine) does some matchmaking with Derrick (Dark Star) and Stesha (Fleur de Joie)
  8. Getting reservations at The Starlight Room was easy for Moira. The owner was more than glad to listen to her offer. A night of dinner and dancing for her friends in exchange for a night of dinner and dancing with her was all he needed to hear. Now for the not so easy part: Getting the two together on one night. Stesha asn't that hard to find. and chatting her up about the nice guy who did nice things was a big confidence booster. Getting Dark Star to turn into Derrick was another story. It took some coercing, but she finally managed for him to be solid for one night. Having the two custom fitted for their attire cost a fortune. It was almost showtime. She met with Derrick to give him his rose to be presented to Stesha. She met with Stesha to cover up any last minute doubts. Getting out of their way before they met each other, she let nature take it's course.
  9. Moira sat up in shock. She didn't know what to think. She and Jack didn't have a relationship beyond friendship. Though that night took it to a new level of friendship. She stopped her thought process there. "Stesha, I apologize," she said with sincerity, "I never meant to hurt you." She stood up and walked to the patio, clothing herself in a white robe. Sun fun would have to wait for later. "I know I could start explaining now, but that would make them look like a fool stammering for excuses. Phones are so impersonal for this kind of thing. I would like to meet you in person."
  10. "I'm doing fine," Moira said happily, "It's warm and clear here." She sighed, "It's good to have friends, right?" Her question was tender without the first hint of suspicion of what was going on. "As for Jack I haven't seen him since the night you and me gave him a visit."
  11. "Stesha," Moira gasped happily after putting the bluetooth reciever in her ear, "I was just thinking about you." Laying a towel down on the soft white sand, she's kicked back, letting nothing between her and the sun. "So, what's up? Where have you been?"
  12. The weather raged on elsewhere, but here, it's sunny and warm. Moira happened to know a guy who lived here that could control the weather. A long time friend of hers, he was. Moira asked if she could spend the day relaxing at his place and he said it was alright. His beachfront property was calm and the sand was naturally white. A glorious afternoon of sun bathing it would be! Moira hadn't talked to Stesha in a few days. Not that she hadn't tried to reach her. It seemed as if Stesha had turned her phone off as it went to voicemail everytime Moira tried to call her. She left answers a few times. None more than "Hey, it's Moira. Give me a call back." She decided to call again today. What luck! A ring.
  13. Moira attempts to get on Stesha's good side again.
  14. So far we have: Phantom Ace Danger Dalkresh (maybe) Grimalkin (maybe) The Vestige Geckoman (chiming in from chat) Please note if you are still up for it. And now, a question for the peanut gallery. Do you want to all start together or have an adventure to find each other?
  15. Yes. Though there will be tasks that need to be done, she will be there.
  16. Moira happily sat on the floating metal board as she was instructed. Sitting side saddle near the end of the board, she was impressed that it didn't move at all. Watching Angel saunter off back into the club, Moira fixed her gaze. The only thing she saw or heard for a few seconds was her. When Angel was out of view, Moira shook her head with a smile. Looking around, Moira saw the guy was still there. She sighed, "You're not leaving are you? Well, might as well keep an eye on you while you're around." She patted the still stable board, "Have a seat. By the way, do you have a name or should I just call you 'Happy'?"
  17. This extends to non enchanted fists and ray guns too.
  18. Benefit like Fame or do they have to be Minions?
  19. The mortal realm would be her new divine realm. In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love her and despair! >.> <.< By the way, villains welcome. Villains live here too and would not like to see their stomping grounds turned into a goddess's realm.
  20. I'd really like six definite yes answers. So far I only have two and one maybe.
  21. So, I've come up with a story that involves Divine's ascension to true goddesshood 1000 years from now. The PCs have to stop this. It's helpful if you character has immunity to aging. Seeing as it's just a fluff power, here's where it'd come into play Here's the catch. I want this to be where you use your PL14/250pp character builds. I'm only going for 6 PCs at the most. So, who'd like to step up?
  22. Because really, do we need someone wrapping Omega around their finger? A high schooler no less? :P
  23. Flying around space with Dark Star Patrolling with Angel Attending a meeting with the Knights Patrolling with Emissary (hopefully)
  24. Moira nodded as she was at the mercy of her pilot. This was the second spaceship she'd personally seen in her life. Heck if she were lucky enough, she could have her own. She made a mental note to find an inventor when she was home.
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