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Moira Morley

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Everything posted by Moira Morley

  1. After Angel was finished giving her hero speech, Moira was about to call the police before the lady stormed off. Not knowing the justice system well enough, she figured that: no purse, no victim, no arrest. Shrugging, she looked at the kid on the ground. "Guess we gotta let you go, huh?" Squatting down next to him, she smiles, "Just remember, next time you do this, you might not be so fortunate as to get us. Especially this time of night. Now, why don't you run home?"
  2. Does it look like the ship we saw on Earth?
  3. Waking up, Moira looked around to see Jack was gone. Putting on her robe, she shuffled towards the bathroom. Before that she got there she decided to check on Stesha. "Aw," she mumbled when she noticed her guest was gone, "I figured we'd have brunch." Shrugging, she thought of all the people she'd have to contact today. But now she had to get clean.
  4. The car pulled into the parking space. Luckily Jack didn't have to parallel park, Angel's car was gone. Stesha was still asleep. Now or never, Moira thought. Unbuckling her seatbelt she climbed into Jack's seat, stradling his lap to put them face to face. "Jack, it's been a very interesting evening," she said gently wrapping her arms behind his neck. "I'm going to take Stesha inside and let her rest on the couch," she lightly kissed his lower lip. "You can come in if you like," this time her kiss lingered inside him. She'd have given in right there if she didn't remember her friend. Slowly pulling herself away, "I'll be waiting. When you walk in there will be a hall way to the right, then take another right and you'll find where I am." Opening the driver's side door, she got out of the car. She opened the back door and pulled Stesha into a sleeping cradle position. Delicately walking towards her door as to not wake Stesha up, she saw a note on the door. It was from Angel. "I see you started without me!" it read, "Hopefully we'll run into each other tonight! If not I'll call you tomorrow!" She trashed the note and walked in, laying Stesha on the couch. She made her way to the bedroom, thinking of Jack.
  5. "Mhmm," Moira nodded slowly, "Well, me and Stesha so far." She paused and smiled, "That's a beautiful name by the way. But yeah, I have two others in mind. Grimalkin and Angel. You know Grimalkin. Angel is that girl who recently started being a hero. Flying surfboard you read about in the papers all the time. We met about a week ago and started hanging out," she trailed off happily on that last thought. She turned her face and body towards him with a flaunt, though she was still in her seat, "We could team up. Just you and me, I mean. Avenger and Divine."
  6. Moira snickered, "Loosen up a bit, Jack." Taking her hand from behind him, she leaned back in her seat with both of her hands behind her head. He looked very enticing from where she was sitting. She wanted him then and there, but an accident would have ruined the mood. She had to find something to impress him with. "I have plans for the future," she said boldly, "I'm going to start my own team. Me and Fleur were talking about it earlier." Her voice turned smooth and sweet, "Though I'd still like to be on the Knights with you."
  7. Moira sighed with a smile as she heard to woman scream. "Looks like patrol starts before you get to change," she winked to Angel. Sprinting after the thief she called out to him, "Please rethink this! You don't wanna go to jail for a tampon and some Chicklets!" Slamming into him, she tries to take him down but he slips away!
  8. to hit thief (1d20+8=26) Strength check to knock thief down (1d20+14=18)
  9. Initiatives (Angel and Moira respectively) (1d20+8=12, 1d20=14)
  10. How selfish of me, Moira thought with a mental sigh, We have all the time in the world after the work gets done. "Yeah, I probably didn't mean that last part," she said with a weary smile to her pilot, "There's too much on my mind. Namely the alien. It's like my head and it are fighting to do what they want." She paused, "Let's get the business over with first. Then we can enjoy ourselves."
  11. Moira hand slowly moved down Jack's back, "Yeah, her flowers are dangerous. I hear she made a plant eat a man that was messing with her." She snickered at the Little Shop of Horrors number playing through her head. "She came to me tonight looking for comfort. And then she told me about your little date problems. I was reminded of O'Ren. One minute he's all mister hotshot and then he's gone." Perhaps she was a bit to happy for that last statement. Further down her hand moved until she was massaging the arch of his back. "Jack, you're a good guy," she smiled while rubbing deep, "Don't be like him."
  12. "We met at the biginning of last month," Moira said slipping one hand behind Jack's neck in something that waould qualify as a caress as much as a massage. "She tried to plant plants on my porch and got hurt," she said rubbing not to distract, but relax, "So I took her in and fed her. Then she showed me the most wonderful things." Moira smiled at the memory, "It was like the funnest ride I ever had. She sucked me in and took me to another world." She paused for a second in complete bliss of the memory, "She gave me flowers afterwards. And we've been friends ever since."
  13. Moira stood up gently with Stesha in the cradle position and walked over to Jack. "A ride back to my place would be most precious of you," she said before giving him a peck on the cheek. "My keys are in my car," she nodded, "unless you wanna take your car."
