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Moira Morley

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Everything posted by Moira Morley

  1. Divine: Lovely and pleasure-loving Moira Morley owns her own bar on the West End, attends the hottest parties, and does just as she pleases, most of the time. When the need arises though, this daughter of Ares and Aphrodite becomes the stunning and dangerous Divine, working with the Knights of Freedom to safeguard the city. (thanks Electra ) Dr Zhou: Cool, calm, collected, and utterly mad scientist. Seeks out perfect specimens to further her quest to breed a superior human race.
  2. Moira's arms went from behind her head to lightly folded across her chest. She narrowed her eyes at the thug. Her voice was calm, but angry, "You seriously aren't trying to offer me what I think you are. Are you, Happy?" She shook her head in disappointment. Putting her hands on the side of the Aeroboard, her voice softened as she turned toward the club, "Now, let's stay quiet until she gets back."
  3. Fury, daughter of Ares Power Level: PL 11 (165/165 pp) Trade-Offs: -5 Attack for +5 Save Difficulty. -5 Defense for +5 Toughness. Appearance: Her physical appearance has not changed, but her look is more disheveled and wild. No longer caring for what society thinks of her outward appearance. Clothes are gym-style track pants and a bikini top, but really anything to let her skin breathe. She'd wear less if she could get away with it. Background/History: Moira Morley was brought up in a loving home the same way she was originally, but in this story Ares was more pro-active in her upbringing. He took great delight in knowing that he could mess with the mortal realm semi-personally. His first brush with her was in her first fight. She didn't start it, but she finished it. Brutally. The kid would never walk again. It was at that moment she enjoyed the fight a little too much. Ares came to her in a dream that night, explaining her feelings of bloodlust were natural and that he would back her up all the way. In fact the whole pantheon would. There was a catch though. They would need her body to venture out into the mortal realm. She happily agreed. The next fight she had was much different. They put her in a program with other super children. While the kid walked away, she had a few scrapes and bruises herself. This was the highlight of her childhood. She doesn't even remember the name of the kid or what he or she did. She just knew there was fun in a challenge. She would not suffer fools, but she definitely would try to find the biggest baddest person to throw down with. As she grew up, her mother (of who she got her looks from) taught her that there were other things to enjoy in life than fighting. Moira took to this like a fish to water. Her father taught her to use this as a weapon. In fact he taught her to use everything as a wepon. Even her own beauty. This really helped in negotiations with the pantheon. By the time she was set out into the world, on her 19th birthday, slipping through the cracks of the supers programs thanks to her extended family, she was ready to take on the world as Olympus's weapon. Personality/Motivation: She's a hedonist to the Nth degree. In this version she doesn't care about other people, just as long as she's pleased. What really excites her is the thrill of a knockdown drag out fight. The bigger and more brutal, the better. Quote: What? You want some of this? Come take it! Powers/Tactics: She's strong and she knows it. She will pound on her target until it doesn't move anymore. She hasn't killed anyone yet, but that's due to being held back by certain authorities and sometimes peaceful deities. Complication: Conduit for the Greek pantheon. Abilities: [22+0+22+0+0+14 = 58pp] Str: 32 (+11), 42 (+16) when raging Dex: 10 (+0) Con: 32 (+11) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 24 (+7) Combat: [12 on Attack, 12 on Defense = 24pp] Attack: +6 Grapple: +17, +22 when raging Defense: +6 (+3 flat-footed), +4 (+2 flat-footed) when raging Knockback: -13 Initiative: +8 Saves: [0+10+11 = 21pp] Toughness: +16 (+11 Con, +5 Protection; Impervious 11) Fortitude: +11 (+11 Con, +0), +16 when raging Reflex: +10 (+0 Dex, +10) Will: +10 (+0 Wis, +11), +16 when raging Skills: [16 ranks = 4pp] Bluff 0 (+23) Diplomacy 0 (+23) Intimidate 16 (+23) Feats: [21 feats] All-Out Attack Attractive 4 Challenge 2 (Fast Demoralize, Fast Feint) Connected (Greek Pantheon) Fearless Improved Critical 2 (Unarmed) Improved Initiative 2 Power Attack Rage 6 (+10 Str, +5 Fort/Will, -2 Def for 15 rounds) Startle Powers: [4+16+11+5+1 = 37pp] Flight 2 [4pp] Immunity 14 (aging, life support, sleep, eat/drink, critical hits, sense motive) [16pp] Impervious Toughness 11 [11pp] Protection 5 [5pp] Regeneration 1 (Resurrection 1/week; Extra: True Resurrection; Power Feat: Diehard) [1pp] DC Block: Unarmed -- DC 26/Toughness -- Damage Unarmed, Raging -- DC 31/Toughness -- Damage Costs: Abilities 58 + Combat 24 + Saves 21 + Skills 4 (16 ranks) + Feats 21 + Powers 37 = 165 :!: Update 12/29/2009: Took away Uncanny Dodge (mental) and Mass Intimidation feats. Fixed True Resurrection's cost due to the board house rules. Added Diehard due to the same ruling. Capped Will save. Added Immunity to sense motive.
  4. What has already passed [*:e8xtiffo]What if Divine took after her father?Things yet to come[*:e8xtiffo]What if Moira was a human priestess instead of a goddess?[*:e8xtiffo]What if Divine was written in the Iron Age?[*:e8xtiffo]What if Divine was an antagonistic deity?
  5. It had been a while since Moira had connections with Freedom's nightclub scene. She'd never been to this place before. Though the loud music was, well, loud, though it had a beat behind it. She could always get behind a beat. Once inside the club she found that she was a bit underdressed. This was not a jeans and t-shirt affair. This would not get her down though. She would have her two drink minimum and if she were lucky, meet someone who would make her night. Then again it could be fun to get this crowd mixed up. There were only less than a hundred there. She was sure that she could work some magic. Centering out each and everyone in the club, she noted every starlet. Is that Ace Danger, she thought putting her eyes on her first, surely he can't be around here! But he is. I gotta see what he's up to. Walking over to him, Moira smoothly glided over to the place he was standing, but was still keeping her eyes on the people she wanted to help. She non-chalantly 'bumped' into him on 'accident' as she walked by him. "Oh, excuse me," she apologized, "I didn't mean to-" She smiled when she looked at him, "Ace Danger?"
  6. This sounds like something Angel would want to get in on, seeing as her family has mob connections that she doesnt know about. I'll ask her later today.
  7. -2 Attack +4 Strength That is all Approved by your Friendly Neighbourhood Geckoman
  8. We end it there, we pick up again on A Startlit Date
  9. "Well then, Happy," Moira said pulling the fake gold chain, sitting the nameless thug down on the Aeroboard, "looks like me and you got some waiting to do." Keeping an eye on Happy would be better than letting him run out into the streets to do mischief. That and he was playing up to her vanity. When Angel got back she would dump the guy like a ton of bricks. "I met this really great girl tonight," Moira said looking at the club, half talking to herself, but really to keep the dumbstruck oggler engaged rather than have creepy quietness. "She's gorgeous and a crimefighter too. How lucky can you get? Maybe we'll get to see some action tonight." She looked at Happy with a smile, "I mean you're mostly harmless, aren't you?" Turning back to look at the club, she put her hands behind her head with a big grin, "Who knows? All I know is I'm wired!"
  10. A Starlit Date (1 post) Vaster than Empires and More Slow (1 post) Sun and Flowers (16 Posts) Drunken Shenanigans (4 posts) A little jaunt (7 posts) Angel's First Flight (9 posts) It's All Who You Know (31 posts) Wisdom of the Gods (Outsourced) (1 post) Dr Zhou, Tier 2 NPC (Approved) 70 posts, 1 NPC
  11. She laughed as she remembered the 'singing' Stesha did. "Don't worry, this will be different. No family recipe for you to get vocal with. In fact, this will be a formal affair. Custom tailored attire. Dinner and dancing at The Starlight Room. I'm going to go all out for you and him. You won't even know I'm there."
