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Sandman XI

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Everything posted by Sandman XI

  1. Alright, let's go over the crunchy bits then! It all checks out, I just have one question. You bought an odd number of base attack. you can achieve the same by buying an even number and adding 1 dodge focus, saving 1pp. If you're OK with losing a point in the wash, i'll stamp it.
  2. Alright, the word "vigilante" sends off images of the 90s pragmaticist 'hero'. Hopefully this is a case of You Keep Using That Word, There is a difference between hero and vigilante. I'mm just making sure you understand. Do you?
  3. Avenger politely declined the offer and said that he would be there as soon as possible. Wesley said goodbye and gave Robin the go ahead. Instantly the two were in front of the Sergeant Shrapnel statue. He remembered the good times he and Lynn had there. Their first date wasn't the only time they went there. It was like a marker for them. That and the rose garden. Though that was the past. This was not. Time to face the music. Hopefully this would be as painless as possible. He turned to see Lynn... and a guy with a gun? Who was this? Was it that bad? Holy crap did he have some explaining to do. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled. "Hello, Lynn."
  4. All-Out Attack, Power Attack crushing demons! (1d20+12=24) DC 32, of which they can't pass so they pop.
  5. Wesley quickly reacted to the angel jumping in his way, but not quick enough to not get slashed. Bearing through it, his body produced a white corona that also wrapped around the demon that pummeled him. It leaped on to the other demon too! with all his might he tried to crush the demons. And crush he did! The demons fell over in a slump, ending the demonic forces's time on earth.
  6. I think that kind of CG could have been saved for a feature length film instead of a game. But damn if it was not awesome.
  7. By the way, I'm waiting for a response from Avenger who is waiting on a response from alderwitch who happens to be having RL problems, I think. I have not let this "die on the table" so to speak.
  8. Ban the people? No. Move WIPs to the character building section? Yes.
  9. Set a good example. Don't put WIPs in the character bank.
  10. It all adds up, thpugh remember once these NPCs are truly NPCs, you'll have to replace or remove the Luck feat :approved:
  11. The angel swooped in just in time before all four of the remaining demons were about to dogpile on Wesley. The two he swung at collapsed into piles of offal. The Two remaining demons hissed at the angel and jumped on Wesley anyway! Heyzel jump in the way of one, shielding Wesley, but could not stop the other from getting to him. Not that it matter the raging demons clawed but his claws were not sharp enough!
  12. Clawing Wesley! (1d20+6=18, 1d20+6=18) (20:25:56) AvengerAssembled: Sand: FA will Interpose as necessary for Wesley, since he's right there. One misses Freedom Angel. One hits Wesley. DC25 Toughness Save (1d20+14=33)
  13. DC 25 Toughness Saves (1d20+8=25, 1d20+8=14) the sword is holy. That is supposed to be DC 35. They are dead.
  14. (12:36:09) Ecalsneerg: (18:35:25) ShaenTheBrain: AA, continue the orgy. Posting this in Off-Topic could get AA in serious trouble :P
  15. My question is, why are you skimping on your AP? could have been made Blast 12 [24/24] (due to your base attack) Could have been ESP 8 [24/24] Could have been Concealment 10 (all senses; Power Feats: Close Range, Selective) [22/24] Could have been Morph 12 [24/24] or Morph 8 (anything) [24/24] (few people use that one ) Could of been Nullify 12 [24/24] (again due to your base attack) Could have been Obscure 8 [24/24] or Obscure 6 (all senses) [24/24] Could have been Telepathy 12 [24/24] If you're OK with what you have I'll stamp it. I'm just suggesting you use you abilities to the fullest :P
  16. Again, Wesley froze. It was the middle name ultimatum. He had told no one that. Not even Lynn. There is no way anyone knew that name unless they called home. It was as if Avenger had been spying on him. This could not be happening. He was not going to get paranoid. His voice heightened into somewhat of a defensive, but firm, "I did not tell anyone anything about that. The only ones who know about it are you and me, and now apparently Grimalkin because of your prank." He sighed and looked to Robin, "I also had to be straight forward with someone a few seconds ago so I could get their help. I have told no one about this until now." It was quiet for a second. That second felt like it hung in the air forever. "We really need to get there quickly. I can get us all teleported, If you wish."
  17. "Avenger, there are certain things you don't talk about," Wesley's voice was quick and distressed, "I'm glad we saved her. It was the best thing that came out of that little inciden. But people usually don't talk about murder nonchalantly. Especially when it involves themselves. What was I supposed to tell her? 'Honey, to save you from the your landlord we had to turn a pig into you and then behead you and then decompose your body'? Do you know how completely monstrous that sounds?" Wesley took a second to breathe, his voice went back to somewhat normal. "Well, I guess it's time to pay the piper. How long will it take you to get there? We can swing by real quick and pick you up if you need a lift."
  18. Wesley froze for a second, breathless from shock. A joke? He didn't believe what he just heard. A major part of his psychological nightmares came from that. His voice wavered weakly as he spoke. "I... I did not tell her. Avenger," he swallowed deep, "You don't tell people those things. I thought this was supposed to be kept a secret. Never to be found out again." His voice regained strength, "Was this just a prank? Did we really need to do such a stunt? Avenger, there a lot of hardship riding on this. Please don't tell me the last six months of my nightmares have been for your enjoyment."
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