  14. Moira smiled and petted Stesha's hair softly, "If your heart is OK with it, then yes, you did good." She looked to Jack with the same warm smile, "Do you have anything else to say?"
  15. Moira leaned on Stesha and hugged her as she was hugging the tree. "You can't stay mad forever though," she said softly, "this little visit was to cleanse the hate of those events out of your system. You've said what you needed to say. If their's anymore to say, say it. But there's no reason to hold hate in your heart." Moira looked to Jack when he was apologizing. She sighed and reached out one of her hands to lay on his cheek, "And you, don't use people. It's bad for the soul."
  16. Moira saw Fleur first. Walking over to the cedar she sat down right next to her. "Hey, baby," she said in a comforting tone, "You alright?" Realizing Jack was there too she reached up to him and guided him down to sit. "Don't poke," she warned lightly, "poking's bad for you." The drink was taking it's affect on her as she was in a sitting position with two other people. She leaned against the cedar looking at the two, seeing them both as potentials. "So," she said with a lighter tone than before, "You guys should make up."
  17. Moira followed right behind Jack. While he went to search in the back, she went to search in front. "Come on Stesha," she called out happily, "I suck at hide-and-go-seek!" Moira thought the upbeat tone would draw the plant lady out better than panicky yelling. She hoped she was right. "By the way," she admitted, softly touching the cedar, "Stesha is a very pretty name."
  18. Moira nodded at Jack's suggestion. When she reached the door she stopped to look back to him, "Jack," she sighed, "No hard feelings, right? I was trying to do good, not ruin everything."
  19. "Blame you," Moira questioned loudly as she through her hands up and shrugged at the same time, "You're the reason we're here. If you hadn't have played with that poor girl's heart, we would have never been here." She walked around the apartment, arms crossed, as if she would find Stesha by doing so. "What she was drinking was ambrosia. Nectar of the gods," Moira pauses her search for Stesha to look to Jack, "It's alcohol for gods. Strong stuff. Hell, it could get that vampire we fought drunk." She smiled in rememberance, "No bad aftereffects though. Looser inhibitions and a good nights rest afterwards." Her eyes grow wide as a flash of common sense crosses her mind, "We really need to find her."
  20. Moira looked shocked as Stesha disappeared. "Shit," she gasped, "This isn't good." She then looked to Jack. "Listen Jack, what you did to her was wrong, but at least have some human decency and help me find her."
  21. Stesha, Moira thought as she watched the conversation like a momma bear watches her cub, what a beautiful name. She was proud of Stesha giving Jack a piece of her mind. This would either end in romance blooming again or poor Stesha's heart needing more mending. Sneering at Jack's 'religion' comment, she would have spoken up if Stesha didn't see though the blatant lies. Moira's ire was simmering at the moment, but when Jack refered to her and an object her eyes flared in anger. "Jack," she said, "I was here to be a mediator, not a target. This is between you and her."
  22. "Ashamed," Moira annouces all question-like while glaring at Jack, "You should be ashamed for playing with this poor girl's heart." She lets Fleur and herself in, pushing past Jack and closing the door behind them. "She's a person, Jack, not just a cute face and free flowers. Turning invisible and skipping out on a date? That's against the rules of dating!" Her words made sense to her, she hoped that they understood her.
  23. "Hi Jack," Moira said all friendly as she stood in his door way, "We need to talk." She stepped aside, revealing Fleur standing behind her. "All of us," she said with an evil grin.
  24. Monday afternoon traffic was the worst. Fortunately the sales on towels today were ridiculous enough to get out into it. While she was waiting her phone rang a tune she hadn't heard from her phone since she programmed it in. "God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy," she hummed before hitting the answer button. "Lynn," Moira answered cheerfully, "long time no see." She listened to Lynn's query. "Official business," she questioned, "what's up?"
  25. "Yeah, you tell him," Moira laughed giddily as she strolled up to the door. It was locked. Unfortunately she didn't see the buzzer system a few feet away from the door. She leaned on the entrance for a second when opportunity came walking their way. A weary man walked towards the door when he and her met eyes, she beckoned him over with a single finger. The man obeyed happily. Leaning into his ear she whispered in a sensual tone, "I need to borrow your key. We're locked out." The man didn't think twice. With a spring in his step he lept to the door. Moira winked a thank you to the man as she and Fleur entered. As they walked towards the elevator she was about to say something to Fleur when she felt a tap on her shoulder. The man handed her a folded up piece of paper, winked and walked away. She snickered happily at the man's bravado. Sticking the the folded up under the top of her night shirt she entered the elevator. She looked to Fleur, "Where were we? Oh yes, Jack is a right bastard! We're going to make him see that!"
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