  12. "Not been on a date since you've been here," Moira asked suprised, "Surely you jest. Someone cute as yourself? No." She thought about it for a second, "I feel bad for the incident a few nights ago. So, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll set you up on a date with someone. Though there are a few nice guys at Morley's I have someone perfect for you." She sighed, "He's such a gentleman too. He'd be perfect for you."
  13. "Besides fighting crime, eh," Moira questioned Stesha, completely oblivious to her guest's embarrassment, "Well, I own a pub in the West End named Morley's. It's been in the family for generations. I don't run it, though I am a frequent visitor there. I sorta grew up with almost everyone who goes there." She smiled, watching her friend's hair turn all sorts of green. It seemed like her face was getting a lot of sun also, with it being red. She wished she would remove some of her clothes though. Tan lines are embarrassing. "Besides that," Moira purred as she yawned, "I'm what some would call a hedonist. Living for all that is pleasurable. Some people think that means I have sex a lot, but no, it's more than that. Basking in the sun is pleasurable, right? So yeah. That said, I'm an extremely social person. I love people, lots of people. As long as everyone's happy and pleased."
  14. This isn't going to happen. Sorry.
  15. You can archive this, I don't want any of them
  16. I would like to take Fascinate, Distract, Inspire, Leadership, Setup, and Skill Mastery off of Divine's sheet. Also make contacts Greek Pantheon instead of Mortals
  17. Rousing Speech Feat on Page 43 of Mecha and Manga That is all.
  18. Kawaii - Feat - Page 42 of Mecha and Manga Power Proxy - Feat - Page 43 of Mecha and Manga
  19. Demonic Glare and Distracting Looks Feats - Page 42 of Mecha and Manga
  20. I'd like to run a few by the refs for Moira Beautiful Voice and Bishoujo Feats - Page 41 from Mecha and Manga
  21. You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. [...] And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig". Seems appropriate for this situation whether you use it or not. Wesley being a pop culture buff would know where this is from :P
  22. can we set the date less than almost 3 weeks afterwards? like a few days? a week at the most? July 17th would be perfect.
  23. Moira smiled, at least Stesha was enjoying the sun. "Yes, enjoy the sun, it'll be here for hours. Heck we could get some drinks," she paused, "or not. And watch the sunset. But now relaxation." "So," Moira sighed contentedly, "what do you usually do to relax?"
  24. Moira smiled, "I'd really like to get my sun in, if that's ok with you. You're welcome to join if you wish. I'd understand if not." She nodded along with Stesha, "Good, just grab a towel and meet me out there. The sun is at it peak now!" "The pub is doing quite well," Moira said as she dropped the robe on the patio for a second time. "We have a few good acts coming up in the next few weeks. You missed a nice kid last night. Soul singer by the name Amanda Jade." Lying face up on the towel she had left twice before she sighed, "You're gonna love this. It's theonly way to get a tan. Some people actually put their bodies in machines to do this. Silliness I say."
  25. "Well, let's just say I know the right people," Moira said as she watch Stesha braid. "Come one up to the patio," she said standing up and reaching down for Stesha, "You don't want to get sand in that hair." Walking up to the patio she squints as she looks out to the ocean, then up to the sun, then back to the white sand, and finally sits down to look at Stesha. Her thoughts are about Stesha, not in a gratuitous way, but how she could please her. "Well we got a few direct choices. You probably didn't bring a swimsuit, so that leaves out the tanning. Unless you're the type that doesn't like tan lines. Also, the water is calm, we could go wade. Or we have a beach pad to ourselves. We could go see what Angel Marks keeps in her beach house. Finally, we could blow this popsicle stand, go back into rainy Freedom and find something to do."
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