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Sandman XI

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Everything posted by Sandman XI

  1. A bit gritty, but we'll see how this works out. :approved:
  2. Wesley Mimic 1 (all traits; Extra: Duration/Continuous; Flaw: Split Personality) [b]Mimic 1[/b] (all traits; [i]Extra[/i]: Duration/Continuous; [i]Flaw[/i]: Split Personality) Done by AA
  3. Wesley A Clandestine Encounter The Best Part Of Waking Up LOLWTFBBQ
  4. Wesley nodded, knowing that Robin would not steer him wrong. He couldn't see anything in this fog really. Just him and her. And a healthy dose of tiredness. Really, he couldn't understand why he was so tired. He didn't show it to her though. He smiled and followed his guide through the fog. Darker and dark the shades grew as Robin trudged out on to the beach. It was foreboding. Like the fog itself didn't want her there. This zone she entered with her mystic senses was eerily quiet. She could only hear her own voice. Wesley was getting more and more muted as they walked along. It got darker than dark. All Robin could see was herself and feel the ground beneath her, but that was it. She heard something in her head. It sounded like a hive of voices stalking. Some male, some female, some young, some old, all droning with no emotion. "You have entered a place where you are not yet supposed to be. Tell us, Robin, your fear of dying. Is it still strong? The nightmares you have had since you started plying your fantastic trade. You have been on our list for a long time, but now is not your day. He, however, is ripe for the picking. His fear is succulent. Now, Robin, if you would leave us be."
  5. Wesley held his tongue again as the events transpired. Avenger's tone was something, while he didn't agree with, he didn't dare speak against. It carried authority. Though no matter how much authority you had, didn't make you right. Little outbursts could leave lingering effects. This whole thing felt like a waking nightmare. That if he would pinch himself, this whole incident would pop and only be remembered by him. He looked to Avenger again with a nod goodbye before he went back to find Robin.
  6. Avenger + Divine = Avenger was alive when he procreated with Phantom. Unless some weird juju happens, it probably isn't possible for it to happen (looking past that weirder things have happened in mythology >.>) Edge + Seraph = ? Edge + Zarana = ? Edge procreating would create another reality warper and 16 years down the line, another House of L Wesley Knight + Grimalkin = a life controlling fae, eh? or maybe a magical mutant? (boy arent those a dime a dozen ) Wesley Knight + Robin = They're not on the chart yet Though a life controlling magician would be the opposite of a necromancer, vitamancer?
  7. In four hours I will be gone. In six hours I will be in surgery. Hopefully I can be back in the swing of things quickly.
  8. she's half deity and her powers are not learned. Heck, she only knows arcane lore due to massive int and jack of all trades. Meaning she can wing it, but she's no trained mystic
  9. *hangs head and walks out*
  10. Thalia/Melpomene is all up on this!
  11. so, everyone's gone? well except wesley, and possibly robin
  12. Wesley was not shocked at the questions Lynn presented him but a little reluctant to answer them. He would of answered them if Avenger didn't reprimand him for having emotions. Though he did answer one of the questions for him. Bluntness sometimes has it's advantages. Then Phantom said her piece. There was nothing she said that didn't ring true. Colt was the next to speak, He really hoped the cowboy was treating her Lynn right. He had never even heard of the guy until now. But he seemed a caring enough guy. Lynn spoke again. She had absolved him. He smiled faintly. It helped a little. Nothing would get that image out of his head, but her forgiveness was somewhat of a load lightener. He nodded them a farewell as they started to leave. He then looked to Avenger. "Well," he questioned lightly looking for approval, or a non-angry response. He didn't want the shakiness to show. There were too many emotions running through him. Happiness being the main one, though he didn't know what Avenger's stance on this. And Avenger was a scary man not to be trifled with.
  13. Indeed Wesley was gone with the magical fog being gone. But not that he knew it. All was perfectly fine. He and Robin stood on a foggy beach. Though he did feel a bit tired. He watched her do her little air trick. Though this time it didn't work. Well, at least to him it didn't work. He stood on the other side. When she yelled his name he was confused. "I'm right here." Though Robin did not see or hear the comment. Quickly the fog set back for Robin. And Wesley was back, still shrouded in the same shadow she saw before. "Is everything OK? Do you see something? Are we there? What's wrong?"
