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Everything posted by Heritage

  1. Ok, I'm starting to think the whole 'Grim pretending to be a guy' thing is just going to get too weird, but I don't want to chuck the posts I've put up as Lenny so far. I'm thinking it might be better if 'Lenny' acts as an agent for a new female villain persona that I will work on; this will make for easier posting overall and will eliminate the future awkwardness I see looming on the horizon...:shock: :?
  2. I need to read more Freud (and Jung, for that matter), but I find him somewhat negative and simplistic, not unlike BF Skinner, even though I think they both have a lot to teach us. Personally, I'm more of an Adlerian myself *shows of his fancy-schmancy college learnin'*
  3. I guess I'm willing to give it a shot, even though I'm not the biggest combat whiz; I need to learn how this combat system works one of these days.
  4. The analysis of film and fiction tends to get pretty Freudian, which kind of annoys me, especially horror film analysis :roll: Personally, I've always prefered Jung; He's more artisitically inclined, draws upon folklore and mythological sources, and has a more positive tone in general (Freud can get pretty dire).
  5. Oops, I posted one last one anyway; oh well, they have nice symetrical exits now. I will PM you later today, and we'll go from there. Thanks for making that fun and interesting, more than just moving the plot forward. :)
  6. Heritage


    Grim nods. "You, too." After watching the ongoing firefighting efforts with mute fascination for a few minutes, she gets up, brushes herself off, and promptly disappears.
  7. I can't think of anything else to write; as far as I'm concerned, we can close this one up, unless you have anything else you want to add, SB.
  8. Heritage


