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Everything posted by Heritage

  1. Faye sighs deeply; she feels bad for what she's about to do, but this op has been a nightmare from the get-go; she drops the illusion and appears beside Ghost with an unhappy look on her face. "That space is a little pocket dimension I was given access to, and it's as black as me heart, truth to tell" The redhead smiles ruefully. "I hate to do this to ye, boyeen, but yer on yer own now; this little game just isn't worth it. Mind you don't turn yer back on that Dryad, she's off her chump, she is." Faye leans over and kisses him softly on the cheek. "Take care, now." Suddenly she makes a quick series of gestures, a portal forms beneath her feet, and she drops out of sight like a magician's lovely assistant through a trapdoor.
  2. Heritage

    College Visit

    The trios of boys all continue on their separate ways; the group Megan is keeping her eyes on are nearly by the dorms, and one of the students pulls out a cellphone and makes a call.
  3. Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have brought up this particular friend of mine. The various boys who've been hanging around admiring the three lovely ladies are also making faces and off-color remarks at the mention of Carmine, her squat neighbor back at the Imperator Hotel. Lynn starts picking at a piece of electrical tape on her handlebars with a thumbnail. "Uh, he uh, he has a place, where he lives; it's nice, he really...keeps it clean." The young biker makes a big show of looking around and checking her watch. "Y'know what, I am technically on lunch right now, and I was hoping to snag some pushcart dogs and a Diet Coke; do you guys want to join me?"
  4. Lynn smiles as Ren recalls the animated film. "Yeah, that was a good one - not even Robin Williams could screw it up, and that's saying something." The young woman nods in agreement, and she shifts her dress into a set of baggy New Jersey Devils sweats as she helps clean up; as she does so, she looks thoughtful, until she finally speaks up. "So you're like...a robot with a soul, I guess, which makes a weird kind of sense; it's like you evolved from organic to inorganic, while remaining the same person. Weird." She shakes her head as she finishes the last of the tidying up, then turns to Ren on her heel. "Hey, you never answered my question; you dodged it by making my cry like a girly-girl." She chuckles and wipes her eyes self-consciously. "How would you feel about me, y'know, getting a place closer to you, now that I know your deep dark secret?"
  5. Grim nods as she checks the extent of her injuries. "Yeah, i think I'm okay." Once she sees Rival start working on the latch, she reflexively ducks behind him. "Whoa, be careful with that!"
  6. At Foreshadow's signal, Grim stops dead in her tracks and disappears, all her senses on full alert.
  7. Heritage