  14. Wesley looked to Avenger with a bit of blankness. Something between 'why would you do that' and 'i am disappoint'. He damn well knew why he didn't tell her. I can explain," he tried to speak up but Lynn took her chance to talk. The finger in his chest felt like bullets. Then came the exact same reaction he had as she realized what had happened. That was the moment that made him give up meat for. "Lynn," he said softly and sincerely as he watched Colt help her. He wanted to help her too, but he got the feeling that she didn't want his help at the moment. Not after what he was about to explain. "We did what we had to do. This was not some morbid prank. It was to get your landlord off of you. He apparently wanted you dead and Avenger to deliver your head. Or so I'm lead to believe. This was the only way we could do it. I couldn't tell you. I couldn't accept what I did in the first place. How was I supposed to tell you of the gruesome murder of yourself. The images still haunt me to this day. I had the exact same reaction you did." He sighed in his inability to do anything that would seem not awkward. "Lynn," his voice choked back emotion, "I'm sorry."
  15. Robin's eyes were opened to the magical evil. As she walked towards the shore it became more apparent at Wesley was totally oblivious to what was going on in the magical world. Black shadows that could only be described as nightmare incarnate surrounded the area. The nightmares seem to cover her oblivious partner as she got closer to the source seemingly consuming his dreams and turning them into visible nightmares for Robin to see. He still held on to her hand, happily following her.
  16. Wesley nodded and did as he was told. Robin was certainly very powerful it seemed, so when she needed help, Wesley knew it was a dire need. She stood there, barely moving in between incantations. It looked like she was there, but she was was obviously way far out. As she gracefully moved, he couldn't help but be distracted. But he did his job, watching out for anything weird and/or evil. He could see nothing but thick fog. maybe about 10 foot away at most. It was quiet and sort of peaceful in it's cold dewiness.
  17. The whole air around her felt magical. Mystical evil energy swirled around in it. Some were in the air. some were standing around in. But they were dark an malevolent. Nothing short of evil. This time she did not get 'demonic' from the reading. it was more like a nightmare scape. It felt like everything your dreams twisted into nightmares could be found here. Surely there were demons in Robin's past a few she new by name, but their was stronger forces here. Much stronger forces. It seemed to get stronger and darker as her sense of touch got towards the shore, but it was too dark. When she stretched her senses that way it seemed to guide her away. First witha gentle nudge, the a push, then something that felt like it was piercing her magical touch. It hurt for only a second, but hurt it did.
  18. Wesley watched the sorceress do her work with a little bit of awe. He always loved it when he watched a hero work. One that looked so pretty didn't hurt either. Then she was in pain! He stepped forward to check on her, to see if she was OK, but before he could, she had an answer to the pain. And then all the weird fog was gone. Everything was good again. He stepped to her, "Are you OK?" But slowly the fog drifted back into place. and it was dark again. "What just happened?"
  19. The fog began to dissipate and the air was clear. All was normal in the area of no fog. The sun was shining as it had rose early. Robin could feel no dark presence anymore. It was like the fog was never even there! But the fog quickly began seeping back into the non-fogged area. The dark presence seemed to be demanding to stay.
  20. Wesley smiled when he saw Lynn again. She was alive and as beautiful as ever. Snarky too, as always. His smile turned into somewhat of a scolded look, but still trying to look happy as she talked. Trying not to let the fear of the well armed man she brought along with her show. Wesley nodded to Robin as she tried to take off the first time. The showing of Avenger and Phantom was quick. He was glad too. This was much Avenger's boat as Wesley's. Wesley nodded as Robin spoke again, with a slight smile returning to his face. But it was quickly squished as the cowboy spoke. "We have some explaining to do, I guess," Wesley said calmly, trying to suppress his emotions even more as he looked to Avenger. "Should I start or do you want to start?"
  21. (15:30:12) AvengerAssembled: pictures a scene where Mark asks Mike if he can ride him
  22. Is this open or not? the IC thread says Open, but the OOC thread says Solo :o
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