    Grims nods as her street clothes swirl back into her work outfit. "Eyes peeled, check; we'll see if I run into anyone worth recruiting." She continues to dangle her legs and sighs deeply as the events of the evening slowly sink in. "Guess it wasn't such a bad night after all."
  9. Lenny grins, leans over and blows on her cards, and then shrugs. "Best I can do, honey, but I can buy you a drink." He whistles loudly and points at a passing waitress with both hands, pistol style. "Yo, sweet thing! A little refreshment for the lovely lady, see voo play!" The young punk turns back to Letta and extends a hand. "Lenny Stein, just in from A.C; pleased to meet ya." He fishes a jumbo pack of chewing gum out of his inside pocket, grabs a stick and offers her some. "You like Juicy Fruit? I'm all outta Doublemint." He pops the stick in his mouth and starts chewing loudly and rapidly. "Gum's the only thing that's kept me sane since I quit smokin'; three weeks this Friday, can you believe it?" He shakes his head in disbelief at his own willpower.
  10. As mentioned by Dr A, the international cut (also known as Leon or Leon:The Professional) is the way to go with this one, even sweeter/creepier/cooler than the original, and it's one of my top ten films of all time :twisted: La Femme Nikita is also great, and has Reno starring as a much more inept form of cleaner, which was the character Luc Besson used as the inspiration of Leon; it also led to the US cable show of the same name starring Peta Wilson.
  11. Lynn smiles warmly when she sees Ren perched outside, and she quickly opens the window to let him in, allowing the heady scent of bayberry to rush out to greet him. "Hi, you!" She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek; the effect is not impersonal, but rather suggests how occupied Lynn is with her hosting duties. "I can take you coat, if you like; you don't really get cold either, right?" Not waiting for a reply, she easily slips it off him and takes it into another room, calling back over her shoulder as she briskly marches out. "If you want something to drink, there's a full cooler just there in the bathroom; I've got soda, beer, and hard cider, but don't touch the champagne, that's for later. Plastic cups are in a plastic bag next to the cooler." It's fairly obvious the room has been vigorously cleaned, but there's still a certain damp mustiness that is largely overcome by the many scented candles, but not quite. Suddenly there is a growling from the bed, as all three felines begin to voice their obvious displeasure towards the newcomer.
  12. Okay, I updated the posts, and abused my judge's powers to edit Grim's quote in Shadowboxer's post to make it match; I hope all parties are okay with it as it now stands.
  13. Sorry, got a little behind in my posting this weekend; look for more Lenny later today!
  14. I'm thinking in and around Liberty Park might be good, there or Parkside. As a not-so-diligent bike messenger, Grim will probably spend as much time in the park as human possible; lots of water fountains, plenty of benches and shade trees, and hot and cold running boys - also rollerblading and cycling boys, too! This is a great place to enjoy a long lunch or hang out with your fellow bikers after dropping off your last delivery. If we do want to involve a new-escaped Dryad, the trees might call out to her as well (shrug).
  15. We also have to figure out where this is going to happen; normally, Grim hangs out in the Fens and Southside, but one of the reasons I gave her the messenger gig is that will broaden her horizons, so to speak, allowing her to be active in more parts of the city. North Freedom might be a stretch, but anywhere Downtown would be fair game.
  16. Man, I wished I'd known that! I feel so dumb, and I have to change a lot of the post to make it work now; on the plus side, Grim might be slightly less hostile towards Velocity, unless she finds out she's an actual blond :P
  17. Oh really? I thought she was a brunette who wears a blond wig, based on the picture on your sheet :oops: Well, I'll have to edit it a bit, I guess...
  18. The brief mention of her own name, but in a radically different context, chills Grim slightly; despite herself, part of her wants to see this other Lynn, but part of her is sick of paradox and shifting realities, and wants nothing to do with her. However, something Foreshadow says pricks her interest, and she sits up suddenly with a concerned frown upon her face. "Is anyone else getting a distinct ‘Ragnarok’ vibe from all of this? All of this fate and runes and people missing eyes, it's all very Nordic. What's his name, Wagner; y’know, the Nazi opera guy? He would love this."
  19. Lt. Colby shakes the offered hand warmly. "Very nice to meet you, Catherine; we can use any help on this we can get." She waves her hand in the general direction of the woods. "Have you done a lot of this sort of thing? Missing persons in an urban wilderness are not my favorite cases; if we don't find the victim fast, they can be fairly awful." She looks between the two young women with a sad look in her eye. "We obviously hope for the best, but it never hurts to be prepared for the worst." She takes a few steps towards the edge of the wood, fishes a pair of sterile latex gloves out of her inside pocket, and snaps them on as she calls back over her shoulder. "Hey Warner, you get much of an ambient out here? I heard you passed out from the impressions; I've got Tylenol, aspirin and Advil back in the car, if you need anything." The whole time Colby's speaking, she's scanning the area, just trying to to get a general sense of the space.
  20. Sorry, I was hardly home all weekend; posting now EDIT: I hate to be callous, but I'm going to sort of pretend that Seren isn't there without completely negating his existence, at least for now.
  21. Grimalkin is also a teenaged girl and a fellow creature of the night; I was thinking of having the two of them meet up, which could possibly lead to your character being invited to Nightrival's team, though I guess that could develop from meeting velocity as well. Waitaminute, three young women working for a mysterious older man? Do I smell "Nightrival's Angels" in our future? "How'ya doin', Angels?" (chorus) "Hi, Nightrival!" ;)
  22. Because Barnum loves symmetry :D
  23. Heritage


    Grim heads over to join him, dangling her legs over the edge. "Ah, don't worry about it, boss; you got a little sparkle in you, too." She grins and gently elbows him. "But not too much, y'know? You're still all manly and everything." She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "So, have you asked anyone else besides me and Princess Powderpuff? Y'know, like any cute boys?" The young heroine gives him a playful wink.
  24. Notice is 5 for hearing (makes sense, she was just nearly deafened!) and a 17 for touch.
  25. Yes, it's Grim and Nano as you've never seen them before! Laughter, romance, and just a touch of danger! You won't believe your eyes when you watch Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?, coming soon to a theater near you!
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