    Hmm, my Tarzan avatar mysteriously disappeared. To replace it, I uploaded a logo I created for my long-running War Journal campaign on another website. It represents 'Richter's Raiders', the 1st Regular Army Battalion of the Greens; the other major factions were called the Blues and the Grays, all colors of plastic army men :D
  8. Once she becomes an active character, Gossamer will be interested ;)
  9. Lynn grins as she starts tucking into her MRE. “Oh is that right, Mr. Technology Man? I hear a lot talkin’ and haven’t seen any walkin’, so we’ll have to settle this in the ring.†However, her genial tone soon evaporates as Ren broaches several very sensitive subjects that hit uncomfortably close to home; as he speaks, her face first goes slack, and then crumples up with grief. The plastic fork snaps in her hand as Lynn’s eyes well up with angry tears. “Is that what you think I want, to bring kids into this crappy world? A world where kids are beaten, starving and filled with disease?†She slams her Chinette plate off the coffee table, sending it spinning across the floor trailing noodles and peas. “Why would I want to bring anything into this horrible world?!†The small girl collapses on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably for almost a minute, but gradually the volume decreases until she’s just sniffling. “Okay.†Lynn sits up, her eyes red from crying, and wipes her nose with the back of her hand. “I’m not gonna lie; I have thought about it. I wasn’t even trying to; it’s this…like this insidious force we’re born with, or maybe we get programmed with it from when we’re little kids.†She smiles, but it almost makes her cry again. “I remember the first time my mom gave me my own dolly, y’know, not one my sister had already busted? I held it so tight I nearly broke the darn thing; I loved it so much, and it was rubber and plastic, but it was my baby, and I would bite anyone who tried to take it away from me.†She runs a hand through her hair and actually laughs. “Yeah, I was a biter. So yeah, I’ve thought about it. It’s like when you look at a boy you like, and there’s this…little computer in your head that starts running all these scenarios. You know it’s crazy, but you can’t switch it off because it’s like bundled software; it comes with the package. And all that crazy girl software starts doing the math pretty early, but you get pretty good at ignoring it.†Lynn has been sounding very reasonable up until this point, but now she gets this face like she just swallowed something disgusting, and she gets up, shaking her head vehemently. “But y’know what, no - I don’t believe in impossible, not any more; we traveled back in time, for Pete’s sake, saw a world that never should have even existed! I don’t care if we have to build them from a kit or plant ‘em in the ground like spuds, I am not gonna let something silly like ‘impossible’ get in the way of having a family. If, y’know, we ever…†She stops when she realizes just how scary she sounds, and laughs with just a hint of sadness. “Look, I don’t want you to think I’m some obsessed baby-making machine, I don’t want to put that kind of pressure on you. But I do want you to know my feelings for you are strong enough to make me have these thoughts, and that’s all that means. The fact that you said what you said, and the fact that it hurt so much when you said it – not that I’m mad or upset, but it hurt, like having to get a shot or something. The things we are saying and feeling mean a lot, to both of us, I think, and that’s…good.†The beautiful young woman, her tear-filled eyes filled with love, steps over to Ren and gently caresses his face. “For however long it lasts.†Lynn offers a lopsided grin and playfully punches Ren in the arm. “So let’s agree to put the robo-tater babies up on a shelf for now, okay, and enjoy this for what it is; I’m crazy about you and I think about you all the time, and that’s what makes the world go ‘round, right? It doesn’t matter what we’re made of or who made us, or whether or not we eat or sleep.†She gives him one of her killer smiles. “And I know you dream about me, even though you’re always awake.†:love:
  10. Ooh, such a doozy! :clap: And here I was hoping I would have the pre-emptive strike with the bomb-dropping!
  11. Lynn nods in agreement with Velocity. "Yeah, I would hit the Waterfront for good fish; better yet, get a job at one of the places at Pier Two." She nods sagaciously, as though she's offering the wisdom of Solomon. "Get paid in dollars and fish." The biker just shrugs. "Not really; it's actually kinda cool. You live in Freedom City, after a while nothing really bugs you." She grins. "Speaking of, I know a guy who actually is one; y'know, a giant bug? Freaky as all get out."
  12. Lynn laughs from deep in her belly. "Me, live in a church? Nah, I'm Jewish; Father Jim is just a friend." The elfin girl starts flapping her hands excitedly, her face a mixture of horror and glee. "Omigod, right?" She turns back to Kizzy. "Avoid the VIP rooms like the plague, like something worse than plague, like...vampires with mullets, or something equally hideous." She waves a finger between herself and Velocity. "Trust us on this, seriously." Lynn sighs and rests a friendly cycling-gloved hand on Kizzy's arm. "You're a lucky girl, y'know that? You've only been in town a few months, and you've met two of the coolest people you will ever meet in one day." The young biker gives Velocity a playful wink as she drapes an arm over the dark-haired girl's shoulders. "We...shall be your guides; maybe not at the same time, but like in tandem, or tag-team or whatever. Velocity with the super stuff, and me with more of the day-to-day stuff; shopping tips and what-not. Whaddya say?"
  13. Okay, I'm finally done tweaking Lenny/Grim's post; I now have to walk away and just let it rest in piece :D
  14. Lenny shakes his head and flutters his hand dismissively. "Nah, nah, nah, none of that noise; Whisper is a straight shooter, a pro, not some nutjob like a lot of these mooks you see around town." He leans in close, and the mixture of alcohol and chewing gum on his breath is rather repulsive. "This girl is new in town, like me; she's looking to establish herself in the local business community. That means no tricks, no drama, no BS, no nothin'. Nothin' but the job, ya see? She's focused." He snaps his fingers. "Razor sharp." Lenny smiles indulgently. "After, sweetheart, after. It's my job to bring the parties together; after that, I fade into the background. I make sure my girl is happy, and that's all there is to it." I am getting way too good at this, thinks Grim beneath Lenny's oily facade. Maybe I'm in the wrong line of work? Lenny leans back from the bar, just enough to catch a peek of the new guy past Letta's shoulder, then shifts back to his original position, frowning. "The backpack's what got me interested; they let you carry those things in here? There oughta be a law. He could have a piece, he could have anything in there." The young hipster snickers. "What's if he starts selling Girl Scout cookies or somethin'? This is a classy joint, am I right?"
  15. Heritage

    College Visit

    One of the older looking boys nods, and three of the young men rise, shoulder up their backpacks (which appear to be rather heavy), and start heading in the general direction of Baker Hall. About a minute later, the same boy nods and three more boys get up and start making their way across the grass towards the dorms. A full minute after that, the lead boy nods, and he and the last two students head around to the back of Cole. Now that all the boys are up and moving, it's a bit easier to pick out details; for one thing, all their movements are sharp and angular, like hummingbirds darting from flower to flower. The exception is the lead boy, much larger than the rest, who walks with a peculiar rolling gait; even though he's built like a linebacker, there's a litheness to him you wouldn't expect from someone his size. No one pays them much attention as they cross the campus...
  16. Lynn's face splits in a wide warm smile. "That would be beyond awesome!" But it quickly turns into a frown. "Of course, I don't actually own a car; maybe Father Jim would lend me his Oldsmobile..."" After a few moment's thought, she shakes her head and waves her hand dismissively. "You know what, it's not a problem. I can get us into any club in this town; all I need is-" The young messenger's cheeks suddenly go pink as she shifts uncomfortably on her bike seat, her eyes flicking between Kizzy and Velocity, the costume-wearing crimefighter. "Or we can just go to Midnight Hour; DJ Marmalax spins on Thursday nights, and he's the best in the city anyway, so..." :oops:
  17. Lynn shrugs as she continues opening the many boxes-within-boxes of the MREs. "I dunno, he's into guy stuff, building stuff with his many arms; I mean, he looks totally gross and everything, but he's funny and smart. Y'know, cool." Her eyes go a bit wide at the mention of the game consoles. "Wow, really? Before I left home, the best thing we had was an N64, and we played the heck out of that thing, mostly Gauntlet Legends and Super Smash Brothers." She smiles at the memory. "Fun times." After a moment, she stands with a hand on her hip, waving a pouch of sunflower seeds at him. "Of course, you know you have to invite me over now, just to play games if nothing else; you can't dangle that in front of me and just walk away, right?" Then she gets silent and very thoughtful, chewing on her thumbnail as she studies Ren; at length she tosses the pouch on the coffee table and steps over to him and grabs his hands. "Actually there's something I wanted to talk to you about, why I invited you here." She smiles coyly. "First of all, I got a job; it's really cool, and I love it, but..." She stops and looks into his eyes. "Do you know if there are any open units in your building, or even just nearby? I spend more time on the Southside now than I do up here, and I would really like to own a working shower." Lynn peers up at him through her lashes and gives him a little half-smile. "I could be...your little Southside girl."
  18. Just so you know, Grim's place does not have an actual kitchen, as she mentioned herself in her last post; it's an old hotel suite, so two large bedrooms joined by a bathroom ;)
  19. Colby takes a step back herself, half-serious and half-joking, and reaches into her jacket to put her hand on her piece. "I've got you covered, Miss Kato; let me know if I need to take the shoe out." She grins. "Won't be the first time I've shot footwear."
  20. Grim shakes her head in frustration. "There's something weird about the fire down there, like it's been, I dunno, exaggerated? Like an illusion or something that makes it seem bigger than it really is; I think we stand a better chance down there than up here."
  21. I don't know an exact number (which says volumes by itself), but I think I have somewhere between 10 and 15 first cousins; my mom has two sisters and a brother and my dad was an only child, and I don't think any of the branches has had more than 5 kids. Our branch lives in Illinois, there's another group in Indianapolis and the rest all live in Western Pennsylvania, which means they all talk like Jimmy Stewart :D
  22. From Grim's journal May 3rd, 2008 So you'll never guess what happened today! No seriously, you'll never guess, so I'm just gonna tell you. I freakin' melted! That's right, I melted like a tasty grilled cheese sandwich, or more like the molten lava cheese that squirts out and hits the roof of your mouth if you take a big bite too soon after you've cooked it. It happened after a long night of patrolling (my pay-as-you-go phone says it's 3:05 am right now); I got home from working my two jobs (messenger-slash-crimefighter, that's me), sore in every part of my body. It's a good thing bikers get pounded fairly frequently, so no one at my day job questions all the bruises. Anywho, I was so darn tired and ready for bed, and I tried to switch out of my combat outfit, and I couldn't do it; the clothes I created wouldn't budge. I tried again, and again, and the sweat starts popping out of my forehead. What the frick, right? So finally I push and I push, feeling like a pregnant woman in a Lifetime Original Movie Event, when all of a sudden, it's like there's this 'pop' in the back of my head; not like an actual noise, but like a little balloon in my skull just burst, and it's like this warm liquid is flowing out of my head and into the rest of my body, and I feel all dizzy until I just sort of collapse. Into a pool of primordial goo. Unless you have ever been goo yourself (and I highly doubt you have), you have no idea how scary this is; your senses are all messed up, you can feel just how dirty the floor is (major eww), and your cats go crazy at the sight and I'm guessing smell of you. It took about an hour to reform Goo-Me into Me-Me, the scariest hour of my entire life. What if I could never have a human shape again? I just found Ren, and it looked like I might lose him, before we even...well, you know (she blushes like a red, red rose) So I've been just laying here for about an hour or so since the 'Goo Incident', and I seem to be pretty solid for now. As scary as that was, I can't help but wonder if this is something I could use, if I could only figure out how to control it. I could do all kinds of crazy stuff, like squeeze into and out of places, or have myself bottled as a health drink; ok, clearly I need sleep bad, because that was the sickest, most grossest joke in the history of ever. I think I'll skip work tomorrow; the rest of the Fleet will have to go on without me. p.s. 'Goo-me' sounds like a TV show Ren would have watched as a kid; its theme song would be something like this: Goo-me Goo-me Goo-me-san! Something, something, she's not sushi But possibly a soy product of some kind Goo-me Goo-me-san!
  23. I took a little min-break from posting recently, but I plan on getting caught up again tonight. And welcome back, Andy Dick! We missed you. :D
  24. Wow, that was surprisingly easy! I made the two changes you asked for, so now I guess she's ready to be mothballed until Red Queen's ready for retirement - thanks! :D
  25. Sure, he approves it, but then he tells me about this new 'DC Block' thing I need to add to be fully 'FC:PBP compliant'! Rasm-frasm... I'll figure it out and add it later tonight ;)
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